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The Current State Of RDO For Veterans, Casuals & Newcomers Alike.

I've seen a lot of back and forth between veteran players, casuals & newcomers alike about this update, Rockstar and the game in general. Some are against thier actions, some defend them and some are neutral. Personally I love the game I played during BETA and now on PC, but I also despise it for it's issues. This latest update feeling like one big warning to stop playing altogether. For now, I'm taking a break from playing. So I've compiled and left a list of issues, general facts and lack-of for people to better judge & talk about the current situation of the game below:
•Online was first released in BETA November 2018, during BETA they introduced Microtransactions with a very scarce amount of content.
•Online later came out of BETA in May 2019 still scarce in content, and then in September it's first major update introducing 3 core roles.
•As a comparison to GTA Online, RDO lacks the Rockstar Editor, Creator Mode, Private Free Roam, aim locked Free Roam/PVP Modes (Free Aim or Auto Aim) & even text chat on PC.
•There was a 7 month period with no news or any information about an update alongside the community protesting as clowns to garner some communication from Rockstar to no avail.
•The collector role was nerfed/randomized due to how rockstar underestimated the ingenuity of the community, one of the main reasons being it was the best paying and easiest to do with a player guided map. Rather than also balancing other roles to make them equal. Such as bounty targets/target rewarding a measly $2
•Naturalist update releases, a sort of rehash of the collector role that lacks in useful content such as re-skins of the exact same legendary coat, being punished for killing animals despite a separate role & dailies that depend on it, pumping animals full of 20 rounds of sedative ammo just to take a sample, overpriced tonics & gold pamphlets that allow you to become an animal in a limited area for a limited amount of time for seemingly no purpose.
•We get outlaw passes, limited time content that relies solely on purchased or earned Gold along with XP or gold rank ups. This taking up a decent portion of content that people tend to get fixated on. This tactic alongside limited time stock clothing is just to put pressure on the purchase of Gold Bars (If you're running low) and to keep player numbers afloat for a longer period. (Fallout 76 has a similar tactic with Atomic Shop Items only being available for a limited time and the Legendary Run) We even have/had legendary bounties, emotes and legendary animals drip fed to us to drag out the update.
•Most of the new content that is added is either locked behind a Role or the Outlaw pass, hair styles, clothing, skills, horses, weapon styles, even emotes and walking styles. So essentially, we have to pay to unlock content so we can then buy or earn said content in game. Sounds a lot like buying a DLC pack with extra steps (As a comparison to GTA Online they can get 200+ new clothing options, hair styles, multiple vehicles, emotes, weapons, walking styles and tattoos immediately available to purchase or are free such as emotes and walking styles)
•There was a period after a botched update for about 1 to 2 days where the game was utterly broken and couldn't actually be played on consoles, they eventually reverted to a previous patch. People lost hard earned streaks and got no compensation for their screw up unless directly reported on an individual basis.
•There is often rampant hacking with modders even being able to stop themselves from being reported and being able to crash your system or boot you from a session, alongside bad Peer to Peer connection rather than dedicated servers. Hackers have even gotten players banned for tricking people into opening nearby illegitimate spawned treasure chests.
•There are many bugs and glitches that still haven't been patched to this day. Not to mention new bugs that come with new updates. For instance: (Not being rewarded XP & money, gold bar coupons not being rewarded, the infamous hanging gun bug, black screens, crashing, not being rewarded money for sales, NPC's suddenly firing their whole clip at you within less than a second, cloth wraps reverting to a different colour, gun belts floating, UI Errors such as not being able to use coupons or browse the full selection of bar decor and much more)
•Next to no advertising or info about this latest update before it released besides a small paragraph at the end of a social club post about the $5 Sale Of RDO. GTA Online on the other hand getting 3 in-game teases and 2 separate video teasers and a main post introducing a new island to a game that has been around for 7 years and 3 console generations now.
•We now have the daily challenge nerf that not only resets your streak automatically but is also rewarding half as much gold. As an example, with the old system if you did 5 daily challenges a day for 4 weeks you'd end up with 49 gold. If you did the same with the new system you'll get 24 gold. If you were to stay at the same pace and do 5 challenges a day with the new system you'd have to do it for 8 weeks straight or alternatively 10 challenges a day for 4 weeks to earn the same as the old system.
•With this latest update, technically they've added time limited pay-to-win skills/benefits behind an outlaw pass. Standard Ammo Capacity Upgrades, multiple meat cooking and wilderness camp fast travel (Outlaw Pass 5 has also leaked and is in the game files and has further ammo skill upgrades included such as arrows and varmint ammo) That's a slippery slope that could potentially lead to bigger and better things being P2W.
•We have to pay an extra 15 Gold towards the "Prestigious Bounty Hunter License" despite having already bought a license for the role.
This update alongside the standalone sale of RDO is nothing but a way to draw in and nickel & dime new unaware players of thier money. All the new players lured in by a cheap game will most likely know nothing of what the game was previously like. I saw one post of someone on here who bought it and spent £45 on gold bars to get the pass, roles and also advance the pass. And he didn't yet receive his free gold bar benefit tokens back from it. Don't forget that everyone before this had paid upwards of £45 or £89 for the base game or ultimate edition which includes Online benefits.
"It's free content bro, quit complaining" Just because it's technically free does not mean it's exempt from criticism. Especially being a live service game & the way they market and dish out their content. Might as well BE a paid DLC pack.
"You're just entitled gamers who want everything free and easy" At the end of the day it's a game, we play it because we want to have fun or to escape from the realities of day to day life. Not to feel like we're working a minimum wage job to survive. Why would you defend a nerf that makes the game harder not just for veterans but newcomers alike and sucks the general enjoyment out of the experience?
"They need money to give us free content bro" If that's the case, then the online content and live service they're currently providing people is pretty lacking and crap, plain and simple. If anything spending money towards the game in it's current state is only going to encourage them to stick with their new strategy. That being said, not everything they do is terrible. Some changes are good, such as the new $$$ bounties.
At the end of the day, we shouldn't be FORCED into a harder grind experience just to HOPE for some good future content. You can clearly see what title Rockstar & Take Two favor most, GTA Online their cash cow. If the content they put out for RDO was actually decent and bug free there wouldn't be this much uproar from everyone. People might actually be more inclined to buy gold bars if the content was good and consistent. If we're expected to further fund the content online they should at the very least listen and communicate with the community. They're a multi million/billion dollar studio, not a small indie dev team. I'm sure they can afford to produce better content and live services than what's currently available for a AAA experience.
The game is a bit like a slot machine, you can pay little for lesser reward but loose less cash (Grind) or double down for improved reward but bigger loss (Pay for gold) Either way when the wheels stop (Content Update) You're gunna get something, but it doesn't mean it's going to be what you wanted or what you were hoping for no matter what option you choose.
submitted by Gurtrude22 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

My thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077: What the hell happened?? (Very long, semi-spoilery)

Strap in and gird your loins, because I have a lot to say. I could do a TL;DR at the bottom, but I'm not going to, because...really? You can't read a page or two's worth of text? Seriously?
Also, I don't need you to agree or disagree with me on any of this. Your feelings about Cyberpunk 2077 are your own, and we don't need to see eye-to-eye. I merely feel compelled to share the many thoughts I have on this, like others who have done the same.
I've logged 23 hours of gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077 so far, and when everything is working, I'm enjoying myself. I love the feeling and aesthetics of the game's world, and I feel like I've only scratched the surface of it. I love just running around and exploring Night City. If my objective is only a few meters away, I'll often not even bother with a car or motorcycle and just jog there so I can experience the streets and atmosphere. I'll stop and listen to conversations (when they happen) or watch a gang attack play out; maybe I'll even step in and clean house. The story has well and truly captured my interest but I'm taking it slowly because I want to savor it. I love the characters V interacts with; their stories, their cameraderie with V, and the friendships and relationships that form. I can see the care that went into them, and I love that.
All that being said, though, I think it's become very apparent, even to some of the staunchest supporters, that CDPR over-promised, overstated, and shockingly under-delivered, on many levels. This feels like one of those games that's going to get the AngryJoe review that starts with: "Ya done fucked it up".
Playing Cyberpunk 2077 is like encountering a home owned by a hoarder. It's beautiful on the outside, and you get this impression that the inside must be too. Then you're invited in and see chaos, neglect, abuse and disorder, but underneath all that mess you're tripping over, you can see what could've been (and could still be, with the proper care) an absolutely amazing place to call home.
I mean...what the hell happened? WHAT. THE HELL. HAPPENED? I'm honestly getting Mass Effect Andromeda flashbacks here; not just in terms of the backlash from the gaming community, but the justifiable reasons for it. To say this game is a fucking mess is a massive over-simplification. I go back into my Reddit comment history and I see the times I try to defend the game and reassure people that it wouldn't be as bad a launch as Fallout '76, No Man's Sky or WWE 2K20, and I'm embarrassed now because CDPR seemed to go out of its way to make a complete jackass out of me. I've never been a CDPR apologist/defendeshill, but at the very least, I thought they were more competent compared to their peers. Alas, they robbed me of my faith in them.
At least I can still stand by one thing I often stated prior to launch: bugs and glitches are going to happen. That's inarguable and undeniable. Even the much-acclaimed Witcher 3 released in an extremely buggy state to the point where the glitches became memes...but I don't remember it being THIS bad.
T-posing, ridiculous amounts of pop-in and slow rendering, stuff floating in mid-air, glitchy NPCs (I had a Maelstrom guy follow me around for a while at one point and actually, surprisingly enough, help me in combat), clothes or hair disappearing from your character when you look in a mirror, sound FX just straight-up missing at times, getting stuck in a crouching position or in that "scanning" mode, getting thrown 200 meters away from where you were just because you glitched trying to jump through an open window (had that happen to me last night)...sadly, I could go on and on. I can get around them most of the time, but as I rack up more hours in the game, I'm seeing more and more instances of them. It hurts my heart, because I believed that CDPR could do better and I wanted this game to come out of the gate kicking ass, taking names, and flipping the bird to all the others who'd delight in seeing it fall short or fail.
I'm a PC gamer, so I can count myself extremely fortunate that I can at least play the game and enjoy most of it. That's more than I can say for console users, though. It's like my buggy/glitchy experience but dialed up to eleven. You don't need my pity, console gamers, but you have it anyway because you guys got royally screwed, and I'm really sorry you're suffering through that. What really chaps my hide about your predicament is that the last delay was specifically attributed to getting the game to be functional for current-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox One/One S/One X). If this end result is what they consider functional for current-gen consoles, I dread to think what the state of the game on consoles was prior to the delay. Did the consoles fucking explode as soon as the game started? Because if it did and now it merely starts up and runs like this, good fucking job, CDPR. Fucking GOLD STAR there.
Getting away from the technical issues, there are elements about this game, either existing or missing, that just flat-out frustrate the bejeezus out of me because I can't see a logical reason why they exist/function- or don't - in the game's current state. These might come off as nitpicks to some of you and maybe you haven't experienced them as I have, but the more I play, the more they frustrate me. I'm going to detail them in no particular order:
  1. How can you not have a means to edit your character's body in the game world? No barbers/hairstylists, tattoo artists, cyberware installers, body piercers in Night City? AT ALL? With all the storefronts and buildings that serve no purpose other than aesthetics, surely CDPR could've slotted a tattoo parlor or barber shop into them. Grand Theft Auto has had that since fucking SAN ANDREAS, for God's sake!!! How do you look at the in-world character modification options in the GTA or RDR franchises and think, "Nah, we don't need that"? They could've had specific vendors that not only allow you to swap your hairstyles/colors, facial hair, piercings, teeth appearance, tattoos or cyberware with other options from the character creator, but offer ADDITIONAL styles you can buy (with Eddies) that weren't initially available to you. That would've been awesome! This is a world where looks define who and what you are as much as your personality, and yet the only thing you can change about yourself once you're in it is your clothing.
  2. Speaking of clothing, I cannot believe that this game has no "costume slots" or transmogrifying of clothing you loot or buy so that you can give V the look you want for them. Again, looks are everything in Night City. CDPR even touts that in their marketing for the game, and yet, here we are, being forced to look like we don't know how to dress ourselves just so we can have better armor stats. CDPR has designed so many cool clothing items and wearable accessories for Cyberpunk 2077, but I can't wear the ones I want because if I do, V won't have enough armor to keep from dropping like a brick if a gang member tries to start some shit. They should've made all clothing without any stats whatsoever, but included slots so you could augment them with armor boosts. That would at least allow us to wear the clothing we want our versions of V to wear.
  3. Why can't you buy food from food vendors? They're all over the game in different types, from the random guy grilling skewers on a street corner to walk-up windows to actual restaurants, but you can't go up to any of them and buy food. You can only get food from looting, vending machines or talking to bartenders. I understand the logic of looting food from enemies or using vending machines, but why would we buy food from bartenders? They're not innkeepers and they don't run their establishments like in the Witcher, where you'd expect to get food AND drink from the same vendor. Bartenders should only sell drinks (and what would be considered "bar snacks", at most). The dumber thing is, even when you buy a drink from a bartender in Cyberpunk 2077, you just see their offerings, buy something, and it's in your inventory. You can't even drink at the bar unless it's part of a scripted scene. If you have the means to animate drinking in the cutscenes, why can't you drink at the bar OR choose to "take it to go" if you wish? Claire at Afterlife is a cool character; I'd love to sit in front of her, shoot the shit and have a beer while taking in the atmosphere, but if it's not scripted, I can't do that. It's all so barebones and half-assed.
  4. The same thing goes for ripperdocs. You can go and get upgrades from them, but it basically comes down to a purchase from a shop screen. Why can't you meet the ripperdoc, experience a unique personality from them, see that they have specific options that suit their style, and go through an actual scene of getting said implant? We see something like that in a cutscene; why can't we get a slightly scaled-down but similar version of that at other ripperdocs? You've rendered the uniqueness of their function completely irrelevant, and they're now just a vendor like everyone else.
  5. I thought braindance was supposed to be this big thing, where it would offer you unique insights into the goings-on in Night City. Turns out, however, that braindance is only a thing if it's scripted into a side job or the main storyline. I understand that you can't use it everywhere, but it'd be nice if it was a more useful tool in some side content. I've used Braindance a total of three or four times so far, and only in scripted sequences. This is relatively minor, but considering how it was touted, I expected more instances of it.
  6. I know a lot of people have issues with the driving in this game. I've actually been okay with it, and I especially like the different styles of vehicles. What I don't like, however, is how I can't OWN the vehicles I want without shelling out 10's of thousands of Eddies for them. If I steal a car I find that I really like, I can't keep it. There's no way for me to add it to my collection. The only vehicles I can call to have sent to me are the ones I've purchased or were given to me. Why can't we have an option to store the vehicles we find and add them to our collection if we like them?
  7. The stealth system is barely functional; in fact, it seems disingenous to call it a "stealth" system. I really wanted to use a more stealthy approach now and then so I could get in, do what I needed to, and get out and either leave a wealth of silent death in my wake or not kill anyone if I chose (yes, I know there are non-lethal ammo/takedowns in the game). I've only been able to do that on very rare occasions, because the enemy AI spots and aggros you if you so much as show a toe from behind cover. They spot you so fucking quickly, and even if you're able to duck out of sight in time, their decrease in suspicion seems much slower. Many is the time when I was going to try a more clever and clandestined approach to a gig and ended up muttering, "Well, so much for that" as I drew my gun and started spraying bullets because I was spotted and aggro'ed so quickly. I was playing Watch Dogs: Legion prior to this, and their stealth system is fucking LEAGUES better than Cyberpunk 2077's. How the hell does that happen? I know stealth is kind of their thing because of WD and Assassin's Creed, and people have their issues with those games' stealth systems, but they still seem more substantial and functional than 2077's. In WD:L, I feel like a true spy or hacker, sometimes completing a whole mission without hitting or shooting anyone. In one job, I had my MI6-agent recruit go in with his silenced pistol and he was never once spotted, and I walked out with a completed mission and a building full of enemies who never knew what hit them. Hell, I once completed a job without even going INSIDE the building. There's some of that in 2077, with the jacking-in and quickhacks, but actual stealth is damn near impossible. I've had to totally revamp my original plan of how to play as V.
  8. Hoo boy, the melee/blade combat in this game. I'm not even sure where to start here. Maybe it's the first-person perspective that's throwing me off whenever I actually engage in melee/blade combat, but feel like I'm just flailing wildly at enemies whenever I actually bother to use melee. It just handles so awkwardly that I don't like to use it. You might want to feel like a rough, smack-talking street brawler laying out gang members and standing over them like that famous shot from the Ali vs. Liston fight, but instead you're just throwing fists in the air and hoping they either connect or protect your sorry ass. When I saw that katanas would be a thing in 2077, I thought of how cool it'd be to be a kind of "cyber-samurai", striding into conflicts with nothing more than my katana and a determination to walk out of there alive. When I actually use one in-game, however, I feel more like one of those neckbeards who talk about how they "studied the blade" and think they look like Toshiro Mifune when they have one in their hands but actually wave and slash it around like they're trying to mutilate a tree. I'm not hopeful that the melee/blade combat is even fixable unless it's almost completely overhauled.
  9. The NPCs in this game are one step away from being zombies. There's no life in them at all. I can forgive the visual duplication of NPCs, especially if you have the density cranked up to full; if they're not procedurally generated (which, in itself, can be a technical nightmare), that's going to happen and I can usually dismiss that. I can even let go the repeating of certain NPC dialogue lines with voiceovers that don't sound like they should be coming from the character I've hit the "Talk" option for. Save for a few interactions scattered about, though, they just wander around like the undead. I'm not sure what CDPR could do to fix that; they're not designed to do more than just give the impression that Night City and its citizens and visitors live around you. CDPR stated that the people you see in Night City are going through their routines. Well, if their routines include shuffling along aimlessly and being almost completely oblivious to everything around them, I guess CDPR nailed it on that one.
  10. Does anyone else feel like their "life path" choice had little to no meaning whatsoever? Maybe I'm not far enough into V's story, but I feel like, aside from the way the game begins for your version of V, your life path choice only seems to grant you additional dialogue options, and I don't feel like any of those options have a significant impact. I chose Nomad for my first playthrough, and so far, other than when my V offers insights from their Nomad background, there's no real connection to that life path throughout V's journey. You're not treated differently or shown more or less respect because you're from one lifepath over another. Unless I just haven't encountered them yet, it appears that you don't get to meet certain people or do certain missions that are specific to that life path. You can participate in any of the four major romance options regardless of your life path, which is fine, but why not have one or two more that you can only have if you choose a certain life path? If you're going to offer different origins for your character, at least give them some exclusivity beyond (mostly) arbitrary dialogue choices and a different introduction to V.
I'm going to stop my list at 10, but honestly, I could go on and on (like my issues with the crafting system, or the UI being clunky and non-intuitive, etc.).
Despite everything I pointed out, I still believe that Cyberpunk 2077 has the potential to end up really, REALLY close to the masterpiece we all hoped it would be. If CDPR puts the time and effort into fixing the console problems and the bugs and glitches and broken mechanics, and they put a lot of care and effort into tweaking existing content and adding new content along the way, this game could make a complete 180-degree-turn. As broken and bereft of content as No Man's Sky was at launch, it is almost a completely different game now in how much it's been improved. I can see the same being very possible for Cyberpunk 2077.
I hate that I have to say any of that, though, because that is not how a video game's life cycle is supposed to play out. Aside from the unavoidable bugs/glitches that pop up unexpectedly, a game should be a completed and functional product at its release, and the updates that come out after should only add to the experience, not help to finish building it. We shouldn't have to be forced to wait weeks, months, or even years to have the game we were meant to play.
I am now fully convinced that CDPR's executives panicked after the bad press and consumer backlash generated by their last delay and didn't want to piss off their shareholders, so they pushed to get this game out before Christmas even though it was still...let's just say..."undercooked". Now we're all here, doubled over with the gamer equivalent of food poisoning, begging for the Alka Seltzer that is patching and updating. Well, bring on that "Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz", my choombas at CDPR, because we need some relief.
submitted by Shatterhand1701 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Daily Challenges Update & The Issues Facing RDO & The Fan Base

I've held off posting this for some time, but with the latest news about the "Update" to daily challenges that NOBODY asked for I think today is the day. Hold onto your britches as it's a long one.
Firstly I love the game to bits, I think it has the potential to become something quite special. But the way Rockstar are currently handling everything is an absolute mockery. I know everything isn't exactly easy these days with Covid-19 but Jesus Christ. Red Dead Online came out of BETA in what, May 2019? It's now November 2020 and this is the crap the fan base is having to deal with? Rockstar are a huge AAA company that have made millions. Not some small indie team.
The previous part about being AAA is a good indication to the reason they're making the change to daily challenges. Let's face it, daily challenges are the only good consistent way of earning gold in the game. Rockstar likely figured this out by now and are forcing our hand as to apply a little more pressure towards the purchase of Gold Bar Packs. They already nerfed the Collector Role as they underestimated the ingenuity of the playerbase. If I'm honest daily challenges are about the only reason I log into the game at this point. With a current streak of over 365 days and a total earning of 1,145 hard earned Gold bars. I imagine there's many more like me who are the same as well. There simply isn't enough consistent updates to the game to keep me interested and motivated in actively playing past gold challenges. Especially with the state of public lobbies being riddled with either modders, bugs or griefers at times. There are modders who can prevent themselves from even being reported for God sake.
Hell we went around seven months along with in-game & social media clown protests without a single shred of news regarding a content update. Then Rockstar regurgitate up the lackluster Naturalist Role to try appease the masses. Many other games still sent out updates or even news in that huge timeframe.
The new Bounty Hunter expansion update coming out this Tuesday was announced in a small paragraph at the end of post regarding the separate sale of RDO. Meanwhile GTA Online thier cash cow, gets three in-game teases, and two separate teaser posts about a new island heist. You tell me what game they're more focused on. You'd think it'd be their most up to date game RDO, not a title they've milked for cash since it's first console generation in 2013.
I mean where are all the "Player requested features" that Rockstar previously mentioned about in a social club post? So far we had Mercy killing animals locked behind a role. Where are invite only or solo sessions, hell on PC there still isn't even a text chat system. Something that's a basic necessity for online games. Even if Rockstar actually gave in and give us invite only sessions they'd end up wittling it down and limiting role and stranger money making activities to public sessions. Because players just can't have money making schemes go smoothly. Cough Public lobby hacking & griefers Cough
Awhile back we previously had one measly post a day after a fairly major game breaking patch from Rockstar support acknowledging an issue and that they're "Looking into it" two days silence and they just rolled back to a previous patch for those suffering on console. There's still many bugs they haven't patched out to this day. But anything that disturbs their cash flow such as money glitches they'll hot fix right away though won't they.
Truth be told, talking about it and trying to bring up these issues with Rockstar will likely result in nothing. Since when have they actively spoken out or listened to the requests of the fan base. The fact that we previously had in-game clown protests is a clear sign of the issues at hand. That being said, I still think it's important we speak out about it.
We'll probably all be back to the dark ages of Rockstar doing what they always do, whatever benefits them and Take Two best and zero communication until they feel like it.
submitted by Gurtrude22 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

Arena Wars Update Notes and Bugs

Thought I would try to help compile some of the changes people are posting about that were included with the update while we wait for R* to drop the official patch notes
UPDATE: Patch notes on - u/TheSDHotel
With the patch notes published I won't add anything else to the changes but will continue to add any bugs or glitches that are found
Possible bugs/glitches
Let me know anything else that is found and I will add it and I will update with a link to the official patch notes once they are posted by R*.
Edit: Thanks for my first gold!!!
submitted by AtrophyG4 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

RDO: Overhaul (ideal future, ideas and tweaks)

This may come off as another bitch-post and maybe it is, but were in lock-down and the only responsible thing to do now is obsess over the game that I think has the most wasted potential of it’s generation.
So, here comes a wall-of-words with the intent of proposing additions, patches and adjustments in gameplay/ menu mechanics and general quality of life fixes that I hope come to this game either in this generation or the next. I’ll keep the common complaints short and place them at the end, but I will list them b/c this game has too much potential to still be saddled with day one bugs so far down the road.
Yes, I will be submitting this through the website where Rockstar ignores it’s customers.
Now my proposals on how to improve the quality of life, engagement and fun-factor. Credit to u/mannishman11 who posted a list of suggestions on this subreddit that I’ll be taking some ideas from and building upon.
**The hope** 
The riverboat update/expansion:
Exactly what it sounds like. Use the template of one of the current riverboats or create a new “megaboat”. It’d be a place to congregate within a lobby but also house all games available in free roam in one convenient location (main deck), high stakes, no limits poker (top deck) and in the boiler room there’d be a fight club. No killing but you can be dazed and no tonics (rest/spectate to recover at an accelerated rate).
This should be a hedonistic playground for the high levels. Somewhere for them to congregate, flex just a little bit and finally something to spend their money on (and risk losing it all if they end up on the wrong side of lady luck.
You’d access the riverboat from the St. Denis docks for a $100 entrance fee for each time you travel to it. and it’d have a dress code (not in love with that idea, but I like the idea of forcing players to dress up/not all look like bruised and battered heathens all the time lol).
so you got too much money and nothing to spend it on, huh? how about you come on down to St. Dennis and risk it all (no limit games restricted to player vs player / no player vs cpu).
(In lobby mass message | mannish elaboration) Free roam is far too isolated and those looking for potential posse members /new friends/or players just looking for a fist fight have no option other than to use bullets and rudimentary emotes (or their guns/fists) to make their intent clear. And that’s only if you happen to cross another player on the massive map. This can be solved by introducing the newsboy into RDO or Implementing a “telegram” service at the post offices.
How it’d work:
Travel to a newsboy or post office>interact with PO or NB by using L2 (I’ll be speaking in PS4)>add the option to write a message to the lobby by pressing square while focused on the PO or NB and then write a message or provide a button propped list of options to blast out (posse up anyone? Bounty hunt? Duel? etc.
Everyone in that lobby would get a prompt that there is a message from a fellow player at the post office/at camp, if they choose to travel to and read the message they can accept or ignore. If they were to accept (provided by button prompts) they’d be spawned next to the inviting player and now you can interact with a like-minded player in your lobby without having to “soft-grief” to invite a player to a fight or just be alone if you happen to want to play with friends/others but none are on when you are.
You get 3 lobby message per lobby session and this'd need to be monitored by R* to prevent spamming/soliciting
DUEL (mannish tweak)
This is cowboy 101 and I’m disappointed that there is no variant of a duel in RDO atm, so let’s fix that!
approach a player > focus on that player with L2 > add the option to challenge to a duel by pressing square> if they accept then that brings up a menu prompt and after long-pressing start you are brought to the duel menu.
classic: opposing ends duel (possibly with the single player mechanics adapted to RDO).
Paces: Start back to back and take 10 paces in either direction. Your camera will be in a “cinematic state” (A high angle shot that slowly zooms in on you until the count of ten has been reached. At that point your camera whips around to face the opponent and you attack and react. Those that employ quickdraw should have a massive advantage over those who try to use the standard autolock. Also, maybe add some effects to the “paces” tighten the tension and show your players nervousness
1 shot: classic opposing ends duel, but with only one bullet in each players side arm of choice. You take your shot on the mark and if you don’t win with the gun then it’s down to blades and fists.
There could also be auto prompts/telegrams to go out to the lobby when a duel had been agreed to to allow the other players to migrate to the area and spectate and possibly bet if they choose. There would have to be a safe area applied to the area to cut down on griefers. Players can fight each other while waiting in queue. All combat is cancelled for any spectators who may be onlooking once the duel is underway. The winner of a duel will have the opportunity to either leave or take on any challengers if they choose to do so.
MELEE (cannot possibly happen in the immediate because of the assumed need for additional motion cap.)
I’ve been playing this game too god damn long and I’m sick of shooting everything when this game has the foundation for so much more. I can’t find it now, but there was a post not too long ago showing some of the advanced melee (machete) fighting that had been scripted into the single player (that I’d honestly forgotten about). I feel like that’d be too much to ask, as the world is now, but eventually id like for melee to be elaborated on to come close to what could be.
Some of the most fun I’ve had is when free aim was first introduced to the showdown modes and I’d be able to dodge bullets in the wind while charging the either panicking or retreating opponent. Choosing to bring a knife to a gunfight and killing your opponent is something I want to experience more and I think others would as well.
But the variety dries up quickly. melee controls should be refined so that the player can better dictate if they want to tackle or attempt a standing attack while charging at an enemy.
obviously we'd need more tackle animations and more tackle counter animations and of course more creative executions.
Also the melee ability cards need to be buffed. If I run with of single purpose, Iron Lung and fool me once I should be tanky, especially if all of those cards are fully upgraded. I don’t want the advantage over shooters, I just want it to be viable to run a melee build if you play smartly (use cover and invest in abilities). As it is now there is an entire set of melee based ability cards that go unused for the most part.
Slippery bastard/ Return of the bastard
This card needs to be “re-buffed” to it’s original strength/effect with one caveat: it has a 10 second “afterburn” where, as the slippery bastard user, once you exit your deadeye state your enemy can immediately return to auto aiming, but you will still be free aim only for the next 10 seconds. I feel like that is a far better compromise than what they’ve currently done to SB.
Also, You should be unpaintable in SB.
I always looked at it as a way o make a melee build workable and an invitation to free aim kill me if you are so intent on killing me. You used to be able to sense the panic when an opponent had the crutch of auto aim swept from under their feet. That should be a thing again.
Racing/unleash the horses
The race series has become my guilty pleasure just in the last month. I’m addicted and I want more! In case you weren’taware there is a strong community in the race series where the appeal is mostly respect and chasing the win. I know this because I’ve won enough races to know that no one is there for the money.
In the here and now: I’d like to see more race styles: Long distance/marathon style point to point (like the Van horn to black water run from single player), team relay lap races, cart/chariot races in either solo or duos (one driver, one shootecombatant) and traditional races with no weapon spawns, just pure skill and knowledge of the maps with a little pushing and shoving and perhaps a machete or two along the way.
Also, and I hope this isn’t controversial because I’ve always found it silly. Don’t normalize the horses! We paid for and saddled up the horses we want and come to know and love them for how they handle in free roam. It takes the spit out of a race to have rubber band physics bring the pack back into the race when you’d left them behind fair and square.
If you come out with a war horse then know that you are not going to win by racing clean so be a bully and use the mass and strength of your horse as a weapon to at least try and neutralize the faster horses. Alternatively if you're out there with an Arabian then you should do everything you can to avoid contact and get to wide open spaces to let your speed do the work. This would need a reworking of the race collision detection(which is needed anyway), but Id like the strategy that this would introduce and more importantly my fast horse will also feel fast while in a race, hopefully.
If you come out with a saddler or a Shire you’re not winning. And that’s ok because you signed up for a race and you brought a slug as your steed (though stricter matchmaking can solve the disparity between the OG’s and new-comers).
Finally, I dream of a race that takes you from one side of mount Shan and ends on the other side of it after racing and working around the cliffs and ledges near the peak of the mountain; would also love courses in, Tall trees, NE new Hanover, and the heartlands.
Bandits (expansion/role | Mannish tweak)
Banks, passenger trains, stores, and civilians are now fair game The mechanics would work similar or exactly as in single player.
I imagine there’d be free roam events and “search and shoot” missions that surround this role, but those are basic and not worth my time. I’d much rather talk about my idea for “who runs this town”:
If you, as a bandit or a bandit posse, survive enough npc police and maybe 3 rounds of bounty hunters then you should trigger a mode where bounty hunters can keep coming but now licensed bounty hunter players will now be alerted that you’ve taken over a town and those bounty hunter characters should be given the option to join the fight to liberate the town from the agitating posse or ignore it.
While under their control the person or posse will steadily collect money from the local shops. That money is theirs after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Or if you’re able to liberate the town then you collect the cash.
So if you think you’re a badass and want to try and liberate a town by yourself you can try, ditto for if you’re able to rustle up a posse. That town becomes unavailable to take over after 1 “seige” if you are in a posse that took over a town then that counts for your one chance for the day (possibly more limitations to prevent spamming).
Bounty hunters
NPC bounty hunters are a drag in RDO. I personally try to nurse a healthy bounty so that real bounty hunters have a chance to come and get me. I don’t want to fight a small army of NPC’s, especially at the ridiculous rate that they keep coming after you. If I wanted to do that I could just start killing cops in St. Dennis.
My solution: every bounty is collectable by any license holding bounty hunter (so basically anyone. This could also be implemented in a way by a toggle option to “deny npc bounty hunters”. A player with a bounty on their head would glow red and their bounty would be displayed over their head (above their gamer tag).
I imagine this'd create a ton of tension the next time you cross paths with a fellow player who seems to be staring a bit too hard at you and your $25 bounty.
Either that or give me the ability to evade the NPC bounty hunters as I can do in single player.
Also, bounty hunters should only get their reward if they’re able to bring in the target alive.
There’s nothing more anti-climatic than getting the notification that you’re being hunted after carefully growing your bounty only to have the chase end with an explosive round. No killing, but the target should be able to be downed (with their health returning slowly over time so they have a chance to slip the hogtie and make a run for it). This keeps the "fight for the bounty" alive longer and ups the competition factor.
Horse rustling/breaking (role ?)
Intended mainly to give wild horses a reason to exist and part of the larger “bandit overhaul”. Wild horses can now be sold at the stables after a successful breaking in. They can also be saddled, but no wild horse should have better stats than the breed horses for sale at the stable (wild horses should match the lowest stat available for that horse breed in the stables).
Additionally you should be able to sell your owned horses for half the original price, instead of purely discarding them.
Saddles should be able to be edited after purchased and sold for half the original price.
Embrace modders ala Fallout 4
If RDO can create an open, creative marketplace for mods similar to what happened with FO4 then this game gets a new lease on life and potentially becomes immortal. There'd have to be restrictions based on competitive advantage, but if it can be done then it'd change the game.
Pack mule/donkey You should be allowed to buy a pack mule and one of several large capacity saddles to equip. But there has to be some risk. I say you can have your pack mule, but as long as it is in use it is accessible to everyone so your “treasure” can be stolen if you’re not on guard.
The donkey is as fast as a scrawny nag and has unlimited stamina.
I’d like to see this implemented with a “gold panner” role, but don’t have much of an idea how to make that enjoyable.
Farming role (mannish)
I have no interest in it, but I do have interest in rustling your cattle/horses. As long as bandits are able to add an element of risk then I’d love to see people get the farming role that seems to be so popular here.
Kayak/white water race
Because why not! A 16 head race via kayak down the Dakota or on flatiron lake with stormy weather.
Triathlon Self-explanatory. Horseback>Kayak/swimming>Footrace
Another idea based on bringing players together and getting them away from the job-like grind. Maybe hosted at McFarland or the stables of Valentine.
Players get to ride a bucking bull. This would only work with extensive motion capture and taking the physics to the extreme.
The main appeal would be the carnage once the bull wins.
I’d like this to be an “open event” where it occurs naturally in the freedom and anyone who happens to be crossing by could stop, rest and watch the show.
The area would have to be a passive space to prevent griefing.
Marine warfare
There’s a lot of boats on the water; would be a shame if someone were to fix a cannon to one of em…
A simple idea, maybe implemented in a showdown series, but let’s make use of the water and the environments. How about a steamboat battle on Flatiron lake at sundown. One person steers, the other is the gunner.
There could also be variants of this idea or a king of the mountain kind of event where one posse holds control of one of the larger riverboats and the opposing posse is tasked with boarding and subduing the ship.
This would be best with expanded melee and by making it melee only imo.
Horde mode
Simple fun. Hosted at FT. Mercer. You and your friends take on an army of enemies of your choice. From Del Lobos, a herd of Grizzlies to an ever expanding pack of Florida Panthers.
See how long you can hang on.
Ability card load outs
Racing, free roaming, in a showdown series, out to hunt, handling a random attacker. Each scenario requires very different ability card load outs and accessing the cards to “shuffle them” isn’t very effective when you find yourself in the midsts. There should be an option to save and equip your 5 favorite ability card setups.
Private lobbies
I was against private lobbies until I got into one myself. I imagine entry level players would greatly appreciate a private lobby so that they can get their footing while not having to worry about a level 300 making their life miserable.
And, as long as the game still features bugs that are solved by having a restricted server then why not (or at least keep the current private glitch open as a nod to the issues).
For this to work and be fair I’d propose that there be no long distant deliveries in a private lobby and your local deliveries pay 75% of what it’d pay in a open lobby
Free aim showdowns
Free aim showdowns to be a constant option, not part of a rotating slate. They are a unique setting in this game and the players who gravitate to that play style have no other option at the moment.
Enough with the limited showdowns I know what I want to play and I know what I don’t want to play, so let the players select the showdown they want to engage in without having to endure several rounds of games that they don’t want to play.
And yes, I would disallow PIB in all free-aim sessions. People chose to play free-aim, free-aim is distinctly atypical from the standard RDO experience, so it should be expected that you, the player who chose to join a free-aim session should adjust.
!!!!!!!!!! Snipers !!!!!!!!!!
I cannot describe how i loathe what has become of snipers in this game. No more sniper dance!
If you are looking down your scope then you are locked in or made extremely slow. I’d also do away with the sniper aim assist, but that’s less offensive than the sniper dance mess that has developed as a trend in this game.
Just do a good-old fashion death match. It ain’t that hard
**Quality of life** 
Ready Showdown “ready-up” should start the game at 1/2 of the players in lobby readying up
Store melee weapons in locker
I have a reinforced lasso. I am never going to intentionally select the regular lasso. Let me get it and all the other melee and throwable weapons out of the way.
Customizable horse coats
There is no reason that certain coats are tied to a certain tier of horse breeds. Sure, this would lead to a ton of black horses out there, but we’d also get to see some of the more unique coats that never make it out of the stables because they’re tied to lesser tier of horse breeds.
Saddle up your hunting wagon
You’ve got 10 horses in your stable… you should be able to use at least one of them on your hunting wagon to make it more personalized.
Custom arrange your stable
For those who have clear favorites. If ypu’re a player who has maxed out their stable spaces I’d imagine it’d be appreciated to be able to sort your horses, making the horses you are most active with be readily available to be selected.
Custom Arrange your consumables / store consumables Those canned peaches are for moonshinnin', not for eating!
Hold to cook all
Read the heading. This ain’t single player and this isn’t immersion, it’s a pain. Or integrate cripps into the scenario and have him cook meat that you donate to the trader table and have that meat be stored, when cooked, in the lockbox.
Hold x to maintains speed (on horse)
See above
Cinematic auto pilot on carts
Because it makes no sense that I have to continuously press ‘x’ to keep the cart in motion. Just let the carts go into auto-pilot like we can with horses.
Execute wounded animals
I’ll buy 15 gold bars immediately and just for this ability.
Share weapons with posse members.
If you find yourself in a posse with a low-level player it’d be a nice touch to “loan” one of your unused weapons to them. The loan would end as soon as that posse member leaves or the posse is disbanded.
Be allowed to breakdown carcases in wagon in order to make space
Shouldn’t have to lose a 2 star buck to make space for a 3 star panther. Just allow the player to break down the “discarded animal” for its pelt and meat.
Alert! You have been... If what I continue to read is true and RDO is hosted P2P and not with dedicated servers then that shit needs to change. If someone can elaborate on how that decision (if true) is more than a lazy cost saving measure then feel free to clue me in. You're Rockstar. The dominant player in open world gaming. You can afford to host servers in service of your players.
**The issues:** 
The 10 ton bug in the room
Fix the bugs. All the bugs.
We all know what they are and we are updating our lists as new ones sprout up. Fix this. Don’t wait for the next generation of consoles, and if there is some massive. My $500 delivery should not have it’s supplies spawn underneath the map in valentine when it get’s wrecked in the Great Plains… That’s just the newest and most infuriating variation on the RDO rodeo (what I call the experience of trying to stick with this game while dealing with all the various frustrations). I’ve been playing games since the SNES, I was there for the first online multiplayer experiences on consoles. And I have never experienced such deep and persistent errors and issues with a tripleA game.
This is pretty much the only game I play online at the moment so I can’t speak too much about the other underachievers (Fallout 76, No Mans Sky) but from what I read the experiences there are and have improved by leaps and bounds leaving RDO as the buggy mess where you kinda gotta expect to get screwed over at some point so that you are mentally prepared for it and don’t launch your controller into the ceiling. This is not a good look.
Anybody out there?
Communicate/interact with us (the players/the customers). RDO is the only game I play online with, but hearing of other games and their community managers, maps for the future and general interaction with their players. Just letting us know what is to come / what we have to expect / what we have to “work toward” would go a long was in soothing the frustrations of the player base. At the very least I hope that at least acknowledge the bugs in some way, at least that would signal that a solution is in the works.
Speaking callously, now is the time for acts of “public relations” R*/T2 clearly treat it’s players as customers first and foremost and only put up the slightest veil of being a “community”. That needs to change. We’re going through a goddamn pandemic, people are sheltered in place and social distanced. The time is now to make your push
At the very least put out a “we’re in this together” message with real content or additions/ discounts that the entirety of the player-base will enjoy, not just the newcomers - Now is the time to open up and really make the players feel like you care that you want to help the get through this by providing the most entertaining experience you possibly can, within reason. For the sake of the company, because I feel we all have a vested interest in seeing RDO become great, I hope the lines of communication open up past the suggestion webpage where you’ll likely get a prefab response no matter how detailed and specific your suggestion/issue was.
The lack of content is an issue and it is doubly damaging that there is no communication. You’ll always hear the defense that, “GTA didn’t have much content at this point in it’s life either,” but that was almost a generation of consoles ago when GTAO was released. GTAO’s timeline and learning curve should not be allowed to be applied to RDO because Rockstar now gets to work with a the foundation of what they learned from GTAO. It should be reasonable to expect RDO to have much more content than GTAO did at the same time in it’s timeline. Especially considering this is now the flagship of R*'s gaming catelogue.
Corona is also no excuse.
Some of these issues and the general lack of imagination have been an issue since beta. Yes, the pandemic will slow down progress now, but that doesn’t account for all the issues that have been overlooked and unattended while R*/T2 have been at the highest vigilance and respond almost immediately to money and gold glitches.
If You’re tired of complaints: Then you should have taken the note and skipped this section, you are not obligated to read every post on the sub.
Tired of negative posts: sorry, but if the game weren’t so broken and lacking then there wouldn’t be so many negative posts, though I hope that my hopes for the future can give others hope as well.
RDO isn’t being ignored, but it’s dying and people are losing the faith they once had in the potential of this game. Hopefully some of these ideas will gain favor with y’all and you’ll submit them or a version of them yourselves. If nothing else this can serve as an exercise of “what could be’s” while getting creative with what is capable in our cowboy dress-up sim.
I'd love to hear your ideas.
RDO has a fantastic foundation but it is the most frustrating game I have ever played from a major developer for the lack of support and content. The lack of content I can give a slight pass on since it’s mainly a selfish ask born out of the potential this game holds. The bugs are inexcusable, especially from a multi-billion dollar company that refuses to communicate. The fanbase is losing hope and I have my doubts they’ll still be here for the next generation “double-dip” that many are expecting to be the point when RDO really takes off. This game needs work now, the players/customers deserve content (and dropping a well-done expansion while everyone is social-distanced can only help player loyalty/affinity). The time is now. Get on your horse Rockstar!
submitted by friskydingo67 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

Red Dead Online Is Bad, and the Death of the Ghetto Cowboy

Red Dead Redemption Online 2 is bad, and you should feel bad, Rockstar.
I made this very early in the morning, and it got removed from two different subreddits. Jokes on you guys, it gave me an excuse to edit out the mistakes and add more semicolons to sound intelligent.
Howdy, fellow gamers. I see that we're all a little angry about the state of Rockstar's online games, and that's all well and good, but I was whining about GTA Online before any of you, so I'm kind of a big deal, okay? I have like 70+ days in GTA Online and several days in Red Dead Redemption Online 2. I'm level 500+ in GTA, and I'm like level 60 in Red Dead Online. What does that mean? Well, it means I'm a fucking moron, but it also means that I know what I'm talking about, okay? This is more than a rant, this is THE rant about Red Dead Redemption Online.
I'm going to categorize this post based on lyrics of the best song of all time: Bone Thugz and Harmony's Ghetto Cowboy, so let's get to reading.
"You Better Count 'Yo Money"
Now we all know about the cluster-fuck that was the initial economy of the game. You know that you could buy a factory powered by an immigrant baby's tears with the money you spent on a rusty-ass shotgun. You already know that the body of the selfless deer that sacrificed its succulent flesh will not be enough to send your horse to college where it can learn how not to break its neck via a cliff or whatever. That's stuff we've heard about-- and it is bullshit, don't get me wrong-- but ladies and gentlemen, there's bigger fish to fry!
'Name's Powder Pete, Can I Get a Twelve Gauge-- Oh, Wait, No I Can't, I'm Only Level Eight.' (Ya see what I did there with the single quote because this is a subsectio- nevermind)
Now if I was Rockstar, and I wanted as many eight-year olds to put their parents on the street to buy gold bars, why the fuck would I make leveling up so difficult? Seriously, by the time I got to level 60 in the game to get the horse I wanted, I would have probably been like level 120 in GTA Online, where leveling up isn't nearly as important. Hell, by the time I got to level 60, I was rolling in dough! Maybe I've got the abused spouse mentality from GTA Online, but making money pre-update wasn't much of a problem for me. Besides, I always made sure my original character, Mandy Sheeks, had enough of a wardrobe to make her husband jealous after he rolled in the hay with the farmer's daughter. Maybe I'm a good fisher, maybe I know where to hunt, or maybe I've mastered the art of picking fish off the ground in New Austin, but XP was always much more of a pain in my watering hole.
First of all you got that garbage mission system from GTA Online where taking longer makes you more money and levels you up more, which I hopefully don't need to tell you makes no sense. Then you have the fact that players are still encouraged to grief you (which isn't as much of a problem in this game because everyone's attention span is too low to realize someone's doing a mission nearby). Then you have the fact that the only XP locations in these here hills are bugged to shit: Gang hideouts sometimes just don't appear, and if they do, they glitch the fuck out; stranger missions sometimes don't start or even let you try (telepathic Tumbleweed bastard Sheriff); and Easy Pete still won't give me his GOD DAMN DYNAMITE. The XP locations barely give you much even if Irish doesn't T-pose before telling you to kill players across the map. If you cheese the fuck out the stranger missions and wait to finish them to the last second, you'll get like 500 XP max. For waiting up to 20-30 minutes. This wouldn't be so bad if so much of the content they put in the damn game wasn't locked by a level cap: Horses, clothes, and overpowered perks (we'll get to those).
Do you not like money, Rockstar? You've betrayed your most valued customer: the whale.
Now how the fuck is Timmy gonna throw his college fund away if he actually has to wait to play the game, you fools! You'll never make money now!
Also what's stopping my character from buying a horse that she has enough money for? Is the screaming cowboy in the sky gonna frown at me if I buy it before hitting level 54?
"Who in the Bushes? Ya Better Speak Out, Or I'm'a Let Mah Shotgun Song Sing Out!"
It's no secret that in every server, there's at least one cowboy who wants to see the world burn. One cowgirl who would shit on your hopes and dreams and rub your face into the dirt until you bleed or sob on the mic. One group of people who would sully the miracle of reincarnation by killing you with an explosive shotgun immediately when you spawn. We've all been there and some of us were those people. You irredeemable bastards. Anyway, the community of this game isn't great, but let me actually commend Rockstar for at least trying to not create a group of gamers that isn't as trigger-happy as GTA Online's. All the eight-year olds have left and gone to Minecraft 2: Battle Royale Legends or Whatever, so many times when I walk past a person, we wave and awkwardly avoid each other on the path like how I treat my uncle at family get-togethers after the unspeakable things he did.
One time a level eight lassoed me, and I let him kidnap me to see where it was going because he probably didn't know I could break out. He then threw me in a lake and walked away pleased before I got up and shot him in the back of the head. Those interactions are fun. I don't mind those.
It's the five level 80+s spawn-killing me over and over again with overpowered perks when I'm level 30 that I mind, and I mind a lot. Now, I'm not one to brag due to my self-diagnosed depression and paint-smoking problem, but I gotta say that I'm a fuckin' master auto-aimer. Put me in Red Dead 1's Online at level 1, and I'll cream all the high levels in the lobby with a cattleman because I'm just so god damn good at holding L2 and pushing R2 when the dot is on someone's head. You could say that I'm kind of a god of a gamer.
If you put me in a Red Dead 2 lobby at level 4, I'd be crying for mercy, and I'm still a damn good shot with Daddy Auto-aim on my side. The reason for this is not the guns like in Red Dead 1 where the pistols were machineguns; my anal annihilation cums not from numbers because I can take down three decent people in a battle pretty well; my bowel obliteration comes from the perk system!
...and explosive rounds.
So Slow and Steady (yes, I know it got kind of nerfed) made it so you could take one headshot in Dead-eye without dying, and overall take more damage. A low level with a good aim stands no chance against a guy abusing that perk with a crap aim.
Never Without One (otherwise known as "That Fucking Hat Perk") basically does what Slow and Steady does out of Dead-eye and is just as overpowered (also screw everyone who says this perk isn't overpowered because "getting your hat back is hard." Just set an outfit on your horse with a hat and switch to it when you get shot in the head).
The real issue is that combined, you're basically unstoppable. My friend and I tested this. I put on both perks (level 2 because I'm a cheap bastard, and I thought they'd get nerfed harder), put on Dead-eye, and took SEVERAL shots to the head while barely batting an eye. I think it took around six direct headshots from close range to put me down. So basically what people do is just put these perks on and charge you over and over again in numbers, so there's basically fuck-all you can do against them no matter how terrible they are at the game.
Another overpowered perk combination is the close-range perk (the duck perk), Slippery Bastard, and the perk that makes your dead-eye last longer. With this perk, all you have to do is turn on dead eye and charge someone with a gun that you don't even have to aim (shotgun), and they'll be so disoriented and confused that you're guaranteed a kill.
This pisses me off because I like the PVP in these games for some reason, and I like helping low levels in need; if there's a super high level involved, however, I don't participate because it's not fun to shoot a bullet sponge. If I wanted to kill a bullet sponge, I'd play Anthem or Destiny, AND I HAVE THESE PERKS!
"Heard They Got a Few Banks in Town That Ain't Been Held Up Yet."
Yes they do, Mr. Bone Thugz and Harmony. There are many banks in said town that "ain't been held up yet" because that's not in the fucking game yet. Again, much like an abused spouse (because there were a lot of those in the Wild West, I can tell ya that for free!), I justified the lack of content to my fellow gamers with "Oooh, he has so much potential," or "He'll be better one day," or even "What if I can fix him?!" Well, I was promised change, and on that fateful day of February 26, 2019, Rockstar staggered into the house at 3 AM disheveled, wasted,
and covered in glitter.
This update was so bad, that I quit playing. Like good god, dude. Seriously. Now I look like an asshole for trying to get my friend back into playing it. Ya made grinding just a little harder when it was already fucking annoying and added nothing to grind for. Rockstar, you could have just waited! Rockstar, was it something I did? Did I hurt you?
Who hurt you?
leans in
Was it Take Two?
Nothing that annoyed me was fixed or re-balanced. They added shitty clothing and guns (The Evans repeater wasn't even the best repeater in the first game, and the repeaters in this game are already overpowered to shit).
What the hell have you been doing for these several months? Jerking off? I hope so, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves because I'm not enjoying this semen-stained snake anus slippers!
"Goodness. Now she was hotter than a barrel of fire but..."
This lyric has nothing to do with this section. I just thought it was funny. No, this is just general shit to whine about. Some may say, "Oooooh, if you don't like the free roam PVP, just do the showdowns," and that would be a decent idea if the PVP gamemodes weren't absolute trash-garbo. The maps are too poorly designed, so people just kind of spawn behind you; the gamemodes are often unbalanced as hell; and I never get first place, so that's clearly the game's fault and not mine! Shut up! Also can we just bask in the hilarity of the fact that there is no team deathmatch? The easiest thing to implement, and the most broadly appealing, and it's still nowhere to be found. Red Dead 1's Online had a team deathmatch, and you did a cutesy little standoff at the beginning! It was fun? Are we too cool for team deathmatch now? Also battle royales are fucking stupid, don't @ me.
These god damn animal glitches have got to go. I swear the animals in Red Dead Redemption 1's online took longer to despawn, and they didn't even do anything! I get it, Rockstar, you appreciate the classic 3D era, so things constantly vanishing out of sight feels natural, but it's current year argument. Stop despawning my god damn pronghorns! I killed them, stop stealing them from me! What, are you feeding God?
The morality system should be based off whether you're an asshole to other players, not NPCs. No joke here. I'm tired.
Also fuck the butcher. I have lost several classy prostitutes worth of money from the butcher stealing my one-star deer pelts while smiling at my face. He knows he's invincible, the coward. Also there should be a butcher in the top right of the map because as of right now, that beautifully crafted area is basically useless (And one in Armadillo too).
What else? Oh yeah, the fucking dots on the radar were and still are useless. Pre-patch, you saw everyone, but I accidentally got killed by or killed the wrong people because everyone was the same pink dot. Now you don't see anyone unless they're killing lawmen, defending themselves, or maybe even griefing. Now how should we fix this problem? If only there was a game we made that had a nearly perfect map system... IF ONLY THERE WAS A GAME IN THIS VERY SERIES THAT MAKES YOU PERFECTLY AWARE OF WHERE EVERYONE IS AT ALL TIMES AND WHO'S KILLING WHOM. HMMMM Wait a second! I got it!
Hello Kitty Island Adventure!
But seriously, Red Dead Redemption 1's map was perfect. Everyone had their own color, so you could tell who was whom, people in the same posse were the same color, and you even had a feed in the corner to tell you who was being a scumbag and using--CASUAL AIMING, I SEE YOU, ROOT'NTOOTER94, YOU CHEAP BASTARD.
Most of these problems could be fixed with some common sense! Hire me, Rockstar!
"Rise and Shine! Good morning, Howdy!"
I'm starting to feel a little insulted, honestly. You make me run back and forth delivering letters, mutilating cougars, and flinging wagons off cliffs for bad PvP, shitty guns, and a horse hawk for my horse?! What, you think I enjoy wasting my time? Think I'm gullible? Think I'm stupid? Like, I'm some sort of idiot or something like you're gonna make me pay the equivalent of 20k present dollars for a jig? A jig? A miner's jig? A thing I can do not only in real life, but also as a non-miner? FUCK YOU.
Okay, that's a little too far. Look, Rockstar, because I know you're listening because I'm the hottest shit ever and my E-peen is bigger than my horse's, and his name is "Neigh McBigDick" on account of his size Z tree-puncher. I just want you to know that I'm not that angry at you like I was with GTA Online. The mistakes made here were made from misguided and incompetent greed rather than cynically calculated greed. This game has potential. All you have to do is keep adding more things to do in that gameplay loop, get rid of the stupid perk cards, let me have my fucking jig, maybe add an infinitely respawning bear area, and add the motherfucking god damn Lematt, you stupid idiots, god damn you!
I'm not mad, Rockstar, I'm just Despacito. :(
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MWO Timeline

Everything wrong with PGI in 100 hours or less. For the most part this chronojam's timeline slightly updated, reduced adjusted. So 98% of credit goes to chronojam! Something missing in the timeline? Shoot me a pm (with date and link) and I will add it.
The villains:
Russ Bullock: „President“ of PGI, shuns publicity, unless there is a new sale to promote. Russ is a passionate twitter user.
Bryan Ekman: Co-Founder and Creative Director. Although his activity at PGI is very vaguely understood, he has a lot of great ideas for MWO and other games, even though they are probably 90 days from implementation. After a poorly executed Expansion of PGI'S Empire, his Path of Exile brought him to Saint Helena, were he enjoys a very long bass fishing game trip. Bottoms up!
Paul Inyoue: Lead Designer, plays Tetris while trying to figure out how to lead the design.
Garth Erlam: First Community Manager. He became a Thinking Ape in 2014.
Niko Snow: Second Community Troll Manager. Some believed him to act as agent provocateur to instigate shitstorms, in order to ban as many paying customers as possible from the forums. When this undercover ops was discovered and no longer possible to maintain, he underwent a gender transformation and herds the community as „Tina“, so he is protected by gender and much more difficult to target (similar to a Null Signature System).
MWO Dev Blog 0 - PGI and MWO
"2011-10-23“ "The story behind MechWarrior Online's birth and PGI's role",
MWO Dev Blog 1 - Community Warfare
"2011-12-07“ "Paul describes the live timeline, Loyalty Points, player-run organizations, factional warfare, and the conflict map.",
Developer Interview 3
"2012-01-11“ "We have to be sure that the game is solid, has the right features at launch.", "Does this mean we dumb the game down for the casual, new player? No it doesn't. We just need to make sure the new player has an enjoyable time while they learn" An optimistic start for a game that eventually is known by long-time players and reviewers alike for being dumbed-down despite having a notoriously awful new player experience.",
ZAM: Bryan on Key Pillars, New Player Experience, Market for giant robots
"2012-02-05“ "Bryan describes key facets of the game's design. "We plan to guide new players through a very simple and short series of tutorials designed to give them a basic understanding of how to pilot a `Mech. Once they have mastered these basic techniques, we can expose them to more advanced concepts...""
ZAM: Russ on Pre-Production, F2P, Clans, creating new MW title
"2012-02-14“ "[T]he pre-production process for MWO was several years long and because of that we're going to be able to release MWO in 2012 at the quality level we think this game deserves," Russ says.",
"", "",
NaturalPoint: TrackIR Support for MWO!
"2012-03-09“ "TrackIR and Piranha announce collaboration to integrate TrackIR for the most immersive piloting experience since Tesla Pods.",
"", "",
ZAM: Paul discusses Lobbies, Balance, Key Pillars
"2012-04-05", "Will players be able to swap out their Mechs during a live match, or must it all be set up in advance? "[T]here is a staging room/lobby prior to dropping into the match",
"", "", "".
ZAM: Matt discusses Mech Sim vs FPS, Lobbies, Groups, Modes
"2012-05-29", "Will players fine-tune their mech to a particular location? "Definitely. You certainly don't want to be taking large numbers of lasers into battle on a map with a higher ambient temperature," Matt says.",
"", "", "",
Closed Beta Invitations Begin
"2012-05-25", "Players begin receiving invitations. A new status bar at the top of has players eagerly awaiting their acceptance into the beta program and a change from "Pending.",
"", "",
PGI: Announcing the Razer Artemis! (Custom Joystick)
"2012-06-05", "PGI unveils collaboration with Razer on an immersive new controller for MWO. Fans super excited.",
"", "", "Announcing the Razer Artemis!", "".
E3: Razer shows new peripherals
"2012-06-07", "CapsuleComputers talks to Razer about their peripherals on display at E3 2012, including Artemis.",
"", "",
Word of Lowtax is born
„2012-06-08“ „and PGI's slow decline begins.“
Razer: Artemis and Mech Lab
"2012-06-10", ""We knew that this was the perfect chance to collaborate with Piranha Games to create the perfect control system for MechWarrior Online," Razer says.",
"", "", "",
Russ: Community Warfare within 90 days of Open Beta!
"2012-06-15", "Russ posts an exciting update: "Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta.",
"", "",
Europeans will be able to transfer accounts to their regional server
"2012-06-15", "European fans who have already been purchasing content and playing on the NA servers will have the option to transfer their account to the upcoming EU servers. Awesome!",
"", "".
Patch: Closed Beta #2
"2012-06-19 ", "Commando is introduced. At this time, light mechs are very fast (over 200KPH on a Commando is common) and the engine cannot cope, so players with high pings see them warping around." „The Commando zooms around the battlefield, generally being very annoying and very difficult to hit due to its small size and network code issues."
Gear: AMS Introduced
"2012-06-19", "Anti Missile System introduced",.
Gear: AMS Removed
"2012-06-21", "Turns out it was crashing the game constantly.".
ZAM: Dennis talks Mechs weight and scale, art consistency
"2012-07-17", "Getting the "mech feel" right is Dennis' priority. "A 'Mech can feel big and heavy next to a larger structure if subtle scaling cues are present."",
"", "",
Weight matching added
"2012-08-12", "You will no longer encounter an 8-Atlas wall if you drop with a mixed group. Everybody's happy. Up until this point, the matchmaker did not bother trying to account for team composition.".
Economy: Repair & Re-Arm
"2012-08-28", "MWO begins to see an economy take form, although some players forget to repair or reload properly. Ammunition and damage cost c-bills to fix up, although some players choose to launch without full refills to save money."
Reuters: MWO To Feature Integrated VOIP Solution
"2012-09-04", "PGI promises a custom integrated VOIP and text chat, collaborating with Vivox. Groups and solo players rejoice! “Vivox’s C3 platform provides us with a solution we can grow into,” Russ says.“",
"", "",
Engine Limits; Rise of Gaussapult
"2012-09-18", "Brawling suffers a blow as all mechs are significantly slowed down. Large-but-fast Awesomes are now just a big, slow target for K2 Gauss platforms. Hunchbacks far less effective against heavier mechs.".
Economy: Match earnings substantially reduced
"2012-09-18", "The C-Bills you earn for a game get slashed dramatically, which makes repaire-arm begin to sting a little.".
NDA Restrictions Removed
"2012-10-04", "Until this point, all video and GIFs released was technically against the rules. The floodgates open now that it's allowed.",
BlueVision Warrior: Thermals now a solid blue coloration scheme
"2012-10-06", "Previous colored heat vision is replaced with glowing blue mechs. Some begin to call the game "Bluevision Warrior."",
CryEngine 3.4 - Breaks everything. Fans demand open beta delay until fixed.
"2012-10-09", "The eagerly anticipated engine update ended up breaking quite a bit, leaving the game very difficult to play. Closed-beta fans cry out to delay the open beta, lest a horribly impression be made on reviewers and the public who are waiting with bated breath.",
Dx 10, Dx 11, and 3D Vision disabled "temporarily
"2012-10-10", "A big selling feature, still advertised in official materials as of March 2014 despite being conspicuously absent, DirectX 11 graphics were removed very early in development.",
"", "".
Paul Gets Tackled - A lot.
"2012-10-13", "At the time, mechs could tackle other mechs (given weight/speed). Paul later goes on the record to state this had nothing to do with collision removal. He really is not heart by Goons.",
"", "", "".
PC Gamer: MechWarrior Online open beta delayed
"2012-10-15", ""Last week, Piranha Games announced that the MechWarrior Online open beta test would start tomorrow. Then, later last week, Lead Designer Paul Inouye responded to community concerns over instability with the news that the open beta will be pushed back indefinitely."",
Gamasutra: MechWarrior Online's unconventional crowdfunding pays off
"2012-10-16", "IGP captured MechWarrior's hearts to the tune of $5M, we learn. IGP CEO Nick Foster reports, "The success of the Founder's Program reinforces IGP's vision to help independent developers build exceptional games with the right economic model for the global marketplace." A ringing endorsement for crowdfunding if ever there were.",
"", "",
The Escapist: Mechwarrior Online Beats Kickstarter
"2012-10-17", "The Founders are helping us fund, develop and support the game in order to deliver the best online gaming experience" - IGP Pres. Kelly Zmak",
Knockdowns Removed
"2012-10-25", "Collisions are "temporarily" removed pending upgrades. Light mechs can often clip through enemies, now.",
Mech: CN9-AH Removed
"2012-10-25", "One of three c-bill variant Centurions is removed, rumored to make room for the Yen Lo Wang which is otherwise unattractive by comparison. Paul confirms this.",
"", "",
Russ speaks to core players and founders re:Open Beta
"2012-10-26", "Russ thanks the playerbase, the core fans, for their participation and support -- and addresses lingering concerns, announcing extra premium time for founders.",
"", "",
Open Beta - Stats and economy wiped. Huge player surge.
"2012-10-29", "Players have a final reset as the game goes public. Player counts surge!",
Massively: MechWarrior Online: The story of how one MMO got crowd-funded without Kickstarter
"2012-10-29", "The product will be a lot better for players because of the crowdfunding. It's allowed us to maintain a higher level of ongoing development in the product than if we were waiting for momentum to build immediately after going live" says IGP CEO.",
"", "",
Gamasutra: How MechWarrior Online got funded without Kickstarter
"2012-10-29", ""It will involve demonstrating to your potential players or customers that you are able to make that product, that you have a track record. Then it will involve treating the customers as if they are investors in your product. At that point, that's what they are. " - IGP CEO Nick Foster",
"", "",
Stats System Back Online
"2012-10-30", "Players can once again view their progress and statistics, leading to a huge rush in group participation. Solo players begin to express concerns.".
Matchmaking Updates - 8-man groups to be removed
"2012-10-30", "Groups will be cut to 4 players maximum temporarily. Later, 8-man maximum will arrive without weight matching, Bryan says.",
Mech: CN9-$ Yen Lo Wang
"2012-11-01", "The first Hero Mech for real money is unveiled, a rough duplicate of the removed CN9-AH.",
"", "",
CoC Update: Alt-F4 Now Bannable
"2012-11-04", "Word of Lowtax" have convinced one thousand players (and devs) to "Press Alt-F4 for 3rd Person." It becomes a punishable offense.",
First Festival of Artemis - LRMs grant headshots
"2012-11-06", "The introduction of Artemis leads to LRMs flying down at 90-degree angles -- right into the cockpits of most mechs. LRM use surges overnight and lasts for three days.",
Gear: DHS set to 1.4x
"2012-11-06", "Double Heatsinks in the Engine do 2.0x dissipation; otherwise, 1.4x dissipation. This mismatch is due to an oversight.",
Pulse Lasers now worthless: Substantial heat gain added
"2012-11-06", ""Small Pulse Lasers were only generating 50% of the amount of heat they should have been... Small Lasers, Medium Pulse Lasers, and Large Pulse Lasers were only generating 75% of the amount of heat they should have been.." PGI reports. Combined with DHS changes, Pulse Lasers of all types become worthless.",
Matchmaking Phase I: Groups limited to 4 players
"2012-11-06", ""Player groups cannot be larger than 4 players." The huge surge in group play that Open Beta caused is nipped in the bud.",
Bryan: Community Warfare "Production Begins Soon“
"2012-11-07", "Disturbingly, Bryan suggests that Community Warfare production has still not started, despite a deadline just under four months away -- not factoring in holidays.",
First Festival of Artemis ends - LRM Hotfix
"2012-11-09", "A hotfix adjusts LRMs, substantially lowering their popularity.",
"Remember Me" button removed
"2012-11-15", " long had a button to preserve your log-in, as many sites do, but it was nonfunctional. It is removed due to "prevent security exploits."",.
Map: River City Night
"2012-11-27", "A new map! Sort of! Thermal use skyrockets, as night vision is awful.".
Gear: ECM (RVL-3L becomes most popular mech)
"2012-12-04", "Considered awful at its debut, the Raven 3L can now mount ECM. Combined with knockdown removal and poor hit detection, these hard-to-stop mechs become a mainstay of many groups. 4-man Raven groups outnumber 4-man Atlas groups. Huge shifts in group play.",
SSRM2 "Streakboat" retired; Rise of SRM6 "Splatapult"
"2012-12-04", "With the introduction of ECM at the height of SSRM2 popularity, Catapult A1 owners retrofit their machines to use SRM6/SRM4 packs. A super dangerous, albeit vulnerable, brawler is born that excels at targeting large, slow mechs.",
Matchmaking Phase II - Size 8 Groups re-introduced
"2012-12-06", "Groups can now form with 2, 3, 4 or exactly 8 players. This allows 8v8 battles, but only against other groups of 8. Many teams opt to sync-drop.",
MWO Forums Hacked - Email lists apparently stolen
"2012-12-13", "Despite removing the "Remember Me" button, a months-old IPB exploit successfully targets MWOMercs. Players begin receiving spam to their associated email accounts, but PGI denies the successful attack continually. Google and browsers begin flagging as "compromised."".
Netcode Improved - "lag shield" less of a problem
"2013-01-08", "Light mechs now warp less, making Streaks slightly more popular as you can achieve lock easier. Energy weapons still tricky to use.",
Mech: Spider
"2013-01-15", "A seemingly worthless new mech. However, its broken hitboxes and tiny size make it incredibly hard to kill despite earlier netcode improvement, making it an annoying target.",
Mechwarrior: Living Legends shuts down officially
"2013-01-21", "Rock Paper Shotgun reports on MWLL's closure. MWLL was a very well polished fan MW title, and rumors would abound that the developers were pressured due to MWO - a rumor PGI denied, but dev team members kept hinting.",
"Mecha Shiva" - Stacking mechs
"2013-01-23", "Players learn you can stack mechs on top of each other. ECM Raven on top of your Cataphract? Sure. Catapult on top of your Raven? Why not.",
90 Days After Open Beta: Missed Community Warfare deadline
"2013-01-27", "Despite multiple assurances in 2012, the "CW" deadline comes and goes. Players still cannot even sign up to earn "Loyalty Points" -- one of the major Phoenix Preorder selling points.",
2PPC1Gauss enters popular consciousness - metagame shifts
"2013-02-05", "While it had been growing in popularity since the tall, mobile Cataphract was released months prior, energy weapon adjustments, netcode improvements, and PPC buffs create the plague known as 2PPC1Gauss."
Matchmaking Phase III - Elo
"2013-02-19", "At this point, the 8-man queue is dead many hours of the day. Elo's addition does not appear to reduce the amount of "sweeps" or "stomps" in most games.",
Pilot Perks now functional
"2013-02-19", "Many of the pilot perks had long not worked, or were negative in nature. Cooling-related and firing-related perks seem to work.",
PGI confirms "Phase III" was still matching solos with 8 mans
"2013-02-20", "Phase III Matchmaking is confirmed by Matt to be improperly matching players, and solo players are taking much too long to find groups.",
Revised Community Warfare February deadline missed
"2013-02-28", "The community has been told very little about CW's development efforts despite passing deadlines.",
Testing Grounds added - But something seems amiss
"2013-03-05", "A new gameplay mode is added that allows players to drop alone, to try out their mech. Player Gwaihir conducts tests that reveal inconsistent weapon and perk behavior, however. This makes it unreliable for actually testing your loadouts."
Host State Rewind - Netcode fix for energy weapons
"2013-03-05", "PGI introduces popular "HSR" algorithms to handle discrepancies between client/server hit detection. Light mech "lag shield" now unreliable. Large Lasers and ER LL now prove effective against 2PPC1Gauss, jumpsnipers, and distant targets.",
Outdoor Partners LLC v. Rabbit Hole Interactive Corp. et al
"2013-03-18", "Legal case against Rabbit Hole Interactive, a company based out of PGI's offices and run by Russ Bullock and Bryan Ekman, by Outdoor Partners LLC",
Second Festival of Artemis - Artemis not at fault this time
"2013-03-19", "Missile splash calculation glitch leads to overpowered LRMs. Stalker 3H becomes missile boat of choice, and dominate anything spotted. Again, a hotfix is deployed within three days.",
Second Festival of Artemis Ends - Balancing by "Feel" also nerfs SRMs
"2013-03-22", "Paul asks the community to help him "balance by feel." Missile damaged slashed from 1.8 to 0.7 (LRM) and from 2.5 to 1.5 (SRM). Missile splash radius drastically reduced from 4m to 1.8m (LRM) and 1.3m (SRM).",
"", "", "",
Jumpsniping grows in popularity despite dev assurances of close combat
"2013-03-29", "With more jump-capable platforms than ever before, group and solo doctrine shifts to jumpsniping with 2PPC1Gauss and even post-nerf LRMs. Some groups fear "poptart dominance" similar to what MW4 experienced."
European Server rollout deadline missed
"2013-03-31", "Servers for European players had been teased, slated for availability by Q1 2013.",
MMO Attack: Bryan explains this summer's Community Warfare! (GDC 2013)
"2013-03-31", "Bryan gives a live talk on Community Warfare's features: Global PVP, factions, new gameplay modes, and meaningful combat scheduled for rollout through Summer 2013. "Every match you play has a meaning; a huge metagame," he explains.",
"", "", "",
Mech: HGH-$ Heavy Metal - 3PPC1Gauss that Jumps!
"2013-04-02", "A new hero mech! Unfortunately, it is effectively an Atlas that can jumpsnipe and fit 2PPC/1Gauss plus bonus third PPC. And it plays a tune when you get a kill. Incredible. The rest of the c-bill Highlanders will be available two weeks later.",
BlueWarrior Online Ends - White-hot Thermals implemented
"2013-04-02", "Blue glowing thermals are replaced with a black and white view reminiscent of aircraft IR cameras. Cuts down slightly on ease of sniping.",
"", "",
Matchmaking Phase IV - Elo was inflated; 74% of weight matches deemed fair.
"2013-04-12", "Omid explains that Elo was granting players gains if they beat a "stronger" player -- and huge gains if they beat a "weaker" player. This meant all players were going into inflated brackets. Further, 74% of weightmatching was "okay." 7% was "horrendous.Elo had been broken, as players suspected"“
"", "",
Host State Rewind - Ballistics
"2013-04-16", "This should be great news for the game, but without associated balance changes, jumpsniping and 2PPC1Gauss takes over the 8-man queue and 4-man groups alike. Jumpsniping and 2PPC1Gauss surges to new heights. With new jump-capable assaults and HSR for ballistics, there's a huge surge in jumpsniping with popular PPC/Gauss combos. Players demand a solution from PGI.",
Omid reveals Elo distribution - Before and After April 12 Fixes
"2013-04-19", "As players long suspected and asked about, Elo distribution was broken. Omid provides graphs confirming this.",
"", "", "",
"Trial by Fire Sale" - Purchase Trial mechs for real money?
"2013-05-03", "After months of criticism for the horribly unoptimized trial mechs that are seen as a detriment to new players, PGI offers them for a cash sale.",
"", "",
UI 2.0 will be live Summer 2013; Test in August.
"2013-05-08", "Internal testing starts in late July. Public test mid to late August. Live late Summer."
Jumpsniping finally addressed!
"2013-06-04", "After months of complaints about the endless buffs to jumpsniping and the long-range high-alpha metagame, PGI acts. "Screen shake," "Cross hair shake," "Weapon Spread" added. Brawling is still in a weak state, but gameplay substantially improves.",
"", "",
Jumpsnipers complain of "imbalance," "motion sickness," "unfairness",
"2013-06-05", "With threads such as "Unobjective Vindictiveness Against Jump Jetting Is Also Not Good For The Game," jumpsnipers begin claiming unfairness or moan of motion sickness, saying shake must be removed immediately.",
Your on a bit of an island [sic]
"2013-06-20", "“@slashbrb look happy to listen to your concerns but your on a bit of an island there bud the game is in the best state to date..." A meme is born as Russ brushes aside a fan optimistic for fixes after having taken a break due to all the problems.",
Heat Scale: Paul's magnum opus later known as Ghost Heat
"2013-07-11", "Paul Inouye begins to describe a convoluted new system for silently adjusting heat based on weapon use, and dismisses SRM damage changes amid hit-detection woes (the spectre of the 6xSRM6 "SplatCat" still above him)",
"", "", "",
Paul's "Heat Scale- The Maths" tries to describe Ghost Heat
"2013-07-19", "Paul attempts to describe what players dub "Ghost Heat." The equations and charts given are never updated or added to the game client unfortunately, and this remains the only official description of the mechanism.",
"", "", "", "", "", "",
Ghost Heat: Reducing high pinpoint damage
"2013-07-31", "Russ explains Ghost Heat is intended to reduce the amount of high pinpoint damage -- despite not impacting the exceedingly popular "2PPC + 1 Gauss.",
Ghost Heat: Go back to 6PPC Builds!
"2013-08-01", "Confronted that 2PPC+1Gauss is not impacted by Ghost Heat, Russ suggests players use 6PPC Builds that Ghost Heat ostensibly curbed. Ironically, Ghost Heat did not impact the 4- or 6-PPC Stalker much in practice, as its extensive heat profile already encouraged savvy players to alternate which side of the mech fired or else suffer shutdowns.",
Razer's Artemis page taken offline
"2013-08-10", "Razer pulls their Artemis info / sign-up page amid silence from PGI. URL now redirects to Razer homepage.",
Fuck the haters on the forums
"2013-08-22", "Russ thanks Andrew/SideSt3p for the sentiment: "Fuck the haters on the forums. They're the 2%. Do your thing and don't apologize"
Starburst: [MWO] Faces Widespread Accusations of False Advertising
"2013-08-30", "Starburst Magazine highlights how MWO had -- and still was -- advertising itself as a much different game than it was shaping up to be. "Criticism of decisions beyond those who entered the Founders Program can be found in many places.",
"", "",
UI 2.0 Test Deadline Missed
"2013-08-31", "August comes and goes without a UI 2.0 test build happening.",
Tutorials never materialize - Single "Movement" Tutorial Released
"2013-09-03", "PGI had long promised a solid "new player experience," with tutorials. Only one tutorial explaining mech movement is included for launch.",
"Ac2 Alpha Heat Penalty - An Explanation" confirms AC2 chainfire ghost heat
"2013-09-03 ", "After long denials, PGI admits AC/2 is counting "twice" for Ghost Heat. Chainfiring them is finally confirmed by daemur to result in Ghost Heat penalties. He concludes it is working as intended.",
"", "",
AC/2 chainfire is "Griefing Tool" but its ghost heat will be revised
"2013-09-05", "IGP's Daemur suggests wanting to chainfire the AC/2 is for "griefing." He also claims its ghost heat will be addressed in the future.",
"", "",
Launch is a line in the sand
"2013-09-05", "Launch is a line in the sand. The day after launch is no different than the day before. Development goes on!" Bryan tries to reassure players that nothing is changing after launch, but most players had hoped for renewed development efforts, not just a date on the calendar... or a line in the sand.",
Starburst: [MWO] Developer Attempts to Censor then Hide Negative Press
"2013-09-10", "Niko Snow misleadingly edits, then buries, a repost of Starburst's last article. The writer is none too pleased at this censorship, which appears to not be an isolated event.", "Niko inverted the original headline, portraying MWO as victim of "False Accusations"
"", "",
GTA 5 Launches
"2013-09-16", "Perfect timing."
MWO Launches
"2013-09-17", "MechWarrior Online formally "launches", although developers have suggested this changes nothing. A free cockpit item is earned by playing 24 games.".
MWO Launch video shows older (and better) graphics, larger teams
"2013-09-17", "Mechwarrior Online's new launch trailer -- made by a fan using old footage -- showcases teams much larger than those actually available with graphics many preferred to what the game had at the time.",
"", "",
Still "Failing to Find a Match"
"2013-09-18", "Players continue to report matchmaking failures with regularity, leading more groups to simply give up trying. Some suspect Elo is responsible.",
Game mode: Attack & Defend
"2013-09-18", "Any plans to add a new game mode, Bryan? "Yes. We're working on a attack and defend mode right now."",
NaturalPoint: Despite support offers, no PGI updates on TrackIR
"2013-09-19", "A full 18 months after announcing TrackIR for MWO and delivering an SDK and discussing support "several times," NaturalPoint reports a lack of progress on implementation from PGI.",
"", "",
UI 2.0 Release Deadline Missed
"2013-09-22", "Fall 2013 officially begins with UI 2.0 nowhere near ready for release.",
MWO Launch Party
"2013-09-26", "Mixed reception; this Launch Event is held nine days late, on a Thursday, during work hours. Several announcements are made, tournaments are held, Paul plays Tetris while CW presentations are given.",
no its my ELO that's bad
"2013-09-28", ""its my ELO that's bad but I was grouped with some that have very high ones..." Russ reports. Players have been criticized for making similar claims by developers.",
Spectating and private matches by the end of 2013?
"2013-09-29, "Rumors abound at the launch part, including murmurs that private lobbies and spectating will be arriving before the end of the year. Groups reassured at this news!",
DirectX Public Test Soon?
"2013-10-01", ""Squashing bugs. Public test soon. Keeping discovering more compat. Issues." Bryan also had a good meeting about "upcoming matchmaking features for CW."",
Exclusive flame pattern? Not part of the exclusive anymore!
"2013-10-10", "Questioned on the open sale of the "Exclusive Phoenix Pattern," Russ replies: "What the flame pattern? value add not part of the exclusive. Exclusive is the special boosted Phoenix mechs and the other bits",
PGI Fox's new profiles
"2013-10-11", "Bryan teases the new profiles PGI Fox has been working on, but they're unavailable to players.",
Founder medals to be delayed
"2013-10-15", "A "production snafoo" delays the Founder's medals by two weeks. No word on exclusive forum badges.",
You will be able to move your mechs
"2013-10-21", "Bryan says UI 2.0 will allow you to move your mechs around your bays",
UI 2.0 Public Test
"2013-10-28", "The August public test happens. Player feedback is very negative, with great dismay from even notable "white knights" shocked at the immature state of the UI.",
Battlefield 4 Launches
"2013-10-29", "Great timing",
Hitboxes Under Review
"2013-10-30", "Paul begins discussing plans to review broken or badly-designed hitboxes on many mechs",
DirectX 11 Public Test
"2013-11-06", "The long-awaited DirectX 11 public test occurs over a few short hours during workdays.",
"", ""
Spectator Mode / Free-Flight Camera
"2013-11-15", "It's going to be part of our private match release," Bryan promises",
"Very strong chance" of January release.
"2013-12-12", "Russ tweets, "BTW UI 2.0 is getting really close. I think we have a very strong chance of getting the first iteration released in January."",
"", "",
"Clan Invasion" pre-sell
"2013-12-13", "Players shocked at expensive pre-sell of clan mechs marketed as "The Clan Invasion." PGI even offers $500 gold mechs."
"", "", "",
Clan Collections: Feedback
"2013-12-13", "Niko posts the feedback thread for the "Clan Invasion" pre-sale. It immediately fills with angry posts from players of all sorts, from casual players to hardcore roleplayers to organized units.",
Forbes: [MWO] Offends Players With $500 Golden Mechs
"2013-12-15", "Mainstream news sources catch wind of the $500-each "Golden Khan" mechs, and the player outrage.",
"", "",
Clan Collection thread hits 300 pages of angry player feedback
"2013-12-16", "Despite heavy moderation causing dozens of "Lost Pages," the feedback topic achieves threadnaught status after a mere three days.",
"", "",
March 4th worst case for Dx11
"2013-12-18", "Questioned why the DirectX 11 release date slipped, Russ explains it's a "worst case" date hoped to be out "much sooner."",
Cockpit glass: Just a static overlay
"2013-12-18", "Russ explains "first step on Jan 21st is just a visual glass look when in the cockpit for looks, in the future I hope to add it cracking with dmg"",
CarrionCrows-style Crotch Hitbox Fixes Announced
"2013-12-19", "In response to player demand, the crotch/hip hitboxes on several mechs are adjusted to share damage with the legs (instead of center torso). There are still portions that take CT damage, however, and the side/arm hitboxes changes and leg-damage mechanics proposed are not implemented.",
Russ Bullock gives emergency PR interview re: Gold Mechs to Massively
"2013-12-19", "In a fluff piece with Joystiq's Massively, Russ does damage control. An offer is put on the table: Buy a single $500 gold mech skin, and get the $240 "Masakari" mech pack. Or more cynically, buy the $240 Masakari pack, and one gold mech skin is only $260 more.",
Clan Collection A-La-Carte
"2013-12-20", "After emergency meetings, PGI decides to sell clan mechs individually. PGI Fox misses Christmas vacation and burns the midnight oil to prepare a new purchase option.",
Russ explains "55$ Madcats" are secretly a great deal
"2013-12-20", ""Remember 55$ may see odd at first but 1) best value is supposed to be in the original packages 2) now a madcat can be had for 55vs210." Uh, thanks? Now it's only the price of a retail AAA title instead of the cost of a new console.",
“Every program thus far has delivered what was sold“
"2013-12-26", "Ignoring features still missing from Phoenix packs, Russ tries to reassure players skeptical of purchasing clan packs sight-unseen for higher prices than ever before.",
"Where's Garth?"
"2014-01-05", "Players have noticed CM Garth Erlam is conspicuously absent during "Clan Invasion" debacle, checking in once briefly. Rumors start, but eventually it is reported that he's been on vacation the whole time.",
"", "",
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is the gold bar glitch patched gta 5 video


The glitch where the player could collect one bar after the next by reloading the open box (or something like that - I didn't try it) got patched early on. However, the Limpany gold bar will respawn on occasion. It takes quite a while, maybe a week or so, but it will eventually respawn. It was not 100% patched. This looks like the old glitch but improved. Step 1. The host enters first in the vault. Step 2. The second player is following him. Step 3. The host takes the first cart of gold (leave only 1 gold on the cart.) Step 4. The second player takes another cart (leave only 1 gold on the cart.) Step 5. GTA: Online is without doubt one of the best online multiplayer games ever. It allows for players to engage in a number of activities, ranging from heists to Mad Max-style vehicular warfare (Arena So it was on all platforms and it was when you got gold you could duplicate it and earn way more than expected, when you go to collect it leave one bar left, exit out and go back and it will replenish the stack and you can earn way more, with two people you can get about 3.5 mil with if gold bar duplication glitch gta 5, best duplication glitch gta 5, gta 5 car duplication glitch for beginners, gta 5 bunker duplication glitch solo, gta 5 duplication glitch casino, gta 5 duplication glitch ceo garage, car duplication glitch gta 5 online, gta 5 issi classic duplication glitch, easy car duplication glitch gta 5 online,

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[Partially patched]GTA Online money glitch Casino heist ...

This news might not go over well with some people. But as of today's background scripts update., the Casino Heist Gold Bar Duplication Glitch is patched, alo... #200subscribergiveawayRockstar Games has actually patched the gold glitch after several months of it being in the game. This glitch wasn’t just something eve... **85% glitch and gold bar glitch has been patched. Replay glitch still working. This works 100% on PC. Game recorded in this video was PC version.*Disconnect... thank you very much for watching please make sure to subscribe to my channel and turn on post notifications so you never miss a video i upload am allways posting the best gta 5 glitches. NEW SOLO Casino MONEY GLITCH $500,000 In 2 Minutes! *AFTER PATCH* (GTA 5 Online)For CHEAP, FAST and RELIABLE GTA Cash + Rank Hi Everyone, UPDATE 11-11-2016 11:30 CET PATCHED FOR NOW PS4&XB1 NICKVANDUTCH back with another video. We gonna enter GOD mode in gta online by using the TELEPORT GLITCH. You must have the ... EASY non-solo vehicle duplication glitch! This ONLY works with Arena War vehicles!! Sell no more than 2 cars every 30 minutes, and no more than 7 cars every real-life day! In this video: HKRILLA ... casino inside track Gta 5 not patched GTA ONLINE - 1 STEP CASINO SOLO GLITCH *STILL WORKING* & WHY THE CASINO GLITCH WONT BE PATCHED SOON HEY SUBSCRIBE IF YOUR NEW ON TO THE CHANNEL!! Please drop a LIKE if you enjoyed and SUBSCRIBE for more GTA 5 content.-----... Gold Glitch 2.0 Is Patched (NEW WORKAROUND) - GTA ONLINE - CASINO HEISTFinally Rockstar decided to patch the gold glitch in diamond casino heist. There is a...

is the gold bar glitch patched gta 5

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