Quorn Crispy Nuggets | Quorn

how long to cook quorn nuggets

how long to cook quorn nuggets - win

I am 29 years old, make $170,000 base (plus $30-40,000 bonus and $30,000 vesting stock), live in Seattle and work as a Creative Project Manager in Tech

A little about me: I'm 29, British and Queer :) I moved from England to the US as part of a work transfer three years ago and love Seattle. My life has changed a lot over the past few years, I realized I was gay, moved to Seattle, stopped talking to my toxic mum, had a lotttttt of therapy and moved in with my partner, L. My financial knowledge has gone from 0-60 in the past three years thanks to personalfinance, a few finance books and moneydiariesactive. I'm an open book so ask any qs you'd like! I hope you enjoy!
Section One: Assets and Debt
Net Worth: $283,000
Retirement Balance:
401k $30,000
UK 401k $22,000
Index Funds $155,000
(Tip: I used the bankrate.com retirement calculator to figure out how much I actually need to invest for retirement each year. This really cleared up what I need to invest as a minimum each year to hit my retirement target, before I can decide what to live off and save for shorter term purchases e.g. a house.)
Equity if you're a homeowner:
$52,000 in an apartment in the UK (worth $275,000) that I’m selling right now. I bought it with my ex-boyfriend five years ago and loved living there at the time, but owning it since moving to the US has been a bad idea – it hasn’t gone up in value at all since I purchased in 2015, the rent my tenants pay doesn’t cover the mortgage and it requires lots of costly maintenance.
When I bought it, I received $12,000 towards a down payment from my mum. I have three brothers and I'm expecting brothers 2 and 3 to receive the same, but not brother 1, so I'm planning to give half of the $12,000 to him when the sale goes through.
Also, when I sell, I either owe $0, $15,000 or $30,000 to the US government as part of a tax law that assumes I've made profit because of changing exchange rates. Every accountant I speak to has a different answer, so let's see in January! At some point I'll use the rest of the money towards a down payment for a house in the US.
Savings account balance:
Emergency Fund $17,500
Holiday Fund $7,000
Fun Money $4500 (I might end up investing half of this in index funds)
Fund to cover capital gains tax for my 2020 tax bill $2029
Checking account balance:
I leave $1,500 per pay check in my account for living costs, plus enough to cover my rent and bills. I pay for all of my living costs on an Amex Delta credit card to get points and pay it off in full each month.
Credit card debt: $0
Student loan debt: $0. I completed a music degree in England (this cost $35,000 for three years of tuition, rent and living costs). My parents paid for my tuition, rent and 50% of my living costs, and I worked for them during the holidays to cover 50% of my living costs. Once I joined the working world, I realized how much of a big deal it was that they paid for my education and what a head start it gave me having no student debt. I am very grateful.
Anything else that’s applicable to you:
I had a privileged start, my parents paid for my education and I received $12,000 towards a house down payment. I graduated from University at 21, and whilst I have been financially independent since then, there is an emotional safety net that comes with knowing I could go home to my Dad if I needed to.
After working in England from 21-26, I moved to Seattle with $20,000 saved for retirement, $40,000 in my UK apartment and no other savings. My salary doubled moving to the US and as a result I’ve been able to save a lot over the past few years. A few years ago, my Dad suggested I read How To Own The World. It gave me a really great introduction to lots of different aspects of finance (inflation, saving, types of accounts, retirement etc) so I read a few other finance books, started following personalfinance and have had a massive shift in my attitude towards finances.
Section Two: Income and Income Progression
I graduated with a music degree aged 21 and decided that, although I loved music, I wasn't passionate enough to fight for a career in such a competitive field. Instead, I decided I'd like to explore a career that involved lots of people interaction and could pay well: sales. Since then I've ended up working in sales, marketing and engineering, all in tech.
- 2013 - $25,000 - I joined a tech company as a sales graduate selling Healthcare software. Direct selling wasn't a great match for my skillset.
- 2014 - $37,000 plus $30,000 in commission - After nine months, my manager suggested I moved to a technical sales role in the same company and I was given a $12,000 raise. I loved this role! Lots of presenting in formal sales processes.
- 2015 - $47,000 plus $30,000 bonus - After playing a major part in $3.5 million in sales in one year, I negotiated an additional $10,000.
- 2016 - $70,000 plus $30,000 bonus and a $5,000 stock award (vesting over 5 years) - I moved to a big tech company in a similar technical sales role and my salary jumped significantly.
- 2018 - $137,000 plus $30,000 bonus, an end of year $25,000 stock award (vesting over 5 years) and a one off $25,000 stock award for good performance (vesting over five years) - I relocated with the same company to the US in a marketing role and my salary doubled!
- 2019 - $160,000 plus $30,000 bonus and a $25,000 stock award (vesting over 5 years) - I took a new role in engineering as a Creative PM and my salary increased by 15%. A major driver for moving was being told promotions were off the table in my old team unless you had been in role for three years.
- 2020 - $170,000 plus $42,000 bonus and a $48,500 stock award (vesting over five years) - I was promoted in role and my salary increased.
It blows my mind that I earn this much money for a role that I enjoy so much. I'm very lucky.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $8,500 per month, after maxing my 401k, contributing $510 to my HSA and healthcare/taxes etc.
Any Other Income:
Having received stock awards every year for the past 5 years, I now have stock vesting every year that adds up to about $30,000 pre-tax. I immediately sell and invest in diversified index funds via Vanguard to minimize the risk that would come with having a large amount of my savings in the same company that pays my paycheck (if the company tanks, I'd lose my job and the stock would plummet in value).
I also receive an annual bonus of between 15-30%. This year it was 27% (an amazing, unexpected surprise), it’s usually around 20%. Last year I invested 90% and spent 10% on a vacation to Japan. This year it was a lot higher, so I invested 66%, saved 21% for moving costs/vacations next Summer and kept the rest as a fun fund.
I also get $1050 in rent for my UK apartment, but the mortgage is $1150, so I make a loss.
My income is completely separate to my partner, L. We take turns paying for groceries/meals out/trips and assume it evens out to 50/50. Right now, I earn a lot more than L, who is a medical resident and earns about $100,000, with no student debt, but we both live off about the same amount per year as I'm focused so heavily on investing.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent and utilities: $1,300/month for my half of a two bed, two bath in Fremont. I moved in with L, last month and we split the rent 50/50. Previously my rent was $2060/month for an open one bed in the Capitol Hill.
Extra costs for UK mortgage/management company fees: $500
Investment/savings: Until this month, I was investing $2,000- $2,500. Now that I’ve reached my investment target for the year (a combination of my bonus, savings and vested stock), I’m re-routing that to a savings fund in a HYSA for next Summer. I’m planning to relocate to the East Coast with L, and hoping to take the summer off between jobs.
Donations: $130/month to Black Lives Matter, Save the Children, an LGBT charity in England and a COVID relief fund. These are also matched by my employer 100%.
Cellphone: $30 in a shared plan with some friends
Wifi: $60 Subscriptions: Netflix $15, Amazon $14, AppleCare $12
Regular therapy: $160/month for two sessions with my UK therapist and $180/session roughly every 2-3 weeks with my tantra coach.
Living: I budget $3000 per month for living, therapy and tantra.
COVID-19: In current COVID times in Seattle, cases are being managed well by the city, we are in phase 2 and can meet up with 5 people per week who aren't in our household network and can go to restaurants with people in our household.
7am - Bonus day! I start to think about what to do with some of the money in my fun fund. On my wishlist: Glittery Dr Martens 🥾, a vacuum that also steams floors, everything on the Olive website and lift tickets for 🎿 over winter.
8am - Work work work work work 🎶 Every day starts with calls with my team in India to review their product configuration progress. My role focuses around writing product pitches/demonstrations that sellers will deliver to customers. My days are spent talking to sellers about common customer requests, writing narratives to present the value of the products and designing screens to be built by my engineers/consultants.
9am - I spend $50 on an Amazon order for 🧼,🧴and English 🍫.
12pm - I accidentally start a small kitchen fire heating some heat pads in L’s dutch oven. The fire department was involved🔥😭
2pm - I have a call with a design lead about potential roles in their team. I'd love to expand my skillset into videos and 🙋🏼‍♀️
3pm - Our Imperfect Foods box arrives. This week we got eggs, veggies, fruits, goats cheese and gnocchi. $25, but I paid for this last week.
5pm - I go for an early dinner with L at Manolin to celebrate my bonus/destress after the fire🍴🍷 Restaurants are open in Seattle at 50% capacity and everyone wears masks. I pay. $150
8pm - Listen to records with L 🎶 and fall asleep at 9.30.
Total: $200
8am - More calls, more feedback, more unblocking the engineers👩🏼‍💻
10am - I FaceTime catch up with my Dad ❤️ He just bought a house in the English countryside with his partner, L, and he gives me more excited updates about how renovations are going.
2pm - I get some excellent feedback about yesterday’s call, the manager wants me in his team 🙌🏻
6pm - Vegetarian taco night and cocktails with L ❤️🌮
8pm - I order a replacement pan after destroying L’s. $198
8.30pm - We start watching Normal People 📺
Total: $198
10am - My youngest brother schedules his first therapy appointment! 🙌🏻 I have three brothers and two are at high school or university and aren’t working. I believe we would all benefit from therapy, so this year I offered to pay for both of them. Now all four of us have been at some point ❤️ $59
12pm - Fire fighting at work, trying to fix products that keep breaking in time to deliver product demos to sellers next week 🔥💻
3pm - I do a trial recording with my colleague for a broadcast next week. 🎥🎞 The broadcast goes out to somewhere between 250,000-1,000,000 people. The broadcast is usually in a studio, but because of covid we’re shooting at home this time.
5pm - L comes home with a cuuuute new haircut 💁🏻‍♀️ and a new burner ring for our stove after it was damaged in the 🔥. L pays.
7pm - We make pizzas 🍕 and talk about what time togetheco existing/apart looks like for each of us. Moving in together is big and it helps to understand what makes each other feel good/not so good. The conversation is emotional and really helpful.
Total: $59
8am - I have a morning of calls with India/England/US agreeing next steps/fire fighting 🔥
11am - I reflect on how writing a money diary is making me feel guilty about spending money, even if my “normal” spending fits into my budget and my “fun” spending comes from my bonus. One to talk about in therapy I think.
4pm - Another busy afternoon jumping between calls. A good rehearsal for the broadcast ✔️ good feedback on our demo content ✔️ next week planned out in Outlook ✔️
5pm - I meet with my tantra coach for a two hour session. I originally started going to see them to learn more about sex (🙌🏻) but have learned that tantra is much bigger than that, it’s an eastern tradition that is centered around connecting with your heart and body and being present. It’s had a massive impact on my ability to get out of my head. Today we focused on simple body exercises to get me more connected to my body. $200
7pm - L started a 30 hour shift this morning so I have a solo date night ❤️ bath-time + Quorn chicken nugget wraps (I love eating in the bath 😆) + TikTok ✌🏻
Total: $200
8am - I wake up and listen to Jameela Jamil and Katherine Ryan in the iWeigh podcast.
9am - I meditate 🧘🏼‍♀️. I started meditating 3-7 times per week six months ago using the Headspace app and it was a great intro. I’ve been resisting meditating for the past two weeks, and going to see my tantra coach has given me the umph to start again today. I do 20 minutes unguided.
10am - L comes home from work and we catch up before they sleep 💤 I spend the day in the bath, reading The Untethered Soul, eating fake sausage patties, eggs and sautéed tomatoes on toast, on reddit, watching Normal People and napping 🛀📚
6pm - I see my two best friends, N&V, a queer couple in Seattle ❤️ they know how to make me feel loved and buy all of my favorite foods for dinner ❤️ I uber there and back wearing a mask. $30
Total: $30
10am - I spend the morning eating eggs, veggies and fake chorizo, reading The Untethered Soul and The Simple Path to Wealth in the bath, and meditating.
1pm - I FaceTime my Dad and his partner, L ❤️
2pm - L and I spend the afternoon watching Ratchet, snoozing and walking to Gas Works park to get some fresh air.
6.30pm - We cook veggie bolognese with gnocchi and have some quality time after a crazy month of shifts for L.
10pm - L crashes and I order a Dyson vacuum with some of my bonus money #thisis29. $385
Total: $385
7am - I wake up and meditate🧘🏼‍♀️
8am - Catch up calls with the India team. I have a fairly slow morning after that, agreeing deliverables for the week with our team.
12pm - I make sweet potato tacos for lunch using up ingredients in the fridge 🙌🏻🌮
4pm - I do a recording for the broadcast on Wednesday. Oh hey there hair, makeup and formal work clothes, where have you been hiding? 💄
5.30pm - L and I listen to a Lake Street Dive concert online on the porch 🎵
7.30pm - L buys groceries and we head for a socially distanced picnic outside.
Total: $0
Food + Drink: $160
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $644
Clothes + Beauty: $40
Transport: $30
Other: $198
Weekly Total: $1072
Lastly, reflect on your diary!
Writing this diary was good for me! It made me see some of the small, happy moments that happen each day.
All in all, apart from the vacuum that I bought with my bonus, this is average spending for me. I'm very conscious of not spending more than $700/week. This means if I have more expensive days, like days when I have to pay for therapy or tantra, I'll make sure I balance it out on other days.
I feel incredibly lucky that I have a high salary that gives me an incredibly good quality of life and enables me to save for the future. I have an "it's too good to be true" fear, so I'm focused on investing a lot right now to set myself up long term.
submitted by LJWill91 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I am 25 and have a joint income of $61k ($25k for me and $36k for my partner) as an Admin Assistant in Leicester, UK.

Section One: Assets and Debt
I have converted everything from GBP to USD, so some amounts might be rounded here or there, but they are very close!
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): LOL basically none. I currently contribute 6% of my salary (my company will match up to 8%), although I upped that this month, it was 4% previously. Essentially I just let the pension company do whatever they do with it, although I probably should be a little more proactive. I currently have £2331.82/$2956.76 in there, and I couldn’t find my partner’s most recent statement to see what she has in hers.
Savings account balance: My partner and I previously had a lot of debt, it’s literally only been the past few months we’ve finally gotten our joint accounts sorted and can finally start saving properly. We have £715/$912 in our savings account, it’s not a special high yield one or anything, just regular easy access savings. Once we have enough saved up in there for emergencies, we’ll open up a Lifetime ISA (LISA) to save up for a house deposit.
Checking account balance: We try to keep a £500 (~$630) buffer in the bottom of our joint account, although projected expenses this month will mean by the time we get paid in July (we get paid on the 15th of every month) we will probably be right at the bottom of our account. Basically we have a joint current account for nearly all expenses, then we pay ourselves a small amount into personal accounts each for us to do whatever we want with. Usually for me it’s clothes! The way we use it, personal accounts are for personal, unnecessary spending. So things like work clothes or haircuts come out of the joint account, even though they technically only benefit one person, they are still a necessary expense.
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): No joint credit card debt. I have around £390/$500 on my personal credit card that I am very slowly paying off out of my personal allowance, that was to pay for 3 months with an online personal trainer I have wanted to work with for a long time.
Student loan debt (for what degree): So student loan works slightly differently in the UK, I basically think of it as a graduate tax. It doesn’t affect my credit score, and will be automatically taken from my pay cheque once I start earning roughly $31k per year. It will be written off 30 years after I graduated, which will be 2045 for me. I haven’t paid a penny of it off yet, and doubt I will ever pay the full amount. I have roughly £45k/$57k to pay off, and my partner has roughly £60k/$76k. That amount covered our tuition and living expenses while at uni, plus the interest we have accrued since graduating. My degree is a BSc in Counselling and Psychology, and hers is an MEng in Aeronautical Engineering.

Section Two: Income
My job monthly take home pay: £1362, which is roughly $1714
Partner’s job monthly take home pay: £1880, which is roughly $2366
We don’t have any other forms of income right now.

Section Three: Expenses (these all come from our joint account)
Rent: £725/$910 for a small 3 bedroom semi-detached house a few miles out from the city centre. Rent has not been raised in the 2 1/2 years we’ve lived here, so our goal is to stay in this house until we buy property up north, where we’re from and where houses are cheaper.
Electric + Gas: £100/$127.56 (this is dependent on the weather, now that it’s finally started to warm up this should go down as we won’t be using the heating)
Water: £25/$31.89
Savings: Our goal is to put around £600/$755 into savings per month, although we haven’t managed that this month. Usually when we get paid, we see what expenses are coming up in the time between then and our next pay cheque, and figure out how much we can afford to put away, and how much we can afford to put into our personal accounts.
Personal money: Our goal is £150/$189 per month, but the last few months we haven’t had that much spare.
Phone: Mine is £60/$75 per month (I wanted an iPhone X, which happened to come out around when my previous contract ended. This is for the phone, plus 8GB of data per month, and unlimited calls and texts). My partner’s is £37/$47.20 per month, she’s not as bothered about the latest phones so she has an iPhone 8. Her bill covers the phone, plus 30GB of data per month (jealous!) and unlimited calls and texts.
Spotify: £14.99/$19.12 for a family account used by me and my partner
iCloud: £1.58/$1.98
Netflix: £7.99/$11
Amazon Prime: £79/$99 annually
TV and internet: £33.99/$43.36 (this mainly for internet, we’re not big TV watchers so we don’t pay for any additional channels like sport).
TV licence: £154.50/$197.08 annually, this is paid by everyone (with a few exceptions) in the UK who owns a TV, and is very hotly debated!
Car insurance: £41/$53 for our one car that we share.
Car payment: £135/$172.21
Car tax: £20/$25.51 annually
Gym: £19.99/$25.50, this used to be more expensive, I just recently got a new membership that is through my work so it’s a discounted rate. I can go to lots of different gyms in the area and it’s all covered under this.
Personal training course: £110/$140.32, I am retraining as a personal trainer, this amount covers the combined online course with some in person elements. This will be paid off in May 2020.
Council tax: £144/$183.69, I think this is equivalent to property tax in the US? It’s basically the amount we pay to our local councils, the amount varies depending on a few factors like house size and how many people live there. It’s to cover services like bin collection and whatever else the council does!
Cat insurance: £21.86/$27.88 for our two 11-year-old cats. We didn’t previously have this, but then one cat had a seizure completely out of the blue a few months ago so we panic bought it! She’s completely fine, the vet couldn’t find a cause for it, and if you saw her you wouldn’t even know she’d had it.
Donations: We don’t currently have any regular charity payments. If we see someone has a Gofundme or a fundraiser we’d like to donate to we’ll do that, as well as regularly giving cash to the homeless people we see in the city. I also volunteer semi-regularly with a small charity that helped me a lot as a child, as a way to give back.

Note: all purchases in the diary will be from the joint account unless I specifically state they are from my personal account.

Day One: Monday
7:10am: Ew. I did not sleep well, so I snooze my alarm for 15 minutes.
7:25am: Ok ok, I force myself out of bed. I was smart and got everything ready last night, so I just need to get dressed, grab everything from the fridge, and go. I dress very simply for work, just a black skirt and tights, and a rust coloured blouse with cute foxes on! I put on a tiny bit of make-up, just foundation, mascara, eyebrow pencil, and blush.
8:05am: We’re out the door! My partner (L) and I actually work at the same company, so it makes commuting very easy, and I get a chauffeur. Within 10 minutes of leaving the house, I’m sat at my desk. I drink a protein shake I brought from home as my breakfast.
12:30pm: Lunch time! I got bored of meal prepping a few weeks ago, so now I just bring in a tin of tomato soup. It’s very dull to eat, but at least I don’t have to cook tons of portions at the weekend, and it saves some money.
2:00pm: I send some messages on a group chat I have for a hen (bachelorette) party I’m planning that’s happening in a couple of weeks. Nobody has paid me yet for the activities, and we haven’t decided where we’re going to eat afterwards. Honestly I’ve hated the entire experience of planning this, and I just can’t wait for it to be over. I’m not even attending the ceremony because it’s in another country and we can’t afford to go.
4:00pm: I eat a ham sandwich I brought from home. It’s on a protein thin, it’s pretty gross but it fits my macros a little better than normal bread so I deal.
4:35pm: We had to stay slightly late due to L being in a meeting, but it’s finally home time! I know I didn’t mention any details about my work, but honestly I don’t do a lot! If there aren’t any emails to answer, I basically don’t have any work to do. I spend a lot of time browsing the internet and doing my personal training course.
5:00pm: I’m hungry, so I eat a banana, then get started cooking right away. L mows the lawn, because it’s gotten super long due to the extreme rain we’ve had recently, and today has been the first day without rain in weeks. Tonight we have beef burgers with homemade chips (fries), I have my burger without the bun because I figure if I avoid the bread, I can have more chips, right?
8:30pm: Time for the gym! While we ate, we finally started season 2 of She-Ra on Netflix, then played Borderlands 2 (we have played this through a bajillion times but we still love it) on the PS4 for a while with one of the cats on my lap, so I have a lot of walking to do to reach my 10k step goal. I walk to the gym, and do my weights workout. I love to lift heavy-ass weights! No circuit routines for this gal.
10:00pm: I stay until the gym closes, then walk home. It’s pretty creepy because I have to walk through a very secluded path and I don’t like it in the dark. After I get home, I eat a homemade brownie that I baked yesterday (my speciality), and a quark yoghurt, then I take my make-up off and have a quick body shower, and am in bed by 11pm. L very kindly makes my sandwich for tomorrow and shuts down the house before she comes to bed around midnight.
Daily total: $0

Day Two: Tuesday
7:10am: Feel very sleepy as usual, but force myself out of bed. My usual routine is that I get out of bed first, get my make up on, then come back in and wake L up. She’s a very deep sleeper so she can be quite difficult to turf out of bed! I go downstairs while she gets ready, and pack our bags for work, including making my protein shake for later.
8:05am: Arrived at work, I like to get in around this time because it means we can leave earlier, so I have more free evening time. I spend my morning reading internet forums, and slowly getting on with some work.
11:00am: I drink my protein shake. I genuinely enjoy these, I use Gold Standard vanilla protein mixed with soy milk, it tastes like a milkshake to me! I get a notification that I’ve been outbid on a pinafore dress I was interested in on eBay, but the price has gone higher than I wanted to pay, so I don’t increase my bid.
12:30pm: We go down and eat lunch, it’s the same tomato soup for me. L made some stir fry at the weekend for her lunches this week.
3:00pm: I eat my ham sandwich on a protein thin. Can you tell I eat the same stuff every goddamn day?!
4:20pm: Home time! As soon as I get home I eat a banana, get changed, and am instantly back out of the door to walk to my haircut appointment for 5pm.
5:30pm: Hair cut is done, only needed a quick dry trim. It started to rain on the way there, I’m gutted because I was really hoping this rain would be over by now. I get L to pick me up because the rain has really started to come down, and start cooking my tea. We are having different meals tonight, L has a frozen pizza and I make pasta with quorn chicken pieces and a simple cheese sauce. There ends up being too much pasta in the packet for one portion, but not enough to bother putting it back in the cupboard, so I make extra quorn, and pack it all up for lunch tomorrow. $19
6:30pm: Asda is here! We always arrange to have our weekly shopping delivered on a Tuesday, so I usually order it on Sundays. Today our shopping consisted of; pot noodles, chicken kievs, quark yoghurts, soya milk, celery, asparagus, soft cheese, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, salmon, cheese, chicken breast, sliced chorizo, quorn chicken, bread, protein thins, coke zero (for L), Lindt chocolate (for me), pasta, potatoes, two bottles of cider (for L), apple & blackcurrant squash (for me), naan bread, and cheese sauce mix. $75.05
8:30pm: After lounging around watching more She-Ra and cuddling the cats, I drag myself to the gym. Not really feeling it tonight, and nearly talk myself out of it. During the walk, I text with a friend and arrange to go see Rocketman next week. I wanted to go see Booksmart, but this was our compromise. Plus, I’m happy to watch Taron Egerton and Richard Madden make out, so I’m not too upset.
10:00pm: I head home after doing my weights, eat a brownie (I have so many left, I’ll need to fob some off on friends I think) and have a shower. Afterwards, I try to do the dishwasher, but L knows it’s past my bedtime and shoos me upstairs. After drying my hair, I am in bed for 11:30pm.
Daily total: $94.05

Day Three: Wednesday
7:10am: Nope.
7:35am: After many snoozes, I get out of bed. Quickly get ready, same routine as always. Simple make up, chuck on a black dress and tights, make a protein shake, brush teeth, then we leave. I get to my desk by 8:20, and drink my protein shake around 11am as usual.
12:30pm: Lunch time, I didn’t realise quite how much pasta I made, so I’m quite stuffed. Or maybe I’m not used to eating bigger meals during the day?
4:35pm: Time to go home! We’re going out later for tea with L’s family, as it’s one sister’s birthday, and the other had her last exam today. We’ll be eating later than I’m used to, so I have a quark yoghurt to tide me over. I also add a bunch of extra make up, including Barry M Liquid Chrome highlighter, my favourite. I change into a cute tie-front blouse and black skinny jeans, and put on a little jewellery as well.
5:50pm: We estimate it will take 45 minutes to get to the restaurant, but we set off with plenty of time just in case we hit traffic. Before we leave, we grab an extra gift we got a while ago for L’s sister. We already posted her main gift, but as a gag gift we also bought her a giant pencil and a tiny notebook. It seemed funny in the shop, but writing it down it sounds lame! On the drive, we listen to some old episodes of The Adventure Zone podcast, our favourite.
7:00pm: We’re here, but the family isn’t unfortunately, we get a text to say they’re running half an hour late. We park up, and since it’s after 6pm it’s only $1.50 to stay until midnight. L and I both really need a wee, so we spot a cute bar in a canal boat and head in for a drink and to use the loos. I get a vodka lemonade, and she gets half a cider since she’ll be driving later ($8.20). We sit outside to enjoy our drinks, since it’s not too cold. $9.70
7:30pm: They’re finally here, so we go to the restaurant to be seated. I order another vodka lemonade, and chorizo spaghetti carbonara as my main course. It’s DELICIOUS! L has pork belly with vegetables and a diet coke, but I can tell she wishes she’d ordered pizza like everyone else. For dessert I have a melt in the middle chocolate pudding with a scoop of vanilla gelato, and again it’s completely delicious. L has a salted caramel sundae, and she gives me the white chocolate curls, since she doesn’t like chocolate.
10:00pm: I can’t believe we stayed so long! L’s dad generously covers the bill, which he tells us came to around $203 for the seven of us. We spend a long time debating how much tip to leave, I don’t think he wants to leave much because he was already paying so much for the meal, so he ends up only leaving a tenner ($12). Controversial! I personally would have left more, but he’s older and quite conservative, I don’t think he’d have left a tip at all if we hadn’t all convinced him. L and I literally never carry cash, so we can’t help out either.
11:05pm: Finally home, and exhausted. L very kindly makes my sandwich for tomorrow without me even asking, while I take off my make-up, brush my teeth, and am out like a light.
Daily total: $9.70

Day Four: Thursday
7:10am: I don’t want to, but I force myself out of bed. Go through the usual morning routine of make-up, brush my hair, and put on deodorant (I’m just realising I never mentioned that any other days, I promise I wear it every day!). I wake L up and make her take my weekly progress photos to send to my PT, since it’s check-in day. As we leave the house, I notice the sky is glorious blue! I hope all this rain is finally over, and we can actually start summer.
8:15am: I’m at my desk! L has a doctor’s appointment at 9am so we had to make sure to get here nice and early, so she can get some work done before she has to leave again.
10:00am: I check my eBay app and see I’ve been outbid AGAIN on something, and I can’t decide what to do. I don’t have any summer clothes because my weight and body shape is very different from last year, but I also don’t have a lot of money to spend. I increase my bid to $5 on some denim high-waist shorts and am still not the highest bidder, so I tap out. I only have around $60 in my personal account to last me the entire month, including the cinema next week, so I don’t want to spend it all on clothes.
12:30pm: Lunchtime is here, and I go down to eat my boring soup. When I get back, my co-worker offers me a doughnut! I told him yesterday that the jam doughnuts from the Co-op are vegan, which he didn’t know, so today he bought some for us all to share. Definitely improves my mood!
1:30pm: You know that comment I made about the glorious blue sky? Guess what! It’s goddamn raining.
3:00pm: I eat my ham sandwich, cry a little inside about the fact that I wish it was another doughnut instead.
4:25pm: I successfully resisted eating a second doughnut, and it’s home time! We stop by the Co-op as is our Thursday tradition. We used to go to a local sandwich shop on Fridays as a treat, but now to save money we just buy some nice bread from the co-op and make our own. I also grab a light Ribena and some fridge raiders to bring tomorrow as a snack. $4.50
5:00pm: Not long after we get in, the cat that had a seizure recently starts limping! I panic, but after a few seconds she’s fine, it must have just been a dead leg. The cats are 11 now so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were starting to have some joint issues. We discuss it, and I go on amazon to buy some salmon oil to add to their food, because that’s supposed to help ($15.20). That also reminds me we’re nearly out of cat food, so I go on Fetch and order a 4kg bag of James Wellbeloved dry food, and a jumbo pack of Felix wet food pouches ($42), they’ll all be delivered tomorrow evening. $57.20
7:30pm: After eating cheesy pasta bake with celery and a bell pepper for tea (my absolute favourite) and lounging around listening to more Adventure Zone and playing Pokemon X, I decide to go for a walk since I’ve not moved a lot today. L doesn’t come with me because she’s tired and her hayfever is really acting up today. I only end up going out for about half an hour before I really need a wee and have to come home, so I don’t manage to hit my 10k step goal.
10:30pm: I spend some time browsing Depop for the first time ever, and I love it! I buy a black pinafore dress for $8.25 including postage. I again try and sort the kitchen and make sandwiches for tomorrow but L shoos me upstairs and says she’ll do it, so I head up to bed and am asleep pretty quickly. $8.25 from my personal account
Daily total: $69.95

Day Five: Friday
7:20am: I snooze once, debate going back to sleep and just getting into work later, but manage to get up. Technically we can arrive any time we want as long as it’s before 9am, but I do prefer getting in early when we can, so we can leave earlier.
7:50am: I get downstairs after getting dressed and putting on make-up and some Lush No Drought dry shampoo, to discover the kitchen is still a mess and sandwiches aren’t made. I’m annoyed because L specifically told me not to do it, and now we’ll be running late. She comes down and makes the sandwiches while I pack our bags and make my protein shake. We brush our teeth and manage to leave by 8:15 somehow.
11:00am: I drink my protein shake for breakfast as per usual.
12:30pm: Time to head for lunch, ham sandwiches on the nice bread today as a Friday treat, plus my Ribena. L has the same bread, but she has chorizo, cheese, gherkins, and mayo on hers, and a sugar free energy drink.
3:30pm: I eat my fridge raiders. Not a particularly exciting snack, but it keeps me going. Plus, it’s nearly home time!
3:55pm: Time to go! We can leave half an hour early on Fridays, and we count that down to the minute. Once we get home, I eat a banana, drink a pre-workout shake, get changed into gym clothes, put some laundry on, and head back out in the car. I’m going to a different gym that my friend works at today so I can give her the rest of the brownies I baked, so I need to drive. I only passed my test just over a year ago, and I’m still a very nervous driver. I typically only drive short distances, and I’ve never driven on the motorway. Luckily L doesn’t mind driving me around!
7:45pm: Can’t believe how long I stayed at the gym! I spent ages chatting to my friend, and had to do 30 minutes of cardio after my weightlifting, so my workout ran really long. I don’t mind though, because I hit some PBs and I feel amazing! Get home to find L ran the dishwasher, so the kitchen is lovely and sparkling clean. My tummy is rumbling LOUD, so I quickly run for a shower, then come downstairs to make my salmon, rice, broccoli and cauliflower. L always spends Friday evenings gaming on the PC and chatting to friends on Skype, so I get to do whatever I want.
9:30pm: I finish eating, and decide to lounge around and watch Hearts Beat Loud on Netflix. It’s a cute film, although it does make me cry. I try to coax the cats into eating the food with salmon oil added, but they don’t like it. The cat with the bad leg outright refuses to eat even a bite, which is extra frustrating since we bought it for her specifically.
11:00pm: I go to bed in a weird mood after the film, not sure why. I have a bit of a cry, and can’t fall asleep for hours, not helped by the fact that L is still chatting to her friends in the next room and is being quite loud. Usually I’d shut the bedroom door, but the cats are in here with me and I feel bad kicking them out.
Daily total: $0

Day Six: Saturday
3:30am: I wake up briefly as L comes to bed and moves the cats out of the room, but fall back asleep instantly.
9:00am: I wake up for real! I’m visiting family in Manchester today for my nana’s 80th birthday party, so I have to get on the train, I’ve already paid for my tickets. It’s a long journey, I just hope I can find seats. I clean the kitchen, put more laundry on, then make myself poached eggs on toast for breakfast.
10:20am: L drops me at the train station, I could definitely have driven myself but I pretend like she might need the car, so I don’t have to drive. The weather keeps alternating between hot and cloudy, and I brought my big winter coat for some reason. I just carry it around, wishing I had a cool jacket to wear instead. On the train I start reading a book I’ve been meaning to get into for ages, The Last Mrs Parrish by Liv Constantine.
1:20pm: Finally arrive in Manchester! It’s a long journey but not a difficult one, only one change. My family let me know they are running a little late to pick me up from the station, but I assumed they would be anyway, so I had planned to get some food while I waited. I go to a healthy fast food place just outside the station, and get chicken nuggets and baked waffle fries. $8.70
2:00pm: We get to the party fashionably late. I eat my food in the car, although I don’t enjoy the fries so I give them to my little brother. 16 year old boys will eat literally anything! I wasn’t expecting everyone to be dressed so nicely, I stick out like a sore thumb in my jeans and t-shirt, while everyone else is in nice dresses and shirts. Nana seems pleased to see me though, and that’s what counts!
4:30pm: We couldn’t stay for very long, because I had to get back to the station. I think I’ll have spent more time on a train today than actually visiting family! The party was pretty uneventful, I basically spent the entire time corralling my little brother and sister while my mum cuddled a cousin’s six week old baby. There was a buffet, but I don’t eat any of it, and my mum pays for our drinks, so I have a couple of J20s. I go to WH Smiths in the station because I’m getting hungry and won’t be home for hours. I get a ham sandwich, bottle of Ribena and packet of Skips as part of a meal deal, and grab a dairy milk chocolate bar as well. $6.90
6:15pm: I finish my book during the first train journey (loved it, very Gone Girl vibes), and get a notification that I’m very low on data. I top up 1GB for £5/$6.38, which will be added to my next bill. All I can really do now is just eat my food, and listen to an episode of the Dear Prudence podcast I had already downloaded. $6.38
7:40pm: Finally back at the home station! I had to stand for the last 45 minute journey, so my back is aching. L picks me up and we head home. I decide I’m in the mood to play Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch, so I start myself a new playthrough on that. L sits on the sofa with me and gives me pointers.
10:30pm: After a nice relaxing evening, I head to bed early. I quickly take off my make up, brush my teeth, and fall asleep in no time.
Daily total: $21.98

Day Seven: Sunday
10:00am: Finally, I get a lie in! I swear, we’ve been busy every single Saturday for weeks, I needed this extra sleep. I lounge around in bed for a while on social media before getting up at around 11. I clean the kitchen while L gets ready, and I have an internal discussion about whether I should go to the shop before I eat, so I can buy a ready meal for lunch.
11:30am: I don’t buy the ready meal! We make poached eggs on toast for us both, and manage to get them lovely and runny inside for the second day in a row. While that’s cooking, we look through some recipes for what to make for L’s lunches, she decides on a healthy looking Mexican casserole.
12:30pm: After watching some TV, we head out to Asda to buy the meal prep ingredients. We get brown rice, chicken, corn, and black beans. I also pick up some new tights for work, some pasta, and L spies a new Nando’s sauce she enjoys but hasn’t seen in shops before ($19.07). We had just started to get in the red on our petrol gauge, so we also stop and completely fill up the car on the way home ($51.03). $70.10
1:30pm: Pretty much as soon as we get in, I start making lunch. I want to get to the gym quite soon, and since I’m doing deadlifts today, I need more food in me, even though I’m not hungry yet from eating breakfast so late. We have pasta with quorn chicken, celery, red bell peppers, and cheese sauce. I’m STUFFED because I made too much, and end up extremely sleepy. I do put on some more laundry, there’s a growing pile of clean laundry in the bedroom that hasn’t been put away yet.
3:00pm: After wandering around the house in a fog for a while, I finally feel awake enough to walk to the gym. Get in an ok workout, although I don’t stay behind to do cardio because I want to get home to watch the Women’s World Cup football (soccer) game, England v Cameroon. L does her meal prep while I’m gone, and tidies the kitchen after she’s finished.
6:30pm: What a crazy game! So glad I tuned in, it was truly wild to watch. After that finishes, I head for a shower, then we cook chicken kievs and homemade chips for tea. For dessert, I have a few squares of my Lindt chocolate, and a protein shake.
11:00pm: I had a very chilled evening again, just played more Zelda, and chatted to friends on Whatsapp. We discuss the upcoming hen do, and I end up feeling more positive about it. Fingers crossed it goes well! I brush my teeth and get into bed, but again I don’t fall asleep for hours. I’m frustrated, because it’s work tomorrow and I know I’ll be exhausted. L once again makes my sandwich and cleans the kitchen, then after her shower comes to bed around 1am.
Daily total: $70.01

Total spend: $265.78 ($8.25 of that from my personal account)
Food + Drink: $122.42
Home + Health: $0
Clothes + Beauty: $27.25
Transport: $52.53
Other: $63.58
Lastly, reflect on your diary! This was a higher spend week for us than usual (doesn’t everyone say that), which is actually why I chose it for this diary, so it would be more interesting to read! I like to think we’re pretty frugal in general, so I was quite surprised by the total at the end. Just shows how small expenses really add up! It’s something we’re working on. Usually we don’t get up to this much in one week, we have a lot more no spend days.
submitted by Zen_Rainbow to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Do you like or miss wings? Well I just made an amazing discovery!

The other day I was on here and I saw that someone posted a recipe for hot wings made with cauliflower in place of chicken. Now I love cauliflower, but I can't imagine it ever being an adequate substitute for chicken. On top of that, someone else in the thread mentioned that they tried following this recipe before and it didn't work out. They said they were a big fan of hotwings and missed eating them. Well buddy, read on - this post is for you.
So Gardein has this product called Mandarin Orange Crispy Chick’n, and if you're lucky you can find it in the frozen vegetarian foods section of your grocery store (near the Morning Star, Quorn, etc) I've prepared this product before with varying success, usually pan-frying with oil and garlic to serve alongside steamed rice and broccoli. If you do it right, it turns out pretty good. The problem is, to do it right you have to use a LOT of oil and a huge pan while being super-attentive to make sure it's being cooked evenly. Even then, there's no real guarantee it's going to work out.
HOWEVER, when you get it right, it ends up PERFECT in terms of flavor and consistency; you get these crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside nuggets of deliciousness that are high in protein. Well today I found out how to cook it perfectly using even less oil to reach the same effect. Here's what to do:
If everything worked right, what should come out of the oven next will be these really crispy, slightly puffed-up pieces of soy chicken. What you do next is put them all in a bowl and toss them in ANY SAUCE YOU WANT. I always used their included orange sauce, which was a tangy blend of ginger and citrus, which isn't bad, but today I decided to toss on some Tapatio, and you know what? It tasted amazing. One thing I really missed as a vegetarian was hot wings, BBQ wings, garlic & parmesan wings, you name it. Wings were awesome, which is why I was shocked to discover something with the flavor and consistency of some of the best, most crispy wings I've ever eaten. I'm not even kidding.
I think that even non-veggies could enjoy these as a healthier alternative to eating wings. Or if you love wings but hate the gross stuff like the veins or bones. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and maybe this was a bit long to just tell you something that's probably really obvious, so here it is:
TL;DR - Bake Gardein Mandarin Orange Crispy Chick'n* pieces in the oven until they turn crispy and then toss them with hot wing sauce for the most accurate vegetarian hot wing option you'll probably ever taste.
*This post is not affiliated or endorsed by Gardein. I'm am not an employee of Gardein nor have I been paid to advertise their product.
submitted by phubans to vegetarian [link] [comments]

how long to cook quorn nuggets video

True Vegans Try Meat For The First Time - YouTube Homemade Quesadillas  Keep Cooking & Carry On  Jamie ... 1 Pound Ground Beef, 4 Easy Dinners - YouTube Easy Bolognese Recipe  Jamie Oliver - YouTube Easy Family Lasagne  Jamie Oliver - YouTube VEGAN FAST FOOD REVIEW - YouTube THE BEST TASTING Vegan Steak Recipe  How To - YouTube PERSONAL TRAINERS TRY JUNK FOOD - YouTube

Meat free savoury flavour nuggets, made with mycoprotein, coated in a crispy batter Recommended* netmums *In a poll of 102 Netmums users, 98% would recommend Quorn Crispy Nuggets to a friend or family Sustainable Nutrition Quorn products are a source of protein because they contain mycoprotein; a nutritious and sustainable protein source. Quorn Nuggets (300g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. PAN 3 MIN. Fry Quorn Nuggets for 2-3 minutes on each side over medium heat. MICROWAVE 2 MIN. Line a microwavable plate with two layers of paper towels. Place one layer of frozen Quorn Nuggets on top. When cooking for one (3-4 nuggets): Heat on high (800W) for 2 minutes, turning half-way through. Quorn Crispy Nuggets (300g/476g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. (oven) 15 MIN. Preheat oven to 220°C/Fan 200°C/Gas 7. Cook on the middle shelf. All appliances vary, these are guidelines only. Check product is piping hot before serving. Cook from frozen. Ensure Quorn Meatless Nuggets reach an internal temperature of 165°F or above before serving. For best results, cook in the OVEN. OVEN 15 MIN. Preheat oven and baking sheet to 425F. Place Quorn Meatless Nuggets on the baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. MICROWAVE 1000W 4 MIN. Line a microwave safe plate with two layers of paper towel. Place 5 Quorn Meatless Nuggets in a single layer. Heat on high for 2 minutes, turning halfway through. Allow to stand for 2 minutes. Quorn Vegan Nuggets (280g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. OVEN 15 MIN. Preheat oven and baking tray to 220°C/200°C Fan forced. Cook on the middle shelf. All appliances vary, these are guidelines only. Check product is very hot before serving. Pre-heat oven and baking sheet to 425°F. Place Quorn Cheesy Nuggets on the baking sheet. Bake for 18 minutes. MICROWAVE 1000W 2 MIN 30 SEC. Line a microwave safe plate with two layers of paper towel. Place 3 Quorn Cheesy Nuggets in a single layer. Heat on high for 1 minute 30 seconds. Allow to stand for 1 minute. CAUTION: Plate and Cheesy Nuggets will be hot. Please note that microwave cooking times may vary depending on appliance wattage. Quorn Meat Free Crispy Nuggets (300g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. OVEN 15 MIN. Preheat oven to 220°C. Cook on the middle shelf. All appliances vary, these are guidelines only. Check product is piping hot before serving. Quorn Vegan Nuggets (280g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. (oven) 18 MIN. Preheat oven and baking tray to 220°C/Fan 200°C/Gas 7. Cook on the middle shelf. All appliances vary, these are guidelines only. Check product is piping hot before serving. I cook these in the oven for about 30 minutes on 180 degrees adding my quorn nuggets after ten minutes. Then you just have the beans- value ones which range from 20-30p and everyone knows how to cook those. So there you have an easy meal which has taken you five minutes extra and cheap too. Quorn Crispy Nuggets (300g / 476g) Cook from frozen. Remove all packaging. (oven) 15 MIN. Preheat oven to 220°C/Fan 200°C/Gas 7. Cook on the middle shelf. All appliances vary, these are guidelines only. Check product is piping hot before serving.

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how long to cook quorn nuggets

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