Hiring Online Casino Dealer | Salary ₱20,000 - ₱25,000

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apply casino dealer - win

Hey guys what are the credentials one would need when applying to be a dealer at a casino??

submitted by javibko111 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

"Please outline briefly, your motivations for applying for this position (casino trainee dealer)"- does my response sound too cheesy to you guys?

"I come from a family where card games were the heart of a lot entertainment and many hours of enjoyment. Growing up, I always wished to broaden my knowledge and skillset in this area. With my decision to take a study leave for a semester from University, I think now is a perfect time for me to apply for this position. I have the time and would be fully committed to being a dealer but most of all, I really see myself enjoying and valuing this job."
It's all true but I'm worried it sounds too..corny?
submitted by Thranrond to AskHR [link] [comments]

First time writing a resume as a 20yo. Applying for a casino trainee dealer job. Really want this job- feedback would be much Appreciated.

Yellow highlighted parts are things I weren't sure of.
I would love any feedback, thanks
submitted by Thranrond to Resume [link] [comments]

Thinking of applying for a casino dealer position. Are expunged records kept forever? (Pennsylvania)

21 years ago, I was arrested for insurance fraud. Got a great lawyer, paid restitution, and was able to have my criminal record expunged. Since then, Iv'e never failed a background check, including fingerprints. Currently, I am considering applying for a part time dealer position at a casino. I already hold a non-gaming position (food worker), but from what I gather the PA gaming board is able to access my closed records. Is this true? And if so, how long does the state hold onto these records? Also, there were no records printed in the newspaper at the time of my arrest.
submitted by Fib1123581321345 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

Maybe it's investing, maybe it's speculation. Maybe it's Maybelline.

There's a disconnection between understanding of what "value" is, or how to decide what is "investment" and what is "speculation". It's not binary, it's a spectrum. It's not universal, it's relative. It's relative to YOU, specifically YOU. It's not constant, it's relative to price and other opportunity. Lastly, it's not guaranteed. Ever. The future is unknown. You or I might not even be here for it.
Every person reading this knows some things I don't know, and every person doesn't know some things I do. Unless you are a literate dog, we probably share some qualities. In fact, even if you are a dog, literate or otherwise, we share some qualities and no small amount of identical language in our DNA. Dogs love steaks, and fresh air. Both things I like quite a bit too. But I enjoy looking for undervalued stocks, and dogs seem more interested in fetching tennis balls. We're both animals, but we're not the same animal.
To go back to GME and the toad's wild ride one more time this week, I can promise you I looked at some of the same numbers that DeepFuckingValue looked at 2 years ago. Lots of people did. I looked at gamestop in 2019, a few times in fact. I passed. DeepFuckingValue didn't. We were both right.
DeepFuckingValue looked at the company a year or two years back, and evaluated the numbers and the situation, and understood that a lot of short sellers were counting on this company to fold in the very near future. He probably also noticed that more and more short sellers seemed to be jumping on this bandwagon. He knew the situation wasn't nearly that dire. In fact it was likely to be "game on" for Gamestop, for quite a while to come. I got puns all night, so buckle up. Then he looked at the share price, understood the proposition and probability that this was a potentially very asymmetric opportunity (low probability, enormous return, mispriced very cheaply in relation to the potential return). I looked at the same things, but he got from the situation contextual understanding I didn't get. Namely the magnitude to which shorts can backfire and how to estimate it.
I also recognized, back in 2019, Gamestop was probably not in as dire straights as predicted. I wasn't alone, or special in this. Lots of people, including some famous people, recognized it. Michael Burry. Ryan Cohen. That one guy from the internet. I knew about the gaming console cycle too. I looked over the balance sheet. I got that piece of the puzzle, lots of us did. What I didn't understand very well at all was how short selling squeezes worked in practice, or just as importantly how to value the proposition. I still don't understand that with any genuine confidence, but I do get it more now than I did. Doesn't matter. I didn't get it, it was too confusing for me. So I passed. I said No.
People who "get it" get this concept. Two people can do opposite things for different reasons, and both be right. It's relative to you, your understanding, your tolerance for what talking heads often confuse with risk. Your tolerance for volatility. He understood the proposition, evaluated what he was PAYING for what he was GETTING (in this case not just the companies liquidation value backstop, but the potential possibilities of the price appreciation he could be getting - this eventual squeeze), knew himself well enough to decide if he could stomach the roller coaster, and chose to get on the ride.
I'm genuinely happy for this guy, and everybody else on these message boards in that rocket or just popcorning along in the theatre. I'm also happy for myself, because even though I didn't have any money stake in GME I understand more about how short selling and squeezes work than I did just a week ago. I got a free option on education.
The ups and downs are not risk. Volatility is not risk. Here's where we get vague, because this GME story isn't over. It's only gotten started. This has implications for the broader market. Follow me into the fog of tomorrow, will you?
Even the smartest, brightest people taking this bet 1 or 2 years ago had to contend with a lot of fog. It's not gone. Certainly the picture is MORE clear now than it was last year, but things are still REALLY FOGGY. More foggy for some of us than others. What we're witnessing now is why you cannot apply mathematics to complex systems (especially systems involving people) and expect everything to go as modeled. We don't have all the rules. This isn't chess, it's life. People cheat, bend the rules, propagandize, lobby, sue, counter-sue, weaponize fear and do everything in their capacity to get an advantage, up to and including breaking the law. Life isn't chess, it's poker. But it's way more complicated than a game of hold em. It's poker with 10,000 players at your table and a deck of 2.6 million cards, and a roof that might cave in once in a while and kill some of the people at the table, and one of the waiters serving drinks, and maybe the general mood in the room. Also someone who loses might pull out a gun and shoot the dealer. We cannot know all the things that might happen. But if you're in the casino we call earth, some of these events could affect you. I'm long on humans going to Mars, or Europa, or The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. God rest your soul, Douglas Adams.
This is why the proposition that the early birds took, people like DeepFuckingValue, is nothing whatsoever the same as the proposition that exists right now. Even if you and I have the same understanding of the proposition he took 2 years ago, and understand why it makes sense, it's not the same proposition that exists now. He bought in at I don't know what, $2 or $5/share. Some long dated options that cost a few pennies. People buying in now are paying $100, $200, $400/share. Refusing to pay too much is your biggest defense against being stupid. Don't be stupid.
If you're a fan of that Stranger Things show, you probably recognize that theme. "Don't be stupid." "We're not stupid." In that case, we have something else in common. I love that show. There's a beautiful scene in that show where the adopted dad Hopper is trying to explain to this orphaned, frustrated teenager Eleven why she can't go outside. It's not safe. The risk is too high. Dangerous people are after you, and they aren't playing by the rules. Hopper and Eleven are arguing and bickering about this, and neither can see the other person's side. They are both right, for different reasons.
This is a fictional show, and she is an extraordinarily powerful telekinetic. She can move stuff with her mind. Violently. The government scientists who raised her and trained this ability are after her. Hopper doesn't understand this yet. She can rip people in half with a willful thought. She's not in danger.
Except she is. There are things she doesn't get. Weaknesses she hasn't accounted for. She's got this great little group of friends, and they aren't superheroes. They've got families. Real people she cares about, who are regular people and definitely can be hurt. This is what Hopper is trying to get across. He's got experience, he's lost people. He knows. She thinks he's just an old grumpy boomer and he thinks she's just an emotional child. But they're talking past each other, and as teenagers are wont to do, rash decisions are made and things get out of hand. People die.
This has so many parallels with what's going on in Gamestop (and the markets broadly) recently. People, "the bad guys", are not playing by the rules. Other people, "the good guys", did not account for this ratfuckery. Now there's a tug of war. In the media, the courts, the SEC, congress, even in the public square of reddit and twitter. The proposition that was when DeepFuckingValue and company investigated it 2 years ago is not the proposition that is today. Even if it was the same situation, he and I came to different conclusions for different reasons because he understood it and I did not.
If you want to be an investor, you've got to learn to say NO, and not because "the other guy is wrong". You say NO because you don't understand how to value what is being offered confidently, or you do understand it and you see risks in the proposition that make the price unattractive or this particular proposition untenable for your temperament. Just like anything else in life, be it dating, job offers, or nigerian prince's who just need a little help with an inheritance scheme, successful people learn to say No to almost everything. The most successful people learn to say No so gracefully the rejected party leaves feeling good about getting rejected.
Investing is saying No to offers you don't understand and requiring a bargain price. Speculation is everything else. At /ValueInvesting, We're not stupid.
Corrected: The girls name is Eleven, not Seven. Fixed, Thanks jelledm
submitted by RecommendationNo6304 to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

I work at a crooked casino. You don't gamble with money here.

Hi, everybody. My name is Sid, and I’m an addict.
It took me a long time to accept that. But when you take a job in a casino just so that you can be there all the time and try to gain an edge, you’re an addict. It’s obvious even to me. More so to my family and friends, who I barely see anymore.
It’s not pills or coke, booze or heroin that I’m hooked on. I’m addicted to gambling.
The casino that made me so obsessed is not an ordinary one, though. It’s far from ordinary.
You don’t play for money at Fantasy Casino. You play for your dreams.
I hear you laughing.
But have you ever had a really, really great dream? One that got so good you snapped awake the second it started to get really excellent?
Well, imagine that times a thousand. Times a million.
A dream so real and so perfect that all of your fantasies become reality. Time stretches out. You feel like you are there forever. A lifetime passes before your return.
Infinite wealth, the ability to fly like superman, you’re surrounded by sex and beautiful people all day as you relax in a palace built to your mind’s most exacting specifications of perfection.
But then you wake up, and in an instant it is gone.
The power, the wealth, the endless sex and supernatural powers.
Everything is suddenly NORMAL again.
And so you go back to the casino.
I went back to the casino.
But the problem with gambling is that you don’t always win. And when you lose, suddenly the winnings are gone as well, vanished without a trace. All I knew was that I had to have that feeling again.
So I went inside the giant building and then followed the secret signs which led to a door that led to a staircase going downwards.
I went down the stairs and knocked on the door marked “Private” and waited for an answer.
The voice on the other side of the black door waited for my response.
“Seramth Gin.” I said the unnatural words carefully and deliberately, still not knowing their meaning.
A friend had told me the password, a fellow gambler who I would later find dead in his apartment. His corpse white, bloated, and maggot-infested.
His eyes were black and filled with blood which streamed from his eye sockets like tears. He had bit his tongue clean off and his fingernails were found lodged in various surfaces throughout his apartment. Like he had been trying to claw his way out of a steel box that only he could see.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. That was later. At this point I was still hopeful for another wonderful dream. Still thankful for his advice to seek out the place.
The door opened and I walked inside. It was the same as it had been the day before, only less busy at this time – still early afternoon.
I approached the table I had been sitting at the night before.
Poker – Texas Hold ‘em: Ten dream limit – the sign read.
The rules were simple. You got a stack of chips. If you doubled them, you received a dream. If you lost them, you lost a dream.
I wasn’t concerned about losing dreams yet, I still didn’t understand exactly what that meant.
When I lost my first stack of chips, I quickly bought in again. And again. And again.
Pretty soon I realized I had lost eight dreams with no winnings whatsoever. I was in a slump. A losing streak.
I decided to go home and count my losses. Literally, since I had no idea what that even meant.
As I got up to leave the table, the dealer looked at me. His eyes were remorseless and cold.
“See the cashier on your way out,” he said, handing me eight black chips.
I gulped and walked over to the glass window where the cashier sat waiting. Handing him the eight chips, he raised his eyebrows and clicked his tongue.
“That’s a shame. Hold out your hand please.”
Two men in black suits came up behind me suddenly and stood on either side of me, intimidating in their stature and demeanour.
I did as he asked and held out my hand with the palm facing up.
The cashier pulled out a strange-looking device from beneath the counter. It had a vial of vermillion-coloured liquid at the top that was attached to the rest of it which resembled a gun with a hypodermic needle at the end.
I screamed and tried to pull away, but the two men grabbed me and held my arm through the window. Thrashing and elbowing them, I tried to get away but it was useless.
The cashier injected the stuff into my veins quickly and it felt cold and slimy going through my system. I could feel it suddenly in my heart, turning it cold and then up into my mind and my lungs and all extremities causing me to shake and violently seize. I writhed on the floor, blood pouring from my ears and my eyes.
Finally the feeling settled down into a numbness that prickled the insides of my blood vessels. It wasn’t until later, once I realized what the casino really was, that I found out what they had done.
I went home with the certainty that they had injected me with something. If winning had resulted in the greatest dream I had ever had – essentially an almost never-ending fantasy – what would happen after a loss?
Nightmares. That was what it would be. I was sure of it.
I settled into bed that night and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep quickly after such an emotionally exhausting afternoon.
As soon as my eyes closed, they opened again and it was morning.
It felt as if I had not slept at all. My mind was fuzzy and it was difficult to focus. My eyes wanted to close again but my alarm was telling me that it was time to get up for work, so I hit the “dismiss” button and hopped in the shower.
I threw on my clothes and went out the door. At work I noticed a few people looking at me strangely, but I didn’t realize until someone pointed it out to me that my shirt was on inside-out. At this point I was still working in an office doing commodities trading and such lapses were frowned upon.
If you couldn’t focus enough to put your shirt on properly in the morning, how could you focus enough to get the work done in such a demanding environment? Millions of dollars changing hands with each transaction meant that such trivial things were put under a magnifying glass and coupled with other subsequent mistakes each following day after that, I found myself in the boss’s office by the end of the week being handed my walking papers.
Desperate for rest after days of not feeling any benefit from sleep, I went back to the casino.
They knew just by looking at me how to dig their claws in further. After a couple hours I had managed to win myself a dream.
They handed me the complimentary cocktail as they had the time before. I hadn’t realized the significance of it and still didn’t, despite the unusual vermillion colour of the drink. I swallowed it in one gulp and went out the door practically dancing and clicking my heels, ready to go home and feel rested again.
My dream that night was wonderful. Everything I had hoped for in many ways.
But not as good as the first time. I wanted that feeling back again.
Knowing that it was a dream the whole time and realizing that it was going to end seemed to shorten the fantasy, made it seem hollow and manufactured.
If I could win again maybe it would be like that first time, I thought.
The casino drew me in again and again. I found myself a zombie most days, exhausted, at my wit’s end. Ready to call it quits for good and say goodbye.
But then I would win again and it would all seem to be alright for a while.
My debt kept growing and growing with nearly every trip. The hypodermic needle would be plunged into my skin and every time they had to hold me down. Every time I would feel a little more empty. A little more hollow.
Waking up every day began to feel the same. Nothing had definition or purpose.
“You’re here all the time,” one of the goons whispered to me as they shot the needle into my vein the time after that. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? You should just get a job here and then at least you’ll be in on the secret.”
I applied the next day and got an interview with the boss. I would find out later that if you got someone to apply there you got a one dream bonus.
In his office, the well-dressed man was sitting behind a massive polished ebony desk. The room was adorned with paintings, sculptures, and other high-priced artwork. He had photos everywhere of himself shaking hands with world leaders, new and old, for hundreds of years.
His face never changed. Never aged.
“So, you want to work with us? Tired of dreamless nights without end? You want to have some relief, is that it?”
“Yes. Please. Anything. I’ve been coming here for so long and it’s an endless cycle. I want back what I’ve lost but I keep finding myself more and more in debt with each visit.”
“Ah, so do you understand it now, then? What the ‘injections’ are?”
It finally dawned on me, sitting there. Not injections at all. They weren’t putting something in us. They were taking something out. The vermillion-coloured liquid in the vials – our dreams.
“If I take a job with you, will the same rules apply? Will they still take my sleep, my rest, every time I lose?”
“Yes. We can’t have the employees living by different rules than everyone else. But we will give you an alternative injection, so that you feel well-rested when you come in for your shift.”
“I’ll do it. I need to rest. I need to get some meaningful sleep. My life has been miserable ever since coming here.”
“Well, I can’t promise that this will help,” he said, getting up from his desk with a hypodermic gun in his hand. The vial of fluid sitting atop this one was jet-black and looked evil and poisonous. He rolled up his sleeves as he primed it and I watched a few beads of it drip oil-like out of the tip of the needle.
“What the hell is that!? I don’t want that stuff in me!”
“But you need to sleep, my dear worker. I can’t have you passing out at the blackjack table like a narcoleptic! You agreed to this, after all. You wanted to rest, and the only way for that to happen is for you to have SOME sort of dream. Not everyone is as lucky as you, you know. To have that wonderful vermillion fluid in your veins. Some people come to us begging to take it from them. Some of our employees for example, the ones who do the recruitment for us, are full of this black stuff.”
“What?” I had gotten up from the chair and was backing away from him towards the door. But I found it was locked as he approached.
“First you have to tell me the password, Sid.”
“Seramth Gin.” I said the words that I had said every time to gain access to the casino, only this time I pictured the letters and rearranged them in my mind.
He smiled as he injected me with the vial of black hate, and it went into my veins feeling hot and unpleasant. I began to sweat and the beads of it turned cold on my skin as I shivered.
I’ll sleep tonight. I might even wake up feeling rested. But as long as I live and work at that casino, I’ll be afraid to dream again. Because now my unconscious hours are occupied by the most terrifying experiences imaginable. Nightmares beyond imagining in their awfulness. That is my fate.
Unless… Just maybe, I can win one more time.
submitted by Jgrupe to nosleep [link] [comments]

The real silver end game from a GenX perspective

Corrections at bottom
I'm a retarded GenXer who YOLO'd junior silver miner OTM call options in 2011 and lost a truckload of cash. But I kept my phyzz until a freak boating accident sunk it all. Oh well, this isn't financial advice, I'm a proven idiot, and nobody should listen to me.
I've learned a lot about the silver markets charlatans since then. Mike Maloney is a forever pumper. Peter Schiff is a suit and shill. Doug Casey lives on a ranch in Argentina but has his head far up his ass. Since you retards love to lose it all, go listen to those guys. But there are some very serious voices in the precious metals market that have proven the fraud and manipulation and even come up with ways around it: Ted Butler (commodity analysis), Eric Sprott (creator of $PSLV), James Dines (legendary newsletter writer), and James Turk (creator of goldmoney.com).
Silver is the biggest opportunity for profit that the general public could broadly participate in. If the price of silver goes up, the miners will see amplified gains. Juniors would explode into the alpha centuri (13,000% gains or more, easily). The reason we know this is because it's been tried before by people smarter than any of us (Hunt Brothers 1980, Buffet's 1997-2006 silver purchase, and 2010 mini-squeeze-beatdown). Even that lucky commie bastard Max Keiser tried to rally enough retards together to squeeze silver and "crash JPMorgan" before he got rich off bitcoin. {If you can't read, there is a video breakdown: search "youtube Is a WallStreetBets Silver Squeeze Possible" for a pretty good historical overview}
The forces at play in the precious metals market are global, historical, and backed by the biggest banks, not some meaningless hedgefund. It's the real deal. American's money used to be backed in bi-metallic standard, all coinage had some precious metals (pre 1964 dimes, silver dollars/half dollars and paper currency all convertible to silver or gold). All real silverbugs ultimate goal is to return to a bi-metalic backed US currency. It's a big part of the precious metals folklore, and the fact that the last straw that sealed President Kennedy's fate was signing Executive Order 11110 which would have returned the US to a silver standard. This would have restored faith in our financial system, eliminate the scourge of inflation, balanced the value of labor versus financial assets, and allow regular workers to save instead of being forced to participate in a ridiculous casino just to have a retirement.
Attention CNBC media whores reading this: who is the villain of this story? Blythe Masters. Check her out, she's actually pretty hot. {search: "Blythe Masters wants to upend finance again twitter bloomberg"} And she is a goddamn evil mastermind that created the Credit Default Swap (CDS). Yes, she created the financial weapon of mass destruction that sunk the global economy in 2008, she is first author on the paper. Then she went on to lead the JP Morgan precious metals trading desk to unwind Bear Sterns silver short book by containing any rally (that's how I lost all my money). Now she is working on blockchain technology that can be used by the banking cartels as a weapon to further enslave the entire world. And, yes, you degenerates, she has a sexy British accent and a killer set of legs. {search "egonzehnder blythe masters shares career advice daughters 2019"}
Steven Cohen is a fucking worm to Blythe Masters. Any financial instrument like SLV would be manipulated easily by her and the ilk that inherited her positions at JPMorgan and other bullion banks. There is only 1 way to perform a real silver squeeze: physical ownership (not paper ownership like SLV, there is a big difference). The commodity futures markets is called the COMEX. The COMEX has about a 250 contracts trade for every 1 ounce of actual silver available for delivery. That means if a handful of commodity traders stand for delivery and the physical delivery can't be made it will crash the COMEX. Sure, they might be forced to settle for cash like the Hunt brothers, but it will crash the COMEX and the price will soar nonetheless. It's a real thing, people have done it, there is no stopping that it will happen again. And what happens historically is a giant leap for junior miners: Copper Lake in 1980 jumped 13,000%. The average silver junior miner lept over 2,300%). It was soo easy to make money, even an ape could do it.
So, how do we avoid the manipulation?
  1. $SLV is a scam! SLV's custodian is JP Morgan, the vampire squid sucking on the face of humanity! Don't fall for it. They can never be trusted. Most silverbugs don't even believe they have any silver or gold in their ETFs of any significant amounts, otherwise there would be outside audits which don't happen. Anybody suggesting to use SLV is a pumper, paid shill, or doesn't know the history. And yes, now that JPMorgan has paid almost a Billion dollar fine for manipulating the silver market, they are long silver or at least are holding it as custodian for other players. So if silver goes up will JPMorgan win...yeah maybe. But that's not the point, you'd win, I'd win, the people of the world win.
2. $PSLV is not an appropriate vehicle. PSLV is a closed end fund. Eric Sprott is not going to buy any more silver and issue any more shares. Premium to NAV went over 20% and he didn't do it. PSLV serves a purpose (tax savings), but they don't acquire on commodity exchanges unless a big player takes delivery. If you actually have enough money to take delivery 10,000 oz - then PSLV works.
So what to really do: Buy PSLV or physical For the paranoid, you can create an account on goldmoney.com, put money into silver and it is owned by you, stored in Switzerland and registered in the Island of Jersey (for the most part outside of financial oligarchy control). You have to fill out a form on your taxes each year but buying/selling stonks have the same requirement, just a different form. Again, NOT financial advice - I'm a proven town idiot and hold no credentials no should you listen to me.
Goldmoney.com was created by James Turk, exactly for this purpose. So people can own phyzz without having to hide a 1000lb safe in your wife's boyfriend's basement or sink your phyzz into a pond. And also he set it up outside of the US so if the US government seized physical (like 1934!), his customers would have some chance at taking physical delivery in Switzerland. I wholeheartedly believed that the crash of 2008 would lead to this eventual outcome if silver went really high and it almost did at $50, at $100 the champagne corks stop poppin.
So then what went happened in 2011? Blythe Masters happened. JP Morgan and the other bullion banks beat down the precious metals market in a coordinated attack of naked short selling. Punishing beat downs, if you're into that kinda thing!
The silver spike of 2010/11 happened because some silverbugs bought physical metals and there were shortages at the retail level, just like what has started today. In all honesty, there were probably 10,000 Silverbugs in existence at that time all acting as lone actors on a handful of forums. This time could be much different, if a lot of apes bought silver and the intermediaries held for delivery on the COMEX this could break the back of the silver cartel and Lord Rothschild would roll over in his grave. And silver junior miners would skyrocket!
I love silver, what will I buy? 90-100% into some other form of physical ownership (coins/or goldmoney.com). $PSLV is also an acceptable vehicle but doesn't squeeze LBMA/COMEX supplies {search: "sprott physical silver trust December 2020 fact sheet"}. And 0-10% into long-dated calls or shares of junior minors. Some pumper was saying $AG (First Majestic). Sure maybe, or just use $SILJ a basket of silver juniors that would all explode and give you less single company risk to enjoy the rally. Get your popcorn.
And those boomers, will they help buy silver? Don't count on it, but that's a different type of rant.
Buy either physical silver, $PSLV, or goldmoney.com and also a little bit of silver miners to amplify gainz. Blythe Masters is a demon. Break the COMEX. Restore our heritage of sound money.
Corrections: PSLV has registered to issue $1.5billion more shares. That’s a lot of shiny silver. See the link in the comments below. It’s looks like PSLV will be retails best bet to apply pressure on the physical market. And if bullion dealers become stocked out, and PSLV stands for delivery, this strategy would work.
submitted by GoodTimesSdCpl to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties

The USA PATRIOT Act provides a textbook example of how the United States federal government expands its power. An emergency happens, legitimate or otherwise. The media, playing its dutiful role as goad for greater government oversight, demands "something must be done." Government power is massively expanded, with little regard for whether or not what is being done is efficacious, to say nothing of the overall impact on our nation's civil liberties.
No goals are posted, because if targets are hit, this would necessitate the ending or scaling back of the program. Instead, the program becomes normalized. There are no questions asked about whether the program is accomplishing what it set out to do. It is now simply a part of American life and there is no going back.
The American public largely accepts the USA PATRIOT Act as a part of civic life as immutable, perhaps even more so than the Bill of Rights. However, this act – passed in the dead of night, with little to no oversight, in a panic after the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor – is not only novel, it is also fundamentally opposed to virtually every principle on which the United States of America was founded. It might not be going anywhere anytime soon, but patriots, liberty lovers and defenders of Constitutional government should nonetheless familiarize themselves with the onerous provisions of this law, which is nothing short of a full-throttle attack on the American republic.

What’s Even in the USA PATRIOT Act?

What is in the USA PATRIOT Act? In the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, then Rep. John Conyers cracked wise about how no one had actually read the Act and how this was in fact par for the course with America's laws. Thus, before delving into the deeper issues surrounding the PATRIOT Act, it is worth discussing what the Act actually says. Here’s a brief look at the 10 Titles in the PATRIOT Act:
Most of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were set to sunset four years after the bill was passed into law. However, the law was extended first by President George W. Bush and then by President Barack H. Obama. The latter is particularly scandalous given that, at least in part, a rejection of the surveillance culture that permeated the Bush Administration was responsible for the election of Obama in 2008.

Passing the USA PATRIOT Act

Next, it’s important to remember the environment in which the USA PATRIOT Act was passed: Post-9/11. It is not the slightest bit of exaggeration to label the environment in which the PATRIOT Act was passed as “hysterical,” nor is “compliant” a misnomer for the Congress of the time. Opposition to the Act was slim and intensive review of one of the most sweeping Acts of Congress in American history was nonexistent.
All told, Congress took a whopping six weeks drafting, revising, reviewing and passing the PATRIOT Act. That’s less time than Congress typically spends on totally uncontroversial and routine bills that don’t gut the Fourth Amendment. The final vote found only 66 opponents in the House and one (Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold) in the Senate. The entire passage of the PATRIOT Act, from start to finish, took place behind closed doors. There were no committee reports or hearings for opponents to testify, nor did anyone bother to read the bill.
“Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” is the bloated and overwrought full name of the bill, crafted by a 23-year-old Congressional staffer named Chris Cylke. This ridiculous name puts the focus not on the surveillance aspects or the erosion of basic civil liberties enshrined in Western society since the Magna Carta, but on patriotism. At the time of its creation, the messaging was very clear: Real patriots support massive intrusions on civil rights. As President George W. Bush said at the time, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” This sentiment very much seemed to apply to American citizens.
While the argument that if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t fear investigation is anathema in a Constitutional republic with regard to citizens, it should be standard operating procedure when it comes to our organs of government. If we cannot expect transparency from the United States Congress – elected officials charged with representing the will of the people and protecting the Constitution – then we certainly can’t expect it anywhere else.

The Unfortunate Growth of the USA PATRIOT Act

It’s no surprise to those in the liberty movement that given an inch, the government (in particular the military-intelligence community) took a mile. Even the nebulous definition of “terrorism,” largely centered around a long litany of acts rather than the motivation behind them, has expanded to include receiving military training from a proscribed organization (without actually committing any terrorist acts or even acts of violence of any stripe) as well as “narcoterrorism” – the latter particularly convenient, as the United States government continues its losing “War on Drugs.”
Indeed, in many ways, the War on (Some) Drugs was the template for the War on Terror. Both wars have no defined enemy, no defined terms of victory. Instead, they are waged against a nebulous concept, while enjoying bipartisan support for their ever-expanding budgets. What’s more, it didn’t take long for the Feds to start using the USA PATRIOT Act for things it was never intended for, including prosecuting the War on Drugs.
Perhaps the silliest application of the USA PATRIOT Act is the prosecution of Adam McGaughey. McGaughey maintained a fansite for the television series Stargate SG-1. The Feds charged him with copyright infringement and computer fraud. In the course of their investigation, the FBI leveraged the PATRIOT Act to get financial records from his website’s ISP. This was made possible by the USA PATRIOT Act amending the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, allowing for search and seizure of ISP records.
The New York Times discovered in September 2003, that the USA PATRIOT Act was being used to investigate alleged drug traffickers without what would otherwise be sufficient probable cause. These were investigations into non-terrorist acts using a law ostensibly designed to investigate terrorism. There was some suspicion that the Act was being used to investigate crimes occurring before the Act was passed, violating the ex post facto clause of the United States Constitution.
In one of the biggest power grabs (excluding virtually everything we know from Edward Snowden – more on that below), the FBI sent tens of thousands of “national security letters” and procured over one million financial records from targeted businesses in Las Vegas. These businesses were primarily casinos, car rental bureaus and storage spaces. The data obtained included financial records, credit histories, employment records and even people’s personal health records.
The FBI maintains and databases this – and, indeed, all information collected through the USA PATRIOT Act – indefinitely. In the good old days before the PATRIOT Act, the Feds were compelled to destroy any evidence they collected on someone later found not guilty of a crime. Note that the aforementioned data collection brought to public attention by Edward Snowden (which, again – we’re getting to that) falls under this provision. Not only is the government collecting obscene amounts of private and personal information about you, they’re also storing it indefinitely with no plans to stop.
What’s more, the FBI has approached public libraries to turn over the records for specific terminals, collecting information not about specific users who might be under investigation, but about anyone who has ever used the computer at the public library. Libraries, to their credit, have been very much at the forefront of resistance against the PATRIOT Act, with some litigating compliance despite operating on small budgets and others posting “canary letters,” which effectively say “The FBI Hasn’t Been Here Yet.” The removal of such a letter would warn patrons that the FBI has been sniffing around in their records.
Indeed, the greatest criticism of the PATRIOT Act is the simplest and perhaps most obvious: Why does an Act ostensibly passed to fight terrorism so drastically expand the government’s power to investigate virtually everyone else? The PATRIOT Act is not merely unconstitutional, it is an unprecedented expansion of state power in the Anglosphere, a culture based on restricted government and the primacy of individual rights.
An excellent example of this is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expansion. Most people are familiar with the term “FISA court,” but very few people actually know what it is – a special federal court created under the Carter Administration that grants approval of electronic surveillance of both citizens and resident aliens in the event that they are accused of acting in the service of a foreign power. The last part of this sentence is very important: The FISA courts are not simply for allowing surveillance of anyone that it might be expedient to collect information about. The scope of their powers is very, very limited.
Or was.
The PATRIOT Act lowered the burden of evidence required to obtain a FISA warrant for electronic surveillance and expanded the overall scope of the FISA courts. Any savvy federal agent can now drape his charges in the garb of (what else?) “national security” and obtain electronic surveillance privileges hitherto only dreamed of by investigators. FISA courts have become pliant tools in the hands of the Feds, gladly approving their requests to monitor phone and internet surveillance, as well as access to medical, financial and educational records.

The Future of the USA PATRIOT Act

Do we still need the PATRIOT Act? Did we ever? All laws are certainly a product of their times. But this seems much more acutely true of the USA PATRIOT Act, which was passed in a rush and under duress without due consideration.
Particularly in light of the revelations from Edward Snowden – that the government is spying on everything they possibly can – it’s worth asking if there’s any walking back. He points out that the police state apparatus was originally for drug dealers, then for terrorists, but ultimately ended up being applied to anyone and everyone.
What’s more, Bob Bullard notes another frightful aspect of the USA PATRIOT Act: Terrorism-related cases are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that there is little or no oversight. There is no surer hallmark of a police state than an all-powerful domestic surveillance agency with no transparency or oversight. While the USA PATRIOT Act might not create an American Stasi as such, it certainly paves the way for one.
Continue reading The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties at Ammo.com.
submitted by ammodotcom to Libertarian [link] [comments]


Hey guys I was hoping to get some advice. So I use to be a dealer in PA for a number of years. Started at 19 years old and up to about 2 years ago when I decided to leave the industry. I have about 6 years of experience 5 of those years dealing craps. I have applied to a new casino opening up in my city (as my other job shut down due to Covid) and now I have an audition on Thursday.
Now that you’re caught up with my life...
I feel like after a week of vacation jumping back onto dice was a bit rough, I am totally freaked out after not dealing the game for 2+ years. I have been studying and playing with cheques for a bit and am still not too confident in my skill (or lack thereof)
So the questions
A: is there a good site to help you sharpen some skill sets and help you get reintroduced to the game as a dealer?
B: are casinos understanding with having an employee with a bit of rust in a game? Or will I lose brownie points for not being a fresh dealer?
Thanks guys.
submitted by Papa_Lager to Craps [link] [comments]

Living away from my parents as a Teen

I just really need to get this off my chest. So I’m a 16 year old female. I’ve always grown up pretty independent and in a way I did raise myself since my mom worked so much (my parents are divorced and my dad is not involved in my life).
So covid basically messed up my life. I used to live in a decent sized house alone with my mom. She used to work as a casino dealer. During the pandemic, she lost her job and as a result, we couldn’t afford our house anymore and we had to sell it. My mom was having a hard time finding another job where we live and our health insurance was also cut off. Luckily, my mom got a job offer in a different field in a different state which pays a decent amount. Better than she made here. But we made the decision to where she would move to the other state while I stay here because I want to live here in my future and finish school here. I’m living with a family friend since I don’t have any other relatives here. Not gonna lie, I feel kinda anxious a lot and lonely without my mom here. I also miss the quietness of my old house and having my own bathroom. I’m managing alright though, I have money, a car (hopefully getting my license this month), and on top of that, I’ve somehow maintained a high GPA in school. I’m not sure how I managed with the craziness going on in my life but I’m really fucking proud of myself for that. Still working on applying for health insurance though which has been a struggle since I’m living separate from my mom.
Everything has been overwhelming I guess. My chest constantly feels heavy from all the stress. I’ve really grown a lot from taking care of myself and doing my own groceries (groceries are so expensive tf). Idk I just feel so empty and lonely it’s hard to explain. I don’t really have much friends either lol. I haven’t been going to the gym much lately which has been messing with me mentally. I’m hoping to get back into the gym when I get my license. Plus I have ACT’s later this month which I haven’t been studying as much as I should’ve. Thanks for listening to me vent, I appreciate everyone who’s read my story. I hope you all have a wonderful day ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
submitted by xxenglo to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

Fans of statistics and probability?

I've never been a math or science nerd but I was just looking at a multiple choice question with two answers and just making guesses at how to calculate the probability of one correct answer, both correct and both wrong. I went to check my math and my formula turned out to be exactly correct! I just don't think my high school brain was ever ready for math because I knew I wouldn't apply it. My single semester community college statistics has been far more valuable.
I'm also pretty good at guessing the prevelence of various forms of social deviance in a general population or rates of deviance within specific populations. I've been trying to get a job as a data analyst for social welfare organizations. It's not easy to get a better job these days.
However I have put my skills to some good use. I steadily grew my betting bankroll throughout the football season and that sport is especially tough to bet on. I prefer dice to cards likely because of the probability factor. If I ever walked into a casino I would either be putting it on Red or I would've already learned to count cards. I've bet on chess a lot too. Overall I've won money but I've taken some bad beats chasing chess losses. That game cannot be played with gamblers' stress.
I also like to opine on some abstractions like arbitration and insurance like an armchair actuary but I'm just making reasonable guesses and people take me seriously (unless it's those who know my clown personality--though they take my guesses seriously too sometimes).
I'm good at setting prices for goods of relative scarcity too. I can judge their base values and have a general knowledge of scarcity and sort of intuitively know a starting price. I can also effectively haggle. My greatest victory was in a court setting where I was driving on fines and a DWLS and straight up told the judge that I wasn't ponying up the full amount as it wouldn't be worth it to pay the total and keep the car. First the judge said if I was pulled over again I would be taken to jail but that's an empty threat as no warrant record had judges' threats in it. He also got me into arbitration and I got a generous payment plan that was extra generous if I paid a lump sum. They had be dead to rights and I paid like 30% of the initial fine amount and I knew to plead "no contest" to avoid any additional liability payout or punishment. I don't have the car anymore but it still played out as well as it could have considering all factors. I was constantly in a state of getting pulled over and fined and now that's all over.
So basically my strengths are with words, basic and intermediate math, and dealing with agents of institutions. I'm not necessarily good with people but I'm better with dealing with professors, cops, social workers, loss prevention workers, pharmacists, shopkeepers, hospital staff, restaurant staff drug dealers, and bartenders but only when operating within the purview of their role as a representative of a particular institution.
I wish I had a job to put these skills to work for employment dammit. I don't only wanna be physically challenged at work or to be distracting by socializing. I want my intellect challenged at work. Plus the pay could be triple what I made last year if specialized enough.
Please give me ideas on entry level corporate jobs that fit this profile and/or Masters Degrees that could be of use, except for an MBA. I know what that is and it doesn't seem at all interesting. I thought I would be in law school by now when I graduated by first life happened then COVID happened.
submitted by StoopSign to entp [link] [comments]

What I'd Like to see in Updates going forward.

EDIT: Realized I forgot to add a TLDR so here goes nothing lol:
Buy a mansion and have AI run your MC businesses, CEO businesses, and Bunker. Start a crew of AI and start building yourself up as a kingpin. Then, buy a customizable private island and start a cartel. Open up massive labs and add entertainment for tourists, if you so desire. Compete against AI-run cartels for control of major cities in the GTA universe (Even ones that aren't accessible in GTA online). Become allies with other cartels or enemies. Topple other cartels and take control of their assets. (Islands, territory, production, etc.) Go head to head with the government like Pablo Escobar did or stay more lowkey like the Cali Cartel.
Now I want to preface this by saying I have no insider information whatsoever. This is literally just what I’d like to see going forward in this game.
So moving forward after the Cayo Perico heist (which is the best money maker in the game by far) I’m not really sure where there is to go for Rockstar. I highly doubt they want to make something that pays even better than this because of shark card sales. So from here, I think they could head in a slightly different direction than heists with every other update.
-The Mansion Update: The apartments in-game are borderline useless for everything but the garage. You can do the original heists but that’s about it, unfortunately. I’d love to see mansions added into the game with the highest-end one being something like 20 million and the lowest end being say 5 million. From the mansion, you can get a central area to control all your businesses. Maybe you can get a massive garage with this. (A 40-60 car garage like the CEO office) Beyond this, you can start a crew and have them work under you as dealers for your various businesses (MC, Bunker, Nightclub, Vehicle warehouse, and Crates). You have to pay the dealers say 10-20 grand a day but they manage your business and sell them for you and pay you the money. You can also give them secondary tasks like going to collect money from your businesses, etc.
Now the big update
-The Cartel Update: Owning the mansion will be a precursor to all this content. With this update, you would be able to buy your own private island. My thought is it would be extremely expensive. Starting at around 30 million and going up to say 80-100 million. With this update, you can take the crew that you had with your mansions and expand it to become your own cartel. All of your businesses would run through this. Bunker, MC, CEO, and any others you may have. You’ll have bigger and better labs and warehouses on this island than you do in LS but you’ll still own the ones in LS. You can hire hitmen and enforcers or even hire old characters from prior DLC’s as these roles. (Vincent, for example) You’ll be able to employ drug dealers such as the Madrazo’s and new ones too. They employ dealers and move your product. They get a percentage based on how good they are. Eventually, they’ll be able to move all the products you can produce across all businesses. For example, the Madrazo’s could be good at moving your drugs but then not be very good at moving your weapons and vice versa with a new character. You’ll be able to choose which dealer moves which product. You can get your products and shipments seized and again that will depend on the quality of dealers you employ.
The Island itself will be originally blank except for a small airport. It will cost money to build labs and bunkers for your island but they will be worth it. They will be much bigger and able to store way more product and completely AI-controlled and maintained. You’ll start out with a smaller house on one side of the island that you can designate as your residency space. You can build guard towers and security checkpoints which will help boost the morale of your employees as well as keep your island safer from enemy cartels and the government. You can build entertainment spaces like a casino and nightclub or even a nightclub if you want to have tourists come to your island. This will be a security risk, of course, but will bring in money for you. You’ll be able to build garages below your home on the island and store whatever cars there that you want. You would be able to build yourself a race track if you wanted to. If you run out of room on your island you’ll be able to upgrade your island to a bigger one with a slightly different layout. It certainly would not be cheap but you’d have more space. Once you run out of space on the biggest island that’s as big as your cartel will be able to get until you topple other cartels and take control of their operations.
Now the big part of this DLC would be the AI-controlled cartels and government. We have one cartel in the game now to some extent (El Rubio) and you’ll be able to interact with these cartels. You’ll be able to choose what to say to them and how you handle business. If you choose to be offensive towards them and take over their territory they won’t like that which will start beef between you and them. You can have wars and, if you play your cards right, topple the cartel and take its resources and territory. You can also ally with other cartels and use each other’s routes and just generally help each other out.
If you topple another cartel (AI-controlled) you take control of their resources such as their island, territory, and supply lines. You can annoy other cartels if you wish by selling in their territory, robbing them (Cayo Perico heist), and killing their soldiers. This will make them less trusting of you if you do it obviously but if you’re careful they’ll be less trusting of everyone. Including any allies they have and this can be used to weaken them and hopefully topple them. The goal would be to become the biggest drug lord in the world which would probably mean toppling other big cartels. Play your cards right and these cartel leaders will have their guards lower around you and your cartel and you can make a move against them and kill them and topple the cartel swiftly. Of course, none of your allies would trust you anymore but you would have toppled a cartel and given yourself more control. The territory would be split up with you selling in LS and other cartels arguing over Vice City, Liberty City, Las Venturas, San Fierro, London, Capital City, etc. These areas would not be able to be traveled to but you would be able to see which cartel controls which cities and the cities population and a few other stats. Any cities added in future games that came to GTA online as free-roam areas would be added to that list, of course.
You can be a high profile drug lord like El Chapo and Pablo Escobar or you could be more low profile like the Cali Cartel. These are the two extremes but you can always fall somewhere in the middle. You can raise your public opinion meter by giving out money, building apartment buildings, parks, etc. With this update, there would be elections introduced. Only for President and maybe one or two other government roles but they can be elected and they’ll have different stances on issues that directly affect you. One can be hard on the cartels or another can be more lenient and open to working with them. If you want to go the low profile route you can try and rig the election in favor of the candidates you want to win. Of course, this won’t always work but you can always try. If you go the high profile route you can just assassinate (or attempt to, depending on how good your hitmen are) the candidate you want to lose. You’ll also have a meter of popularity and at each point the citizens of the country will either love you or they’ll hate you. The higher your popularity the easier it is to conduct business, higher prices for your products and if the government ever decides to launch a manhunt against you the citizens won’t help the government catch you. This will be seen as you’ll be able to move around LS and any other new cities freely and all you have to do is just stay away from police stations as much as possible. If you commit a crime or are seen near the police station you’ll instantly get a 5 star wanted level that you can’t cancel using Lester. If you use a CEO ability or any of your cartel abilities to try and bribe the police it’ll only take it from a 5 star to a 4 star. If your relationship with the public is bad it will be much harder to move around the city. There’ll be police checkpoints near any businesses, homes, or offices you have. You will be able to get around them but it won’t be easy. On your island, you’ll be completely safe and won’t have to worry about getting wanted. Of course, there will be a limit to how much stuff you can do before the government steps in, in a much bigger way. If your cartel kills too many politicians, cops, or other government officials the manhunt will become much larger and more intense. By this point, the relationship you have with the people will be essentially down the drain so everything with the low relationship will apply in this situation.
If your relationship is this bad you will essentially be staying on your island and away from the mainland because it won’t be safe for you. But periodically, the government will send the military to your island to try and take you out. You and the crew you employ as island security will have to hold off the military and at least attempt to kill them all. It won’t be easy but it will be possible. If you’re allied with any AI cartels they will send reinforcements to help you. This will happen for two weeks straight every two days unless you raise the meter with the citizens. After these two weeks of hell, the manhunt will reset back to just the low punishments and your island will be safe again. If you get killed by the military you will lose a lot and respawn in Bolingbroke with some of your crew coming to break you out. This will be a tough fight but it will be scripted like a heist mission and if you die then it will restart. After you’re outside the prison you’ll need to lose the cops, no help from Lester or CEO/Cartel abilities either since you won’t have a way to contact them just yet. After you lose them you will need to escape to a warehouse of yours that isn’t known by the police. (Facility or new underground safehouses) until you decide to make a break for it and try to get back to your private Island. Once back, most of your workers will be in jail or dead so you’ll have to hire new ones. Your lead enforcers and hitmen won’t be killed but will be in jail so you can decide during your escape whether you want to attempt to break them out too. If you choose no, you’ll have to hire a crew of players to break them out. You’ll pay something like 1 million per player and the players will have to break them out. To sum up the price of getting caught it will probably cost you somewhere in the region of 30 million dollars of lost product and workers on the low end and around 75 million on the high end.
Your cartel will bring in lots of money for you. Somewhere around 5-10 million per week on the low end and 30 million at the high end. You will NOT compete with other players, only against AI cartels. Elections will be for you and you alone, not other players.
As you can see this will be an endgame thing primarily based on the amount of money the buy-in would be. For the first update, it will be mainly vehicles that the people without a ton of money can buy but if you have a high-end apartment you’ll be able to become a kingpin for an AI-controlled cartel. It’ll be something to get your foot in the door and build some infrastructure for yourself. The pay won’t be amazing as you won’t be able to build that big of a crew but it will be something. Probably 50-100 thousand every GTA day. Eventually, the players will (ideally) save up money to buy the mansions which will mean you can employ more people and go higher up in the food chain with the AI cartel you chose. Eventually, once you get enough money to buy the private island you can split off from the AI cartel and start your own. You’ll be able to bring the infrastructure you built up under the AI cartel to your new cartel. The AI cartel will not like this for obvious reasons and this will set off a lot of beef and wars between your cartel and the AI cartel.
submitted by SJQuakesForever to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Redundancies being made at my company, have they followed steps in a lawful way?

Here in England. This is happening in a casino operator in the UK, and the following are some reasons that I believe my company is not being completely lawful regarding their forced redundancy process. I’d like to have some input as to whether there are reasons which may force the company to have to at the very least reconsider the process.
Lack of consistency
Why have staff been selected by LIFO when management are being selected by performance?
Staff in areas such as F&B, casino dealers, and cashiers are being processed as Last In, First Out, but casino managers are being put through a competency based process.
Why have staff been selected by venue when management are being selected from a London pool?
Staff at lower levels are being treated as a site by site process, despite the fact that between the 3 London based venues, they are contractually obliged to be able to work at any one of the 3 sites when requested. The same applies for management, yet their redundancies are being considered from all 3 of the London sites as a whole.
Selection criteria
Poor communication from reps in regard to selection criteria. Basically criteria has been selected by the reps without proper consultation with those they are supposed to represent.
Regarding this in particular, for one of the sites affected, the staff rep posed a loaded question basically asking “Should the company make redundancies based on LIFO or use criteria? Oh and by the way, we can’t use criteria because it’s outdated. Please choose option 1 or option 2 and you’re not allowed to discuss”. In my particular case, even though I haven’t been made redundant as a result of this, I wasn’t consulted at all for my venue.
Have any reps been made redundant in this round of redundancies?
As far as I am aware, this hasn’t been the case.
A consultation meeting was suspended because a rep from a provincial club had an outburst in relation to them being made redundant under LIFO. I understand that some clubs ‘voted’ to use an amended version of LIFO. Is this true and did the rep in question keep their job?
I have found out that at the venue in question, one cashier was supposed to be made redundant, and that person would be the staff rep. This person didn’t get made redundant because they changed the criteria for redundancies.
Experienced, reliable, high performing staff are being made redundant when unreliable and low performing staff are keeping their positions. It is unfair that previous performance has not been taken into account.
This is completely true. Management are being tested on their performance and not others.
At one of the sites, the calculations showed that 8.6 casino dealers were to be made redundant, and 1.8 cashiers to be made redundant. In fact they made 9 people redundant from casino dealers and only 1 redundant from cashiers, which also saved another staff rep’s job.
In addition, one of the people made redundant feels that they weren’t involved in a 1-to-1 consultation despite being told that they would be able to “discuss options” in a consultation held via Zoom, but no options were discussed and it felt like it was merely a meeting to notify them of their redundancy.
Any advice on the matter is much appreciated.
submitted by JuliusDismissed to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

What is Crazy Time?

Crazy Time is set in a large, colourful and entertaining studio that includes a main money wheel, a Top Slot above the money wheel, and four exciting bonus games – Cash Hunt, Pachinko, Coin Flip and Crazy Time.
The crazy, all-action gameplay revolves around the main game and the four bonus games. It’s easy to play, as players just place their bets on numbers (1, 2, 5 or 10) and/or the bonus games. In two of the bonus games, players get to make a decision that is extra exciting – the players will no longer always win the same prize!
In the main game the Top Slot will spin together with the main money wheel at the start of every game round. The Top Slot generates one random multiplier for one random bet spot – either a number or a bonus game. It the multiplier and bet spot align horizontally in the Top Slot, it’s a match and a multiplier will be added to this bet spot. This multiplier will either multiply a bet on a number or multiply the multipliers in a bonus game – it all depends on if the main wheel also stops at this bet spot!
All players can observe the bonus games but only players who have placed a bet on the corresponding bet spot can participate and win.
Cash Hunt Bonus Game
Cash Hunt is a shooting gallery featuring a large screen with 108 random multipliers. The multipliers are covered by random symbols and are shuffled before the player can position their aim when the countdown timer starts. The player selects the target where they believe the largest multiplier is hiding. The cannon will shoot at the target and reveal the won multiplier when the time is up.
Each player selects their own target in this interactive bonus round which means that players will win different multipliers!
The flip of a coin will determine which multiplier will be won! A coin with a blue and a red side is flipped, and the side that’s facing up when the coin lands wins. Before the coin is automatically flipped, two multipliers will be generated, one that applies if the red side wins, and one for the blue side!
The Pachinko bonus game features a large Pachinko wall with a multitude of physical pegs. The game presenter will drop a puck and the players will win the multiplier where the puck lands. If the puck lands on a ‘DOUBLE’ value, all the multipliers at the bottom of the wall will be doubled and the puck will be dropped again – until a multiplier is won! The puck can be dropped again until the multipliers have reached the maximum 10,000x multiplier.
Open the red door and enter a crazy and fun virtual world with a gigantic virtual money wheel! Each player selects their flapper before the game starts: blue, green or yellow. The game presenter starts the wheel by pushing a big red button. When the wheel comes to a stop, the player wins the multiplier where the flapper points. If a flapper points to a ‘DOUBLE’ or TRIPLE’ value on the wheel, all the multipliers are doubled or tripled, and the wheel will spin again. Only players that chose this flapper can take part in this round. The wheel can be re-spun until the multipliers have reached the maximum 20,000x multiplier.
Where To Play Crazy Time
Crazy Time is available on a few casinos at the moment but I play on the 888 Casino. Once your signed-in/registered, navigate to the Live Dealer section of the casino and select the Game Shows category. This category houses Crazy Time as well as other similar gams.
Unfortunately this game is not available to Americans. Although that may change in the future.
submitted by dont_drink_the_milk to CrazyTimers [link] [comments]

Relapse and I think it’s game over

So from my previous few post I’ve been trying to quit over a year now with the last relapse losing 25k aud
Well this time it’s gotten worse I lost 40k Aud of my families funds once again.. we haven’t paid our rent, haven’t paid our bills yet was all meant to be paid after Xmas and for some reason I managed to blow it all on online Live dealer casinos, in a matter of 15mins. It’s seriously fucked up, at real Casino, I’m nervous to even do $500 hands and here online I managed to do over 12k hand not flinching. It’s fucked up how online delusions your reality and value of money.
I’m so ashamed and not sure how to even open up anymore. I told my other half that I lost 2k at the Casino and she almost broke down. Saying how we trying to save every dollar and yet I just blew 2k aud.
If she knew that I blew the 40k I think my life would be over, I mean everyone will know soon with nothing being paid at all!
Now with the last 25k aud I managed to get a personal loan to cover it and behind paying the repayments.. no chance to apply for 40k . I think I’m fucked...
Thanks for reading just hope it’s gonna be a new day tomorrow and Day 1 from tomorrow leading to a new 2021 year of gambling free! Fuck me
submitted by ADepressKid to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Casino Superlines - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casino Superlines - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

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Casino Superlines Review

Casino Superlines is a relatively new online casino, established in 2017. It is owned and operated by Equinox Dynamic N.V., a company registered in Curacao. Equinox Dynamic is also certified by the local gambling authorities to conduct gambling operations and carries a license from the government.
The Superlines brand is one of the main properties of the company and one of their more successful online casinos. Since it was released to the general public, Casino Superlines has only increased in popularity. This is due to the fact that it offers a solid gambling experience and is available to a wide player base. There are hundreds of slots and table games on offer, allowing anyone to have a good time. Moreover, the casino also provides players with worthwhile promotions and supports a large number of payment services, thereby making it easy for anyone to quickly come on board. In this review, we will take a look at the major aspects of Casino Superlines and provide you with our honest feedback.

Casino Superlines Promotions and Bonuses

The Welcome Package Casino Superlines will give you the opportunity to greatly increase your bankroll over the first few deposits. Your first deposit will be matched an amazing 400% up to €1,000. Effectively, you will have five times the deposit amount to play with. When you make your second deposit, the percentage match is humbler than the previous one but still pretty good. The second part of the offer involves a 100% match up to €1,000, while the third bonus is a 200% match up to €1,000. All in all, you can get up to €3,000 in bonus funds and that is absolutely great. Of course, you will need to deposit a minimum of €20 each time to get your bonus.
Additionally, there are certain rules that you have to follow if you want to get the most out of your bonus. For one, there is a wagering requirement that you have to fulfil before you are allowed to withdraw the funds which amounts to 45 times the value of the bonus. For the purposes of the wagering, your maximum bet will be limited to €5.00 at a time and exceeding this cap may result in the invalidation of the bonus. Moreover, the requirement can only be met while playing slots and scratchcards, with table games and other game types being excluded. Additionally, specific slot titles have reduced contributions while others are altogether excluded. As far as withdrawals are concerned, you can only cash in a sum resulting from your bonus that does not exceed 20x the original deposit amount.
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Casino Superlines Software Providers

One thing that many gamblers overlook when considering an online casino is where the games of the given casino come from. Software providers are an essential part of the online gambling industry, developing the games that we all love to play. However, there are many such companies out there, each offering specific titles. Casino Superlines has partnered up with some of the most respected software providers in the business and was able to acquire a substantial library of casino games. Among the list of software providers, we find large names such as NetEnt, NextGen Gaming, Betsoft, Play’n GO, 1×2 Games, Amaya, Thunderkick, Elk Studios and others.
Each of these software providers has a history of creating high-quality slots and table games, allowing customers to have a great time gambling on the Internet. Their names alone should speak volumes regarding the quality of their product and with hundreds of games to choose from, you will be able to play to your heart’s content.

Casino Superlines Banking

Managing your bankroll is an important skill for any gambler and you also need to be able to easily move funds between your personal balance and your casino account. At Casino Superlines, you will not be able to use physical cash and as a result, you will be required to utilize one of the many online payment solutions supported by the casino.
These are available in several different forms – credit cards, eWallets, online banking, prepaid solutions and mobile payments. Typically the minimum deposit, regardless of what method you use, begins at €20. The maximum limits, however, will vary depending on the service.
If you choose to make your deposit with a credit card, you will be able to use the three most popular brands out there – Visa, MasterCard and Maestro. Alternatively, you may also opt to use an eWallet service due to their many advantages. In such a case, you will be able to manage your bankroll with Skrill, Neteller, Qiwi Wallet, and Przelewy24. These allow for instant deposits and quick withdrawals, where supported. Moreover, they also allow you to maintain some degree of anonymity on the Internet.
As far as online banking services are concerned, Casino Superlines gives you a lot of options. More specifically, you will have at your disposal UseMyServices, EPS, PostePay, TrustPay, POLi, EasyEFT, Sofort, GiroPay, Interac Online, and Trustly. While these can make instant deposits, you need to consider that many are regional services and may not be available to you. Prepaid solutions are available in the form of ecoPayz and Paysafecard, whereas mobile payments can be made via Zimpler and Siru Mobile. Alternatively, you may also make a deposit in Bitcoin if you are a crypto enthusiast.
Withdrawals are available, though not via all the above-listed services. You will be able to cash in your balance with Neteller, Visa, Skrill, Qiwi Wallet and Bitcoin. If you made a deposit with a service that does not support withdrawals, the casino will be more than happy to send you your money via Bank Transfer. The processing times will vary significantly between the different withdrawal solutions. Credit card withdrawals can take several days to clear, whereas transactions issued to eWallets will process almost instantly once they are sent. The minimum withdrawal starts at €100 and the maximum goes up to €5,000 per month.
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Casino Superlines Mobile Features

Playing from a mobile device has become the norm for millions of gamblers from all over the globe and online casinos can scarcely afford to ignore this tendency. To this end, they offer fully-functioning mobile versions of their gambling services and Casino Superlines does the same. Should you wish to take your favorite slots and table games with you, the casino gives you the opportunity to play from anywhere that you like. The only requirement is a working smartphone or tablet and a stable Internet connection.
Accessing the mobile version is completely easy and you can do so on just about any device. All you need to do is load the casino website within your browser and continue as you would on a desktop computer. It is that simple. You will be able to navigate any section of the casino and still have the same features at your disposal, namely, promotions, customer support, banking options and the full extent of the gaming library. You will not be limited in any way should you choose to play from your mobile device. In fact, the mobile version also comes with some features to make your experience better on a small-screen device. You will notice that all the menus have been adjusted for better functionality from a smartphone while some games include different user interfaces for improved usability. All in all, the mobile casino does not lack any features and we are sure that you will have a great time.
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Casino Superlines Games

The games selection is the primary reason why you would want to join Casino Superlines. It comes with more than 600 unique titles and each gives you the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. These span multiple different game types, including but not limited to slots, roulette, blackjack, progressive jackpots, live dealer titles and others. There is always something new to play so you will be occupied for quite a long time if you choose to join Casino Superlines. Below, we will outline some of the more popular genres and also make mention of the worthwhile titles that you can play.


If you are into slots then Casino Superlines certainly has something for you. The majority of the gaming library consists of slot games and there are more than 500 unique titles for you to enjoy. They come in a variety of different forms – video slots, classic slots, with 20 paylines, with 25 paylines, with 40 lines, etc. Regardless of what your preference is, you will find it here without a doubt.
As for the specific titles that you can enjoy, there is a large variety of themes and aesthetics in the slots category. Classic-themed games are always popular with prominent examples including Sevens & Fruits, Fruity Wild, Golden 7 Fruits, and more. Alternatively, you can also have a lot of fun with the animal-themed titles as well. Particularly, Golden Mane, Nuts Commander, Safari Spin, and Birds being among the more interesting. Of course, we also recommend that you try out some of the games with the Asian culture theme, namely Dragon King, Xing Guardian, Dragon Lady, 12 Animals and others.
Slots inspired by mythology are always popular and for good reason. At Casino Superlines, you will be able to play Viking Gods: Thor and Loki, Medusa II, Thunder Zeus, Miss Midas, Zeus the Thunderer II and others. Crime is also a popular theme at Casino Superlines, with notable games like The Slotfather 2, Cosa Nostra, Yakuza, Art of the Heist and others. Of course, these are only a few examples of what awaits you at this online casino. There are hundreds of titles at your disposal and they are only a few clicks away.

Table Games

The table games selection is downright humble when compared to the slots one, yet still, there are some excellent titles awaiting you at Casino Superlines. These come in the form of blackjack, roulette and other table game types.
If roulette is your game of choice, you will have several titles to choose from. These include the classic variations – European and American Roulette – as well as some more interesting ones that put an additional twist on the original roulette formula. The second type can be played in the form of Zero Spin Roulette, Solen Prive Roulette, Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and more. Regardless of what you choose to play, we are sure that you will have a great time with the available games. The betting limits are quite permissive across the board and you will be able to make good use of your bankroll.
Insofar as blackjack is concerned, there are a handful of variations that you can try your luck on. These are available in the form of American Blackjack, VIP Blackjack, and Classic Blackjack. The more intricate variations come in the form of Blackjack Switch, which allows you to exchange cards between two hands, and Blackjack Surrender where you can easily forfeit your hand and reclaim some of your original stake should things take a turn for the worst. Much like the roulette titles, the available blackjack games are also suitable for both high rollers and casual players on account of the wide betting limits.
Of course, you should also not ignore the casino poker offerings either. While not the most popular game type, casino poker can certainly deliver an excellent gambling experience. At Casino Superlines, you will have the opportunity to several variations of casino poker, namely, Caribbean Poker, Casino Hold’em Poker and Poker Three. If casino poker is not to your liking, then you can also consider Baccarat, Baccarat 777 or Keno.

Progressive Jackpots

If you are looking to one large lump sum all at once, then the only game type that can meet this expectation is the progressive jackpot genre. Featuring large prize pools, these games give you the opportunity to win a small fortune if your luck is good enough. They typically come in the form of slots and this is also the case at Casino Superlines. You will be able to try your luck on some highly entertaining games, such as Dark Harbour Jackpot, Magic Destiny, Fear the Zombies, The Giant, Lagertha, Sunset and more. Even if you do not win the jackpot during your first session, you can be sure that you will have a great time simply spinning the reels.

Live Casino

When it comes to online casino gaming you will rarely find a better experience than in the Live Casino section. Live dealer titles represent the best that the industry has to offer and each game allows you to experience a different classic game type. At Casino Superlines, you have the opportunity to try out some live dealer titles, hosted by professional dealers and offering the genuine land-based casino experience. More specifically, you will be able to play Baccarat, Casino Hold’em, European Roulette, and Blackjack. Usually, live dealer games have slightly higher minimums than the typical virtual title, however, this should not prevent casual players from participating in the fun.
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Casino Superlines Licensing and Regulations

Licensing is a major factor when it comes to choosing an online gambling website. There are only a few ways to determine the legitimacy of a given online casino and you want to make sure that any website you frequent is a legal and trustworthy operation. To this end, you wish to avoid casinos without licensing or from institutions with a bad reputation. Fortunately, Casino Superlines does not fall in either of those categories. The operator behind this casino is licensed by the Government of Curacao, one of the major regulators of online gambling websites outside of Europe. As a result of this, you can be sure that you will have a fair betting experience. In order to acquire this license, Casino Superlines has had to undergo strict audits of the RNG systems to make sure that everything is above board and that the results from games are truly random. With this in mind, you can be sure that when you play at Superlines you will be treated fairly and any winning or losing streak will be solely the product of chance.

Casino Superlines Customer Support

Something that you should take seriously is the customer support available at the casino. Depending on how long you play, there will come a time that you may need to contact customer service to resolve something or to simply ask a question. In such a scenario, you want to make sure that there will be someone on the other side who will take you seriously and provide genuine help.
At Casino Superlines, you will have several methods of contacting customer support. The live chat system is the best means at your disposal. It allows for instant communication in real time and is the most efficient way to reach the support staff. Alternatively, you may also opt-in for phone support. The casino maintains a direct line that you can call, available at +421 2330 560 65. Keep in mind that charges may apply depending on your carrier plan. Finally, if neither of those methods is suitable for you, consider contacting the casino by email. You can forward all of your messages to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and you expect a response within the next 24 hours.
Additionally, there is also a detailed FAQ section, where you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Correct me If I'm wrong

Hello, I think about trying myself out in a card counting thus i have some questions about whether or not I'm understanding things correctly. I'll be really grateful for the answers :) After all the things I want to ask there will be some additional info about some things I want to share because some of the questions may seem a bit odd. It's (as, well, everything in this post) optional and has pretty much nothing to do with counting. So the questions are as follows:
1) Rules are as follows: 6D, 3:2, ENHC, S17, DA2, SP3, SPA3 (4 hands in total), DAS, NHSA, SURRXA, ES10 (I belive if it's ENHC it's always an early surrender? Anyway you can surrender anything except an dealer's Ace upcard). Penetration is 5:6. I belive that's are some great rules but I can't calculate the exact house edge under this specific set of rules. I belive it's around 0.2%. Is there anyway to calculate the exact house edge? I've been searching for a different calculators but didn't find any that could calculate all of the above. Also tried searching how different rules affected house edge and calculating all of this myself, but failed again.
2) Is it worth to adjust my betting strategy if I want to use the exact house edge? Just as an example: if the real house edge is 0.2% should I try to calculate all the different bet sizes for a Kelly betting? By that I mean that at TC 0 house edge is 0.2%, TC 1 -0.3%, TC 2 -0.8% and so on?
3) About betting and how I understand it. So the best way to maximize your bankroll growth rate while having the lowest risk of ruin is to use full Kelly which gives you 13.53% RoR. For a part time player I belive that's acceptable. So the absolute minimum of a bankroll I'd need will be 1k$ (min bet is 5$ and 5/0.005=1000, right?) IF I intent to play only at TC 2+ which means wonging a lot. So at TC 2 I start betting the table minimum and incrementing my bets by 5$ for each next TC. I belive that would also decrease ror but I'm not sure by how much. Also If I want to play from the start of the shoe and let's say wong out at TC -3 (using flooring for handling non integer TCs so it's more like -2 "actually") and my first raise being 10$ at TC 2 while betting only half a Kelly which would give me 1.83% ror (according to a table I've found on the internet) I'll need a 4k$ bankroll?
4) Deck estimation. I'm really bad at it and so I decided to try to implement a side count of all the cards dealt but it's really hard and Colin from BJA said in one of his videos that's it's really not worth it. After I found out that the average hand consists of 2.7 cards I've decided to keep a side count but all the hands played which means that I decrease my divisor by half a deck for every 10 hands played which gives us ~27 cards. I belive that with this method it's better to use half Kelly betting because we are worried about skyrocketing our ror by overbetting because of the varience of the shoe and how the game is going. Half a Kelly gives us 3/4 of a growth rate with under 2% ror and overbetting half a Kelly is actually going closer to betting a full Kelly which only increases our growth rate and all of that applies to a full Kelly which means that overbetting a full Kelly decreases our growth rate while making our ror even worse than 13.5%. The real question is: is this method an OK to use? Would dispersion of amount of cards per hand really affect the overbetting? It's an important question because I don't think I'll be able to try half Kelly before at least 2k$ bankroll. And for me it's a lot of money. More about all the unimportant stuff later on.
So thanks for reading all of this, now I'll tell some things that aren't really about blackjack. Feel free to skip all of this and I'd be really grateful for all the answers :)
I'm 22 and I live in Ukraine. I'm a croupier myself :) My english is kinda rusty but I belive you can forgive me for that :) In Ukraine casinos are only beginning to open because all of the gambling things were not legal till right the recent days. Minimum age to start playing is 21. In worst case 12 hours of dealer's life (1 work day) is 25$+70% of the tips that are being split. If you've read the betting strategy for a full Kelly and min bet of 5 at TC 2+ you could be surprised by the amount of EV I'm in theory generating but if it'll be worth at least 5$/hour (against 2.1$/hour as a croupier not including tips) and thinking of it as a part time thing I belive that's worth a shot. Thanks for your attention, time and (I hope) answers :) First time using reddit as well :)
submitted by compulsyan to blackjack [link] [comments]

Sabacc with standard deck of cards

I want to play Sabacc, but can't print or afford a real deck. So I made some rules for a standard deck of cards. I wanted to make it simple to start, but add the ability to add rules as people get familiar with playing. I used other people's variants for inspiration and I take no ownership for these rules and want no credit for them. I just wanted to share them so someone else might enjoy them.
Sabacc - Terran Deck Variant
Items needed: Standard Deck of Cards (with Jokers), 2 Six Sided Die, 23 Credits per Player (Counters, Tokens, Chips)
Card Values: Black Suits are Positive, Red Suits are Negative, Ace is worth 1, 2-10 is worth their number, Jack is worth 11, Queen is worth 12, King is worth 13, Joker is worth 0
Start of the Game: Each player gets 23 credits.
Start of a Hand: Choose a dealer. The dealer deals two cards facedown to each player and places the rest of the deck in the middle of the table. This is the draw pile.
Ante: Each player places one credit in a pot to the side of the cards. This is the Sabacc pot. The first round starts after everyone adds the pot.
Length of Hand: A hand is played at least three rounds.
Round of Play
Betting Phase: The person to the dealers left starts the bet. The minimum bet is one credit. The maximum bet is equal to the total number of players. The betting moves clockwise and each player may do nothing, raise the bet, or forfeit any credits bet, discard their cards, and leave the hand. After each raise, all players must match the current bet or forfeit the hand. The Betting phase ends after the dealer's turn.
Shift Phase: During the Shift phase the dealer rolls two dice. A shift occurs if the numbers on the dice match. If a shift occurs then all cards discarded and replacement cards are dealt to each player equal to the cards the player discarded.
Call Phase: After the second round and between the Shift phase and the Deal phase, any player may call and end the hand.
Deal Phase: Dealer deals one card facedown to each player in turn. After being dealt a card, the player may discard any card in their hand. A player must have a minimum of two cards, but there is no limit to the maximum number of cards a player can have.
Winning Hand
Winning: After a hand is called, each player adds their black suit cards and subtracts their red suit cards. The winner is the player closest to positive 23 or negative 23 without going over wins. The winner wins the bets of all players.
Pure Sabacc: If a player gets exactly 23, either positive or negative, they have a Pure Sabacc. A Pure Sabacc wins the bets of all players and the Sabacc pot.
Sudden Demise: If there is a tie either positive or negative then the person with the most cards wins. If there is still a tie then the dealer gives each player who has tied a card. The scoring for all players is recounted, and a new winner is declared. If there is another tie, resolve as above.
Reverse Sabacc: If all players are over 23 then all bets go to the Sabacc pot.
Dealer Shift: After each hand the Dealer's role is taken by the player to the former dealer's left.
Sabacc Pot: If the Sabacc pot is not won in the current hand it moves to the next hand.
End of the Game: The end of the game occurs when a player loses all their credits and the latest hand is over. The player with the highest total of credits wins. If the Sabacc pot is higher then all players, no one wins.
Advanced Rules
Advanced rules are decided on by players before the game starts. The variants below are only examples. Different players have their own variants.
Interference Shield: Before the Shift phase, any player may place any cards from their hand face up. That card is now considered locked. During the Shift phase, if a shift occurs any cards locked are not discarded. A locked card can still be discarded by a player after cards are drawn during the Deal phase.
Junk: During Deal phase, a player can take the top card from the discard pile instead of being dealt a card from the top of the deck. The player may still discard a card from their hand.
Bombing: If a player ends the hand with more than 23 or less than -23 then they bomb. If a player bombs then they add to the Sabacc pot a number of credits equal to total they bet in that hand. Should a player that tied bomb after an extra card, then that player must also add to the Sabacc pot.
Null Sabacc: In addition to 23/-23 being a Pure Sabacc, a player who gets a total of zero has a Null Sabacc. A Null Sabacc beats anything but a Pure Sabacc.
Idiot's Array: If a player has a hand of only a joker (0), a two of any suit and a three of any suit then they have an Idiot's Array. An Idiot's Array beats any other hand including a Pure Sabacc. In the event two players get an Idiot's Array each player draws a card. Card closest to zero wins.
Alternate Arrays
Specific arrays of cards can be specified before play begins. These Arrays beat any hand of equal value and make the player eligible to claim the Sabacc Pot if they win. Some examples:
The Queen of Air and Darkness: Any hand containing a Queen and Ace.
Endurance: A hand of all black or red suits except for a king card of the opposite suit.
Balance: Hand has equal number of red and black cards.
Demise: The value of the hand is any points over 23 (positive or negative). If the bombing rule is being used then the player must follow those rules and add to the Sabacc pot after winnings are distributed.
Moderation: A hand with a red ten and a black ten.
The Evil One: A hand containing the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Clubs. All cards count as negative.
The Star: Any hand containing an Ace and only numbered Diamonds count toward total.
Alternate Variants
Corellian Spike
Corellian Spike is just one of many variants of Sabacc, but it is also one of the most popular. The rules for it are the same as normal Sabacc, except for the following:
Dealing the Spike Card: Before the first draw phase, the dealer deals one card face up in front of each player. This is the Spike card.
Drawing Cards: In the Draw phase, players may buy a new card for two credits which is added to their bet. If the player buys a card, they may either add it to the cards in their hand or swap it with the Spike card. The player may then discard a card if they wish.
Shift Phase: In shift phase, if double ones are rolled then the Spike card and hand cards are discarded and replaced by the dealer. Doubles of any other number result in only hand cards being discarded and replaced.
Winning Hand: The winner is the player closest to zero. A Pure Sabacc is a total of 0.
Sudden Demise: Ties are resolved by the player with the lowest card in their hand winning the hand. If both players have the lowest card then the player with the most cards wins. If there is still a tie then players draw a card. Lowest card wins.
Corellian Spike Arrays
An Array beat any arrays below them in the list.
Idiot’s Array: A joker, two of any color, three of any color.
Fleet: Four of a kind equaling zero.
Yee-Haw: Pair with red and black of the same number and a joker that equals zero.
Rylet: Black three of any kind and red pair, or vice versa.
Gee-Whiz: Black 1 to 4 and red 10, or vice versa.
Straight Khryon: Run of four cards (eg. 4, 5, 6, 7) that equal zero.
Bantha's Wild: Three cards of a kind and other cards that equal zero.
Rule of Two: Two pairs of that equal zero.
Alternate Variants (cont.)
Casino Style Betting
Casinos and private games alike can be very high stakes. In those cases the following rules can apply.
Ante (A Big and Small Blind): The player to the dealers left puts in five credits into the Sabacc pot. The player to that player’s left puts in three credits into the Sabacc pot. All other players add one credit to the pot. Values can be changed by players or casio.
Bidding: Minimum bid of one credit. Maximum bids are ten credits. Minimum raise is one credit, no limit to raises until max bid is reached. Values can be changed by players or casio.
No-Limit/All-In: Players or the casino may choose to have no limits. In the case that one player does not have the credits to stay in a hand then they are considered All-In. The player with the lowest chips bets all their chips. The other players match that total. Any betting that goes on from then on is a side pot that goes only to players who pay into it. If the All-In player wins the hand then any side pots go back the players who contributed to it.
End of Game: Game ends once only one player who can ante.
Null Sabacc: If a Sabacc pot remains at the end of the game the pot goes to the house. If it is a private game then pot goes to the winner.
Bombing: Bombing is treated the same, except the amount added to Sabacc pot. Bombing requires the player to add the total of all bets for the hand to the Sabacc Pot.
Corellian Spike: Cards are bought for twice the initial ante (not big or small blind).
submitted by CorruptPixie to StarWarsSabacc [link] [comments]

Rough Night at The Running Bear Casino (PAGE 1 of 2)

…The raging river, pulled them down.
Now they’ll always, be together,
In that Happy Hunting Ground…
- Running Bear by Sonny James
“Snakeyes! New roller, please, next up.” The game runner raked in the dice and chips and ignored the despair in the countenance of the most recent “high roller”. Ted shook his head and other people crowded him away from the dice pit. He was almost out of funds and it was still early. He’d budgeted his, “loss level” carefully to maximize his time at the reservation casino. It was an older one, filled with stereotypical paintings and statues intended to honor the local First Nations Tribes while fulfilling the expectations of rude tourists. He looked around forlornly for a new game to play. He didn’t care for the slots or the drawn-out and ever-shifting card games… ah, Blackjack! There was an opening at the table.
He rushed over before anyone else could snag it and bustled onto the chair. “Okay to deal me in on the next hand?” He interrupted the dealer, who ignored him until he was done dealing out the rest of the players and raking in the chips. He still did not speak but once Ted placed the minimum bet, he flipped a card down in front of him and the game began. Ted immediately started winning the straightforward game. He picked up most of his losses from his unfortunate run at craps and was finally enjoying himself. The couple at the far end of the table had apparently had enough and didn’t care for the new player. Ted liked to talk to new people and thought he was good at it. Before long, the other players had left and it was down to him, the dealer, and an older man, who wore a black cowboy style hat and chain-smoked thin cigarillos.
Ted, grinning heartily at his latest win, glanced over at the man, who had just fired up his next cancer-stick, “You know casinos, and a few bars are the last public places where anyone smokes. I remember when there were smoking sections at most places and my parents told me that there used to be no restrictions. I’ll bet you get plenty of pressure to stop from your family and friends. It’s a pretty bad habit for your long-term health…” Ted usually rambled on past any non-verbal cues that people might give him to stop talking, yet his diatribe came to a screeching halt at the look with which the stern-faced elder favored him.
The older man drew in a long pull on the firestick and then exhaled the stinking cloud into Ted’s face. He coughed a little and gagged at the odor of the raw blend of tobacco and chemicals. The old one removed the cigarillo from his mouth and tapped ashes onto the edge of the table and down onto the floor at his toes, “Sonny, nobody cares. Nobody wants your opinion, and you are not special, no matter what your mommy told you. I’ll do as I please and if you don’t like it, go bother people at another table.”
Ted gaped in shock. In his mind, the man’s words verged on an “assault”. He looked helplessly at the dealer, who just ducked his head and tried not to laugh. Indignant, he rose, took his pile of chips and fled into the depths of the gaming house in search of a friendlier table. He didn’t find one that he liked, so he finally gave up and sat at the bar. The bartender seemed to ignore him in favor of tidying up her workspace. He cleared his throat and received only a glance. He mumbled as much to himself as to her, “I just want a drink while I wait for a table to open.” He wondered at her stony silence, maybe she resents me for being…
His vocal ruminations were interrupted by a feminine voice, “What do you want?”
Ted looked up to see the bartender, mocking smile in place below shining, mesmerizing eyes. Ted simply gaped and eventually worked his jaw uselessly. The bartender shrugged and walked back to the other end of the bar. She spoke with a large man who was clearly part of the security team. He glared at Ted while she spoke. Ted wanted to avoid a confrontation. He’d been conditioned that he should seek authorities if such a situation loomed. Yet casino security was the only available authority here locally. There were Tribal Police on the Reservation, but he wasn’t sure they would want to listen to him. He finally shrugged and decided to go back over to the hotel for the rest of the night. This trip had been very unsatisfying… like all those he’d taken since he moved away from his parents’ home a few years previously.
There was an indoor walkway to the hotel, but Ted decided to go by the outdoor route to get some fresh air and enjoy the natural beauty that the builders had incorporated into the facility. As he walked dejectedly down the sidewalk, local flora pressing in from each side, he heard, from the nearby forest, a screeching wail. It startled him and he had to stop a moment to catch his breath and wait for his heart rate to slow to something more manageable. He realized that it must have been an owl or some other night bird. His father had told him that there were always weird noises “out in the sticks”.
As he plunged his hands into his pockets and determined to go to his room for rest, he caught the faint smell of burning tobacco on the breeze. It wafted over his shoulder from behind and caused him to emit a feeble cough. He looked back in annoyance. In the shadows behind him, he saw a figure. It was dark and stood still in a way that made him uncomfortable. An orange glowing circle of embers hovered around the face and rendered just enough light to illuminate the blue-grey curls of smoke as they exited the tiny conflagration and rose above the brim of a black hat. The ember flared for a moment and then flashed to the ground and was snuffed by a shadowed… foot? It wasn’t exactly clear to Ted; the figure’s lower extremities were... blurred. An even brighter flare, from a lighter or match stabbed into Ted’s eyes as the Smoker lit his next cigarillo.
Ted glared irritation but felt uncomfortable at the unnatural stillness to which the figure returned once the new fire was lit. He coughed once more, this time deliberately in a passive-aggressive attempt to communicate his displeasure and resumed his walk. He strained to listen behind him to determine whether the figure followed. He truly wished to get away from the stink and the threat of cancer or other respiratory illnesses. He slowed to listen, then gave up and looked over his shoulder again. There was no figure in the dark back near the exit to the casino. He turned to resume his walk, but a smoky black form now loomed before him! Its eyes glowed and smoked like large twin cigars as it gaped a maw that emitted pure black smoke and glowed with blue flames within the deep tunnel of the throat. Ted’s consciousness fled his body and found itself in a burning nightmare landscape that extended for as far as he could perceive in all directions.
**** * ****
Darnell, known to his public as “Murder Bush” a deliberate mistranslation of “merde bouchea.k.a. “Deadly Rapper” for having been a suspect in a shooting back in his youth, stepped up to the dice pit as the geeky dude left. He had plenty of chips and cash to back them. His entourage was there to support him and kiss his backside as often as he wished. He rolled through six passes before he crapped out. He hadn’t over-bet, so he’d won a small amount. He picked up his latest winning chips and handed them to the hostess who had kept him well plied with drinks and snacks. He was sure that for the right price, she would take care of his other needs. He played a few card tables and finished with Roulette.
Each time he won a few chips, he passed them on to the young woman or to one of his flunkies. In the end, they had all received at least some reward for the praises they’d heaped upon him; not for any real accomplishments, but rather to curry favor with the man whom they considered to be wealthy and important: a celebrity. The girl stayed at his side and except for when he asked her questions, she said nothing. He liked that: bitch know her place, he reveled in internal satisfaction. He liked her looks too. She was medium height and a little, “thick”. She was clearly interested but hadn’t gotten in his way when he flirted with other women. He truly liked this one. The more he considered her, the more he wanted to get down to business.
Eventually, he posed the question to her, “How much for the next few hours?” His brazen suggestion that she would take money for sexual favors was the final test. If she grew angry, then she didn’t appreciate his genius…
“Whatever you think is fair. How about we see if I can satisfy you? If I can, then you may want to be generous… as you have been so far.” She hefted the chips so that the pieces clinked in her palm. “If not, I don’t deserve a reward.”
She had passed with flying colors. Might even take this one back to civilization with me, he purred in his mind. He’d always thought of himself as a Big Cat… maybe a leopard or jaguar, definitely something dangerous and sleek. His need grew more intense by the moment. He desperately wanted this woman. “Come on, let’s go to my room.” He husked in a voice grown thick with desire.
They reached his suite, his groupies having been dismissed to their own nefarious pursuits, even his bodyguard. The big man had shrugged, “Your call boss-man.” and then stumped across the hallway to his own room. Now he was finally alone with… her. He stripped off his shirt and flipped his shoes into a corner. She stood by the window and watched. The drinks he’d consumed finally caught up with him before he’d shucked his pants and drawers, “Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He was excited, which made urinating a challenge, but it had to be done, so that he could maximize his pleasure. When he stepped from the restroom, au natural, he saw that his latest conquest had done the same and now stood, bare to the world and staring out the window, all the curtains on it pushed to one side, so that the night loomed and the light of a single small desk lamp lit the room. He stalked over to her, ready to take her right there at the window in full view of anyone who looked up from the outside. He secretly hoped for an audience. He enjoyed having others watch him take what he wanted.
She turned to face him, her head lowered… no, it had sunken into her body, only her hair remained above her shoulders! A… mouth, gaping and slavering opened on her stomach, a mouth too large for her body and rimmed with rows of teeth like sharpened spikes. She stepped forward to embrace him and the screaming began… sounds that he was accustomed to eliciting from others rather than emitting from his own person.
**** * ****
“Rhino” was unhappy. He didn’t like to leave Darnell unattended. Perhaps now that his boss was in the room, he could go stand guard outside the door. He took care of some personal ablutions as he wolfed down a couple of energy bars and then walked out into the hallway. He started to settle in front of Darnell’s door, when he heard a muffled scream and faint… slobbering-gobbling noises come from the other side. He quickly tried the door, initially too panicked to think of the extra key card with which Darnell had entrusted him. He fumbled for it and soon had the door open. The interior was completely dark. The light from the hallway spilled inward but didn’t seem to reach as far into the room as it should.
He drew his pistol from the holster on his waistband and began to stalk forward, “Boss, you okay? You hurt?” The room was as silent as a tomb, he shivered a little as that thought crossed his mind. Over by the closed drapes, he smelled something awful: fresh blood and spilled entrails… recent death. His feet squelched on wet carpet. He turned around quickly. There had been no noise, but he’d felt a… presence. There she stood, arms spread wide, mouth on her gut spread wider. Rhino wasn’t one to scream or yell, even in extremis, so no others would come to this room to investigate.
**** * ****
Shelly was glad when the rowdy group left the roulette wheel that sat behind her favorite row of slots. The former “one-armed bandits”, that were now, “multiple button digital bandits” lined every available wall space, and in some spaces stood in rows that drew regulars like a dung-heap draws flies. She’d grabbed her favorite machine early in the evening and sat sliding in dollar bills and working up her points. It was called “Buffalo Dance” and featured images of American Bison and feather-bedecked hunters. The theme on the screen matched and she hoped to one day see the “White Buffalo” image adorn the entire set of images… the grand prize view. Despite the fun graphics, it was her favorite because it was near a restroom and a free soda and snack bar. She found herself ahead and on a roll. She absently lipped her dangling cigarette back into her mouth for a long draw. The smoke obscured the screen for a moment, and then she noted a shadow that lengthened across the reflective surface. Someone stood close behind her. Someone who exuded a chilly air. She paused and looked around, “Can I help you?”
There was no answer, though the shadow shifted slightly as if its caster had heard her.
Now she grew annoyed, this is just the sort of thing to break my winning streak! she raged internally. She braced her hands against the machine and worked her buttocks to make the stool on which she perched spin, so she could confront her harasser. She gaped, and nearly lost her cigarette, there was no one standing near enough to cast the shadow. No one even faced her. She chalked it up to excitement, maybe someone stepped too close when passing to go to the restroom, she thought, still a little annoyed and... chilled.
She turned back to her game and continued working the buttons, pumping in bills, and winning, a little at a time, the points now built well above her investment. This weekend is gonna pay for the last two months of losing and breaking even, she thought triumphantly. The shadow loomed across the screen once more, this time even larger, as though the figure that cast it stood closer. The shape was amorphous but hinted at anthropomorphic. She shivered as an icy breeze flowed around her, as though the air conditioning had sent out a short, cold burst, a minor malfunction…
She turned around with more alacrity and determination than the last time, mouth agape, cigarette once more dangling… precipitously and endangering the cleavage she displayed, already baked and wrinkled from years of sunbathing. The frigid air passed, and no one stood anywhere near her, though a customer approached, headed for either snacks or relief. “Excuse me sir, did you just see someone, maybe a large man, standing behind me?”
The man paused and looked at her in confusion. He had clearly been absorbed in his own thoughts, “Er, what? Uh, No. I wasn’t really paying attention, but… no.” He bustled on toward the free fountain drinks machine.
Shelly shrugged, can’t give up now, the pot is even bigger. She checked her points; she was nearing her all-time high. The winnings would pay her space rental fee at the RV park for the entire month. She pressed and played the buttons more fervently than ever, determined to break the bank on straight points or to reach that magical spin that would offer an instant reward of $10,000.00. She set her new points record and reveled for a moment. She reached for the now small stack of dollar bills the rest having been devoured by the machine. She fed in the entire remaining amount, then once more gazed at the screen. It was entirely blackened by a looming shadow.
The temperature of the air around her plummeted and she shuddered with the sudden biting cold. The cigarette was long extinguished, and she’d let the cold fag fall into the ash tray built onto the side of the machine opposite the drink holder. She was so cold, and she wanted to cry out for help, but the darkness closed in around her as the shadow enveloped her and cut off her breathing. Her fingers, paused above the “spin” button, struck and as her consciousness faded, she saw the flashing blue light and heard the blare of the winner’s siren. White Buffalo images filled all nine spaces. I won! The grand prize!
**** * ****
Terry filled his large cup and stood sipping and daydreaming. He’d lost everything he’d budgeted to lose. Yet he knew that one more try would put him back in black for this trip. He mused about what he would do with the prize money. He’d set his limit at $300.00 and had quickly lost it all on slots. Maybe he could risk just a few more dollars… skip a lunch or two until his next paycheck if it didn’t work. He was startled by the jackpot winner’s flashing light and siren that went off just behind him. That bitch! He yelled internally. Figures some old used up skank would win the big prize. He looked over at the nearby machine with anger and envy vying for control of his senses. She was gone!
He stepped over to the machine and looked around in confusion. Maybe she’d gone to the restroom? No, she’d have passed right by me. He shook his head and stepped up to look at the screen. He could still feel the recent presence of a player, the trace of warmth from a human body that might linger in a space for just a moment after the human had vacated the space. He looked around the casino floor, she was nowhere in sight. She’d been wearing a low-cut silver-spangled top that was cut way too low for her sagging, sun-ravaged bosom. She should be easy to spy, she looked like a deflated disco ball that had fallen from the ceiling to play slots. The only thing that came his way was a train of employees, led by a waitress in a skimpy outfit with purple sparkles and carrying a tray with a glass and a dark bottle. She was followed by other employees, who’d formed a sort of conga line: they sang a congratulatory chorus as they approached.
Terry gaped for a moment when he realized that they thought he was the big winner. He’d have to deny it of course. Surely the woman would be back at any moment to claim her prize. The floor cameras would have recorded who had sat at the machine, but it was too late. The group of enthused employees encircled him, and the attractive young waitress poured him a glass of champagne and snuggled up to him. The manager approached and seized his hand for a vigorous shake, “Well done sir! I see that not only have you hit the jackpot, but you’ve raised an additional $3,000.00 in points. A fabulous prize and well played I’m sure.”
Terry was flabbergasted. He’d never won anything like this… I still haven’t, not really, he reminded himself. He rarely broke even on his gambling forays, whether to the casino, or the corner store for lottery tickets and video slots. He allowed himself to be swept into the reverie and led from the machine to the bar. The employees peeled away as they approached, and he soon found himself with only the bottle and a receipt that he could cash out before he left the premises. A sullen-looking woman stood behind the bar, wiping glasses and a large, mean-looking security staffer menaced the far end. He already had his bottle, so he wasn’t sure why the staff members had deposited him with these two killjoys. He shrugged, picked up the champagne and started to walk away from the bar.
“You can’t take that with you. Either drink it here or give it to me and I’ll put it in the trash.” The bartender stated in monotone.
The security officer stood up straight from where he’d been leaning against the far wall, apparently propping up the building. He folded his massive arms in a threatening manner. Silly, thought Terry, folded arms should be a hindrance, but I get the feeling he’s dangerous regardless. He figured that he’d had enough anyway and set the nearly empty bottle on the bar, “You can keep it ma’am. I can afford another at the hotel.” Terry started to walk away from the bar, but a huge ham-like hand seized his shoulder.
Sausage-sized fingers applied painful pressure, “You apologize to the lady.” The wet heat from a mouth placed uncomfortably close to his ear and beath smelling of river bottom, sent a shiver of disgust through his body. The voice was low and deep as the river that ran past the back side of the property.
Terry decided on the better part of valor and head facing forward to avoid the obscene orifice, “Sorry ma’am, I meant no offense.”
The fingers let go and a harsh laugh sounded from behind the bar. “He don’t even know why he’s apologizing, fool. He ain’t worth the trouble, let him go.”
Terry felt a slight shove and he was sent on his way to the cash-out window. There he met with the lead cashier, an older woman in drab clothing, “I’m sorry sir, we give out only these pre-paid cards, we cannot provide cash over $1,000.00. However, you can treat them like a debit or credit card.” the cashier informed him. It seemed he had no choice, so he accepted. Thirteen grand is thirteen grand, he assured himself. He was elated, though he continued to glance around nervously, waiting for the woman in the sparkly fish-scale top to accost him and name him thief. Yet she was nowhere to be seen. The floor was full of players, some laughing, some intense, some dejected or mesmerized by the games of chance in which they’d lost themselves.
He thought about what to do with the rest of his evening. He didn’t have a hotel room; he’d planned to sleep in his station wagon as he always did before the long haul home. Perhaps he should get a room? Maybe they would take him without a reservation… he giggled a little at the unintended pun: a reservation at the Reservation… he shook his head to clear his overreaction to the silly internal joke. He decided that maybe someone on staff could help him. He approached the major domo at the front entrance that led to the interior walkway and the hotel beyond, “Excuse me sir, do you know whether the hotel will accept a resident without a prior reservation?”
The man, single dark braid wrapped in a leather holder and draped over one shoulder, looked at him gravely, “Yes, I know.” He said nothing more and did not smile as though he’d intended to be humorous.
Terry tried again, “Will you tell me please?”
The man flicked his chin in the direction of the hotel, “See the clerk at the desk.”
“Jerk, you’d think I hadn’t pissed away enough cash in this place over the past few years,” Terry muttered as he stumped toward the hotel, ensuring that he was well beyond earshot before he spoke. His head had begun to buzz a little from the champagne. Took a while for it to affect me, he mused. The hallway appeared to narrow, and his peripheral vision grew grey. He felt dizzy and as he entered the main lobby, the large room began to spin. His last view was of the sky-blue ceiling decorated with a few puffy clouds as it faded into darkness like the sun had set.
He awakened to the sounds of voices chattering happily. He looked around, his vision blurred slightly and his head feeling heavy and sore. He soon found that he could not move his arms or legs… they were bound… he was strapped to a table. He saw numerous bodies moving about in the mostly dark space in which he found himself. “Please.” He croaked, throat dry and feeling scraped. “Please, help me, let me loose. Loose me…” his perceptions cleared slowly, and he saw that the bodies that moved around him, now chanting rhythmically rather than babble-chattering, were emaciated. The owners showed as much bone through their skin as would a dead thing, long decayed. He noted spikes above a few heads… no, antlers… The rest wore… masks? Of various beasts… no, the skulls of those creatures, still filled with glistening fangs. Their dance grew ever more frantic, more energetic than they should be capable of performing. Then one of them reached out with a stick, on the end of which was a small claw, taken and preserved from some dead animal. It used the claw to gouge out a scoop of flesh from Terry’s side. He screamed in torment and horror. His screams soon matched the rhythm of the chanting and they went on for a long time before they at last faded when he’d lost too much blood to remain conscious.
**** * **** END PAGE 1 of 2
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GoodWin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo codes

GoodWin Casino Review & Free Spins
Here is our exclusive review for GoodWin Casino. Click on the link below and receive 20 free spins which is a no deposit bonus. Later, get one of the welcome bonuses: 200% + 50 FS, 150% + 100 FS, or 100% + 50 FS on your first deposit. No donload needed! Play and win real money! Fast cashout!
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About GoodWin Casino

Goodwin Casino is a new operator founded in 2018 and licensed by the government of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. They work with half a dozen software developers and are specialized in supplying slots to their players, while also offering live dealer table games and video pokers. The games are proven fair and can be played on mobile devices and players can enjoy them in the browser with no download.
There are three Goodwin Casino welcome bonuses to choose from, each of them with wagering requirements that have to be met within a week after being awarded. The casino chose to offer three distinct bonuses based on the amount invested by players, to provide new members with greater freedom. They even offer a no deposit bonus that consists of 20 free spins, whose profits are subject to 40 times wagering requirements. These are offered exclusively to those who have registered and verified their account by providing certain documents that will confirm their identity.
The bigger Goodwin Casino bonuses are offered to real money depositors and the amounts differ depending on how much they deposit. New players who can only afford to deposit €15 or currency equivalent will qualify for the Scarecrow`s Brains package. The deposit will be matched by 200% and players will also receive 35 free spins on the Elements: The Awaiking slots. The bonus has to be cleared within seven days after being awarded, otherwise they will expire.
“Woodman’s Heart” will match the first deposit of at least €50 by 150% and will throw in 50 free spins on the slot. Blood Suckers “The Lion`s Courage“ is the biggest welcome bonus available, consisting of a 100% match deposit and 200 free spins on King of Slots. Only deposits of at least €100 will qualify for this bonus, so this package is better suited for highrollers. These bonuses are mutually exclusive and players can apply for new ones after meeting the wagering requirements on active bonuses.
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How do I start playing?

Both real money and virtual currency games will require players to have a registered account. Signing up for one shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, as the casino asks for only the basic information. This is standard procedure at online casinos, who want to prevent bonus abuse and mitigate the risks of players opening multiple accounts at the same bookmaker or casino.
New players must state their name, country of origin and gender, before selecting a payment method. They don’t have to make a deposit right away and can deposit at a later date, to claim the bonus. In order to cash out winnings, players are also expected to complete the verification process by proving their identity. In order to pass the verification, one has to send an email to their official address and provide the documents required. Under normal circumstances, this should take between five and 15 minutes.

Goodwin Casino Games and Software

GoodWin Casino works with several software developers and the most important ones are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playson, Quickspin and Endorphina. These are leading suppliers of slots, but they are well versed in the art of developing video pokers, scratch cards and specialty games. The casino also has a live dealer section, where players can bet real currency on different types of blackjack, roulette and baccarat.
There are plenty of games to choose from, but navigation is a breeze and that’s because the games available are conveniently grouped based on genre. In the section reserved to virtual games, players can expect to find hundreds of slots with classic and modern game mechanics. Immortal Romance, Gonzo’s Quest, Dragon Shrine and Dia de Los Muertos are some of the most popular slots available. Next to them, players can find the high paying progressive jackpot slots developed by NetEnt and Microgaming.
This is also the place to go if you’re in the market for video pokers, as GoodWin Casino games include All Aces Poker, Jacks or Better, Aces and Faces, and Fruit Poker. These are games with a high return to player that can return as much as 99% of the stakes, if proper strategies used. Table games such as roulette, baccarat and blackjack can be played here against the random number generator, or players can switch to the live dealer section.
Action is usually focused on American and European roulette, but the French version of the game and multiwheel roulette are also featured. The same diversity is enjoyed by baccarat fans, who can play the classic version of the game or Baccarat Gold. American blackjack and several variants of the famous card game can be played in the company of real croupiers in the GoodWin live casino. Mobile devices can be used to play any of the games they supply and also to sign up for an account, make a deposit and cash out.
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Website layout and interface

GoodWin casino is a fresh face in the competitive online gambling industry and it attracts new players with its cool looking website. Simple, yet elegant, it has colorful pages that load quickly on mobile devices, as it was optimized for the use on smartphones and tablets. Useful information about promotions, bonuses, as well as the games available is clearly displayed on the main page.
Players can go over the detailed FAQ section and learn more about the new casino, instead of having to talk to customer support. The website is fitted with filters allowing players to browse by game developer or genre, so in spite of having so many games on display, they won’t have a problem in finding the ones they’re interested in.

Contact options

As stated above, the information page is comprehensive and those who choose to look for answers in the FAQ area won’t be disappointed. They always have the alternative of contacting a customer support specialist directly via telephone, email and live chat.
GoodWin casino has even listed the address of its headquarters, so those who prefer to write a letter and send it via traditional mail, can do it.
Live chat: Yes (English, German, Russian, Finnish)
E-mail: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Phone: +31 20 201 8186
Address: Office 29 Clifton House, Fitzwilliam Street Lower Dublin 2, Ireland

Other promotions and offers at GoodWin Casino

GoodWin casino promotions don’t end with the welcome bonus, even though the introductory offer is the most generous. Future deposits will also be matched by 50% through the “Emerald Potion” campaign, with 30 times wagering requirements and a maximum payout of 15 times the deposit. In addition to matching the deposit, the casino will also offer 50 free spins to be used on the Fairytale Legends: Mirror Mirror slots. Players shouldn’t have any other bonus active and meet the play through demands in 7 days.
The GoodWin casino loyalty program is centered on the accumulation and spending of loyalty points. Depending on how many they’ve earned, players can convert them for free spins on one of the many popular games. They can turn in 10,000 points for 50 free spins on the Gonzo Quest slot and then wager the profits 25 times before cashing out. Time is of the essence and they have to meet the wagering requirements in three days for a chance to withdraw a maximum amount of €150.
The alternative would be to convert 100,000 loyalty points into €50 which have to be wagered five times before cashing out. In this case, the ceiling for the winnings consists of €300 and players can activate this promotion in conjunction with other bonuses. New players and those who have significantly fewer loyalty points can opt in for the promotion converting 2000 points for €1. The play through demands have been toned down to only 10 times the amount, but the downside is that players can’t withdraw in excess of €15.
A similar proposition is made to players who own 10,000 loyalty points and are willing to convert them for €5.5. This is an intermediary promotion, with seven times wagering requirements and a maximum bet of €4 which can be used together with other offers. At the upper end of the spectrum. highrollers can take full advantage of the GoodWin casino loyalty program and convert 1 million points into €500. Perhaps not surprisingly, the wagering requirements have been reduced to three times the amount, while the maximum win was increased to €1500.
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Currencies and payment options

Currencies accepted: EUR, RUB, USD
All deposit withdrawal methods: Visa, Mastercard, iWallet, Tele2, MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex, Neteller, Skrill (Moneybookers)
The list of GoodWin casino payment methods used to be shorter when the casino opened its doors, but today it includes most of the frequently used banking options. Credit and debit cards from Visa and MasterCard can be used to deposit funds and players have the option to switch to e-wallets and wire transfers. iWallet, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon, MTS, QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Neteller and Skrill are all accepted and players can deposit a minimum of €10 or $10. Rubles are also accepted and there is no minimum withdrawal amount, while players can cash out a maximum of $20,000 per month.


GoodWin casino took the gambling market by storm in 2018 and already has an impressive lineup of games covering all genres. They offer excellent welcome bonuses to new players and reward dedicated members through a generous loyalty program. They don’t have the experience of established online casinos, but are quickly catching up and should be able to close the gap separating them from the leaders.
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Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino Free Spins
Join Casombie Casino and receive one of the exclusive welcome bonuses! These include 100 and 200 free spoins, 100% and 200% welcome bonus, 500 EUR and 1000 EUR free money, cahsback, and re-load promotions. spins. Click on the promo link and take full advantage of our special offers!
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Casombie Casino Review

At Casombie, established in 2020, a comprehensive package of casino is offered. At the moment, the game library comprises titles from 37 different game studios, that offer a total sum of more than 2.709 titles. It might be the case that not every game is available to you, dependent upon the country that you reside in. Casombie is regulated by the Curaçao eGaming. Alongside English, the casino’s website is offered in 9 more language options, including German and Finnish. The following Casombie review provides more info about the casino, so keep on reading to learn more.

Register Your Account

You only have to take a few steps to complete the sign-up at Casombie. Initially, fill in the registration form that opens after clicking the registration button. Once you have typed in your data to the Casombie registration form, the casino requires you to approve your account. To this end, customers usually receive specific instructions via SMS or a confirmation link via email. You have the option to start to play after the approval procedure is finalized.
Casombie requests you to complete an account verification procedure before you are able to initiate payments. For this purpose, the casino demands you to submit a scan of an official document (ID Card, Passport or Driving License) as part of a KYC procedure. In addition, Casombie demands a bank document (credit card photo) or an invoice (phone bill, electricity bill or bank statement) for the verification of your residence. You are required to provide the corresponding documents via mail.
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Casombie Casino Bonuses

Unlocking the Casombie welcome package is an option for all new players. You can get up to €500 additional credits if you make use of the 100% bonus. As an addition to your extra funds you also have the option to activate 100 Free Spins. Deposits are allowed with Bank Wire Transfer, Skrill or Bitcoin and have to be at least €20. This offer cannot be received if you pay in with Skrill or Neteller. A deposit of €500 will unlock the maximal bonus. Then you can profit from a total amount of €1.000 to place bets with. You are not asked to type in a bonus code.
You get the bonus credits automatically within a short time after your payment. The casino offers a cancellation option that you can make use of if you wish not to use the bonus. Your bonus funds are available for playing when your cash funds are used. Using your bonus funds is permitted for games from Yggdrasil, Play’n GO and iSoftBet, as well as other well-known software studios in the present selection. At Casombie, you are not allowed to claim more than one new customer promotion at one time.
Before you can withdraw your winnings, turn over your bonus and the deposit 35 times within 10 days. Besides, completing the turnover requirements of 40 times, that apply to any winnings from your Free Spins, must be completed. Initiating a payout before you finished the turnover conditions causes the expiration of your bonus. Exceeding the time limit without finishing the criteria means that you will lose your bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, is not compromised by this.

Other Promotions and Rewards

Existing customers at Casombie are able to activate bonuses, namely a cashback bonus. Be, however, sure to read the T&Cs of these offers prior to activating them as they may be different. At Casombie, joining a loyalty program is not an option. However, VIP customers can avail of faster withdrawals and a personal service agent. As a registered user joining slot tournaments is an option every month and every week. In those tournaments, users have the chance to win free spins and cash.
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Casombie Casino Games and Software

There are a lot of games accessible at Casombie, providing content for players of all skill levels. The portfolio of software providers comprises well-established names like Play’n GO, Elk Studios or Pragmatic Play, however of course, you are able to select some of the best slots designed by other software studios as well. Customers have the chance to select classic slot games as well as video slot games. The list of top slots at Casombie contains Booongo’s Book of Sun, PariPlay’s Jonny Ventura and The Eye of Ra and Piggy Bank created by 1×2 Gaming. You also have the option to test out progressive jackpot slot games, as an example NetEnt’s Mega Joker.
Furthermore, live dealer variants of the following games are available: Dragon Tiger, Sic Bo, European Roulette, Poker & French Roulette. Customers who want to play classic table games should also find games that corresponds to their preferences as Casombie offers table games like Baccarat, Casino War, Dragon Bahar, Blackjack as well as French Roulette. However, that’s not all – You can also try out wheel games, arcade games, scratch cards and keno. Due to the fact that the accessibility of games is differing from country to country, we suggest you go to the games library yourself.

Casombie Payments

Casombie offers 12 payment options. Players have the possibility to use crypto payments like Bitcoin or Litecoin. The casino accepts common credit cards like MasterCard or Visa and e-wallets, including Neteller or Skrill. On top of that, making a deposit is available with bank wire transfer, for one thing, Bank Wire Transfer or Trustly, or via prepaid cards like Paysafecard. The exact collection of deposit and withdrawal options can be different depending on your country. Do not forget: There may be deposit limits for each given payment method. To find out the Casombie deposit limits, you have the chance to look at the cashier section or get in touch with the customer service.
When paying out, players have the possibility to make use of 12 withdrawal methods. You have the possibility to withdraw your winnings with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Visa & Skrill, to mention only some of the provided payment options. Every day you are able to carry out a payout up to a maximum of €500. Casombie does not restrict the number of free pay-outs, that you can request. As a result, there won’t be any additional withdrawal fees charged by Casombie when paying winnings out. All payouts that you initiate are processed manually. You should get an approval for your cash out within 72 hours. Casombie solely transacts your payouts on workdays, which you should consider. VIP users are able to benefit from exclusive withdrawal arrangements, which is another benefit.
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Casombie Support

If you have any inquiries, you can get in touch with the Casombie customer support in different ways. For one thing, you have the option to contact customer support via email ([email protected]) or phone line. Typically, the email support staff responds within 45 hours after your request. Alternatively, you can use the webform to get in touch with the support. What’s more, a live chat can be reached 24/7 at the casino. In our inspection, the customer care team always gave quick and helping replies. Casombie furthermore provides an FAQ section, where players should find answers to most questions.
In order to retain their licenses, casinos have to be reliable and provide the highest levels of safety. Making use of 128-bit SSL encryption for their site is an example of the security procedures that Casombie uses. The Curaçao eGaming, which granted a license to Casombie, examines the security of the casino on a regular basis.
As it is the case in some other casinos, Casombie supports responsible gaming by implementing player protection options. The options allow you to:
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
  • Pause your account
In addition, if you have a problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Casombie is referring to.
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