How to pronounce quarantine |

quarantine pronunciation

quarantine pronunciation - win

Started singing during quarantine, pronunciation tips??

I have been trying to learn how to sing properly with a voice coach! Just wanted more tips/ways/exercises to pronounce words better as sometimes I slur through it but most of the time it just doesn't sound good specially when I go up in pitch :(
submitted by NaiveJester to singing [link] [comments]

How do you pronounce Cuumi?

Hey guys. Just to offer a little bit of background for this question, I attend a league of legends sexual roleplay group in my city that meets once a week to sort of roleplay as different league characters in sexual situations with each other. But the issue is that this week I was offered the chance to roleplay as Yuumi and I was paired up with Sett (finally).
So I'm talking dirty to the guy roleplaying as Sett, when I pronounce Cuumi as Coo-mee. He starts getting on my case about how it's pronounced Cum-ee or whatever. I'm getting really upset with him because he's being kind of a straggot about it and saying illiteracy is a major turnoff. I'm like whatever, he's probably just upset because last week he was paired up with cock destroyer Poppy and she crushed one of his testicles with her hammer.
And so I'm thinking he is like... upset at me because I brought it up in our sexual tryst that he only has one. Which, to be fair, him having only one testicle is part of our group's in-canon lore for Sett now. Because basically, anything that happens one week has to be continued the next coming weeks. Like, for example, Ezreal is currently six months pregnant with an adult, full grown Darius as his "baby". So anyone who roleplays Ezreal has to take that into account when they roleplay or have sex with someone roleplaying as him.
ANYWAY! We were going to go settle the pronunciation debate with our group leader, but on our way to his station, the woman roleplaying as Seraphine literally shits on the carpet. She was holding in a Sett-poop and I guess she did it for too long because she couldn't hold it in any longer idk. But as disgusting as that was, there are a few straggots in our group who are obsessed with the woman playing Seraphine, so they're lunging across the room to grab Seraphine's poop to do who knows what to it. I'm a devout Christian, so I can't even imagine what they would do with it.
But the woman roleplaying Seraphine is like screaming that she had just tested positive for covid so no one should get near the poop. At this point, the security guards (which we hired because we were getting death threats from some local parents who thought we were summoning the antichrist) are freaking out and trying to get everyone away from the poop.
Now, I think we had an informant with the fbi or the cia in our group that was bugged because that's when the feds barged through the door and are yelling at everyone to get down. I'm freaking out right about now, because when KDA first released Popstars I was really stanning hard for Evelynn, so I was a serial killer for a few weeks. So of course I think the feds are here to arrest me because they finally found the bodies.
Luckily, they were just there to arrest all of us for engaging in a superspreader event. So we're all kind of locked up and being forced to quarantine for a few weeks. I'm a few minutes away from my body cavity search, so I'm sorry if I was a little too brief or vague.
But yeah... I'm still kind of upset about Sett thinking I'm stupid for pronouncing it Coo-mee instead of Cum-ee. So I'd love to know what you guys think is the correct way to say it.
submitted by Mercy28 to queensofleague [link] [comments]

[REVIEW] It’s Gi-yo-shay, not Gwi-losh: A Review of 18K VCA Vintage Alhambra Pendant in Guilloché via Summer

Thought of this immediately. I did find this when I googled to confirm the pronunciation. If you’re French: Pardon, back to Duolingo I go.
So how did I end up with this piece, you didn’t ask? It all started when I told my SO to return the secret Roomba he got me for Christmas two years ago. Nevermind decreasing the manual effort of vacuuming the house; get me a gold necklace instead! Christmas came around and he delivered: he got me a WG necklace with a pearl+diamond pendant (he knew I had a thing for pearls—success😊)
Fast-forward to this year, the quarantine, and my re-invigorated love for lux pieces after stumbling across this sub, I knew that I wanted a YG piece for daily wear (as much as I love his necklace; I cannot wear the pearl every day). I impulse-ordered a gold-plated Sweet Alhambra MOP bracelet from Aadi a few months ago which was BST’ed shortly after receiving--it cemented the fact that I preferred a 14K/18K piece instead (sorry, bank account). Still, I appreciated the style. THEN, I came across this review and the rest was history. Endgame. Gwi-losh it is. Here we go:

Disclosures: No incentives, discounts, or waived fees throughout the buying process.
Purchased via Summer. IG: thesweetsummer8. Factory unknown.
I decided to go with Summer based on this. Besides, her mod shots were golden. Pun intended
Price and Payment:
I initially reached out to Summer about the butterfly motif bracelet and asked about her payment options. She mentioned Paypal, Venmo, and Zelle. Several weeks later, I inquired about the guilloche pendant and paid the first half via PP FF. For some reason, my brain decided to forget that she offered Venmo. Still pissed that I dumbly paid a PP fee when I could have used Venmo. I remembered for the second half though, sigh.
Out of curiosity, I asked other sellers’ price for the same piece (varying stages of availability: in stock/two weeks/etc)--
Shipping method: USPS
Should have inserted this earlier: Summer is states-side. The pieces are manufactured in China, then shipped over to her in the US. Not sure if she’s more of a middleman or has a hand in the manufacture of pieces; if you know more about that, please feel free to drop a line below. Bottom-line, you evade seizure risks with Summer.
Order Timeline:
Ya’ll. I knew about the typical 2-month wait for Summer. But within that timeline, I 11/11-bought a mini bag, impulse-bought a 187 piece via BST, and got caught in the 11/11 AE sales. My thirst for the necklace definitely fluctuated. While I knew that I didn’t have to worry about Dave, the wait just about ended me. Dramatic, I know. Actually, the USPS transit was the most agonizing portion. This shit ain’t leaving my neck any time soon.
I do not know how some of you have the patience for custom/187/GF pieces. Major kudos.
Seller Picture
Two photos and a video. Actually, two photos. I asked for more, then she followed up with a video that was already on her IG feed. I mean, I thirsted for two months so I went ahead GL’ed. YOLO’ed.
Mine + Vids

QUALITY (9/10)
First Impressions: My thought process in the span of two minutes--

Your girl busted out a freshly calibrated digital caliper on this baby.
Dimensions: Pretty close! (-0.1)
Weight: I do not have a kitchen scale (but caliper, yes, how?!)
Color: Haven’t fondled or seen the auth in person, so as far as color accuracy, I just compared with my YG jewelry. No huge discrepancies noted. No points docked.
Signature, Hallmark, Stamping:
Lobster clasp stamping is present and legible; has alphanumeric code (4) stamped on one side; not sure what it’s for, but the code is also present in auth photo.
Closure ring (tell me what the correct term is for this, please): Hammered in three areas.
Chain: No accuracy issues noted with overall chain design. No, I did not count the links.

I like it. Looking at my personal scale from Underwhelmed to F*ck yeah, I’d say this is around the middle, leaning towards F*ck yeah. Doesn’t make sense? It’s not supposed to. This section is different to each RL’er 😊
Taking all the details into consideration, the micro-scratches and guilloche cuts/folds got me the most (with the prior dismaying me a little). I was not expecting 1:1, but I was hoping that the key detail (guilloche) would be close to near-flawless as possible. As far as the guilloche cut…I think I wanted mine to be just a tad closer to auth. Comparing that detail with two other reps, I think XY’s might be on par with Summer’s, while MC’s is juuust a tad closer to the auth. These are my thoughts; I'm not a VCA mfg/SA.
I only focused on the above because the other details are pretty damn spot on. Do not take for granted the motif shape, quality of the chain and clasp, as well as presence and quality of hallmark+engravings! This is a solid, solid piece.

Summer responds within a few hours and answers questions asked. I like that she offers several payment options. HUGE bonus that she is states-side.
PSPs left me wanting and packaging was bare. No gold authenticity card. Wait was close to two months. But no seizure risk. Accuracy-wise, I’ve read that she’s a leg up Li, and her VCA’s are pretty good if one is not ready to take the MC route. I cannot be a choosy beggar. For the price that I paid and the quality and accuracy of the piece that I’ve received, I’m above satisfied. Would I order VCA pieces from her again? Yes. I just need to work on my impatience a little bit. Overall, I would highly recommend Summer if you’re super cautions of Dave + patient + ok without all the extra packaging. You'll end up with a solid VCA piece.
References/Related Docs:

Edit 09 Dec: Thanks to u/cmonworkwithme for pricing info on Li and MC (Dec 2020).
submitted by repunzelrepunzel to RepLadies [link] [comments]

I want to improve my writing by telling my own story.

In a short *sit* I'm going to try to tell my story
My situation as a lot of people right now is not the best because of coronavirus and I almost homeless I not going to complain about it and show myself as a miserable person
as a matter of fact is quite the opposite I feel better than I ever in my entire life, and I'm not even being sarcastic but my life was so freaking horrible that I develop
an ability to be comfortable even in the worst of the situations, well almost all of the situations that's is more or less the center of my story.
Just like the majority of crappy tales this starts with someone as a child and this wouldn't be the exception. I grew up in one of the worst Venezuelans slums "tocuyito" one of the biggest prisons of the country is there; they are also rumors about cannibalism inside the prison and sometimes I get to see people killed in front of my old home so you can have a little idea what is like to live on the south americans slums.
Growing in the slum wasn't so bad... well it was awful actually, drugs, violence, se*ual abuse you name it. We had everything in the slum.
One of my first memories living there was that every evening my dad tried to teach me the multiplication tables. He made me memorize them and if for some reason I just forgot one of the results he beat me with a stick and pulled me from my ears till I cried. Those were some awful times. I was so scared of math that sometimes I pisses myself in school on math class, and in kindergarten I had the best teacher in the world Magda was her name if I remember correctly
She taught me how to make beautiful paintings for a kid and how to cut paper with scissors without cutting myself.
Someday she get sick and for half of the year we had this substitute teacher and this woman was just crazy,she force us to make some weird hand making shit and drawings and no one really can do it because it was so difficult for an infant I remember that she sat all kids that can’t perform those tasks in the “dumb chair” and after that she would beat you in front of everyone.
I was almost traumatized to go there and I was almost traumatized to go home with my dad waiting for me, it was a pretty uncomfortable situation. It was impossible to get rid of that teacher because in the 90s it was actually legal to beat kid at school in the Venezuelan education system.
But one day I got a Super Nintendo as a gift, from a religious organization for poor people on christmas or something like that I think it was like they gave stuff to miserable kids. With only Two cartridges I was in heaven Super Mario World and Donkey Kong , man these games stick in my mind, they help me to pass over a lot of stuff. My parents don't let me play the games because they said that this stuff made people crazy and could destroy your eyes, you know, classic boomer stuff. And the only thing that I could do was spend hours and hours looking at the art of the cartridge and imagining how it would be to play all the other games on the console and how it would be to go to Yohi’s in Dinosaur Island and live there forever.
Being weird or not being what is considered a "normal" person in a third world country is a hard thing to achieve if not an impossible thing sometimes. And I've been a pretty weird person all my life, Here's an example I don't know how to define my sexual orientation butI think I like persons of the oposite and same sex but at the same time I just don't feel as a man.does it make sense to you? because it still is even confusing for me and since I grew up in a conservative family I'd never been able to express how I really felt about my sexuality. I was curious about all the thinking that circle inside my mind and I ask: what are these thoughts about other men? Why am I so sick? no one should never know that, but it was an *overwhelming* feeling I just can't hide it so i decided to reveal myself and show what I really feel. I try to share that happiness with others so I go and visited one of my friends she helped me to express myself, I remember I put a lot silly makeup all over my face some color in my tabs and in some weird way I felt i was conquering the work i was so happy like in no other moment in my life at
that moment.I went home and showed my mom how happy I was, told her and explain about the sensation, my heart was rushing like it was about to explode o my God I was so happy
after my mom witness the scene he said: "You are really lucky that your father isn't here because if he was the one who saw that he could even kill you" and after that
She beat me so hard that I can even remember his nails in my face.
I just get tired of always being tagged as an awful person for being different all these kinds of situations and a lot more, made me a really shy person and I started to alienate myself from the world everyday, more alone and miserable like staying alive in death as some kind of zombie .
Is not hard to guess that I slowly start to transform in some kind of ghoul, just living in my parents house as a parasite scared of everything always rejecting to get out and see the light
I'm not really proud of it. I don't really blame my parents. I mean they just took me there as a parasite and fed me. I don't know why they kept me there.
You probably are going to hate me for that but I lived as a parasite and I never got the courage to get out of my home until I was 24 because both of my parents died, actually the only family I got alive is my grandma but I never got to know her. I had to start working doing whatever I can Luckily, some friend of my dad found me a job cleaning stuff, it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either, I was perfectly able to do it.
=putting an end=
One day in my 26 birthday I decided to end everything in a very painful way by burning myself I really don't know why or how I was able to do such a thing but when depression
takes you to the root of your soul you're not able to think properly and you can do things that could be really dangerous. I got myself covered with some flammable liquid and started the flame but I underestimated how hard my biological desire of staying alive and I decided to jump into the water tank of the house and turn off the fire. I think I still have the pictures of that, they help me to remember how different my life was at that moment. By luck they were pretty superficial burnings ,after a while one friend of mine made a visit and found me on the floor and he gave me assistance , the worst decision in my life to do something like that.
=leaving the country=
After that incident I can't live anymore in there so I sold my parents house for 800$ what is the average price for a house in the slums. While I was moving on with my life, the crisis in Venezuela was exploding and I maybe took the best
decision in my life TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.
=living as a homeless person=
When I finally came to Perú I wasn't the best person for working at anything, without experience without any kind of paperwork I easily end up in the streets living as a homeless
person, and what can I say the streets are really unkind, I had to do awful and unspeakeble things like having sex with people for food or stealing things in supermarkets,
but someday I was in the floor sleeping like everyday and some old lady by the name of Gladys if i remember correctly speak to me about his church and how they helped a lot of people in the streets she helped me to get on trail and I got a pretty basic job delivering stuff and doing anything I can, after a couple of months I was
just walking on the sidewalk and I see an AD in the wall of one restaurant "we are looking for workers in service" it says, so i decided to make a cv an ask the manager, to my surprise he accepted me and I started to work as a waitehelper
=My work as a waiter=
I don't know how but I managed to get a work in a restaurant here in the capital without any kind of paperwork as a waiter for almost one and a half year and
It was absolutely scary, but after one or two months I was amazed when I got to know people from all over the world, France, Thailand, Ukraine, Poland, Japan.
it wasn't the best job in the market but hey at least it was a job MY FIRST REAL JOB, I felt like I was impersonating someone so secure of myself and so confident, suddenly
i didn't feel any fear inside of me anymore I was full of adrenaline I thought I can do anything I propose myself to do and well *since* I don't have any type of education
i thought that would be the best way to start develop my capacities, that's why I decided to learn English so I left my work in the restaurant and take a job as a clerk
In a little store to get time for learning English the payment was even worse but I was able to get time to study Python and English grammar and pronunciation.
=Medical condition=
I've been a really bad student all my life. My concentration was awful. Always tortured with incredibly painful headaches, that affects me in relation to my sleep and diet but since I found documentation about the name of the “condition” or type of headaches I discovered that they were called "headaches with auras” or something like that they really *ucked my cocentration on school when I was a kid however I went to the doctor for that and he told me that I had a serotonin deficiency and after a year of meditation and concentration exercises I have been able to overcome it and my life just changed again. I can focus on anything now and everything seems so different. I can read and educate myself without the horrible pain in my head, it's like living a totally different life.
=Everything changed=
I get enough money to buy a pc so everything seems really easy now. I find myself in a pretty good position in my perspective. I was dating my first girlfriend and much more than that It was absolutely amazing. I was learning new stuff. Now it wasn’t was extremely hard to get my mind focus to learn new things specially math when I was trying to learn i just remember my
dad screaming at me, pulling my ears and telling awful stuff but now I just can totally focus and stay away from everything outside my goal. It took me almost nine months to put myself on trial. The videos of the Dr jordan peterson help me a lot with that
=Learning English and coding=
I started to learn English at the end of last year (that's why my english is so crappy) and also started to learn to code. I choose Python-django(it is a beautiful language) and the basics of Html and Js, my goal is to learn data analysis some day. The math is a little hard but with practice it isn’t as hard as I thought . It is amazing how many things you can learn in the world of programming, especially in web scraping but I'm still pretty green in the field.
=After coronavirus=
After the pandemic everything start to become really difficult, specially for foreigners I wasn't able to had a job anymore and I started to get overwhelmed by debt because
I'm renting and I can't pay anymore since I don't have a job and i only have money enough to buy some food, I was trying to work in a data entry site but it isn't worth anymore because they are too many people in there, I'm trying to get a job with my English or coding skills but I guess I haven't reached a good level yet i try to go to interviews here but as soon as they hear my foreigner accent it is over..
=Live as a foreigner in quarantine=
It is not an easy thing trying to live as a foreigner in another country specially without paperwork, I was able to do some jobs but everyday things seem to be more difficult. Sometimes I feel that people just want to spit in my face when they listen to my accent. I try to take any job I can no matter how tough or filthy it could be but day by day is harder and harder I was even selling things on the streets like candys or someshit like that but is one of the worst thing that you can do especially because people is so mean sometimes, I don’t blame them but man it really feels bad when someone looks at you like some low life scum without any kind of worth.
= I actually found a job=
Maybe a lot of people are going to say something like "this guy's too lazy for just getting a job he should get one" And I actually get one since I've been looking for some like a madman it's a fun story I guess, it was the only job I found were you can work without documentation or previous prove experience. When i finally get to the place it results what was a call center for scamming people and I'm not going to lie and tell you that I'm the most correct and honorable person and I didn't take the job because I did, but when I was there at the cheap office I had to speak with the tipical *greasy hair* leader of the operation he told me that I had to talk with mostly elderly people on English speaking countries something about giftcards or some
shit like that and I felt really bad about it, but even not feeling good about it I was willing to try. sometimes the desire for survival is even stronger than your morals
and when i get the phone i find out that i just can't do it no matter how hard I tried it just *felt* so... wrong, there're so many old people that have been giving me help in this country and they just fired me xD.
I actually lost like a half of all the money I had paying transportation to go to this place, so I lost the last that I had, because it was located in the most extreme point of the city and after that
now I had nothing, not even for food.I was just so I don't know, confused? because I didn't know what was the worst, the attempt to be a scammer or the failed attempt to be a scammer.
After that I’ve tried to make some work as a freelancer, trying to teach spanish to people or making some silly things with coding or automating data bases but competition online it’s impossible for beginners on the internet and now i just don’t have more time to work on a profile.
=living alone=
I don't have anyone, no family, friends, pets or anything, I don't have any bounds that force me to anything so I'm free to choose any path I want and that freedom sometimes makes my mind wondering, it is becoming to create thoughts outside my conscious thoughts that I don’t even would thing on a normal situation, like how painful would be to take my own life? how many minutes of suffering before my head just crushed against the floor? It is just one second of suffering compared to getting back on the streets. The next week they are going to cut off the internet and electricity because I am till my freaking head of bills, the landlord doesn’t know anything about it but when he finds out maybe he’s going to kick me off, and I guess that i can’t blame him.
=**What to do?**=
I'm starting to thing that you know maybe it is just impossible to get out of the slum it always will stick in your mind, no matter what you do you always will be what you are,
maybe that is just the end of the story, so i decided that I should *ill myself it is the only outcome I see. I can't get a job, everything is in quarantine, I even tried to pick up garbage and recycle it, worked a little with it, but the government closed the recycling places because people said they were focused on contamination for coronavirus. At least I tried to do everything to get better, maybe after trying and trying is the only right thing to do, don’t you think so?, because everything seems just impossible for me. I don't want to end in the streets again. I don’t know, maybe it's time to give up, and finally putting an end to everything, maybe non educated people like me just can’t compete in the world these days and if that is a reality, well I guess I can't really do anything against that.. What I have done may be a little for you, but for me those were big achievements and an amazing trip. I got to see things that I'd never imagined I would be able to see when I was in the slum.
I just know that no matter what happens in the future, I'm in peace with whatever happens to me., I'm happy with all the things I learned so far.
So the big question is. what would you do in my position? What do you think is the right path to choose? and what do you think about my writing? take in count that I barely speak English.

Nihilism is the death of duty, the reborn of soul, is the step the changes us forever in the abysmal of nothingness.
submitted by Comprehensive-Ad2539 to stories [link] [comments]

GOAT Dictionary?

Hey GOATs, share you guys's favourite "GOAT Podcast"/"Open Floor" in-jokes or turns of phrase in the comments so that I can add them to this "GOAT dictionary" :)
Here are some of mine off the top of my head, do correct me if I got something wrong or tell me if you would like to edit or add more context to the definitions---
Definition: A humorous, mildly prophetic prediction (?) made in the Open Floor era about rookie Jayson Tatum going on to make 12 All-Star teams in his career
  • Phrase: Playing with purpose, not playing with a purpose
Definition: Playing like Russell Westbrook. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: "Do you have a mouse in your pocket or...?"
Definition: Used by Podcaster Ben whenever Podcaster Andrew includes Ben in one of his takes without consulting Ben prior to releasing said take, e.g. Andrew saying "I think we both agree that Trae's ceiling is higher than Luka's" followed immediately by Ben cutting in with a snappy, "Do you have a mouse in your pocket or... 'cuz I do not agree with that" (or something along those lines)
  • Phrase: Greased Pig
Definition: Andrew Sharp. (To be more precise, Sharp's tendency to flip-flop on various topics)
  • Phrase: Sorry Elizabeth
Definition: The podcaster apologises to young listener Elizabeth for swearing (unintentionally or otherwise) during the podcast. Only Andrew swears, but the phrase has been used by both podcasters.
  • Phrase: Giannis Inc.
Definition: A GOAT-founded corporation championing Giannis Antetokounmpo, 2-time NBA MVP and the patron saint of the podcast. (Context: both podcasters adore Giannis.) Podcaster Ben is Giannis Inc.’s co-founder and its current President; Podcaster Andrew is also a co-founder, but was forcibly removed from his position following an executive board decision earlier in 2020 after differences of opinion regarding Giannis and the direction of his current team, the Milwaukee Bucks.
  • Phrase: 12-time Enterprises
Definition: Another GOAT-founded corporation, started by Podcaster Sharp following his unceremonious ousting from Giannis Inc. (See: 12-Time Tatum)
  • Phrase: Loose Lips Paul
Definition: Refers to Los Angeles Clippers All-Star Paul George running his mouth at post-game podiums, dating back to his time on the Indiana Pacers
  • Phrase: Root Canal Reggie
Definition: I can't remember the exact scenario which prompted this term's creation, but it likely refers to Los Angeles Clippers guard Reggie Jackson's decision-making on offense being so excruciatingly painful to watch that it reminds the podcaster of a root canal operation
  • Phrase: Influencing the Influencers
Definition: Podcaster Ben (either meant in jest or otherwise) influences several influential members of society with his incredible wisdom
  • Phrase: Fence-sitting Pig
Definition: A variation of "Greased Pig", where Podcaster Andrew not only changes his opinions frequently but sometimes sits on the fence entirely, refusing to commit to a take one way or another
  • Phrase: The Best Ability is Availability
Definition: Another supposed Golliver-ism. One of the core tenets of the podcast.
  • Phrase: Andrew Sharp Reports
Definition: A recurring segment on the podcast coined by Podcaster Ben, where Podcaster Andrew reveals his true, candid, unedited thoughts on a given topic
  • Phrase: "You're Right about the Little Things, I'm Right about the Big Things"
Definition: Podcaster Ben is right about the Little Things, Podcaster Andrew is right about the Big Things. A Sharp-ism. One of the core tenets of the podcast.
  • Phrase: Generic Praise
Definition: Refers to emailers writing in to request that the Podcasters throw their favourite player or team a bone by rattling off some soulless compliments about them
  • Phrase: Big Game James
Definition: A mocking reference to James Harden, 2018 NBA MVP, and his apparent repeated failures to deliver during big playoff games. A Sharp-ism. (Context: Andrew detests Harden.)
  • Phrase: Spurs Monastery
Definition: A religion which members of the San Antonio Spurs organisation and fanbase subscribe to. Bitheistic: Pop and Duncan. (Context: Podcaster Ben is a devotee.)
  • Phrase: (Not) Fronting for the GOATs
Definition: (Not) putting up a false front in front of the GOAT podcast's listeners, and speaking things which the podcaster doesn't truly believe in, or saying things just for the sake of saying them. One of the core tenets of the podcast.
  • Phrase: Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints
Definition: (or something like that) An adopted Golliver-ism which applies for anyone who visits a natural landmark
  • Phrase: Never judge a player on his best day, or on his worst day
Definition: Refers to not overreacting to single game performances. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: Cute Story
Definition: Overperforming, fun-to-root-for underdog teams who fail to make it deep in the playoffs. Apparently not meant as an insult. Examples include the 2016 Hawks, the 2018 Raptors, and/or the 2020 Bucks Thunder.
  • Phrase: Ben Golliver Reports
Definition: The Ben Golliver version of "Andrew Sharp Reports"
  • Phrase: Saikofent
Definition: Podcaster Andrew's pronunciation of "sycophant"
  • Phrase: "(YouMy) Nephew, Brandon Ingram"
Definition: A little known tidbit for newer listeners - New Orleans Pelicans All-Star wing Brandon Ingram is Podcaster Andrew's estranged nephew

EDITS (thanks GOATs ❤️):

  • Phrase: Toronto Termites
Definition: The ravenous, imperishable, innumerable Toronto Raptor fans who subscribe to the GOAT podcast and have emailed in for years to defend DeMar and Lowry’s honour from repeated Golliver slander
  • Phrase: Win Connoisseur
Definition: Valuing wins regardless of cost, context or process; favor dynasties, including ‘90s Bulls and Alabama football. A Golliver-ism
  • Phrase: Grandpa Golliver
Definition: Podcaster Ben imposing his anachronistic world view and old fashioned moral code on listeners. A Sharp-ism.
  • Phrase: "Let's save that conversation for another time"
Definition: Andrew's new favorite segue where he tables a conversation with no intention of ever coming back to it.
  • Phrase: "I don't think my brain is ready for that/this yet"
Definition: A phrase used by Andrew whenever he refuses to conceive of a future possibility (e.g. a trade), or to think about a recent momentous shift in the league. This sometimes irks Golliver, and there has been an episode where he had enough of it, snapping back by saying "Well, get your brain ready!"
  • Phrase: West Coast elitist / Western Conference elitism
Definition: Referring to Podcaster Ben's oft-saddled high-horse regarding the absolute superiority of the Western Conference over the East. One of the core tenets of the podcast. (Context: Podcaster Andrew is a proud son of the East.)
  • Phrase: Sunrise Conference
Definition: (See - West Coast elitist.) The Eastern Conference. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: Triple A / AAA
Definition: (See - West Coast elitist.) The Eastern Conference. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: The Show
Definition: (See - West Coast elitist.) The Western Conference. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: Paul Milsap exchange rate
Definition: (See - West Coast elitist.) A humorous allusion made to the "inflation" that happens to a player's value when they move from the Western conference to the East, due to the lower levels of competition present in the East Coast, as seen when Paul Millsap moved from Utah to Atlanta in the 2013-14 season and immediately became a 4-time All-Star.
  • Phrase: Scott Travis
Definition: Travis Scott, American rapper, whose name has been affectionately butchered on the podcast for years now. He is another patron saint of the podcast.
  • Phrase: Beaverton, OR.
Definition: Famous for Drake music videos, home of Nike, hometown of basketball luminaries Ben Golliver and Ian Karmel.
  • Phrase: Bystander to his own life/reality
Definition: Carmelo Anthony - specifically post-Knicks, pre-Blazers Melo, referring how he was spending his post-prime years refusing to change his inefficient playstyle to adapt to the modern era or adjust his attitude towards demanding a starting role as playoff teams understandably passed him by, gradually resulting him in being phased out of the league altogether, before his heartwarming return to the collective NBA subconscious this past season with Dame and Portland. A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: 7-11 employee
Definition: Luka Dončić. An infamous Sharp-ism, body-shaming the 21 y/o Slovenian superstar. (Context: Andrew was an adamant Luka-skeptic, refusing to believe in the Luka magic, before making one of the greatest Heel-Face Turns of the 21st century & pivoting himself to the right side of history midway through the historic NBA Bubble, apparently after watching a flashy between-the-legs pocket pass Luka made in the clutch against the league-leading Milwaukee Bucks and Giannis Inc. as part of a masterful 36 point-19 assist performance to lead the Mavs to a thrilling OT-win against the reigning league MVP.)
  • Phrase: "Ky-Lee"
Definition: Podcaster Golliver's pronunciation of Kylie Jenner's name
  • Phrase: "A-key-lees"
Definition: Podcaster Sharp's pronunciation of Achilles.
  • Phrase: "...MY Boston Celtics"
Definition: Podcaster Sharp's partially joking, partially self-hating embrace of the Boston Celtics fandom in recent years. (Context: Andrew is a semi-retired lifelong Wizards fan, pending how well or poorly John Wall Russell Westbrook plays this upcoming season.)
  • Phrase: #BlueBubbleGang
Definition: Apple elitists. As summarized by Podcaster Sharp, "Whatever a sneakerhead is for Apple products, that's what Ben Golliver is." A Golliver-ism.
  • Phrase: Takesmen
Definition: Fans and analysts who provide basketball-related takes that are so beautifully refined and finely fermented that they can only be referred to by the highest of epithets --- "Takesmen". (Context: Ben & Andrew talked with Shaq & Chuck during the 2019 All-Star weekend and their scorching-hot takes inspired the creation of the term.)
  • Phrase: Heaters
Definition: HOT, HOT takes. E.g. Zion is going to be Rodney Rogers.
  • Phrase: LeBronzo
Definition: Started in 2018 Summer League, this was Podcaster Golliver's crusade to pair the brands of LeBron James and Lonzo Ball, a prophecy that was finally fulfilled (at least temporarily) when LeBron actually joined Lonzo's Lakers a year later
  • Phrase: "I want to take a moment to apologise to the listeners..."
Definition: A phrase used by Andrew when Ben goes off on a rant or when the duo get sidetracked and go off on several humorous, often not-NBA-related tangents for 20 or so minutes (peak GOAT content)
  • Phrase: Ben's biggest hater
Definition: Podcaster Golliver's biggest hater is his mom
  • Phrase: "KahDay"
Definition: Cade Cunningham, future lottery pick, whose name Podcaster Sharp confidently mispronounced during a quarantine episode after ill-advisedly taking a random Twitter user's words seriously. Has since been fact-checked, but much like 'Saikofant', "KahDay" is now a part of GOAT lore
  • Phrase: Ranger Rick
Definition: Affectionately used to refer to Podcaster Golliver's nature-loving, National-Park-roaming tendencies
  • Phrase: BonHeads
Definition: A humorous reference to Bon Iver fans, who went after Podcaster Golliver after he dissed Iver while discussing the latter's presence in Taylor Swift album "Folklore". Far from apologizing, Ben doubled down in very Golliver-fashion and the name has stuck ever since
  • Phrase: Brickhead
Definition: Lego-fans. Both podcasters are now brickheads, as is, apparently, Myles Turner.
  • Phrase: Reality-based person
Definition: Ben Golliver
  • Phrase: "Andrew’s on social media, but don’t even worry about it"
Definition: Part of Golliver's closing spiel during every podcast
  • Phrase: Kevin Durant, role player
Definition: A memorable, half-joking Sharp heater from the Warriors KD era (See: Heaters.)
  • Phrase: Stonehenge witches conspiracy theories
Definition: A Golliver rant from early Open Floor days during which Andrew went from bemused listener to invested participant
  • Phrase: The Lantern
Definition: A recurring segment on the podcast where Ben releases a not-necessarily-basketball-related prompt on his Instagram and listeners can respond with their personal stories and/or takes on the topic
  • Phrase: Power-ranking World War 2 countries
Definition: A hilarious and controversial Golliver-sparked conversation that the duo had during the 2019 offseason. Some memorable quotes: "Never judge people on their best day, or their worst day...I need to do a more balanced analysis of Germany's role in WW2 --- I can't just rush to say America's number 1 and Germany's dead-last"; "Is Blitzkrieg fighting with Purpose or A Purpose?"; "The Greatest Ability is Availability, and Russia was very available in world war 2"; and "Should we really be numerically ranking human beings?"
  • Phrase: Coffee-Shop Kyrie
Definition: Referring to Brooklyn Nets guard and America’s favourite fake deep superhero Kyrie Irving, inspired by his faux-intellectual ramblings to reporters and on social media. To quote Golliver, "'Very Much Woke' is definitely the name of the coffee-shop where Kyrie does his Beat Poetry - there's no question about that"
submitted by KagsTheOneAndOnly to GreatestOfAllTalk [link] [comments]

How I improved my Chinese in 2020

I've been a passive member of this community since around April last year when I had just finished my Advanced Chinese 1 course at my university. I loved reading the advice everyone gave and finding useful material beyond the textbook (for reference my course ended around the last chapters of Integrated Chinese, Level 2 Part 1). Now, I wanted to take the time and summarize what I have found effective to give back to this great subreddit.
I have finished all the required classes for my Chinese minor and thought it was time to leap past university courses. I was lucky enough to find a great tutor in my city. We met through Zoom since early May 3 times a week, 1.5 hours per session. I selected the material I wanted to work with. Usually, I would preview the material and review vocab for about 2 - 3 hours for each session. Here's what I chose and studied in order:
  1. The Monkey's Paw, 猴抓 - W.W Jacobs
  2. Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company, 卷发公司的案子 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  3. Journey to the Center of the Earth, 地心游记 - Jules Verne
  4. Great Expectations P.1 and P.2, 美好的前途 - Charles Dickens
In my free time, I found motivation by:
Now you probably think I must have had a lot of free time to do this. I did. Studying Mandarin was the only thing keeping me mentally sane during quarantine. It definitely made me a lot more aware of how time-intensive the process can be. I am a native Spanish speaker and learning English was tough, but Mandarin is a whole other beast.
Overall, I estimate that I spent about 14 hours a week of active studying (in class or reviewing) and about 6 hours a week of passive learning. I don't really like measuring myself by HSK, but I think I could confidently pass level 4 now. In terms of improvement, back in June I had a hard time with Intermediate lessons in Chinesepod, but now I am studying Upper Intermediate lessons with ease.
Drawbacks: I feel like I could have done more to improve my speaking. To be honest, only having one person to speak with regularly gets boring at times and I just let her lead the conversation when I am tired. I could not tell you how many times we bumped into a chapter about 男女平等 or 环境保护, so we just skipped our conversation at all because it became repetitive. Right now I feel like my listening and reading levels are so much higher than my speaking abilities.
I will be returning to my university and my part-time job, so I will have limited time once classes start. For now, my goal is to meet with my tutor once a week to discuss three Chinesepod lessons, and continue to watch Chinese media on YT. I believe this should be manageable. I also plan to go to either China or Taiwan for 2 months in an intensive program in May to solidify my speaking skills, perhaps CLI or Keats (if it is even possible). I would appreciate any recommendation for one-to-one language schools in Taiwan if anyone knows of any.
I hope someone finds this helpful! 加油!
TL;DR. I had a ton of time to study Chinese in 2020. Above is the material that kept me interested and going.
submitted by fenara to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

Easy songs I can learn the lyrics to?

Hello y’all 👋 I wanted to ask you guys what songs did you think it would be easy for a non korean speaker to learn? There’s only one song I actually memorized the lyrics to, Seventeen’s Good to Me (like, I can sing the entire thing in the correct korean pronouciation) and I think it was ambitious of me because it took me... the entire time we were in the first quarantine (around 6 weeks in March/April, probably a bit less but I know because that’s when I was with my mom.)
I want to learn Seventeen’s Habit, Simple and Kidult (and finally learn Call Call Call, I’ve been stuck on that song since February) but do you guys know which songs will probably by easy? It doesn’t have to be a slow song since those can have harder pronunciations, that’s why I wanted you guys opinion 😆. If it’s a song I’ve never heard I’ll give it a listen as well!
Also don’t recommend me Agust D, I am NEVER trying that in my life.
submitted by chanyeol2012 to kpophelp [link] [comments]

[Offering: Brazilian Portuguese] x [Seeking: English or French]

Hi, guys ! / OLÁ 👋🏾
My name is Pipa aka Paulo from Brazil, 27 years old, like everyone who is here I am passionate about languages ​​and I learned a little Spanish alone reading and talking through that past site called Livemocha and then on Busuu, but I'm far from fluent in fact I forgot a lot, I also took a French course and I really loved it, when I was about 15 years old, then when I was around 20 I dated for two years with a Frenchman, but still I didn't remember anything just the LOL numbers, luckily for me he speaks Portuguese perfectly. (and finally we don’t date anymore and we don’t even have contact anymore) / In this quarantine I decided to try to learn French again on my own but this time I found it very difficult, especially writing, but I am very good with pronunciation and it’s not something that scares me , I finally gave up temporarily. But after this long introduction I come here to say that I think I can teach PORTUGUESE to anyone who has the will to learn, I don't know how I will be able to teach and if I know how to teach more I can try, it will be something interesting I believe. The only problem is that I don't know how to speak English and it will be difficult to have some communication, maybe you who are interested in learning Portuguese can answer me. / anything contact me via Messages with the subject "LEARN PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS"
Abraços e beijos da Pipa !
submitted by pipadefaucigny to language_exchange [link] [comments]

One Year of Studying!

The first of this month was my one-year anniversary of studying Korean. I am very proud of the progress I have made during the past year and I wanted to share a bit about my journey with the languagelearning community. This post is going to be long and will not include any magic tips and tricks, as those don't exist, but it will include an open and honest representation of my journey and my skill levels. TL;DR at end.
Firstly, I will copy the one-year post I made on Korean here so that you don't need to leave this page; you can find the original post through my profile.
일년! One Year! (Writing)
안녕하세요! 저는 LoveofLearningKorean이에요. 그리고, 오늘은 한국어 공부한 지는 일년이 되었어요! 그래서 저는 한국어를 배우는 것에 대해글 써보고 싶어요. 제가 아직 초보자라는 걸 알아주세요.
Hello! I am LoveofLearningKorean. And, today is my one-year anniversary of studying Korean! So, I would like to write about learning Korean. Please keep in mind I am still a beginner.
제가 왜 한국어를 배우기 시작했나 면 방탄소년단을 좋아해요! 그래서 한국어를 알면 좋겠다고 생각했어요. 왜냐하면 한국어를 들으며 이미 많은시간을 보냈기 때문이에요. 그래서 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 이해할 수 있었어요.
I started to learn Korean because I like BTS! So, I thought it would be good to know Korean because I have already spent a lot of time listening to it. That way I could understand BTS content.
한국어를 어떻게 배우고 있나요? TTMIK는 제가 가장 좋아하는 자원이네요. 이야기, 책, 유튜브 채널, 그리고 웹사이트는 모두 도움이 많이 됩니다! 또한, 저는 한국어를 듣는 데 많은 시간을 보냅니다. 한국드라마를 너무 좋아해서 백 개 정도의 드라마를 봤어요. 그리고 물론 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 들으면서 보내는 모든 시간들이죠. 지금은 방탄소년단에 대한 책까지 한국어로 읽고 있어요. 한국어로 몰입할 수 있는 재미있는 방법을 찾는 것이 중요하다고 생각해요.
How have I been learning Korean? TTMIK is my favorite resource. IYAGI, books, YouTube channel, and the website are all so helpful! Additionally, I spend a lot of time listening to Korean. I really like Korean dramas so I have seen around one hundred. And of course, all the time I spend listening to BTS content. Now, I am even reading a book about BTS in Korean. I think it is important to find fun ways to immerse yourself in Korean.
자주 듣는 몇 가지 질문에 대답하겠습니다. I will answer some frequently asked questions.
  1. 하루에 얼마나 많은 시간을 공부합니까? 다 다르지만. 저는 매일 적어도 한 시간은 공부하려고 노력합니다.
a. How much time do you study a day? It varies, but I try to study at least an hour a day.
  1. 글쓰기를 어떻게 연습하세요? 저는 모먼트를 게시하는 HelloTalk을 자주 사용하는 것을 좋아해요.
a. How do you practice writing? I like to post moments on HelloTalk.
  1. 초급입니까, 중급입니까, 고급입니까? 저는 아직도 초보자라고 생각해요.
a. Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced? I think I am still a beginner.
  1. 공부하고 싶지 않은 날이 있었나요? 물론 있죠. 하지만 어쨌든 공부해요.
a. Do you have days you don’t feel like studying? Of course. But I study anyway.
  1. 한국어 공부중 가장 좋아하는 것은 무엇입니까? 한글.
a. What is your favorite thing about Korean? Hangeul.
  1. 목표는 무엇입니까? 주된 목표는 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 이해하는 것입니다. 다른 목표는: 제가 영어를 사용하는 것과같은 방법으로 한국어를 사용할 수 있는 것이에요. (네, 이것은 오랜 시간이 걸릴 것이에요. 아마도 평생 걸릴 것인데요).
a. What are your goals? Main goal is to understand BTS content. Other goals: be able to use Korean in the same ways I use English (yes, this will take a long time. Perhaps a lifetime).
  1. 가장 좋아하는 앱은 무엇입니까? HelloTalk입니다.
a. What is your favorite app? HelloTalk.
  1. 얼마나 많은 단어를 알고 있나요? 저는 이런 질문이 싫어요. 누가 진짜 이런걸 알아요? ㅋㅋ 대충 3000개 정도 될거에요.
a. How many words do you know? I hate this question. Because who actually knows that? LOL. A very rough estimate would be 3000.
  1. 한국어로 대화할 수 있나요? 글은 충분히 잘 할 이해할 수 있지만 말 할기는 잘 못해요…연습이 부족해서…
a. Can you have a conversation in Korean? I can write well enough, but I can’t speak well…because of lack of practice…
마지막으로 너의 발전을 자랑스럽게 여기세요. 케이팝, 한식, 또는 한국드라마가 때문에 한국어를 배우나요? 모두 타당한 이유죠.
Lastly, be proud of your progress. Learning Korean because of Kpop, Korean food, or Kdramas? All perfectly valid reasons.
감사합니다! Thank you!
So, that gives you some insight into my year and where I am at as well as my writing abilities. Keep in mind I am still a learner, I did get some feedback from native Koreans that they were impressed by my Korean on that post but that does not mean it is anywhere near perfect! Regardless, I am personally proud of it. I started to write a daily journal back on April 10th, and my journal has slowly progressed from a few sentences with many mistakes to paragraphs with a few mistakes. Committing to writing a journal every day has really helped my writing. I have a few native speakers that help review my journal entries that I met through HelloTalk.
Next, on that post someone asked about my daily checklist that I had mentioned in a comment. My daily checklist is exactly that; the minimum checklist that I have to check off every day. It is a fluid checklist based on my short-term goals and how much time I have to dedicate. At the very least, I always get in an hour of studying a day. However, I am still in quarantine so my current daily checklist takes around 3 hours to complete. After I complete the checklist I often continue to study on whatever I would like to focus on that day. But on occasion I do not feel like studying more and that is fine! As long as I have completed my checklist I am on track and give myself permission to spend the rest of the day watching Kdramas if I want.
My Daily Checklist
[September 2nd Korean](
The pictures attached are of my journal, notes, resources, and study space from yesterday after I completed my daily checklist.
At minimum I get in a few hours of passive listening practice every day; active listening practice varies but it is included in my daily checklist. The IYAGI mentioned previously is a Korean language podcast by Talk To Me In Korean (TTMIK) that I use to help with my practice. At this point, the beginner podcast is a good review, and the intermediate podcast is just the right difficulty for me.
I don't focus on content without subtitles right now but recently when BTS did a live stream right before DYNAMITE dropped, I was able to follow along live. That made me feel really good, to be able to follow along to the conversation which let's be honest got chaotic at times because it's BTS lol. I definitely did not have perfect comprehension but I was able to understand each topic and their thoughts in a general way. Hard to describe. But it felt amazing that I could watch it and follow along live, without subtitles as those would be added later. Very proud moment for myself since it's my main goal.
Speaking is my weakest skill, simply because I have not practiced it enough. So, I can't say that I can speak with someone else without thinking. When communicating via written chat there are a lot of questions that I respond to easily without thinking. Because I have spent a lot of time chatting on hellotalk but only a fraction of the time speaking. My skills clearly reflect the time difference. Speaking has not been my primary focus, since my main motivation/goal is understanding BTS content. However, now I will start to incorporate speaking practice into my routine. I do attempt to talk to myself, but I think I will try to at least have weekly conversations with native speakers going forward.
I am currently reading "[Who? Kpop] BTS" book which is completely in Korean and at an intermediate level. It is great compressible input for me and I read it extensively, meaning I do not stop to look up any unknown words. But I understand enough that I can usually get it through context, in addition the book is mostly in comic format so there are visuals clues that are helpful. Before I started this book I first developed my reading skills with books designed to help beginners start reading, such as "Easy Korean Reading for Beginners" and "Real-Life Korean Conversations for Beginners", both by TTMIK.
I had been using Quizlet and an SRS flashcard app on my phone but in the last month I finally started using Anki. Anki is amazing (as many of the learners on this forum know well!). I imported my Quizlets into Anki so now I use both. Anki has the great SRS system and Quizlet has different types of tests/games that can be fun ways to reinforce. Most of my vocabulary came from books aimed at introducing vocabulary, a lot of time in context. Ie. a short story is presented and then a vocabulary list provided for key words in that story.
I do study grammar directly, again through TTMIK, but I also make sure I pay attention to native Korean material so that I can get an idea of grammar in context. Reading in particular is very helpful for this.
My Favorite Korean Quote
I would like to share my favorite Korean quote because it has really helped me keep a positive mindset in my studies. 멈추지 말고 계속 해나가기만 한다면 늦어도 상관없다. [It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.]
On September 1st I reached my one-year anniversary of studying Korean. Korean has become a part of my every day life and I am proud of the progress I have made. I consider myself an upper beginner now and am happy to be where I am after a year. I am still learning how to learn a language, and my daily checklist adjusts to my short term goals. The skills I focused on were listening and reading since my main goal is understanding BTS content, and thus those are my strongest skills. Now, I am going to try to balance out my study across the different skills because a secondary goal I have is to be able to use Korean in the same ways I use English. This past year was the first of many in my Korean studies but I will continue to keep in mind my favorite Korean quote: 멈추지 말고 계속 해나가기만 한다면 늦어도 상관없다. [It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.]
submitted by LoveofLearningKorean to languagelearning [link] [comments]

Best Grandma Ever?

How ridiculous is it that when you get pregnant, people TRULY believe the pregnancy is all about them? That this child has been brought into the world not for their parents, but for them?
We’re being induced on Wednesday and, of course, with the impending birth of OUR child, MIL is trying to sink her claws in any way she can.
I recently wrote about MIL and BIL and the boundaries that were broken there. It’s been concluded that MIL won’t be watching the baby alone.
Now, MIL has taken it upon herself to make up her “nickname” the baby can call her. BGE. She even made sure to type out the pronunciation, “Beegee.” And what does BGE mean? Best Grandma Ever. My child will have three grandmas and three great grandmas. I have a mom and stepmom who will also be a grandparent to our child, and she’s taken it upon herself to deem herself the best one?
There is spite between MIL and my stepmom from back when the baby shower was being planned. MIL told my stepmom she wanted to help and then didn’t return calls, didn’t keep in touch about the plans, etc, and when it ended up being cancelled because of coronavirus she threw a fit and lost her shit on my stepmom. So for her to deem herself the “best” grandma is just another slap in the face. My husband told her no, she will just be called “grandma.”
Also, our baby will be here in time for Fathers Day. I’m so excited about my husbands first Father’s Day with our baby. I’m also excited about the fact we were told to quarantine our newborn for a month after delivery. It means we get this time to ourselves and to form a new bond with our baby. MIL has been texting sometimes twice a week asking when she can come see the baby. She asked if she could come to the hospital. DH told her she can go, but they won’t let her in to see the baby because there are still no visitors. Then MIL asked if she could come over as soon as we get home. I told DH I want a few days to settle in before I Simba my baby up for MIL’s viewing pleasure behind a screen door. So we decided not to even tell her when we’re leaving the hospital because, as she asked this question numerous times after being told “no” each time, we are worried she will just show up. Our baby will theoretically be 3-4 days old on Fathers Day. So MIL, being the manipulator she is, told DH “we’ll I have a gift for you for Father’s Day. You can just wheel the baby over to the door in the bassinet and that’ll be enough for now.” There’s so much wrong with that sentence. So much. DH agreed with me that she’s doing this because she wants to be the FIRST to see the grand baby and I have half a notion to tell her, when she shows up, that the baby is upstairs sleeping and no I won’t get him. (Also, for Mother’s Day, they said “oh we just miss you guys so much we need to stop by we have Mother’s Day gifts.” We stood in the yard and she gave me a onesie about “Things you should know about my grandpa” printed on the front. Thanks?)
I already told DH WHEN she starts showing up unexpectedly I won’t be answering the door.
Anyway. She’s been a total nut this entire pregnancy, but I’m forever grateful DH is able to see what I’ve been talking about and is taking my side on things. Now, I feel more prepared to defend my newborn and my home against her.
submitted by Slumdunder to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update August 27, 2020

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update August 27, 2020
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
Full Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Offering: English, Seeking: French

Hey guys, it's my first time posting here. As many others are trying to learn a language during the quarantine, I'd like to learn French!
A little bit about me: I'm a 20 yr old male living in the USA, and English is my native language. I've been doing Duolingo for about 2 months now, I listen to a lot of French music and videos for some immersion, and I've even bought a French review workbook to study the grammar and sentence building. I've just started using flashcards of the top 500 words as well.
I'd like someone patient enough to teach me French as it is used in everyday life and not in textbooks, to teach me pronunciation as well. How to go about it, I'm not sure. Texting would work fine at first, though. So if anyone's interested in helping me out, I'll help out with English in return. I'd love a French friend! Please comment or message me (:
submitted by elegante_nero to language_exchange [link] [comments]

"I've never seen this board game in my life"

So, context: I moved in with my friends a few months ago. My friends love physical games (tabletop, board, card), and when I got out of quarantine, I played (and observed) a couple with them. King of Tokyo, Explorers of Ixalan, Gloom, Dixit, and there were a few other games I was interested in looking at, namely Pandemic.
A few weeks ago, we were reminiscing about the stuff we'd played, and my friends went "so we've played King of Tokyo, Gloom, Pandemic..." I interrupted them to say I hadn't played Pandemic, and they both paused and looked at me as if I'd grown another head. "You played Pandemic with us," one of them said in a tone that was almost questioning. "I remember — you were the medic and you were always correcting my pronunciation of the cities on the map..."
This was news to me, because the most recent game I could remember learning was Dixit. I suggested this tentatively... but no. They said they definitely remembered teaching me Dixit, but they also remembered teaching me Pandemic. The confidence in their voices shook me — and the fact that this was a shared memory between them, with wholly accurate descriptions of how I would have indeed played such a game, did nothing to assuage my growing sense of dread.
I asked questions about my supposed introduction to the game. When had I learnt it? Apparently a few days after I'd come out of quarantine. Was this like Plague? No, it was like Plague in reverse, and you all worked together instead of against each other. The more questions that arose, the more distressed the three of us got, so I finally decided to have them just show me the board in the hopes that it would jog a memory. They wanted to drop it, but I was adamant. Maybe, I thought, it was lingering in my subconscious and could be brought back with a stimulus.
They took the box out of their stack of board games, the cover art already looking unfamiliar, and emptied it of its contents. I looked long and hard at the board, the cards, the pieces, studying them, reaching into my mind for something that resembled them, thinking, prodding. I did that for maybe two or three minutes. Then I looked at them, watching me with concern.
I told them, "I've never seen this board game in my life. I don't know the rules. I couldn't tell you how to play."
Needless to say, we were spooked. My friends put Pandemic away and laughed it off — nervously. We conjured theories of a doppelgänger momentarily taking my place to play a stupid board game, suggested that, maybe because I had signs of PTSD, I'd had a dissociative episode or something like that. I let it drop, figured it was moot to argue, but it's haunted me since. I've had dissociative episodes before, and I never get the sense of forgetting them entirely. Even if I don't remember the events themselves, I tend to remember vague impressions of experience — how I felt, the basic flow of a game is played, how the light coming in from outside looked that day. To my knowledge, this is the first time I've just had... nothing where people insist there should be something. How can I have forgotten something so completely that we can both believe we're right?
And, if this isn't just some brain idiosyncrasy gone wild: Who was playing with them?
(Edited because I forgot to italicise one of the names.)
submitted by syurakoma to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 36. Economic Stimulus for the Pandemic was Planned and Ready. BlackRock. Aladdin. Environmental Warning. Panama Papers. Paradise Papers. Offshore Bank Accounts. It's Coming. Be Prepared.

Previous post is here.
Cash is king. Show me the money. Money talks. Money, the more you have, the more control you have. Money to the rich is about control, plain and simple. Money to us is about survival, and the harder we have to work for the money, the more control they have. It's never been about wealth for the ultra uber elite, or the banks, or the governments, it's about control and power.
They print money. I don't care what conspiracy you subscribe to, but if you cling to the belief that they want to steal our money for their gain, you're missing the point. They want to take leave us with less of their money so we listen when they need us to behave and get online, errr, I mean, inline.
They keep talking about debt. Debt to who? And what would happen? Are the central banks going to send in soldiers to confiscate "our" property and kick us out of the country?
Debt is merely a balancing act, when the populace gets too rich and therefore less dependent and controlled, they institute a crash and take money and property out of our hands. This is how it should work, but with growing global trade the economy can now be used as a weapon, just like the 2008 financial collapse.
Yet not all is what it seems here, as usual. To get a better grasp of how perilous our situation is we have to branch out again and look around. What else was happening before and after 2008? Where did the West move their chess peices?

The Apple From the Tree of Knowledge.

As I read backwards these days I feel dumb. Not because I think I'm dumb, not at all. But I feel dumb for having read the headlines and fallen for the official narrative.
July 22, 2015.
But make no mistake. Apple is not in financial trouble. It continues to mint money. The company reported cash flow from operations of $15 billion in its latest quarter. That helped add to Apple's record cash hoard. The company had $193.5 billion at the end of April and $164.5 billion in cash at this time a year ago. CNNMoney tech editor David Goldman and I have joked about all the things Apple could afford to buy with its cash. Every professional sports team in the U.S. Disney. Coke. Both Tesla and Uber. That's part of a broader plan to return $200 billion in capital to shareholders through buybacks and dividends. That's something which helps keep investor Carl Icahn happy. Still, it's fair to wonder why Apple needs all this cash. It's one thing to save for a rainy day. But Apple seems to be acting like Noah and preparing for a 40-day flood. Apple may be waiting for tax changes in the United States before it puts more of its cash to use though. Maestri noted that $181 billion of its cash -- nearly 90% of the entire iMountain -- is held offshore. Apple is one of several big American tech companies that have been criticized for keeping much of their cash in foreign subsidiaries. Google (GOOGL), Microsoft (MSFT)and Cisco (CSCO) have also come under fire for this.
That's interesting, to say the least. That's a whole lot of money being kept under the mattress, isn't it? They could buy all the pro sports teams, Disney, Coke, Tesla, and Uber. But nope. They just sit on cash. I used to read it and shake my head, why were they sitting on so much cash? The investors were angry, and rightfully so. It takes money to make money, and if you only saved money, then you weren't making as much money as you could.
But maybe the article was right with one comment, maybe Apple was acting like Noah and preparing for a 40 day flood? 40 days. Forty.
Quarantine-mid 17th century: from Italian quarantina ‘forty days’, from quaranta ‘forty’.
Nah. That's a coincidence. What, do you actually think the journalist was trying to warn us that something was coming down the pipe? Or at the very least he thought that the Apple cash reserves were preparing for bad days ahead?
Words matter. Maybe we can start catching the pattern ahead of time and get ahead of the new normal curve, instead of being caught by the flattening of the curve.
Apple has committed to contributing $350 billion to the U.S. over five years beginning in 2018.
What. That's nice of them. All of that cash being kept hidden in offshore accounts to avoid taxes, and now they suddenly want to give it back. Because I know that if I wasn't declaring all my revenue (I swear that I'm declaring all my revenue to whatever Government agency agent is reading this after getting flagged by our patriotic AI data mining. I could never, ever, not do my patriotic part, after all, we're all in this together) I would suddenly just say, here, take it, you need it more than I do.
Apple now has $245 billion cash on hand, up 3% from previous quarter. Apple discloses its cash pile in its first-quarter 2019 earnings report on Tuesday. The company reports $245 billion in cash on hand compared with $237.1 billion [the previous quarter.Jan 29.](2019
Ok. Wait. Apple had 193 Billion at the end of April in 2015. In 2018 they pledged to give back 350 billion over five years. Then in the first quarter of 2019 they had 245 Billion. Now I'm not a genius, but if they were giving that much back to the government, shouldn't Apple's cash reserves started taking a hit, or did they have more stashed away than we knew?
Money Makes the World Go Around.
January 28, 2016.
Twitter can keep losing money for more than 400 years, and that's centuries more than other companies can say. It turns out that even if you compare Twitter to other companies burning money at the same rate or faster, Twitter's $3.5 billion in cash gives it centuries more time than anyone else.
November 07, 2019.
American companies are sitting on piles of cash, frustrating investors and leading some on Wall Street to wonder why they aren't spending. Microsoft currently has the largest cash pile at $136.6 billion as of last quarter, according to estimates from FactSet. Berkshire Hathaway, Alphabet and Apple occupy the other top spots, with $128.2 billion, $121.2 billion, and $100.6 billion, respectively. Facebook, Amazon, Ford, Oracle, Cisco and Bristol-Myers round out the rest of the top 10 list. These figures include the company's cash balance as well as its short-term investments such as bonds. Companies can spend through traditional means like capital investment and acquisitions, as well as by returning money to shareholders through buybacks and dividends. Some argue that the latter — buybacks in particular — are a short-term boost for investors at the expense of the long-term health of the company and the economy more broadly. There are many possible reasons for why companies aren't spending more given their vast reserves, one of which is that they're simply waiting for the right time.
April 28, 2020.
Both Google and Facebook have enormous cash reserves — $120 billion for Alphabet, $55 billion for Facebook — they can use to acquire other potentially attractive services that can't survive the recession on their own, often for cheap.Apr 28, 2020
March 31, 2020.
Amazon cash on hand was $49.292B, a 33.15% increase year-over-year.
Look at all of these companies waiting for the flood. Crazy. We pay more taxes, inflation keeps rising, and they keep money. It just doesn't make sense, does it? Maybe they'll have a millionaires against pitchforks movement? After all, Google did change their motto to, do the right thing, didn't they? But maybe they are doing the right thing? Maybe this is all hidden in plain sight?
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.
Aladdin (Asset, Liability, Debt and Derivative Investment Network) is an electronic system by BlackRock Solutions, the risk management division of the largest investment management corporation, BlackRock, Inc. In 2013, it handled about $11 trillion in assets (including BlackRock's $4.1 trillion assets), which was about 7% of the world's financial assets, and kept track of about 30,000 investment portfolios.)
Seven percent of financial assets, and as you will read shortly, ten percent of global stocks and bonds. Wow. That kind of makes the Wolf of Wall Street look like the goldfish of the Wall Street sewer system. That's a lot of money.
That's eleven thousand billion dollars.
Let's put those numbers in perspective.
Apple 1.3 Trillion Dollar Valuation.
Microsoft 1.27 Trillion Dollar Valuation.
Alphabet 1 Trillion Dollar Valuation.
Amazon 1 Trillion Dollar Valuation.
Boeing 121.59 Billion Dollar Valuation.
Raytheon 32.57 Billion Dollar Valuation.
Coca Cola 94 Billion Dollar Valuation.
Disney 290 Billion Dollar Valuation.
These valuations are in 2020 dollars. The 11 Trillion dollar BlackRock asset figure was in 2013. Let that sink in. It would cost under Five Trillion dollars to buy those companies, and BlackRock would still have the largest investments if it decided to give the hypothetical purchases to charity.
BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.[4] Due to its power, and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world's largest shadow bank. Aladdin’s influence has surged since the financial crisis. Today, it acts as the central nervous system for many of the largest players in the investment management industry — and, as the Financial Times has discovered, for several huge non-financial companies.
The world's largest shadow bank. Why hide in the shadows? Is there a war going on? Maybe a big catastrophe ahead and they're getting ready? You already know the answer.
Vanguard and State Street Global Advisors, the largest fund managers after BlackRock, are users, as are half the top 10 insurers by assets, as well as Japan’s $1.5tn government pension fund, the world’s largest. Apple, Microsoft and Google’s parent firm, Alphabet — the three biggest US public companies — all rely on the system to steward hundreds of billions of dollars in their corporate treasury investment portfolios. Yet the true reach of Aladdin is unknown outside of BlackRock. The New York-based manager last revealed exactly how much of the world’s assets sit on the system in February 2017, when they reached $20tn. BlackRock told the FT that total assets do not reflect how clients use the system. One former employee says the figure is no longer disclosed because of the negative attention the enormous sums attracted. In the past three years, Aladdin has added scores of new clients, the stock market has gained a third in value and the bond market is 13 per cent larger. Today, $21.6tn sits on the platform from just a third of its 240 clients, according to public documents verified with the companies and first-hand accounts. That figure alone is equivalent to 10 per cent of global stocks and bonds.
Apple, Microsoft, and Google use Aladdin? Total assets do not reflect how clients use the system? I thought they used it to make money? Silly me, I'm such a new normal normie.
One former employee said the asset figure is no longer disclosed, which makes you wonder how much cash there is hiding?
21.6 Trillion Dollar Valuation. Or. $24.22 trillion in American National Debt. Total. All time. And theoretically BlackRock could almost pay it off. Or. They have 21 Million Million Dollars under there control.
We can't even begin to conceptualize that kind of money, can we?
Panama is More Than a Van Halen Song
Mossack Fonseca & Co. (Spanish pronunciation: [moˈsak fonˈseka]) was a Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider.[1][3] It was, at one time, the world's fourth largest provider of offshore financial services. From its 1977 foundation until the April 2016 publication of the Panama Papers, it remained mostly obscure even though it sat at the heart of the global offshore industry, and acted for about 300,000 companies. On March 14, 2018, the law firm announced that it was shutting down, because of the economic and reputational damage inflicted by the disclosure of its role in global tax evasion by the Panama Papers.
Never in my life did I see a story dissappear like this one. Yes there have been some repercussions, but nowhere near like the devastation the media was promising. The story might have went virtually went nowhere, but the narrative was strengthened for the plebs like us. The rich get richer and we get poorer.
Two Tickets to Paradise.
The world's most profitable firm has a secretive new structure that would enable it to continue avoiding billions in taxes, the Paradise Papers show. They reveal how Apple sidestepped a 2013 crackdown on its controversial Irish tax practices by actively shopping around for a tax haven. It then moved the firm holding most of its untaxed offshore cash, now $252bn, to the Channel Island of Jersey. Apple said the new structure had not lowered its taxes. It said it remained the world's largest taxpayer, paying about $35bn (£26bn) in corporation tax over the past three years, that it had followed the law and its changes "did not reduce our tax payments in any country".
According to the papers, Allergan (the manufacturer of Botox), Allianz, Apple Inc., Facebook, Global Vantedge, McDonald's, Nike, Inc., Siemens, The Walt Disney Company, Twitter, Uber, Walmart, and Yahoo! are among the corporations that own offshore companies.[18][19] According to The Express Tribune, "Apple, Nike, and Facebook avoided billions of dollars in tax using offshore companies."
More leaks. More public displays by government, and more of the same old same old, nothing happened. But did you notice the names? Apple. Facebook. Disney. Have a look at BlackRock. They invest in the companies, and those companies use BlackRock. And then we have those same companies hiding money off shore. And the man behind it all? Larry Fink.
Just a few miles west of the airport, bankers and government officials were huddled in the offices of the New York Federal Reserve Bank to hash out the fates of three of the biggest financial institutions on Wall Street - namely, Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Merrill Lynch. Two of the troubled firms - Lehman Brothers and AIG - were BlackRock (BLK, Fortune 500) clients; Merrill Lynch was BlackRock's biggest shareholder. Fink made one final call before boarding. "Can I get on this plane?" he asked a colleague inside the meetings at the New York Fed. "You can go," came the response. When Fink landed in Singapore at 5 a.m. on Monday morning, he checked his BlackBerry and scanned the headlines: Lehman bankrupt, Merrill Lynch bought by Bank of America, AIG collapsing. "I felt like Charlton Heston landing on the Planet of the Apes," says Fink. "My world had transformed."
All I can think of is that last iconic scene in Planet of the Apes. Everything gone, and only a broken statue of liberty to act as a reminder of a world moved on. And make no mistake, it is moving on and we're being left behind. So we're supposed to believe that these companies are hiding money and the government’s can't find it. Yet Larry Fink takes calls from the Government and meets with Presidents? And his company works with these companies and invests in these companies?
Ladies and Gentlemen, they aren’t avoiding taxes, or hiding money from us, they are hiding money for the upcoming war and catastrophic events. The governments know damn well what's happening. BlackRock is part of the government. As are the corporations. Do you remember the DoD advisory board? Or how Bill Gates is funding the WHO and not the USA? Or that Space X by Elon Musk is performing missions for the military? The war were in doesn’t have boundaries, and therefore you can't have separation between civilian and military. If you did, you would be left at a disadvantage.
And do you really believe that with AI/Supercomputers like Aladdin, Sentinel, Prism, Gotham, Metropolis, and more, that the authorities don't know where all the revenue is? Give me a break. They don't want the public or an adversary to know.
Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock. He controls over 10% of the world's financial assets. He talks with President Trump. There's also this:
Larry Fink And His BlackRock Team Poised To Take Over Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Department. Fink has made clear his desire to become treasury secretary someday. The Obama administration had him on the short list to replace Timothy Geithner. When that didn’t materialize, he pulled several members of prior Treasury Departments into high-level positions at the firm, which may improve the prospects of realizing his dream in a future Clinton administration.
The man isn't connected to the government, he's a part of the government. We have been in a war footing for years. Why do you think the stock market didn't collapse when the economy shut down because of the pandemic? Because they had hidden reserves. They were appearing weak when they were strong. I believe they have been trying to bait China into a war. Or provoke them into a war by devastating their economy. They want this done before the environment gets worse and food and water start depleting. They don't want China to get stronger and become a real threat.
If you're new to series, then you need to read backwards, but just in case you don’t believe that the environmental collapse is coming, let me show you.
January 14, 2020.
The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance. Research from a wide range of organizations – including the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the BlackRock Investment Institute, and many others, including new studies from McKinsey on the socioeconomic implications of physical climate risk – is deepening our understanding of how climate risk will impact both our physical world and the global system that finances economic growth. Will cities, for example, be able to afford their infrastructure needs as climate risk reshapes the market for municipal bonds? What will happen to the 30-year mortgage – a key building block of finance – if lenders can’t estimate the impact of climate risk over such a long timeline, and if there is no viable market for flood or fire insurance in impacted areas? What happens to inflation, and in turn interest rates, if the cost of food climbs from drought and flooding? How can we model economic growth if emerging markets see their productivity decline due to extreme heat and other climate impacts?
It doesn't matter what you believe is causing abrupt climate change, just so long as you understand it's happening. They don't shape the military to get ready, and the boss of the largest investment firm on the planet doesn't issue warnings unless they know it's coming, or that something is coming.
And isn't it a coincidence that this letter and Millionaires Against Pitchforks came around when the first case of COVID-19 was reported on January 20th?
Stay tuned. I have more information than I can write, and I'll get to it as fast as I'm able to.
Take care. Be safe. Stay aware and be prepared. Talk soon.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

telling my mom

i've posted this on a couple of reddits but i thought i would post it here as well haha:
i'm 17 years old. 5 months ago in quarantine i was using a lofi youtube playlist to study, and it had a chat. i followed some people i like talking to on the chat on instagram (a public account i have with no personal information), and with one of them i had a conversation over dms one night. he is 16, he lives in Chile (i live in the US), and he wanted to learn English. he was using a translator during our whole conversation. i have had internet friends before in middle school. i talked to them very much, but i never told my parents who they were. i had other friends at the time and it never was a problem.
over the next few weeks, he would text me a "hey" or a "wassup" and we'd have a conversation. we would send audios and i would help him with pronunciation. after a few weeks, we called each other on discord. it was just a voice call, and it was very awkward because he barely had any practice having a conversation in English but i still found it fun. i realized after a few weeks that he was going to be somewhat of a permanent friend, at least until quarantine ended. we texted every night and even with the language and geographical difference, i never felt so close to someone. i felt understood, and we had similiar tastes and opinions. we sent each other songs and made playlists on spotify to listen to. i liked everything about him. we started calling about once or twice a week, and i would always wait till my parents were asleep and go in my closet with all of the lights turned off. we also used netflix party to watch movies together. and we started to video call as well. his english has improved drastically and he only occasionally uses the translator. we can call and video call and have good conversations, and slowly all of the awkwardness and hesitation has went away. now we are very close and he's become much more than a casual friend.
his family know about me. and they don't have a problem with him talking to me. it would be impossible for me to keep it from my family completely since we talk so much, so i told my mom that he goes to my school, and we're just friends. but, understandably, she has become concerned about who he is, having never seen him or heard of him before, and she has told me this a few times in different ways. i want to tell her everything, but i am very scared of how she will react. but i don't want to wait very much longer, because the longer she finds out i have kept this from her the worser her reaction will be. plus it is a lot of stress to keep something like this to myself.
my mom told me today she has no problem with me talking to boys as long as she knows them. but, she is also very conservative and i am not sure she would be very accepting of me talking to someone online. when i told her i was talking to people from different countries on the chat of the youtube video, she said to stop doing that because people can track your ip address. and i don't know what our relationship will look like after i tell my mom. but i really do wish to meet him once i am in college, and i would like her support when i do.
i guess what i'm asking is, i don't really know how i should began saying all of this. should i explain what happened chronologically so she will understand everything from my perspective? or be more straightforward and tell her the guy i am talking to is from Chile and not from my school? and is there anything i can say to her that would make her less anxious or worried? he said he is willing to talk to her on a video call. should i call him first and explain it to her with him on the call?
thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to read all of this
submitted by riyag27 to wemetonline [link] [comments]

Twelfth Night of Quarantine Virtual Library Program

Hello everyone!
I’m here to promote some of my library’s upcoming program since it’s transitioned to an online format. We’re doing lots of wonderful stuff this month, but a big event I wanted to share is our Twelfth Night of Quarantine where we’ll celebrate the Bard with tons of programs! Times for the events are in the Central time zone and any and all are welcome to attend, an email is the only requirement to register.
If you sometimes stumble when reading Shakespeare or just want to learn how to confidently speak the Bard’s words like an experienced thespian, then this is the program for you! The experts of Barebones Shakespeare will help provide an understanding of the language of the plays and tips on how to read lines aloud with gusto! Participants of this program can participate as readers or just as auditors. All participants will be able to ask questions about definitions, phrase meanings, pronunciations, or any other questions you may have about the language or delivery! The series will cover different works of Shakespeare, below are the dates and titles, follow their links to register!
Reading Shakespeare Like a Pro: "Richard the III" September 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Reading Shakespeare Like a Pro: "Romeo and Juliet" September 17 at 7:00 p.m.
Reading Shakespeare Like a Pro: "Twelfth Night" September 22 at 7:00 p.m.
Reading Shakespeare Like a Pro: "Hamlet" September 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Reading Shakespeare Like a Pro: "Midsummer Night's Dream" September 29 at 7:00 p.m.
On September 19th at 1:00 p.m. we’ll host an event with guest author, M. L. Rio, author of If We Were Villains! If you’re up to discuss books, Shakespeare, and books about Shakespeare, then please register here.
At 2:00 p.m. on September 26th we’ll host Representation, Where Art Thou? A Conversation About Shakespeare Experts Caleen Jennings, Ania Loomba and Alexa Alice Joubin will discuss with attendees everything from the representation of BIPOC in Shakespeare's work and productions to Shakespeare's texts in relation to both thespian and scholastic platforms in an honest and open discussion. You can register here.
At 12:00 p.m. on September 29th we’ll host author of the book Botanical Shakespeare, Gerit Quealy, will discuss the herbs found in Shakespeare’s writings and how you can grow in your own garden. You can register for that event here.
And on October 3rd at 7:00 p.m. we’ll examine the evidence and solve the case of W. Shakespeare, in the Twelfth Night of Quarantine: A Shakespearean Cold Case (A Murder Mystery) If you’re looking to solve the case you can register here
Thanks so much for your time and we hope to see you there!
submitted by ElDiabloAmarillo to Dallas [link] [comments]

Lauren and her father??

Watching Josiah & Lauren’s for the first time and I am so grossed out by her relationship with her dad. The first look they did together?? The multiple long forehead kisses and canoodling???? “Of all the years he has raised me up, and now.. he wouldn’t sell me for a million dollars but here he is giving me away“.. Bitch what???? I also absolutely can not stand the way she talks. All of the women on this show speak very oddly, like they genuinely only know about 50 words total and struggle to form each sentence. I honestly know 10-12 year olds with wider vocabularies and better pronunciation skills. It’s so sad and irritating. Does anyone else feel like they have to take breaks when watching episodes of Counting On because it can be so mind numbing, almost like a children’s show? I’m fairly new to this sub but I love it, thank you all for getting me through this quarantine
submitted by lotuseater428 to DuggarsSnark [link] [comments]

[TOMT] [Website] I need to find out the name of a website that allows you to type in a word and it will immediately show u YouTube clips with that word in it

I found this site back in spring 2020 while I was bored during quarantine. It is a website that when you type in a word, it will show u a multitude of video clips from YouTube with that word (not in the title of those clips, but within the content of the clips themselves). I think the purpose of this is to help with pronunciation or something?
submitted by beforetheshitstorm to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

Offering.: PORTUGUESE / Seeking: English/French

Hi, guys ! / OLÁ 👋🏾
My name is Pipa aka Paulo from Brazil, 27 years old, like everyone who is here I am passionate about languages ​​and I learned a little Spanish alone reading and talking through that past site called Livemocha and then on Busuu, but I'm far from fluent in fact I forgot a lot, I also took a French course and I really loved it, when I was about 15 years old, then when I was around 20 I dated for two years with a Frenchman, but still I didn't remember anything just the LOL numbers, luckily for me he speaks Portuguese perfectly. (and finally we don’t date anymore and we don’t even have contact anymore) / In this quarantine I decided to try to learn French again on my own but this time I found it very difficult, especially writing, but I am very good with pronunciation and it’s not something that scares me , I finally gave up temporarily. But after this long introduction I come here to say that I think I can teach PORTUGUESE to anyone who has the will to learn, I don't know how I will be able to teach and if I know how to teach more I can try, it will be something interesting I believe. The only problem is that I don't know how to speak English and it will be difficult to have some communication, maybe you who are interested in learning Portuguese can answer me. / anything contact me via Messages with the subject "LEARN PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS"
Abraços e beijos da Pipa !
submitted by pipadefaucigny to language_exchange [link] [comments]

17M I need help studying french.

Me and my friend wanted to learn French together, but then quarantine hit and now I have to do it alone online. And I'm really struggling, I do my assignments fine but I cant even attempt tests because theres so much practice stuff that I should be doing but I'm not. I'm hoping to find someone fluent in both french and English i need alot of help with pronunciation and a little help with more basic stuff.
And this isn't no duolingo or Rosetta stone type of thing I have an actual teacher who Mark's my assignments so I can't take my time and retry things as many times as I want I only get 1 attempt, and I'm starting to get behind so I like really need help. Even just help motivating and maybe like planning out what I need to go back and relearn. I'd Also like it if this could go a little longer term, it feels useless because after this semester I won't be learning french anymore so theres no way I'd learn enough for any of it to matter.
Anyways, any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by legendarybarryjr to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

An exercise to help on improvised descriptions

When I go for a walk or a bike ride, I tend to describe things around me as I go.
I do this from time to time, it helps me to improvise descriptions if need to in-game, to push my vocabulary so it doesn’t end up with lazy words/phrases and, since English is not my native language, to not have kind of a broken speech with weird pronunciations (not all my players are from my country).
As a bonus I live in a town that is near the sea, has a river, corn fields, historic monuments and some stylish houses, so the scenery changes with the seasons. Describing people is less frequent now since the quarantine started, but when I do I sometimes not only describe their appearance, I wonder what they'll do or where they're going "This old lady walking her dog, they maybe share a hatred for cats and plot against them". Also works on buildings "A river mill forgotten by time, with vines holding its falling stones, looking like it hides secrets at first glance".
Bringing a recorder helps. At the end I tend to remember every word and then compare with the recording. I should do it more often since I don’t get word by word most of the time.
submitted by El_Braun to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

quarantine pronunciation video

quarantine - pronunciation (American, British, Australian ... QUARANTINE - Meaning and Pronunciation - YouTube How to Pronounce Quarantine? (CORRECTLY) - YouTube How to pronounce Quarantine - YouTube How To Pronounce Quarantine - YouTube Quarantine - Medical Meaning and Pronunciation - YouTube

Quarantine definition is - a period of 40 days. How to use quarantine in a sentence. How to say quarantine in English? Pronunciation of quarantine with 4 audio pronunciations, 6 synonyms, 3 meanings, 15 translations, 26 sentences and more for quarantine. quarantine is pending pronunciation in: Record pronunciation for quarantine quarantine [ en - other ] Do you know how to pronounce quarantine? Random words: Tumblr , garage , coffee , pronunciation , aunt Definition of quarantine_1 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. quarantine pronunciation. How to say quarantine. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more. ‘a six-week quarantine’ ‘quarantine laws’ ‘For nearly one hundred years, bringing a pet into Britain involved a six month period in quarantine.’ ‘Patients are considered contagious and should remain in quarantine until all scabs separate.’ Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'quarantine':. Break 'quarantine' down into sounds: [KWORR] + [UHN] + [TEEN] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.; Record yourself saying 'quarantine' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Definition and synonyms of quarantine from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English pronunciation of quarantine. View American English pronunciation of quarantine. Quarantine definition: If a person or animal is in quarantine , they are being kept separate from other people... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'quarantine':. Break 'quarantine' down into sounds: [KWORR] + [UHN] + [TEEN] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.; Record yourself saying 'quarantine' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

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quarantine - pronunciation (American, British, Australian ...

How to pronounce quarantine? This video provides examples of American English pronunciations of quarantine by male and female speakers.In addition, it e... Quarantine Quarantine: A period of isolation decree... Listen and learn how to say Quarantine correctly, the word's meaning & definition with this "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. ... This is the #pronunciation of #quarantine in four #English dialects of American, British, Australian, and Welsh. Please note that these are typical pronuncia... Learn how to say Quarantine with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. Learn how to say Quarantine with Learn it with Radhika.

quarantine pronunciation

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