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Is It "Worth It" To Apply ED? - A Data Driven Analysis

I've seen several posts recently asking whether it's "worth it" to apply ED to a given school. I've helped several people figure this out, but so I won't have to write a eulogy to my inbox, here's how you can make that determination on your own, for every school on your list.

What is ED anyway?

Just Google it. No, don't do that - you'll get some targeted ads you didn't ask for. ED is early decision and it means you're applying early to a college, usually by November 1. It also means you are committing in advance to attend that college if they admit you. This is different from EA (Early Action) which merely gives you your results earlier, usually in December.
Note that with ED, there is generally a much higher acceptance rate because the college knows that they're your #1 choice and that you're serious about attending. They are willing to be a bit more flexible with various standards because of this. Importantly though, the value of ED on your admission odds varies a TON by college.
With EA there is generally only a marginal increase in admission odds, and most of that is explained by the higher number of legacy, recruited athlete, URM, or otherwise "hooked" applicants in the EA pool. The early pools tend to have higher average application quality as well because students who have their stuff together and plan ahead tend to also be organized and motivated when it comes to their school work, activities, and essays. The bottom line is that the biggest benefit of EA is usually that you find out sooner. If you get into your top choice EA, you may not even need to apply to any of your RD schools, saving a ton of time, effort, and money.

So how can I tell if ED is worth it? Isn't that just guesswork?

You can go to the Common Data Set (found by Googling "[College] Common Data Set") and look up the admission rates from ED and RD for the prior year. This will tell you how much easier it is to get in by applying ED. One great metric for tracking this is the ratio of ED admit rate to RD admit rate. If this number is less than about 1.4, then ED doesn't carry that much benefit. This is about the level that can be explained by the higher quality of the application pool and the hooked applicants. If it's over 3, then ED is a HUGE boost and you should definitely consider it.
One other metric you can track in a Common Data Set is the percentage of the incoming class filled during ED. If a college only fills 15% of their class ED, then they aren't really prioritizing it all that much. They're mostly just offering it as an option for people who want it. If they fill 40%+ then it's a huge part of how they build their student body, manage yield/enrollment, integrate "demonstrated interest" into their evaluations, and design their overall admissions process. It's a giant flashing sign that says "We want students who view us as their top choice and actually want to be here."

Can you show me an example?

Let's look at Dartmouth. They fill 48.2% of their incoming class during ED, which is HUGE. They also have an ED admit rate that is 3.8X higher than their RD admit rate (23.2% vs 6.1%). If it's the top choice on your list, you should absolutely consider applying ED.
Conversely, look at a school like University of Denver. They fill just 9% of their class during ED and their ED admit rate multiple is just 0.6X (36.8% in ED vs 59% in RD). So if you aren't hooked, ED feels like a worthless, or even harmful proposition. (Note that most colleges offer an advantage for ED, and it is often significant.)

This seems like a lot of research and work for all 15 colleges on my list. Any chance I can speed this up somehow?

I'm so glad you asked. Jeff Levy and Jennie Kent have a spreadsheet they produce every year with all of this data aggregated for you. You can find the sortable Excel sheet or static PDF here on their website for free:
This shows ED vs RD admit rates by college as well as the percent of their class that was filled ED. If a college has a significant difference in admit rate, then it might be worth applying ED if it's your top school. If not (or if it's negative), then just apply RD and keep your options open.

What about financial aid? I've heard ED can impact your aid and I need a lot of aid or college just isn't happening!

ED can definitely impact your aid offers. Even colleges that claim to meet 100% of demonstrated need, make that claim based on their assessment of your need, not yours. I've heard stories of "Hollywood accounting" or other issues that made some of these top colleges unaffordable for certain students. Many colleges do not give much, if any, merit aid to ED applicants because merit aid is generally regarded as a recruiting or "marketing" tool to be more competitive and be more enticing to certain students. With ED, you've already committed to attend, so there's no point in trying to lure you - they just have to give you the minimally affordable offer.
Remember also that if financial aid is a concern, an ED acceptance means you won't be able to shop around based on price. In Jeff's own words:
"If the cost of college is a significant factor in where you can enroll, then applying ED is a mistake. College is too expensive to gamble like that. Apply RD, compare offers, and enroll at the school that makes the most sense academically and financially."
I would maybe walk that back just a bit and say to do your research up front. I would also note that this mostly applies to upper middle class and middle class students. Most colleges that meet demonstrated need won't admit lower class students without understanding and committing to support them financially. Regardless, you should complete the college's Net Price Calculator to see what it indicates you should expect to pay. Save a copy of the results because you can use this to negotiate later or to ask to be released from your ED agreement if you can't afford to attend. Speaking of which...

What if I can't afford it after being admitted ED? How can I back out of my ED acceptance?

Contrary to popular belief, there are actually several ways to get out of an Early Decision acceptance. By far the most common is if your financial aid package doesn't work for you. This might be because the offer wasn't as big as what you needed or because your situation changed (e.g. a parent lost a job, etc). Colleges are usually VERY understanding of this and will try to come up with a financial aid package that works for you. If they can't, they will generally release you from the ED agreement quite willingly and amicably. If this is the case, make sure you communicate clearly with the college so that the timing and steps are all followed.
Most of the other reasons will be handled on a case by case basis. For example, if you had a family emergency (say your dad was injured in a car wreck and couldn't walk anymore and you wanted to go to college closer to home to help take care of him). Or if you got sick with something serious and needed special treatment. Or a wide variety of other life-altering things. Colleges understand that things change and life happens. They aren't in the business of making people suffer or be miserable. Note that these cases tend to be major events, and not just "oh I changed my mind."
That said, it will also depend on the college and how they choose to handle it. If you find yourself wanting to back out of ED, your best bet is to communicate with the college and try to work it out. Some colleges will release you from ED fairly willingly when you provide a reasonable explanation.
One other thing to clear up: breaking ED has no legal ramifications whatsoever. You can't be sued for breaking it and ED is just an agreement and not a legal contract. It's important to note however that breaking ED absolutely has consequences within the context and world of admissions. Many "peer colleges" communicate with each other and most guidance counselors will do their part to enforce the ED rules. So you could end up having your other acceptances rescinded.
Do NOT simply "ghost" the college or shut off communication. This is the surest way of getting a similarly cold and impersonal (or vindictive) response from the college.
Feel free to comment with any questions. Here are a few more insightful articles on backing out of an ED agreement:
submitted by ScholarGrade to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

Apex Fundamentals (Becoming a more consistent well rounded player)

Foreword: If this helps you, I'm glad. I'm no pro so don't expect anything crazy here. My mechanical skill is basic at best, If you’re looking to improve something like your aim, I recommend “Kovaak’s Aim Trainer”.
~ I just want to clarify. This is not a "How to win guide". It's simply to help build good habits. ~
Introduction - Video
I started making videos for a close friend of mine. We were both trying to get better with minimal playtime. His interest in my play-style, thoughts and theories is what inspired this. It seems this information could help others too. Mainly those who struggle and lose confidence after each unsuccessful run or simply when “Shit hits the fan”.
I urge you read through this thread first. However to ensure you do not miss my other write ups, I'll be listing them all here.
Avoiding Unnecessary Damage - Indepth
The 4 Major Phases (Fundamental Guide)
Apex Teamwork Fundamentals: Changing Your Mindset
Damage Over Healing - A Fundamental Look At "Healing in Combat"
Fundamental Guide on Positioning: Understanding Advantage & Control
Peek Awareness : Considering Your Options During Combat
Understanding Cover Test
Understanding Punish Windows Test
New Player Paralysis: Overcoming In-Game Anxieties
Team Awareness & Communication Exercise Pack: Bait and Switching
Glossary of Apex Fundamentalist’s Terminology


The point of this document is to simplify your decision making to very simple, but effective train of thought in the heat of combat. Hopefully preventing or lessening bad decisions, due to being under pressure. This isn’t about becoming a master of anything specific. Such as the character you use, or mastering your favourite map. If anything it’s about becoming a master of “basic fundamental” play. Which in my opinion is what all struggling players lack... Fundamentals.
Below you will find a series of examples videos, showing in game what some of these tips look like within a match. Along side these clips I'll do my best to provide commentary to make things easier to digest. Forgive me as the footage is very basic. The point of these aren’t to make cool engaging content. It’s purely for me to communicate my thoughts, and show ingame examples of what I have written in this thread. This is about a delivery of knowledge and ideas.
My question was “So what do fundamentals in Apex look like?” To find and understand the answer to this, I decided to take a look into the most common attributes of Apex Legends. Specifically thinking... ”In an average game, what often happens and what can I do to beat it?”
Below I have tried to share what I believe are some serious factors to think about. I fear that the better I become, the harder it’ll be to provide first hand footage. I say this because, I‘ve noticed myself ironing out these habits pretty fast. Showing the solution is way less effective, than highlighting the mistakes in my opinion. In general I'll try to show my mistakes before hand, so the solution clips make more sense.

Common Mistakes / Bad Habits

Mistake 01: Receiving Unnecessary Damage in shootouts Example (New) / Example (Old)
The most common times this happens is when you:
  1. Decide to return fire when being shot upon. (Return Fire)
  2. Shoot at an enemy, and proceed to shoot once they react and shoot back. (Trade Fire)
  3. Challenge an opponent. Basically when you do not “choose” to back down from a fight.
Solution: Build the habit of “Backing Down” / “Taking Cover” once an enemy looks/aims/fires at you. This sounds very simple, but it takes great discipline at first. Click the links below for ingame examples of this.
Strafing is something you want to do when you’re out of options. Taking cover is the absolute best way to avoid bullets... right?
For more information on this, please read the Avoiding Unnecessary Damage - Indepth guide.

Mistake 02: Missed Opportunities Video Example
Not knowing when the most safe and effective time to attack or push is during combat. If you find that in most of your games, you’re the last man standing before you even get to fire a shot. It’s probably safe to say, you’re missing a lot of opportunities to fight back that your teammates create.
Solution: Pay close attention to your enemy and team. Fire back while the enemy is focused on another target. Immediately take cover when you’re the focus when possible.
This seems to be my favourite of the fundamentals to master. Expect lots of examples to be based on this idea. I often find myself wishing I were a bit quicker when trying to apply this concept. Do not try to be in two places at once, some opportunites are simply our of reach or too dangerous to take advantage of.

Mistake 03: Dangerous Looting
This common mistake often happens when you first drop with enemies nearby. Often picking up everything you see in hopes that you’re comfortable before any engagement happens.
Solution: Upon dropping prioritise these 3 objectives.
If you enter a room that doesn’t have any of these in sight, become Sonic and run to another place. Spending time picking up items that won’t help you once that inevitable fight starts will only have you cursing “There was no loot" and how unlucky you were. When maybe you should have turned around and tried another spot instead of picking up everything in that room. This is a hard habit to notice, but very easy to break.

General Combat Knowledge

Baiting And Switching (With Randoms)
This is simply you taking advantage of what we covered above, but being hyper sensitive and vigilant about it. If you’re lucky enough to have experienced teammates, you’ll end up creating what I’m going to call a “Bait and Switch Vortex”.
This method of combat seems to be ideal, especially when you’re not too confident in making advanced plays. The two key attributes you will need to excel with this fundamental are AWARENESS and PATIENCE.
Awareness regarding:
Patience regarding:
If your team decides to fireback, this increases your chances to also fire shots without being aimed at. The moment you sense being fired upon, return to your cover. If this is done successfully then you performed a very handsome “Bait and Switch”. If you manage to repeat the process multiple times on the same target, this is what I like to call the Bait and Switch Vortex.
The Vortex should happen naturally if you’re paying attention. Your teammates will also take cover and then return fire once you take the heat ffrom them... (For the most part). It’s very difficult to deal with for the opponent who’s bent on "out gunning" you. This is easier to perform than you may think. If you’re struggling, work on your positioning around your team and be "Aware & Patient".
If you get rushed down constantly, I’d say you’re probably in a positions where your team couldn’t return fire while the enemy focuses on killing you. This goes back to being aware of your teammates throughout this ordeal.
Extra Notes:
Your teammates often do not communicate what they plan to do, often they probably don’t even know since we play with intuition and feeling. It takes a mere second for them to shoot then run away from the fight, leaving you free to be rushed down. It is your job to be aware and notice their behaviour in a fight.

Understanding Crosshair Placement

When it comes to your aim/accuracy believe me when I say “Tracking isn’t everything”. It’s in our nature to want to land every single bullet. Often we end up moving our crosshair trying to match the target’s movements as close as possible ending up with a total mess. I suffer from this too. However! In some very familiar scenarios which used to haunt me, I’m able to execute a different approach.
Firstly imho... We are dealing with a lot of relatively slow projectile speeds. To account for this, we’re going to attempt in increasing our success rate with focused intuition and educated guesswork.
Common Scenario: At Mid toLong range distance, an opponent strafes in and out near cover, peek shooting but never fully going behind that cover. Trying to track his movements left and right, you’re most likely going to miss most of these shots due to projectile mechanics. (This is just scenario, not every situation)
Solution: Pinpoint a spot or a general area your target is strafing in and out of. Keep this area tight! Then fire your shots there. Effectiveness is increased the more you understand what your opponent’s strafe pattern or intention is. This concept may be easier to understand if you imagine trying to shoot a strafing target through a door or window. This is also applicable when the target is strafing at a distance without any cover.
Know when to track your shots and when not to. The further your target is, the more predicting you’ll be doing than actual tracking and clicking. It’s ok to let them bullets fly, a great weapon to practice this with is the G7 Scout.
Extra Info: Everyone can apply this, it’s more about knowing “when” to apply it. This does have its uses even at very close distances. However it’s main purpose is when you’re dealing with longer ranged targets... Composure is your friend.

General Aiming: Habits
Here I'm going to share basic ideas of what I believe is the cause of some bad aiming habits. Also what we can do to improve it.
Shakey Aim
Here's a clip of what I'm trying to eliminate. Example.
After doing a simple exercise routine for only 5 - 10mins before I play, I noticed some significant improvements. Example 01 - Example 02
There are many factors I believe that makes a player shake his aim when trying to track a target. Though I'm not 100% sure, here is what I believe happens to me:
The problem is! When tackled in this manner, these two objectives do not go well together.
Solution: Get used to the feeling of controlling the recoil, both mentally and physically. To do this follow this simple exercise. "Must Watch"
After a few successful "One Clip" attempts, you should start to understand how much force is ever going to be needed to control your recoil. Thus all or efforts can now be placed on tracking and calmly adjusting to the target. This knowledge will not improve your clicking or tracking if it is already sub par, however it could help clean up some messy moments if you find yourself still having them.
Here's footage of me doing this. Example

Positioning During Combat

Being able to understand positioning comes down to your ability of analysing any current situation and your “options”.
Think of it this way. A good position should typically consist of these factors:
Always be aware of your environmental cover and use it as much as possible.
Whether you have a good or bad position will change depending on where your team is and where your opponents are. Whoever has the most options, most likely will have the better position. Your aim is to constantly adjust your position to increase the odds in your favour. You’ll find that your positioning in conjunction with your teammates, is what creates good positions more than the actual environment.
A great way to “Check” an opponent is to place yourself in a position where they fight on your terms only. Though this is not always possible, in some cases you can seize control very convincingly if you’re quick enough to notice the opportunity.
What happens in Chess when your opponent "Checks" you? Same thing in Apex, you’re forced to move.
For More information on this please click here.

Understanding The Flow Of Combat

In other words, respect for the game. Almost always whenever you engage with the enemy, the only way to successfully win that particular engagement, all depends on the mistakes "they" make. You’re constantly looking for opportunities to punish, and throughout the game you are also being punished for your own mistakes. The moment you “lose yourself”, you increase your chances of self destruction.
The example clips below are all from the same match. It’ll showcase my efforts to understand the current situation during the match. Also while using voice chat to relay my actions and concerns over the mic. (I was never sure if they could hear or understand me, however they played very well.) In the last clip, notice how I “Over Peek'' and "challenge". This essentially ended up losing us the game. I in a sense “lost myself” due to the pressure. To which the Apex gods looked down upon thee and punished thy nonsense! This is common to Apex and won’t be changing anytime soon. If you start to understand this and work towards gaining discipline and composure, my best guess is it will start paying off immensely.

If evenly matched or very close in skill level, your ability to stay alive, be patient and play accordingly in a stalemate, is probably going to be your biggest asset. Especially the higher your level of games become. Actively trying to punish your opponents will become second nature. Focus on your fundamentals. You wont be able to improve if you play too safe/passive. Like anything in life you will have to take action. Your accumulated experience will eventually turn into performance.
In the clip below, watch it and try to notice where the basic fundamentals are used. Focus on all players, me, my team and also the opponents. By now the basics should be easier to digest.
If it makes you feel better, I’m working on ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I’ve written in this thread... I’m struggling too. This game is amazing and depressing at the same time lol.
For more information on this please click here.

Putting it All Together (Damage/Action Over Healing)

Now this one isn’t easy, it’ll rely heavily on your mechanical skill AND very heavily on how well you can avoid incoming damage. The entirety of your understanding regarding the fundamentals will be tested to your absolute fullest, and will probably have you more focused on the game than your RP or stats.
This section will imply “Action” being more important than healing. However the ambiguity of these moments might be the hardest thing to comprehend. Choosing to act over healing might be the most uncomfortable feeling when starting out.
Moments of Rest - How many times have we been downed while healing? How many times have you shot a player who’s healing? Plenty right? Join the club.
Well this topic has a bit of ambiguity sprinkled all over it. Whether you should heal to have the upper hand, vs being ready to shoot all depends on… You guessed it. Your opponents and enemy’s actions. Breaking the habit of healing is a tough one, as having more health, seems to generally be the smarter and safer play. Or is it? Ultimately the decision whether or not you should heal, will all depend on your judgment. But through trial and error, we should be able to get a decent understanding of the dos and don'ts.
Example 01 - w/Commentary
Example 02 - w/Commentary
Example 03
If your actions begin to feel more mathematical or calculated… Congratulations! You’re most likely building a great understanding of all of this and are already able to be a consistent contender in most of your matches.
Extra Notes: At times there will be moments of “inevitable death”, either of you or your opponent. I believe your main goal should be, to have as much health as possible before this moment is apparent. Your job is to play in a way that will gain the advantage before these moments are created. Lessening the risk and gamble factor of going into fights evenly matched. This will require a great understanding of how and when to fight, throughout the entirety of your match. Again… this one is tough.
For more information on this please click here.


When to Break Fundamentals / Making plays
As you get better, more confident and built some strong familiarisation with situations, you’ll be more equip to bend or break these fundamentals due to other factors. Luckily there is a safeway to practice this by understanding the risk/reward involved.
The most basic of plays would be to aggressively charge an opponent, disregarding everything written above because the odds are in your favor such as, they’re the last member alive and your team is only a second away.
Whatever it may be, your comfort will be determined by how high the “Risk Factor” is. If failing a play means your team gets eliminated, well you’re going to feel some serious stress. Breaking fundamentals will come naturally as you improve as a player. Understanding your fundamentals will naturally increase your gamesense and understanding regarding this topic.

Self Analysis and Theory Crafting
In this section to show you how I go about analysing my experience in apex legends. With the NVIDIA GeForce App, I can effortlessly save the last 3 mins of my screen time with a simple click of a button.
After each death or encounter, I can simply tap this button and have it ready for viewing after the match. It’s always good to review a clip right after the game. Simply because you will have a much easier time recalling your thoughts and emotion on the matter, rather than if you did it after a series of games or a completely different day.
Hopefully this will shed some light on the reality of what learning and analysing looks like. This is important because you may be on the right track already, but if you base it all upon your K/D or win ratio, you’ll end up missing the point and probably feeling frustrated. The more mistakes you make, the more opportunities there are for improvement. You’ll have to be your own support, allow yourself to fail and also encourage creativity. Ideas and theories are good, keep them! What might not work now may become your only option in the future. Think of your process as creating ideas, not rules. If some of these ideas happen to work consistently, then you can consider making it a rule.
Feel free to create your own terminology. An easy way for you to self talk while you’re playing can be a powerful tool, to help free you from tunnel vision.
This might be the most important part of this thread. As it will assist you in helping yourself and ultimately build your confidence as a player in the long run.

Spot the Fundamentals

Become a great observer! Go off and watch games of your favourite players. Try to point out where some of these fundamentals are used and why. Regardless of skill, you'll see they often apply these fundamentals. Especially in those competitive tournaments. Feel free to use my clips below.
Spot The Fundamentals Playlist
Don't just watch them, analyse and point out where I did and did not apply the fundamentals. This actually a great way to practice. Critique my gameplay and figure out what was fundamentally right or wrong.
Note: I'll be updating (editing) this post as time goes on. Be sure to save/bookmark this page if you're interested. I always and only play ranked lol. Who knows how much this shall grow. Feel free to message me here or DM I'll do my best to respond. I'm just like you, I'm not an amazing player so if I can find "some" success, so can you.
submitted by ApexAndArt to apexuniversity [link] [comments]

CFE Tips & Tricks

Hey Accounting! Another “CFE Advice” post, but I’m trying to put a different spin on this one to avoid redundancy with the other 100+ CFE posts on reddit. When I was studying (FYI I had 2 weeks off, so efficiency was paramount for me) I found that the major sources of information and advice had a lot of over-lap: Time management, case-practice etc. is all important and covered ad nauseum all over the place. So, this post is NOT intended to explain the CFE to you (it would be redundant for me to do that, CFE info is EVERYWHERE), this is supposed to supplement that knowledge with some tips and tricks I learned on my own and would have loved use right from the start of my prep-work. If none of this info seems useful to you, my advice would be to return to this post after you’ve done some due diligence on the CFE and perhaps have written a few practice cases. If you still this post is useless, then it sounds like you’re well on your way to creating a system you’re confident with. This is all free of charge and only meant to help you! Of course these tips won't guarantee you a pass, but they will absolutely increase the chance of a pass right away. Immediate gratification! Read on:
Tip 2a: Folio Views
Tip 2b: Knotia
Time-management is one of the most popular topics you’ll hear about from successful writers. Here is how I ensured I stayed within time constraint when writing a case:
Below are a couple of my thoughts on common advice:
1. Templates – These are critical and can be created for just about every part of day 1, 2 and 3. Here are some of my templates:
Day 1:
Situational Analysis:
Analysis of 3 or 4 MAJOR issues
Operating Issues (Strengths, weaknesses and/or a minor quant, nothing super formal)
Final conclusion
Day 2 & 3 won’t have a consistent structure like day 1, you’re doing a lot of isolated Identification – Analysis – Recommendation. However here is a quick template you can use for FR depth which is typically a topic of contention within Cap 2. When you see an FR AO, your analysis section should address all of the following if it’s possible:
2. An excel-based study schedule – After I had a general understanding of the CFE, I outlined my entire study schedule which was a mixture of case-writing, technical review & cue cards. This gave me confidence that I was touching on all testable topics, I could program in breaks and days off, and it held me accountable. If I was moving fast that particular day it also gave me the opportunity to finish my work quickly and not feel guilty about closing my computer and shutting off for the day. I’ll be the first to admit that this advice is common, but if you would like the file that I created to use as a template then DM me.
3. My Day 2 outline system - You’re going to hear about paper-based outlining, digital outlines, and no outlines. Here is my system for day 2 outlining which ensured that I was hitting absolutely everything.
a. Put Microsoft word on bullet-points. When you see an AO, write what they want down as a bullet, including the page number.
b. Now, using the sub-bullets, your job is to park all information you want to include or need to know in order to answer that AO. That could be physical points you want to include in your answer, or simply where relevant info is in the exam. INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS, that’s critical. You see, CPA will scatter information around the exam. They may provide an AO on page 1, and the information you need to solve it is on pages 3, 5, 9 etc. What you’re doing here is chronicling the exam. You aren’t going to have much time to locate the same info twice, so using this system you’re giving yourself a route map for each AO. I also loved doing this because if I see an AO like board governance, I could immediately jot down (again, using the sub-bullets) the e-book topics I knew would score me points (ex. Odd number of members, diverse backgrounds, someone with a CPA background, frequent meetings, accurate quantitative and qualitative data, recording meeting minutes etc. etc.), and use that as a template for my answer on that AO
c. Once you’ve done this for all AOs, highlight all the text red
d. Now, when you start writing your answer, you have an itemized list of everything they want to see. You basically only need to refer to the case for financial statements or whatever you included page numbers for. You’ve just condensed this exam by a boat-load. Don’t be one of the student writers that finishes reading the exam with more questions than when they started reading. This method forces you to get writing immediately.
e. Once you’ve included the information from your outline in your answer, you can now highlight that sub-point (from step “b”) green (I suppose you can also just delete it, but I liked having a record of my outline). When you’ve touched on all sub-points, you can color the text of that whole AO in your outline green. This ensures that all the information you pulled from your read-through has made it to your answer. I cannot tell you how many times I heard someone say they forgot to include important points in their answer even though they noticed them during their read-through. You’re doing a lot, very quickly, so this ensures you touch on everything
f. At the end, all your AO identification and sub-points from step “b” should have started as red text, and now be green text indicating that point has been addressed in your answer.
g. Side note to PM writers. This method works extremely well for AOs like SWOT, Risk-mitigation-recommendation. When you see that’s what they want, you physically create a SWOT template, then slot in the points into your outline as you see them when you’re reading the exam.
4. Creating a debrief sheet using answer keys. Why didn’t I use these earlier? When you submit your case, it will be marked against an assessment guide, which are remarkably consistent between cases, especially for financial reporting AOs. For example, business combinations. I struggled with one of these AOs, but I looked at the assessment guides and realized they’re almost always looking for the same criteria to score points on a business combination AO, example:
  1. Has CONTROL been obtained
2 Has a BUSINESS been acquired (integrated operations to produce outputs)
  1. Conclude on if business combination (If so, recognize IDENTIFIABLE ASSETS & LIABILITIES at FV on acquisition date, as well as goodwill and NCI (if any)
  2. Analyze what their IDENTIFIABLE assets and liabilities are (use definition as criteria)
  3. Calculate GOODWILL
  4. Adjusting journal entry
  5. Impact on the users
· So, I have an excel file that tracked all this information - it was mostly sourced from CPACanada study tools which you should have access to. In short I'm referring to an xls table where each row would be the case, the AO, the topic tested, my score, brief notes on why I didn’t score better, then an area to input your own template so the next time you see that topic you can dump the case facts into your own template. I started this tool late in the game, maybe 2 weeks before I wrote the exam, but I WISH I started this when I began writing cases. It’s so nice to know exactly where you went wrong at a glance, and also by including AO topics you can return to cases and work on topics you’re weak on. In other words, if I wanted practice on impairment, I could use this table to identify which cases test impairment and jump right into them.
submitted by CFEHelper2021 to Accounting [link] [comments]

The Economist: "Value investing is struggling to remain relevant"

Found this to be an excellent read and would love to hear what /investing has to say. Full article below:

It is now more than 20 years since the Nasdaq, an index of technology shares, crashed after a spectacular rise during the late 1990s. The peak in March 2000 marked the end of the internet bubble. The bust that followed was a vindication of the stringent valuation methods pioneered in the 1930s by Benjamin Graham, the father of “value” investing, and popularised by Warren Buffett. For this school, value means a low price relative to recent profits or the accounting (“book”) value of assets. Sober method and rigour were not features of the dotcom era. Analysts used vaguer measures, such as “eyeballs” or “engagement”. If that was too much effort, they simply talked up “the opportunity”.
Plenty of people sense a replay of the dotcom madness today. For much of the past decade a boom in America’s stockmarket has been powered by an elite of technology (or technology-enabled) shares, including Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. The value stocks favoured by disciples of Graham have generally languished. But change may be afoot. In the past week or so, fortunes have reversed. Technology stocks have sold off. Value stocks have rallied, as prospects for a coronavirus vaccine raise hopes of a quick return to a normal economy. This might be the start of a long-heralded rotation from overpriced tech to far cheaper cyclicals—stocks that do well in a strong economy. Perhaps value is back.
This would be comforting. It would validate a particular approach to valuing companies that has been relied upon for the best part of a century by some of the most successful investors. But the uncomfortable truth is that some features of value investing are ill-suited to today’s economy. As the industrial age gives way to the digital age, the intrinsic worth of businesses is not well captured by old-style valuation methods, according to a recent essay by Michael Mauboussin and Dan Callahan of Morgan Stanley Investment Management.
The job of stockpicking remains to take advantage of the gap between expectations and fundamentals, between a stock’s price and its true worth. But the job has been complicated by a shift from tangible to intangible capital—from an economy where factories, office buildings and machinery were key to one where software, ideas, brands and general know-how matter most. The way intangible capital is accounted for (or rather, not accounted for) distorts measures of earnings and book value, which makes them less reliable metrics on which to base a company’s worth. A different approach is required—not the flaky practice of the dotcom era but a serious method, grounded in logic and financial theory. However, the vaunted heritage of old-school value investing has made it hard for a fresher approach to gain traction.

Graham’s cracker

To understand how this investment philosophy became so dominant, go back a century or so to when equity markets were still immature. Prices were noisy. Ideas about value were nascent. The decision to buy shares in a particular company might by based on a tip, on inside information, on a prejudice, or gut feel. A new class of equity investors was emerging. It included far-sighted managers of the endowment funds of universities. They saw that equities had advantages over bonds—notably those backed by mortgages, railroads or public utilities—which had been the preferred asset of long-term investors, such as insurance firms.
This new church soon had two doctrinal texts. In 1934 Graham published “Security Analysis” (with co-author David Dodd), a dense exposition of number-crunching techniques for stockpickers. Another of Graham’s books is easier to read and perhaps more influential. “The Intelligent Investor”, first published in 1949, ran in revised editions right up until (and indeed beyond) Graham’s death in 1976. The first edition is packed with sage analysis, which is as relevant today as it was 70 years ago.
Underpinning it all is an important distinction—between the price and value of a stock. Price is a creature of fickle sentiment, of greed and fear. Intrinsic value, by contrast, depends on a firm’s earnings power. This in turn derives from the capital assets on its books: its factories, machines, office buildings and so on.
The approach leans heavily on company accounts. The valuation of a stock should be based on a conservative multiple of future profits, which are themselves based on a sober projection of recent trends. The book value of the firm’s assets provides a cross-check. The past might be a crude guide to the future. But as Graham argued, it is a “more reliable basis of valuation than some other future plucked out of the air of either optimism or pessimism”. As an extra precaution, investors should seek a margin of safety between the price paid for a stock and its intrinsic value, to allow for any errors in the reckoning. The tenets of value investing were thus established. Be conservative. Seek shares with a low price-earnings or price-to-book ratio.
The enduring status of his approach owes more to Graham as tutor than the reputation he enjoyed as an investor. Graham taught a class on stockpicking at Columbia University. His most famous student was Mr Buffett, who took Graham’s investment creed, added his own twists and became one of the world’s richest men. Yet the stories surrounding Mr Buffett’s success are as important as the numbers, argued Aswath Damodaran of New York University’s Stern School of Business in a recent series of YouTube lectures on value investing. The bold purchase of shares in troubled American Express in 1964; the decision to dissolve his partnership in 1969, because stocks were too dear; the way he stoically sat out the dotcom mania decades later. These stories are part of the Buffett legend. The philosophy of value investing has been burnished by association.
It helped also that academic finance gave a back-handed blessing to value investing. An empirical study in 1992 by Eugene Fama, a Nobel-prize-winning finance theorist, and Kenneth French found that volatility, a measure of risk, did not explain stock returns between 1963 and 1990, as academic theory suggested it should. Instead they found that low price-to-book shares earned much higher returns over the long run than high price-to-book shares. One school of finance, which includes these authors, concluded that price-to-book might be a proxy for risk. For another school, including value investors, the Fama-French result was evidence of market inefficiency—and a validation of the value approach.
All this has had a lasting impact. Most investors “almost reflexively describe themselves as value investors, because it sounds like the right thing to say”, says Mr Damodaran. Why would they not? Every investor is a value investor, even if they are not attached to book value or trailing earnings as the way to select stocks. No sane person wants to overpay for stocks. The problem is that “value” has become a label for a narrow kind of analysis that often confuses means with ends. The approach has not worked well for a while. For much of the past decade, value stocks have lagged behind the general market and a long way behind “growth” stocks, their antithesis (see chart 1). Old-style value investing looks increasingly at odds with how the economy operates.
In Graham’s day the backbone of the economy was tangible capital. But things have changed. What makes companies distinctive, and therefore valuable, is not primarily their ownership of physical assets. The spread of manufacturing technology beyond the rich world has taken care of that. Any new design for a gadget, or garment, can be assembled to order by contract manufacturers from components made by any number of third-party factories. The value in a smartphone or a pair of fancy athletic shoes is mostly in the design, not the production.
In service-led economies the value of a business is increasingly in intangibles—assets you cannot touch, see or count easily. It might be software; think of Google’s search algorithm or Microsoft’s Windows operating system. It might be a consumer brand like Coca-Cola. It might be a drug patent or a publishing copyright. A lot of intangible wealth is even more nebulous than that. Complex supply chains or a set of distribution channels, neither of which is easily replicable, are intangible assets. So are the skills of a company’s workforce. In some cases the most valuable asset of all is a company’s culture: a set of routines, priorities and commitments that have been internalised by the workforce. It can’t always be written down. You cannot easily enter a number for it into a spreadsheet. But it can be of huge value all the same.

A beancounter’s nightmare

There are three important aspects to consider with respect to intangibles, says Mr Mauboussin: their measurement, their characteristics, and their implications for the way companies are valued. Start with measurement. Accounting for intangibles is notoriously tricky. The national accounts in America and elsewhere have made a certain amount of progress in grappling with the challenge. Some kinds of expenditure that used to be treated as a cost of production, such as r&d and software development, are now treated as capital spending in gdp figures. The effect on measured investment rates is quite marked (see chart 2). But intangibles’ treatment in company accounts is a bit of a mess. By their nature, they have unclear boundaries. They make accountants queasy. The more leeway a company has to turn day-to-day costs into capital assets, the more scope there is to fiddle with reported earnings. And not every dollar of r&d or advertising spending can be ascribed to a patent or a brand. This is why, with a few exceptions, such spending is treated in company accounts as a running cost, like rent or electricity.
The treatment of intangibles in mergers makes a mockery of this. If, say, one firm pays $2bn for another that has $1bn of tangible assets, the residual $1bn is counted as an intangible asset—either as brand value, if that can be appraised, or as “goodwill”. That distorts comparisons. A firm that has acquired brands by merger will have those reflected in its book value. A firm that has developed its own brands will not.
The second important aspect of intangibles is their unique characteristics. A business whose assets are mostly intangible will behave differently from one whose assets are mostly tangible. Intangible assets are “non-rival” goods: they can be used by lots of people simultaneously. Think of the recipe for a generic drug or the design of a semiconductor. That makes them unlike physical assets, whose use by one person or for one kind of manufacture precludes their use by or for another.
In their book “Capitalism Without Capital” Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake provided a useful taxonomy, which they call the four Ss: scalability, sunkenness, spillovers and synergies. Of these, scalability is the most salient. Intangibles can be used again and again without decay or constraint. Scalability becomes turbo-charged with network effects. The more people use a firm’s services, the more useful they are to other customers. They enjoy increasing returns to scale; the bigger they get, the cheaper it is to serve another customer. The big business successes of the past decade—Google, Amazon and Facebook in America; and Alibaba and Tencent in China—have grown to a size that was not widely predicted. But there are plenty of older asset-light businesses that were built on such network effects—think of Visa and Mastercard. The result is that industries become dominated by one or a few big players. The same goes for capital spending. A small number of leading firms now account for a large share of overall investment (see chart 3).
Physical assets usually have some second-hand value. Intangibles are different. Some are tradable: you can sell a well-known brand or license a patent. But many are not. You cannot (or cannot easily) sell a set of relationships with suppliers. That means the costs incurred in creating the asset are not recoverable—hence sunkenness. Business and product ideas can easily be copied by others, unless there is some legal means, such as a patent or copyright, to prevent it. This characteristic gives rise to spillovers from one company to another. And ideas often multiply in value when they are combined with other ideas. So intangibles tend to generate bigger synergies than tangible assets.
The third aspect of intangibles to consider is their implications for investors. A big one is that earnings and accounting book value have become less useful in gauging the value of a company. Profits are revenues minus costs. If a chunk of those costs are not running expenses but are instead spending on intangible assets that will generate future cashflows, then earnings are understated. And so, of course, is book value. The more a firm spends on advertising, r&d, workforce training, software development and so on, the more distorted the picture is.
The distinction between a running expense and investment is crucial for securities analysis. An important part of the stock analyst’s job is to understand both the magnitude of investment and the returns on it. This is not a particularly novel argument, as Messrs Mauboussin and Callahan point out. It was made nearly 60 years ago in a seminal paper by Merton Miller and Francesco Modigliani, two Nobel-prize-winning economists. They divided the value of a company into two parts. The first—call it the “steady state”—assumes that that the company can sustain its current profits into the future. The second is the present value of future growth opportunities—essentially what the firm might become. The second part depends on the firm’s investment: how much it does, the returns on that investment and how long the opportunity lasts. To begin to estimate this you have to work out the true rate of investment and the true returns on that investment.
The nature of intangible assets makes this a tricky calculation. But worthwhile analysis is usually difficult. “You can’t abdicate your responsibility to understand the magnitude of investment and the returns to it,” says Mr Mauboussin. Old-style value investors emphasise the steady state but largely ignore the growth-opportunities part. But for a youngish company able to grow at an exponential rate by exploiting increasing returns to scale, the future opportunity will account for the bulk of valuation. For such a firm with a high return on investment, it makes sense to plough profits back into the firm—and indeed to borrow to finance further investment.
Picking winners in an intangible economy—and paying a price for stocks commensurate with their chances of success—is not for the faint-hearted. Some investments will be a washout; sunkenness means some costs cannot be recovered. Network effects give rise to winner-takes-all or winner-takes-most markets, in which the second-best firm is worth a fraction of the best. Value investing seems safer. But the trouble with screening for stocks with a low price-to-book or price-to-earnings ratio is that it is likelier to select businesses whose best times are behind them than it is to identify future success.

Up, up and away

Properly understood, the idea of fundamental value has not changed. Graham’s key insight was that price will sometimes fall below intrinsic value (in which case, buy) and sometimes will rise above it (in which case, sell). In an economy mostly made up of tangible assets you could perhaps rely on a growth stock that had got ahead of itself to be pulled back to earth, and a value stock that got left behind to eventually catch up. Reversion to the mean was the order of the day. But in a world of increasing returns to scale, a firm that rises quickly will often keep on rising.
The economy has changed. The way investors think about valuation has to change, too. This is a case that’s harder to make when the valuation differential between tech and value stocks is so stark. A correction at some stage would not be a great surprise. The appeal of old-style value investing is that it is tethered to something concrete. In contrast, forward-looking valuations are by their nature more speculative. Bubbles are perhaps unavoidable; some people will extrapolate too far. Nevertheless, were Ben Graham alive today he would probably be revising his thinking. No one, least of all the father of value investing, said stockpicking was easy.
submitted by panoramicsummer to investing [link] [comments]

Frozen Homes Pt 42 : Solo Performance

Lots of interruptions today but managed to finish the chapter.

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As always comments welcome.
Thanks for reading and I Hope you enjoy this chapter.


Srettia exited the changing room and held her arms awkwardly out to her sides, paying close attention to the three females in front of her as she did so. " It feels like it's a bit tight around my waist, and these leg coverings are a bit itchy."
Caithen stared at Srettia in astonishment, turning to the clerk who seemed to be clapping happily. "How does an alien who's never worn anything other than zeroG suits wear this better than ninety percent of Terran women?"
The clerk looked back and smiled. "Her people have good hips to leg ratio and good back structure. Must be due to the tail. Not to mention her colour works well with the outfit."
Ankiah laughed at the statement and turned back to the T posing Srettia. "Well, I don't have the hips to pull that off, But it definitely looks better than I thought it would, for two colours that is."
Srettia frowned as she patted her outfit down and turned to look at herself in the mirror. "It has fake pockets. Why aren't there any pockets on this outfit?"
Caithen let out a hearty laugh and turned back to the clerk who was doing her best to contain herself. "Haven't we been asking that same question for two thousand years now?"
The clerk taped some icons on her pad and walked over to her counter. "Well, I don't know where you picked those stocking up, but they go well with the set. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"
Srettia began reaching for her top, only to have her hand lightly slapped away by Ankiah, who looked over to the clerk with a smile. "I think we're good. Maybe a bag for her raggy space clothes."
Srettia looked at Ankiah in shock. Putting her foot down and giving her a disapproving look as she practised moving in the somewhat restraining garments. "My clothes are well maintained. I'll have you know."
Caithen bit her lip as Ankiah waved her off. "Yeah, that's not what she meant, though."
Srettia grabbed the bag with her clothes in it and waved them out of the store. "Let's head back to the ship. It's getting late."
Viscia happily watched Tanda as he worked on inserting the gen-two strange matter conductor into the receptor unit, leaking a bit as he carefully slid the unit into its place. Upon hearing a gentle click, she watched as he put a bit of his weight on the conductor before stepping back to admiring his work. "You're leaking again."
Tanda wiped his brow and turned to look at the blue scientist. "Well, it a bit warmer than usual in here thanks to a certain someone."
Viscia tasted the air and let out her approximation of a Terran smile. "Well, I'm not complaining. I find the taste quite charming."
"Will you two cease the flirtatious speak. We are in the middle of important calibrations." Dr. Leviye added, walking up to the conductor, scanner in hand. Waving around it around for a few seconds, he hit the container soundly with his fist and nodded. "This is acceptable."
Vicia's mouth dropped at the action, and she quickly ducked behind the desk. "That's dangerous, you know. If it explodes, it could take half this hangar out."
Dr. Leviye continued his scan as Tanda took a seat next to the spooked scientist. "If it is so dangerous, then none of us would be here. We would have a drone do the insertion. Though it would take this portion of the station with it if it did explode."
"You mean like the unit being constructed in the room next to us?" Visca quipped, curling her tail around Tanda's waist as she sat back down.
Tanda adjusted his position as the tail curled around him and pulled out his data pad. "Well, as it stands, the fabricators can build most of the core. Little stuff like this and the major adjustments are all hands-on, though. As per your calculations."
Visca frowned, looking over the data streaming over to her from Dr. Leviye's scans. "That looked a little more than hands-on if you ask me."
"I can adjust my strength to match the force needed to insert the conductor perfectly. Neither of you two can." Dr.Leviye supplied, noticing the change in the core energy supply as it spun up. "I did not activate the core."
Viscia waved her pad as Dr. Leviye stepped back. "I did. Just a diagnostic. Nothing big."
Dr. Leviye calmly walked over to his station to work on his next task. "Warning, please. Though it is safe, you may have startled someone, not of my mind."
Viscia looked at Tanda, who nodded and turned back to the doctor. "Sorry. I'm not really used to working with others yet. Most people called me crazy for wasting resources on advancing our people and shunned me. Chrarada was the only one who understood my value."
"You may be surprised to hear that your value to the Terran Star Union is such that you have been assigned an entire power armoured platoon as security." Dr. Leviye responded, pointing to the two guards at the door.
Viscia waved at the Terrans and turned to Dr. Leviye. " I thought they were your guards. They kinda just showed up."
Dr. Leviye nodded as he assigned the specialised fabricator a new construction task."They were. I had four platoons guarding me. Nearly one hundred seventy soldiers. Did you not read your notice. Thirty of my personal security have been assigned to you."
Tanda laughed and pulled out his data pad. "None for me then?"
Shifting away from his workbench, Dr.Leviye turned to Tanda."You have been in close proximity to Viscia since the beginning of this project. It was deemed unnecessary."
Viscia smirked at the remark and looked over her notice. " I thought it was strange. I kind of thought I was going crazy with all the Terran power armour I was tasting on the air. I could never spot them, though."
"Out of sight, out of mind. You're most likely tailed twenty-four-seven by a cloaked soldier or three. It's good to know you can taste them in the air, though. That's some important information." Tanda supplied, Sending a report to Admiral Miles about the discovery.
Viscia frowned as she skimmed the remainder of her detachment notification. "Why do I need so many guards? Isn't this a military base and Terran crime rate ridiculously low?"
Tanda pinched the tip of Viscia's tail, eliciting a yelp and a scowl from the curious VIP. " There's a large civilian population on this station. And while the odds of something happening to you is nearly zero. It's still not zero, and you're critical to this project. It's standard protocol."
"Well. I guess it makes sense, though I'm not used to being protected. It makes me feel a bit weird." Viscia added, finishing up her reading and opening a new notice from Chrarada.
Dr. Leviye scrutinised the new data from the calibrations and threw Viscia a sideways glance. "I would get used to it. You will most likely be protected like this for a very long time."
Viscia shot up and looked over to Tanda. "I need to go to medical immediately!"
Tanda quickly gathered his wits and moved towards his locker. "What's wrong?"
Viscia smiled at his reaction and grabbed her provisions bag. "I want an implant."
Michael stood on the smoke clouded stage, dressed in a black-furred vest furred and pants. His beard long, and hair flowing down his back. His leather arm guards decorated with studded metal, and his leather greaves lined with tufts of fur. Waving to the crowd as he walked off the stage. Michael wiped his brow and sat in a nearby chair. " Man, I haven't done that in ages.
As the cries of an encore reached his ears, Michael pinged his implant for the time and sighed. "Sorry, guys, no time for that today." Ending the karaoke program. Michael walked out of the hard light room, making sure to take a trip through decam as he made his way to the kitchen area. "You back yet, Jack?"
Getting nothing in return, Michael began his meal preparation while humming to himself. "Guess I'll get some veggies in me today since the carnivore isn't around." Turning the music on and as loud as he could handle, Michael selected an excellent stir fry dish and had the fabricator print out the individual pieces rather than the entire meal.
Smiling as he turned the stove burners on, Michael began chopping the vegetables. "Computer play go-to list. Start with Mirror Mirror."
"Your taste in music is as ancient as that concert you just put on partner."
Surprised as the music started playing. Michael laughed as he put his knife down to look in a nearby camera. "Jack! Hey buddy! how did everything go?"
"Poorly. Koma is keeping the being company while we run some extensive data comparisons. Otherwise, I believe its name is Yirphayen. Koma, however, disagrees. But he has deciphered a handful of words where I am stumbling to do so. It is disheartening."
Picking up the knife and continuing to cut his vegetables, Michael frowned. "So Yirphayen. That's quite an interesting name."
"You believe its name is Yirphayen?"
Throwing his chopped veggies into the wok. Michael turned to look at a nearby camera. "Why would I doubt you? You've got two alien languages under your belt. Koma has zero. Just because he beat you to a few words doesn't mean he's better at it than you are."
"Thank you... Have you even read the Silmarillion?"
"Sure did. I did my seventeenth-grade old English final on it... I didn't do well." Turning back to his fabricator to print out more ingredients, Michael decided he would ignore the laughter echoing through the ship.
"Well, You certainly chose an interesting book for such a thing."
Grabbing his new ingredients, Michael threw some onion peels at the camera in protest. "Well, standard is easier than old English anyway. How was I supposed to know that old, old English was mixed in with the book and impossible to read."
"Some research would have told you that partner."
"Bahh! I was young and stupid."
"With your taste in music, I would have thought otherwise, partner."
"Thanks, Jack. I am pretty smart, aren't I?" Michael stated, Throwing the rest of his ingredients into the wok.
"I was referring to the first part of your statement, partner."
"Hey! That's uncalled for ya jerk." Michael complained, laughing as he grabbed a stool to sit on.
"It seems Srettia has entered the hangar. Ankiah and her escort seem to be with her."
"Guess I'll throw some more food on then. Any idea what Voktlix will eat?" Michael asked, printing out some meat for Srettia.
"They seem to resemble a scavenger type species. They can eat most things."
"Got it. I'll get some more veggies and meat printed out then."
Srettia itched a spot on her leg with her tail and walked up to her ship. Taking a deep breath, she keyed the ramp and watched as it descended. Looking to Private Caithen, who had some kind of weird facial expression, Srettia sighed. "You sure I look okay?"
Palming her face, Caithen reaffirmed the purple lady."Listen to my words. When I say It's unfair how you can wear something so perfectly, I mean it."
Ankiah pushed Srettia onto the ramp and gave a huff. "Your mate was attracted to you when you wore that.. what was it called? Zero gee garb? He'll definitely be fine with this?"
Srettia walked up the ramp and entered her ship. As she walked in, she tasted the air in agitation, happily finding that Michael was in the kitchen, searing a large portion of meat. "I guess he's in the kitchen. I'll go put my stuff away."
Grabbing Srettia by the shoulders, Ankiah directed her towards the kitchen. "Nope, I'll hold your bag. You go say hi. I'll be in the sitting couchy area."
Being left to her own devices. Srettia slowly shuffled towards the kitchen. Deciding to poke her head around the corner, she smiled as Michael waved his cooking tool at her. "Hey! Did you have fun? I made you some chicken and steak."
Still poking her hear around the corner at Michael, Srettia eyed the stove in delight. "Yes. It was... Interesting. Terran fashion is quite interesting. You have a shop for everything."
Michael laughed as he turned the stove off. "Well, you gonna come get some food or hide your new outfit away?"
Srettia pulled her head back around the corner and took a breath. "How did you know?"
Plating her dinner with a chuckle, Michael walked over to the table with their meals. "Would have been less obvious if you weren't hiding. I was thinking about acting surprised, but you seem terrified for some reason. I won't judge. You said you had fun, and that's what matters, right."
Srettia stilled her tail and did her best to keep her hood from vibrating as she walked around the corner. "So. I uh, thought it looked nice. The leg coverings are a bit itchy, though."
Michael grabbed a chair and sat down, observing Srettia as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Well... Uhh... Sorry, it's incredible...."
Srettia sat down at the table and grabbed her fork. "The... Pencil skirt, I think they call it. It's a bit confining."
Michael laughed, bending over to peek under the table. "The stockings complete the business lady look. I could give you a ruler, and we can have some fun RP with that outfit."
Taking her black blazer off and rolling up her white sleeves, Sretta let out a sigh. " I don't know what RP is, but I can make a guess, you know."
Michael bit his tongue as he swallowed some green beans. "Hey! It's not every day your lady comes in wearing an expensive business suit. It looks absolutely amazing on you."
Ankiah bounced around the corner with a laugh. "See, I told you! I might not like Terran fashion, but the look on his face says it all. You could scoop his mouth off the floor with a shovel."
Michael looked over to Ankiah and sighed. " Well, She looks great. Also, I made you some dinner." Pointing to the counter beside the stove, Michael smiled. "Go get Private Caithen and help yourselves. Lots of veggies and meat."
Ankiah walked to the door and stopped, turning to Michael before she left. "Wait until you see what she's got on under those clothes."
Michael choked on his broccoli and looked over to Srettia, who apparently found her chicken very interesting.
submitted by AngryaboutVideogames to HFY [link] [comments]

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial
Rules: – You must send at least 50% of your profit via donation to me. Wallet address can be found in this article
– You do not allowed to share/repost the content/articles on any websites. – You are allowed to share this article web link to your friends, families, groups via any methods you like.
The title is very clear, and you won’t read it wrong. There are 2 type of mining cryptocurrencies nowadays, both of them are doing a same job with is “solve math”.
The first one is almost all of them are using which is using super computer, a lot of machines. But the second method is much better and gain much more profit, and that is the main topic in this article.
The super mining cryptocurrencies method I am talking about is playing casino. Sound crazy?
There are 2 type of casinos: traditional one which the bookies casino control the software the result, and the provably fair where player can “change” the result by changing the client seed.
But even in provably fair, casino type: there are 2 very different one. The one you can only win by playing manual. And the second one you can easily win with playing auto !
The list of the casino websites type 2 you can found at Their feature is that: both the casino and player enter one seed at the same time, but cannot change anything after the first play. New pair of seeds will also reset the nounce/number roll. This feature is also their only weakness you can take advantage of and easy “mining” a lot of coin/money.
The game I am talking about is classic dice. First you need to understand how to result of the game was form and play out: Server seed (X) + Client seed (Y) + Nonce Number = xyz result.
Second you need to understand that: when you playing auto all you need to do is have the right setting. But the ultimate goal is avoid as many streak loss as possible.
Since the X, Y is unchange then it is all about the nonce number. You need the nonce number “change” significantly so you can have variety result from the lowest to the highest number.
Knowledge to remember: the more you roll, the nonce number will increase so as the streak loss no matter you play low or high.
So the perfect settings is: – Set number of roll is 100. – Choose the odd from 2.0 to 5.0 – Pick the suitable increase bet when loss up base on the odds Example with the odd 2.0 you need to enter the amount increase bet from 101% to 105%, so very roll either lose or win you can still always “gain” something.
– The ratio between base bet and your bank roll need to be at least 1:100,000 to 500,000.
All you need to do now is click auto, change client seed every 100 rolls and see the money rolling into you account. Just need type random character in client seed fields.
You can also set amount of stop when win and/or stop when lose if you want to avoid miss click.
The strategy above is 1 client seed 100 rolls only , can be used for other games such as limo, keno, hashdice, wheel as well.
Profit with this method: each hour is 1.5% to 2%. Combine with increase base bet overtime, you will become millionaire within 90 days for sure.
There is an another godlike strategy is 1 client seed 1 big win. This strategy is a big vision, you play to win a very tiny group of number, then change the client seed. Because the easily way to avoid streak loss is play 10000 rolls and assume all of them are lose except a tiny group of number.
No matter any kind of seeds, the roll result number only switch position and have very little change in result. You can set odd number as 1000.00 and total roll as 10000, I can guarantee you always see some wins.
When you play a game where out of 10 roll, there is always some “high” or some “low”, result your jobs is have the right ratio between base bet and bank roll then you always win the battle !
Do not believe it, then you can try this set up: Odds: 2495(2500), 3300, 4950 (5000) Mean you select group of 4 numbers, 3 numbers and 2 numbers. Increase bet when lose set as 0.04%, 0.03% or 0.02%. The ratio between base bet and bankroll/stop when lose you can calculate by yourself base on the “increase bet when lose you enter”. You can calculate that exact number by using excel or some software like that. Stop when win: just any small amount number. With 0.04%, the ratio is 1:14,000,000 while with 0.02% the ratio is just 1:32,000.
Group of 4 highest or lowest number always appear every first 10,000 roll (new pair of seed), applied to all true fair casino sites, while group of 3, 2 number apply to certain amount of casino sites because of their “math HASH calculation”. You need to test and find out by yourself.
Profit with this method is very high from 50% to 100% per day (12 hours play). Which mean you can become millionaire within 30 days !!!
The guide, tutorial, lesson is end here. You need using VPN if you are from restricted countries, and you should use low value cryptocurrencies in order to play long game due to minimum base bet. After winning, don’t forget to send me 50% donation, that is law of karma, law of give and take, because the ultimate goal of life is not money. Bitcoin
To all top secret groups, top governments: it is not like I cannot make money, but I chose to be poor so I can have a reason to save you guys from the darkness. But you guys keep ignored me and do not have faith in me as the real legendary savior. So from now I do not need to help you guys anymore since I do not need money anymore with above mining method, and that is just easy casino game, I can make big money via “predicting the future” in sport bet events too.
Have fun !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Saoshyant Buddha
Source: ;
submitted by FreejoySavior to wallstreetbet [link] [comments]

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial
Rules: – You must send at least 50% of your profit via donation to me. Wallet address can be found in this article
– You do not allowed to share/repost the content/articles on any websites. – You are allowed to share this article web link to your friends, families, groups via any methods you like.
The title is very clear, and you won’t read it wrong. There are 2 type of mining cryptocurrencies nowadays, both of them are doing a same job with is “solve math”.
The first one is almost all of them are using which is using super computer, a lot of machines. But the second method is much better and gain much more profit, and that is the main topic in this article.
The super mining cryptocurrencies method I am talking about is playing casino. Sound crazy?
There are 2 type of casinos: traditional one which the bookies casino control the software the result, and the provably fair where player can “change” the result by changing the client seed.
But even in provably fair, casino type: there are 2 very different one. The one you can only win by playing manual. And the second one you can easily win with playing auto !
The list of the casino websites type 2 you can found at Their feature is that: both the casino and player enter one seed at the same time, but cannot change anything after the first play. New pair of seeds will also reset the nounce/number roll. This feature is also their only weakness you can take advantage of and easy “mining” a lot of coin/money.
The game I am talking about is classic dice. First you need to understand how to result of the game was form and play out: Server seed (X) + Client seed (Y) + Nonce Number = xyz result.
Second you need to understand that: when you playing auto all you need to do is have the right setting. But the ultimate goal is avoid as many streak loss as possible.
Since the X, Y is unchange then it is all about the nonce number. You need the nonce number “change” significantly so you can have variety result from the lowest to the highest number.
Knowledge to remember: the more you roll, the nonce number will increase so as the streak loss no matter you play low or high.
So the perfect settings is: – Set number of roll is 100. – Choose the odd from 2.0 to 5.0 – Pick the suitable increase bet when loss up base on the odds Example with the odd 2.0 you need to enter the amount increase bet from 101% to 105%, so very roll either lose or win you can still always “gain” something.
– The ratio between base bet and your bank roll need to be at least 1:100,000 to 500,000.
All you need to do now is click auto, change client seed every 100 rolls and see the money rolling into you account. Just need type random character in client seed fields.
You can also set amount of stop when win and/or stop when lose if you want to avoid miss click.
The strategy above is 1 client seed 100 rolls only , can be used for other games such as limo, keno, hashdice, wheel as well.
Profit with this method: each hour is 1.5% to 2%. Combine with increase base bet overtime, you will become millionaire within 90 days for sure.
There is an another godlike strategy is 1 client seed 1 big win. This strategy is a big vision, you play to win a very tiny group of number, then change the client seed. Because the easily way to avoid streak loss is play 10000 rolls and assume all of them are lose except a tiny group of number.
No matter any kind of seeds, the roll result number only switch position and have very little change in result. You can set odd number as 1000.00 and total roll as 10000, I can guarantee you always see some wins.
When you play a game where out of 10 roll, there is always some “high” or some “low”, result your jobs is have the right ratio between base bet and bank roll then you always win the battle !
Do not believe it, then you can try this set up: Odds: 2495(2500), 3300, 4950 (5000) Mean you select group of 4 numbers, 3 numbers and 2 numbers. Increase bet when lose set as 0.04%, 0.03% or 0.02%. The ratio between base bet and bankroll/stop when lose you can calculate by yourself base on the “increase bet when lose you enter”. You can calculate that exact number by using excel or some software like that. Stop when win: just any small amount number. With 0.04%, the ratio is 1:14,000,000 while with 0.02% the ratio is just 1:32,000.
Group of 4 highest or lowest number always appear every first 10,000 roll (new pair of seed), applied to all true fair casino sites, while group of 3, 2 number apply to certain amount of casino sites because of their “math HASH calculation”. You need to test and find out by yourself.
Profit with this method is very high from 50% to 100% per day (12 hours play). Which mean you can become millionaire within 30 days !!!
The guide, tutorial, lesson is end here. You need using VPN if you are from restricted countries, and you should use low value cryptocurrencies in order to play long game due to minimum base bet. After winning, don’t forget to send me 50% donation, that is law of karma, law of give and take, because the ultimate goal of life is not money. Bitcoin
To all top secret groups, top governments: it is not like I cannot make money, but I chose to be poor so I can have a reason to save you guys from the darkness. But you guys keep ignored me and do not have faith in me as the real legendary savior. So from now I do not need to help you guys anymore since I do not need money anymore with above mining method, and that is just easy casino game, I can make big money via “predicting the future” in sport bet events too.
Have fun !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Saoshyant Buddha
Source: ;
submitted by FreejoySavior to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial

How To Become Millionaire From $1 Via Mining Cryptocurrencies Within 90 Days Guide Tutorial
Rules: – You must send at least 50% of your profit via donation to me. Wallet address can be found in this article
– You do not allowed to share/repost the content/articles on any websites. – You are allowed to share this article web link to your friends, families, groups via any methods you like.
The title is very clear, and you won’t read it wrong. There are 2 type of mining cryptocurrencies nowadays, both of them are doing a same job with is “solve math”.
The first one is almost all of them are using which is using super computer, a lot of machines. But the second method is much better and gain much more profit, and that is the main topic in this article.
The super mining cryptocurrencies method I am talking about is playing casino. Sound crazy?
There are 2 type of casinos: traditional one which the bookies casino control the software the result, and the provably fair where player can “change” the result by changing the client seed.
But even in provably fair, casino type: there are 2 very different one. The one you can only win by playing manual. And the second one you can easily win with playing auto !
The list of the casino websites type 2 you can found at Their feature is that: both the casino and player enter one seed at the same time, but cannot change anything after the first play. New pair of seeds will also reset the nounce/number roll. This feature is also their only weakness you can take advantage of and easy “mining” a lot of coin/money.
The game I am talking about is classic dice. First you need to understand how to result of the game was form and play out: Server seed (X) + Client seed (Y) + Nonce Number = xyz result.
Second you need to understand that: when you playing auto all you need to do is have the right setting. But the ultimate goal is avoid as many streak loss as possible.
Since the X, Y is unchange then it is all about the nonce number. You need the nonce number “change” significantly so you can have variety result from the lowest to the highest number.
Knowledge to remember: the more you roll, the nonce number will increase so as the streak loss no matter you play low or high.
So the perfect settings is: – Set number of roll is 100. – Choose the odd from 2.0 to 5.0 – Pick the suitable increase bet when loss up base on the odds Example with the odd 2.0 you need to enter the amount increase bet from 101% to 105%, so very roll either lose or win you can still always “gain” something.
– The ratio between base bet and your bank roll need to be at least 1:100,000 to 500,000.
All you need to do now is click auto, change client seed every 100 rolls and see the money rolling into you account. Just need type random character in client seed fields.
You can also set amount of stop when win and/or stop when lose if you want to avoid miss click.
The strategy above is 1 client seed 100 rolls only , can be used for other games such as limo, keno, hashdice, wheel as well.
Profit with this method: each hour is 1.5% to 2%. Combine with increase base bet overtime, you will become millionaire within 90 days for sure.
There is an another godlike strategy is 1 client seed 1 big win. This strategy is a big vision, you play to win a very tiny group of number, then change the client seed. Because the easily way to avoid streak loss is play 10000 rolls and assume all of them are lose except a tiny group of number.
No matter any kind of seeds, the roll result number only switch position and have very little change in result. You can set odd number as 1000.00 and total roll as 10000, I can guarantee you always see some wins.
When you play a game where out of 10 roll, there is always some “high” or some “low”, result your jobs is have the right ratio between base bet and bank roll then you always win the battle !
Do not believe it, then you can try this set up: Odds: 2495(2500), 3300, 4950 (5000) Mean you select group of 4 numbers, 3 numbers and 2 numbers. Increase bet when lose set as 0.04%, 0.03% or 0.02%. The ratio between base bet and bankroll/stop when lose you can calculate by yourself base on the “increase bet when lose you enter”. You can calculate that exact number by using excel or some software like that. Stop when win: just any small amount number. With 0.04%, the ratio is 1:14,000,000 while with 0.02% the ratio is just 1:32,000.
Group of 4 highest or lowest number always appear every first 10,000 roll (new pair of seed), applied to all true fair casino sites, while group of 3, 2 number apply to certain amount of casino sites because of their “math HASH calculation”. You need to test and find out by yourself.
Profit with this method is very high from 50% to 100% per day (12 hours play). Which mean you can become millionaire within 30 days !!!
The guide, tutorial, lesson is end here. You need using VPN if you are from restricted countries, and you should use low value cryptocurrencies in order to play long game due to minimum base bet. After winning, don’t forget to send me 50% donation, that is law of karma, law of give and take, because the ultimate goal of life is not money. Bitcoin
To all top secret groups, top governments: it is not like I cannot make money, but I chose to be poor so I can have a reason to save you guys from the darkness. But you guys keep ignored me and do not have faith in me as the real legendary savior. So from now I do not need to help you guys anymore since I do not need money anymore with above mining method, and that is just easy casino game, I can make big money via “predicting the future” in sport bet events too.
Have fun !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Saoshyant Buddha
Source: ;
submitted by FreejoySavior to ethtrader [link] [comments]

Maximising Raid Candy

EDIT: This question has been answered and the problem with my calculator has been resolved. The Redditors have put this to bed and the official verdict is that the optimal strategy for maximising candies from catching a legendary is to pinap until you have 4 balls left, then switching to golden razz berries. Once Reddit had confirmed this for me, I checked with my brother and he agreed that I hadn't communicated how raids work very well to him, so essentially this post is outdated now and he agrees with the Gamepress article stating as such. I'll leave this post up purely because it might help people who weren't aware of this strategy before...
Original post:
TL;DR: Gamepress says pinap the raid boss until you have 4 balls left, then switch to golden razzes. My calculator says 8 balls is the optimal strategy.
I was interested in the optimal strategy for maximising candies earned from raid bosses (if you don't care about the IV of the pokemon you're trying to catch) and can consistently throw excellent curve balls with gold medals on the pokemon type etc... In anticipation of this strategy already being discussed online, I read this Game Press article and I could not for the life of me wrap my head around it (the maths). I asked my brother to help me create a spreadsheet on Excel (he loves maths and spreadsheets, but has little interest in Pokemon). Explaining as best I could what the odds are of catching, how many balls you get in a raid etc... he made a calculator:
screenshot of the calculator
I was surprised to see that he came out with a very different answer to that of the Gamepress article, which, if I read correctly, seems to suggest switching from pinap berries to golden razzes when you have 4 balls left. My brother's calculator initially said it was better to switch at 7 balls left (you can see the boxes marked in green as saying 'true' at the point where the strategy changes from Pinaps being optimal, to golden razzes being optimal). This was using catch rate stated by some websites, but for the sake of comparison, I adjusted the inputs to use the odds specified by Gamepress, which is apparently from the "Grand Unified Catch Theory", and it said the new optimal strategy was switching to golden razzes with 8 balls left.
I know a picture of the calculator doesn't exactly help if you can't edit the underlying maths in the spreadsheet itself to see how it's being worked out, but with a pretty big discrepancy between the two results, I'm wondering if I've misunderstood Gamepress/whether it's outdated information/whether I've miscommunicated something to my brother or whether Gamepress are just wrong and that the actual answer really is 8 balls left before switching. Anecdotally, I've caught my last two legendaries with my last two balls using my brother's strategy, which, if I'd followed Gamepress' advice would probably have cost me two catches, hence my doubt about their answer...
Probably a big ask to see if anyone wants to unpack this for me, but if anyone's interested and we can get to the bottom of this, it might be a useful strategy for those who didn't already know there could be a golden ratio to begin with ha.
submitted by Bagginski to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

A whole bunch of Bannerlord tips and tricks you may not know (as of version e.1.5.1)

Bannerlord is a great game that is currently plagued by some serious issues, from glitches and bugs to simply not bothering to explain its own mechanics. Without any mitigation or forewarning, these little problems can really snowball and ruin your experience. I've compiled this list of tips and tricks to help other players get around some of these problems and also to maximise your fun while the game remains in early access.
I've separated everything up into categories so that you don't have to dig through too much to get to the stuff you're interested in. Also, stuff that's relevant to new players only is marked with a [NP] in front of it, so you can skip that if you already know the basics.
Edit: Wow, I hit the 40000 character limit so now I have to add more tips as comments instead!

How Stats, Skills and Perks work

[NP] Your character's progression consists of increasing stats, skills, focus, perks and levels. Stats govern your base aptitude in a set of three skills. For example, the Vigor stat affects your aptitude with one-handed, two-handed and polearm skills. Skills represent your ability with that particular skill. For example, the Bow skill affects your aim with the bow and the Steward skill directly affects how many members you can have in your party. Perks are essentially special abilities that are awarded at specific skill levels, e.g. 25, 50, 75 and 100. Sometimes you will get to choose between two perk options. Make sure you check whether a perk is implemented before you choose that perk! (See paragraph below) Lastly, focus points allow you to increase your max skill level with a skill and also provide an exp multiplier, making you gain skill points faster. Note that if you try to train a skill that's reached its limit, it will grow very slowly and eventually stop growing altogether. Thus, you need a constant investment of both stats and focus points to max out a skill. Since your stat and focus points are limited, I suggest you prioritize only a few skills to max out, and accept that the rest will never be fully completed.
[NP] In the character creation screen, the various skills are grouped by stats (in bold, above the individual skills) and each specific skill can have up to 5 focus points assigned (the vertical bars). Each skill you can learn is limited to a max number which is determined by the combination of stat and focus points you have for that skill. With full focus (5 bars), you will need about 6-8 stat points in a skill to allow you to completely max it out. Furthermore, the perks available for each skill are only partially implemented. This means that investing points into some skills is currently useless. To see which perks are implemented, I recommend using a site like At the time of writing this post, the entire "Cunning" stat has zero perks implemented, making it virtually useless to you. If you're new, I highly recommend getting points in Social, Vigor and Endurance. Social (specifically the charm skill) allows you to convince nobles to marry/join you more easily and improves your troops' morale (leadership skill). Vigor is your basic melee combat stat, which you will use a lot in the early game and especially in the arena. Lastly, endurance allows you to improve your movement speed (riding/athletics) and is necessary for smithing (skill), which is a really useful mechanic that I highly recommend you try. Another good choice is Control, if you wish to be a ranged character.
So how does leveling work in Bannerlord? Well here's what the Skills screen looks like using the character (C) menu Using skills with slowly increase your ability with them. The more focus points you have in a skill, the faster it's skill points will go up. Furthermore, your character will gain "exp" every time he/she gains skill points. Or more accurately, exp in this game IS skill points. That is to say, training the various skills is the only way to level up. NOT killing enemies, as you might have first thought. This means you can level up just by trading, smithing, running around, or leading armies. You don't even need to fight simulated battles mostly, though doing so will award you with tactics points and some combat skill points. Every level you gain will award you with either a stat point, a focus point, or both. You can spend these points to increase the relevant stat or skill focus bar. When you have points to assign, they will show up on your character screen. In the earlier screenshot is your NPC brother who you always start with, though his name and appearance is randomized. Because I chose the "assign perks myself" option, I can choose his perks right away (represented by little numbered shield icons next to his skills that tell you how many perks are available to choose). You'll note that to the left and right of the "Skills" table there are weird icons with the number 0 next to them. The left number represents stat points to assign, and the right number is focus points. Your new character will start with 1 free focus point to assign. To assign a focus point, select the desired skill and click the "+" sign. REMEMBER: No choices will be saved unless you click "Done", and you can revert all changes made so far by clicking the curved arrow between "Done" and "Cancel". To assign perks, click on the shield icons in the banner in the middle of the skill page and a popup will appear. Click on the perk you wish to choose - again making sure it's actually implemented first - and then when finished click "Done" to finalize your choices. Don't forget that you can use the left/right arrows to assign skills and perks for your NPCs too!
One more thing about perks. The "Governor" perks DO NOT APPLY to your character, because you can't be the governor of any of your cities/castles. Thus, don't pick governor perks for your main hero unless they also come with side-abilities that you want.

Starting the Game and the Main Storyline

[NP] The various factions each come with a special ability. You can use all troops from all factions, so don't worry about being shoehorned into any particular troop type by your choices. Instead, focus on the ability you'll get. Not all abilities are made equal and not all factions are equal either. Currently, the Khuzait faction is kind of OP due to the AI being too dumb to figure out how to handle horse archers, so select them for an easier early-game. Vlandia gets bonus troop exp, which means you can promote veteran troops faster than others. Empire skills are building-focused, which means you need to own fiefs to really gain any benefit from using them. Sturgia are... faster in snow. Also their troops are supposedly weaker than normal (this will eventually change), so pick Sturgia if you're a masochist. Battania are kind of situational with their forest boost (so maybe don't pick them either), and Aserai get trading bonuses, so pick them if you want to be a merchant or just like money.
[NP] Clicking the various family options will show you the potential change in stat points and focus points that you will gain for that choice. You will have about 7 different choices to make before your character is ready to play. Try to pick choices which focus on your ideal stats and skills while minimizing the other ones. Here's a sample character I generated using the stats I recommended earlier. Don't worry too much about making perfect choices here, since you will gain many more stat and focus points throughout your game too. Plus, you'll use most of the stats/skills at one point or another. After this, your brother will ask if you want to do the tutorial. The tutorial only teaches you how to fight, so if you already know that you can skip it.
If you follow the story you will play through a storyline quest for a while until you've rescued your siblings and experienced the execution mechanic in action. Then you will have to chase down a bunch of clan leaders and lie to two special characters who will never interact with you again once you've made your final choice. However, and this is something I want to emphasize heavily: You do NOT need to make a choice about what to do with the dragon banner immediately. In fact, I strongly recommend you do NOT make a decision until you're very well situated in the game. Why? Because it starts a doomsday timer that you cannot slow down or affect in any way, and when it runs out 3 factions will declare war on you all at once and try to grind your entire faction into the dust. Instead, forget about the story quest and just enjoy the game at that point until you are extra powerful and ready to take on the world. Once you succeed at that quest I'm pretty sure you win the game, and if you start it before you're ready you'll be in for a world of hurt.

The Campaign Map

The game has a really useful feature called the "Encyclopedia". Press 'N' to open it when in the campaign screen. If you want to track down a notable figure, you can search their name or clan in the search bar and it will tell you where they were last seen. Anytime you speak to another noble or visit a settlement, town or castle, it will update the rumours of where that noble was seen most recently. This will allow you to track down anyone with ease. You can also see if they were taken prisoner, got pregnant, or switched allegiances recently. Furthermore, you can use the Encyclopedia to check nobles' relations with you or each other, allowing you to single out the nobles who hate their liege and are ripe for conversion to your kingdom. You can also use the encyclopedia to check troop upgrade paths, details about cities/settlements, and info on minor factions, who are like secret clans that you can recruit if you choose to be your own kingdom. All in all, it's incredibly useful for planning your next move.
There's a circle next to city/settlement names in the overworld and the encyclopedia. Clicking that circle "bookmarks" the city/settlement, which means you can easily find it on the map. Clicking it again removes the bookmark.
[NP] If you hover over any of the symbols at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, you can get detailed info on how the values are calculated. The symbols are, from left to right, money, influence, HP, troops, food and morale. The money icon will show you your daily income vs daily expenses. Influence will show your influence gain/loss over time. HP is your own health and recovery rate. Troops shows what troops you have in your army. Food shows how much food you have and morale shows what's affecting the mood of your soldiers. Using these icons helps you figure out what you need to do to make their values go up instead of down.

Fighting Battles

Against minor enemies like looters, it's usually relatively safe to use "Send Troops" instead of going in there yourself. You won't gain tactics skill from this, but your troops will gain all the exp instantly instead of spending 5 minutes fighting first.
[NP] You can issue commands to your troops by using the F keys. F1 is the movement menu, F2 is the direction menu, F3 is the formation menu, F4 is whether or not to use ranged weapons, F5 is mount/dismount for cavalry, F6 enables AI control, and F7 allows you to split your groups up and assign the split members to other groups. (e.g. split infantry and assign half to "heavy infantry"). You can also use the number keys (i.e. 1,2,3 etc) to select specific groups of troops to give orders to. 1 is infantry, 2 is archers, 3 is melee cavalry etc. Any non-mapped number selects all troops. This allows you to have fine-grained control during combat. HOWEVER for the most part the numbers and relative experience of the two armies is the deciding factor in how a battle goes. Sometimes you can use the terrain to your advantage, but mostly your tactics will do very little to actually affect the battle's outcome, especially in sieges where taking control of the AI will completely break their ability to use siege equipment and attack or defend properly.
Some basic strategies for manually commanding troops during simulated battles are as follows:
You can cheese simulated battles by abusing the "Retreat" command. Hold "Tab" to bring up the stats menu, and press middle mouse button to get your cursor back. Then you can click "Retreat" to teleport your entire army safely out of the battle. Then you can restart the battle with the number of troops remaining from before, but both armies are placed far away from each other again. Combine this with a lot of archers, and you can whittle the enemy numbers down before they reach your army and then simply retreat and start over again until the odds are solidly in your favour. This lets you overcome basically any odds so long as you ensure your opponent takes more losses than you do each time.
Levelling up your troops can be tricky as the experience system isn't very clear as to what gives the best troop exp. However, the following things seem to work fairly well: * Some of the Leadership perks grant lots of free exp over time. In particular, Raise the Meek will rapidly turn all of your lowest-level troops into higher-level ones over time, and the level 225 one, Companions, basically gives you the Vlandian empire troop exp bonus, which stacks with actually being Vlandian * Steamrolling fat groups of looters using "Send Troops" is relatively safe and usually awards a handful of troop upgrades each time * Beating nobles' armies when you have about a 2:1 ratio of your troops to theirs is also usually pretty safe and the higher-level troops they have with them yield much more exp * Winning a siege will be extremely costly in terms of deaths, but the troops who survive will gain tons of experience. Defending a siege will be less costly due to having the home turf advantage, but it's harder to engineer those to occur * Doing hideout raids and taking along a group of only archers is a great way to level up those 9 archers, so long as you don't aggro the entire hideout at once. Just make sure you use F4 frequently to enable/disable "Fire at will" or they WILL try to shoot bandits at the other end of the map and summon the wrath of god down on you * Keep your troop morale high by buying lots of different varieties of food. I'm not sure if morale is fully implemented yet, but you won't have the awkward issue of your troops all running from a difficult battle at least

Building your Clan

[NP] Your clan has a ranking in the clan screen (press L), shown at the top right. Earning renown increases this ranking, and every new level adds more soldiers to your armies and other useful clan perks to your arsenal. Max clan rank is 6, but you won't get there for a very long time. The easiest way to gain renown is through winning large battles, so battling lots will quickly raise that renown score.
The game doesn't tell you this anywhere, but you can have your family join your party by visiting them in whatever city they are hiding in and talking to them (or left-clicking their portrait in that city). Your brother in particular is basically a veteran soldier right from the start of the game, so adding him to your party will give you a huge early-game boost. His high steward score also increases your party size by a lot, so having him around lets you field more soldiers until your own steward score catches up. Later on, set him up as governor of your best city/settlement to give it a huge boost.
You can recruit companions at taverns in major cities. Not all companions are created equally, so I recommend using a companion guide to figure out which ones have skills that you want. You can also manually check their skills by right clicking the character's portrait from the city screen or searching them in the encyclopedia. That way you'll know what they are good and bad at before you go through the long dialogue with them. I personally find the tacticians/stewards most valuable as you can make them lead armies for you (more on that in a bit), and the ones with high trade are helpful because you can create caravans with them for bonus income during peacetime. You can only recruit your clan level +1 companions at a time, (e.g. 2 at clan level 1). This means you should be very picky about who you hire.
If you have joined a kingdom (or started your own), you can persuade other factions' nobles to betray their current faction and join yours. For this you need three things: High charm, luck and money. Save your game. Speak to the noble and say you have something to discuss. Ask about their liege. This will lead to a skill challenge where you have to get 4 successes in 4 attempts (either 100% successes or at least 1 critical success). This is entirely RNG, so choose the highest % options and pray. Or load back a lot. If they hate their monarch you'll have a very high chance of succeeding in at least 1 of the 4 challenges. Once you've successfully convinced them, you then need to bribe them. The bribe usually is about 100k denars, but can go all the way to more than a million denars if they own lots of land (because your team gets the fiefs too when they convert). Unless you're insanely rich, use the encyclopedia to find the poorest, most disenfranchised nobles and you'll discover that you might be able to pay them even a single denar and they'll happily convert. Beware, others can convert YOUR allies too, so try to make sure you give every noble at least one castle to keep them happy and on your side. Also if you save a lot and see the message that a noble has left your kingdom, you can load back and often they won't leave the second time.
If you release a noble whom you beat in combat instead of taking them prisoner, you will get a 6-7 point relationship increase with everyone in that noble's clan. Doing this is an excellent way to butter them up for future conversion to your kingdom.
Convert the head of a clan to your kingdom and their entire clan will also convert along with them!
You can use your influence points to put policies in place that suit you before adding others to the clan. In the Kingdom menu (K), you can go to the policy tab and scroll through the various policies there. Basically, most policies either benefit only the ruler, benefit only the vassals, or adjust your kingdom's rates (e.g. tax rate and growth rate). If you're going to start your own kingdom, take this chance to vote in all the royalty-favouring policies before you add people who disagree with you. Conversely, if you're a vassal, you want to add more vassals to the clan and THEN vote in all the vassal-favouring policies. Both of these strategies will not only increase your influence gain rate, but also make it much harder for a rogue AI to steal powecities from you later on in the game. It will also prevent you from getting disliked by other nobles from voting against their wishes since they won't even be in your kingdom yet.
As a male character, you can marry a noble to have her join your clan. I'm not sure if it's the reverse situation for female heroes or not (i.e. you join their clan). This provides two main benefits. One, you gain another party member to bring along in battle, and two, you can make babies (heirs) who will inherit your stuff if/when your character dies. If you end up playing for enough time you can also eventually add those heirs to your party once they've grown up enough. To woo a noble, simply profess your love to them then return and visit them a few times. You'll have to pass charm checks to woo them properly, so as always, save beforehand! Eventually they'll tell you to talk to the clan leader, and then you'll barter for their hand in marriage. Usually it's pretty cheap.

Kingdom/Clan Management

Did you know that war declarations can be avoided (by sort of cheating)? If you save often and then suddenly get war declared on you (or by your kingdom on someone else), just load back to that save. It's a (low) random chance for war to be declared so there's a strong likelihood that the next time you get to that point in time literally nothing will happen. This allows you to avoid all wars that you don't want! Since the game AI is so bad right now, sometimes this is the only way to save your kingdom from utter annihilation.
You can equip the companions in your party with awesome gear too! This took me 40 hours to realize, but on the Inventory (I) or trade screens, there are arrows at the top that let you select a different character to equip. This works with the Character (C) screen too, allowing you to assign perks or stats/skills to your companions.
In your clan management screen (L), under the parties tab, you can assign your companions to various roles within your party. Generally, this causes the game to act as if your own skill with that particular role is the same level as the assigned companion. For example, if you assign a companion with 80 medicine skill as surgeon, the game will cause you and your troops to heal as if you had 80 medicine skill. Keep in mind that if you don't assign a party member to a role then you will gain the exp for doing that role. In other words, it's a trade-off between gaining free experience and having your party be more effective on the campaign map. The one role in your party you definitely don't want to assign a companion to is Quartermaster, because that trains the Steward skill which you want to raise as high as possible.
You can create separate parties under your clan management screen's "Parties" tab. This allows you to send companions off to raise armies and gain exp all on their own without your intervention. You can also assign them to their own personal role within that party (even the Quartermaster role!) for bonus exp and it won't affect your own exp. Parties have three major benefits that make them very useful. Firstly, they will recruit their own troops for you! The max party size is dependent on the companion's steward skill and your clan rank. This means that with enough time you can create an allied party that's virtually equal in size to your own army. Secondly, those parties can be summoned to your army on a whim (click the flag icon down the bottom right of the screen - you must be in a kingdom to do this) and it costs 0 influence! Thirdly, the parties automatically will go around fighting battles for you and increasing your own influence and reputation. I highly recommend creating at least a few parties. There's a few downsides to be aware of, however. Firstly, you pay all the troop wages for the other parties. This can get VERY expensive if you're not at war and constantly defeating armies for money. Secondly, like any roaming entity, your companions can get attacked and captured by enemy armies. If that happens, you have to wait for them to escape or be ransomed and then track them down in whichever city they end up in to reclaim your companion. This can be very annoying. Lastly, if you're a vassal, your liege can actually summon your companions to their army, thereby using your hard-earned troops for their own personal gain! That's the price of being a vassal though.
Sometimes you cannot assign roles to party members through the clan screen. This tends to happen if you assign a companion to a role and they die in battle. If this happens, instead select them in the party screen (P) and talk to them. You can assign them roles from the conversation menu instead.

Making Money

[NP] In the early-game you will find the tournaments in city arenas to be almost impossible to win. However, with the power of save/load and determination, you can win big in tournaments by betting on yourself every round. If you win the tournament, not only will you get a sweet prize but you will also be several thousand denars richer. At least until your reputation catches up to you and they start offering less and less money for your bets.
The best way to make money in Bannerlord is smithing (once you've unlocked enough recipes and have about 140 smithing skill). Early on, the stuff you produce is worthless, but as you start making tier 4 and higher weapons you will discover combinations that create weapons work up to 100k denars in value! Make a handful of these and you can go around from city to city, buying up all the expensive armor while still walking away with 20k+ more denars each time. There are many guides to smithing that can be found elsewhere, but here's a few minor tips:
The second-best way to make money is by thrashing other nobles in combat. If you're at war, target every enemy noble you see whom you can easily beat and trounce them. Not only do you get money and items for beating them, you can also ransom them at taverns for even more money. You also get money when you capture cities in sieges. Naturally, when you're at peace, you'll find it much harder to make money this way.
You can purchase workshops in cities and have them produce goods for a small profit (around 75-125 denars per day). It generally costs about 13k denars to buy a workshop, so it won't become profitable for approximately 140 days. Because of this, if you wish to use workshops you should select cities which you are unlikely to be at war with for a long time (e.g. your own faction's cities!). After all, if you end up at war with a faction, all of your workshops in that faction are stolen from you. To buy a workshop you must physically walk around town. If you hold alt you will see three semi-random workshops throughout the city (e.g. wine press, brewery, smithy). If you walk to one of these shops during the day you will find NPCs loitering around nearby called "Shop Worker". Talk to the shop worker and tell them you want to purchase the workshop.
To decide which workshops to build in which city, examine the fiefs which feed into that city. You can also use a workshop guide, but I find these aren't always correct due to frequent patches. The bottom line is this: Pick a city which has at least one source of workshop materials (e.g. grain, sheep, hardwood) in its settlements. More than one source is even better. Next, buy a workshop and select the type that uses that material. For example, grain is used by breweries, and wood is used by a wood workshop etc. Then, you wait. You can check the workshop's profitability from the clan tab (L), but remember, don't expect it to become super profitable anytime soon. These are long-term investments.
Another way to make money is caravans. Caravans are more profitable than workshops, but come with significant risk, especially if you're at war with anyone. Basically, you assign a companion to manage a caravan (which costs 15000-25000 denars to make depending on the troops you assign), and the caravan will travel from city to city buying and selling goods. Companions with high Trade skills are essential here. While travelling, the caravans can be attacked by looters, bandits, and worst, enemy armies. If the caravan is captured, you'll have to go rescue your companion or wait for them to be released. Then you'll have to spend another 15-25k to get the caravan going again. Basically, don't do this if you're a warmonger. Anyway, to form a caravan, talk to any merchant in a city and choose the "I want to form a caravan in this city" option. Caravans will net you varying amounts of money, and the income will not be every day, but in my experience they are more profitable than workshops and much more annoying to keep track of.
If you have a high trade skill, instead of making caravans you can be a caravan. Load up on sumpter horses which increase your max load, and then use trade rumours (talk to civilians hanging out in town markets) to determine the best places to buy and sell stuff. Buy low, travel, sell high. If you make 30 denars per sale and sell 100 trade items, that's 3k of profit. If you make 100 denars per sale, that's 30k profit! Again, keep in mind that cities generally only keep 20k-30k denars on them at a time, so if you take too many goods you will not be able to sell them all.

Siege Warfare

Holding the alt key highlights both important people and weapons that are lying around. You can use this during sieges to replenish ranged ammo and locate nearby interactible things.
You can use the siege weapons that your army/city has built. This will train your throwing skill and also open some neat opportunities. For example, you can use catapults to smash siege towers! It takes 4 hits to achieve but boy is it worth it!
Catapults and trebuchets can be aimed left and right but also have a red gauge on the side which affects the distance that your shots travel. You can change this bar using W/S to choose how close or far to shoot. Generally you want the distance to be less than half the red bar because your targets are a lot closer than the range on the siege engines.
When defending a city you will notice piles of rocks (called merlons) lying around upstairs in the gatehouse. You can take these rocks and drop them on enemy troops for massive damage (400+). You can also use them to smash the battering ram with a few good throws, thereby protecting your gates.
You can place your troops before a siege by pressing the numbers (e.g. 1 for infantry) and then clicking where you want them to go. However they just run back to where the AI would have put them anyway, so it's not worth it right now. But someday it might actually work as intended!
Is the castle you were staying in being beseiged by overwhelming numbers? You can sally forth to attack, use archers to pick some troops off, and then retreat from battle before their enormous army starts hacking your party apart. Repeat this about a dozen times and you'll have a much more manageable enemy to fight, with very few casualties on your side. For the love of god though save before you try this. Also note that, due to a bug, when you sally out of the castle you'll be plonked onto the overworld map when you retreat and won't be able to get back in without sacrificing troops.



And... that's it for now! I'm sure I forgot some tips but I'll edit them in as I remember. At the very least it should open up some new gameplay avenues for some people, and maybe make things a little less stupid for others. If you made it to the end of this very long post: well done!
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