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The High Society, Anthocyanie

Mary’s cup became full as the waiter poured the substance. The wine smelled of grapes and memories, strong, intoxicating, yet a substance that would soon disappear. Across the table sat her boyfriend, a cool man. She couldn’t exactly call him cold, but cool. His short black hair shined from a slight greasing, his green eyes hidden by the dim lights of the restaurant. His eyes traced her face for a reason she didn’t fully understand. He wanted her mouth, slightly aroused, she sensed.
Around them, people chatted politely, minding their manners. The noise echoed in a unison, one and yet apart. The wood beneath her feet vibrated to the motion of others. Servers came to the beck and call of their guests. People wore designer clothing of all colors, not gaudy, suited for the evening in the respectable atmosphere.
Perhaps they demanded respect, Mary thought to herself. She pulled a long strand of blonde hair rudely behind her ear.
“So, Alex? Are you going to be coming to dinner on Thursday night with my parents?”
“I have prior engagements,” he replied. The tone of his voice stood aloft, distant with his mind distracted by work, by rituals. The white shirt he wore reflected the light and neglected the stains.
“It would mean a lot to me if you could cancel those plans,” Mary said.
Alex ignored her.
Mary hated Alex sometimes. He was always about himself, never caring about her needs and wants. Her gown annoyed her, and she shifted in the seat, not sure of how to respond.
“May I ask, are you ready for the check?” The waiter asked, a tall man much like a tree in a hidden forest.
“Yes, please.”
Annoyed, frustrated, and angry Mary marched into the parking lot with the will of a private ready for battle. The slick black car came to life as Alex hit the button. The rain saturated outside smelled seductively of flowers and paradise. Somewhere, Mary couldn’t find.
“I’m sick of it, Alex!”
“You’re sick of what, Mary? You’re so emotional.” He opened her car door.
“I can do that myself.”
“I’m sure you could,” Alex replied. His eyes traced her legs and projected an air of forgiveness.
A flower is designed by nature to look beautiful.
“It’s always all about you!”
“Not again, Mary.” His tone became hostile and dominating.
“What? You don’t want to listen to me?”
“I can hear you as clear as day,” Alex responded. The moon peeked out of the clouds.
Mary turned her attention the homeless man on the street.
The world is so cruel, she thought.
A few weeks passed, and Mary’s depression grew into a monster consuming her. The nights rattled with words she didn’t want to hear, the light rose and fell from the sky, not caring about taking its time, and the cat wouldn’t stop meowing.
That damn cat, Mary thought. I fed him already.
The droll drum of life pulled at her. She tried to open a book but lacked the appetite to read it. Some romance. Something she didn’t have. Something more.
Love needs to be nurtured, she told herself. Love needs to be whole. I need love in my life.
She left her house and went outside to her car. The green paint reflected the strong glare of the sun. By that time, it was almost noon. A breeze blew through the area, a few misfits left their high trees destined to dry up and little wherever they went.
Mary stopped at a little diner on the outskirts of the city, the area humble and modest, boasting only about the fried chicken on the menu.
“What can I get you?” The server asked.
“I’d like a salad with extra tomatoes,” she replied.
“Comin’ right up!”
The crisp lettuce and crunchy croutons rolled around her mouth, satisfying her hunger. Around her sat the regulars. She knew them well, as she stopped in this small place often.
Bob, an old man with a white beard eyed her from across the room. He turned away, and Mary couldn’t see the expression on his face but could smell the musk of his body a mile away. It interested her senses, not repulsing them.
Mark came out of the kitchen.
“Hey, Mary,” Mark said in an enthusiastic tone. “What’s in the head?”
“The usual, boring life, boyfriend problems, and school.”
“Problems are easy to solve when one wants a solution.”
“Not for me.”
“Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best. Ever heard of Occam’s razor?” he returned. “Then again, “Eyes can only see what he [or she] is seeking.”
“Oh, ignore me. I’m a philosophy junkie, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“I love knowledge. The end justifies the means.”
“If you say so.”
“Well, I have to get back to work. We all know only fools get philosophy degrees. Socrates died just the same.” His red hair shifted as he pushed the plastic door open and went back to frying that good old chicken.
I don’t understand him, Mary said to herself.
Mary drove to the park. The nice afternoon inspired her feelings, and she let her mind wander in fantasy. The words made no sense to her, the feelings did.
A homeless man woke up from the adjacent park bench and came over to her.
“Do you got change?” The asked.
Pulled from her thoughts, Mary was slightly surprised.
“Um, yeah, sure.”
The man moaned in pain.
“Are you okay, sir?” Mary asked.
“I’ve got them years on me. They tattle on old bones. You don’t happen to have a cigarette, do you?”
“No, no, I don’t smoke.”
“You’ll live longer.”
Mary didn’t know what to say. She felt so much sympathy for this man. He seemed so kind and gentle. What had he done to deserve such a fate?
“I’ll tell how I feel,” the man said. He grunted a little more. “I grew up in there Mississippi. My mom did the best she could in rags, and my dad had a love of them women, the kind who like shiny things.
One night, we went to the casino for a good meal, as dad had promised my mother. We ate it up good then couldn’t pay. So we got ourselves banned from the place.
I’ve rambled around the gutters ever since cause my momma left pa, and I’ve seen all sorts of fools and wise men. When they’re in that environment, you can’t tell them apart.
I’m trying to get me, my woman back. She has a habit and had been on the streets again. I tell her it over and over, it ain’t gonna heal nothing. Stones are graves, too”
“I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“What did you ever do?”
“Well, then, I best be on my way. Thanks for the cash. It’s not enough for a woman, but I can get some of that fine whiskey.”
A duck followed by spring’s ducklings made their way to the small lake.
What a cute sight, she told herself. They know just what to do.
Mary walked across the park to the zin garden. Many of the blossoms reached toward the sun, full of the light’s radiance. The plants were strong and green. The dirt stayed humble.
Some people have rotten luck. They try and try but don’t get anywhere. What a wicked world.
“Do you know what time it is?” A man asked her. She turned around and saw him dressed in comfortable attire, a jogging suit with a coffee stain. The sight relaxed her.
“It’s two.”
“Thanks, my name is Roger. What is yours?”
“I’m Mary,” she replied.
“Would you like to walk around the pond with me? I know they call it a lake, but it isn’t.” He smelled like a man’s sweat, inspiring.
“So, what’s your story?” He asked.
“I don’t have a story,” she replied.
‘Everyone has a story…”
“I guess. I had a normal childhood, lots of friends and parties, but I felt and still feel empty somehow like I’m missing something.”
“Yes, love.” Mary’s cheeks flushed at the thought. The emotion possessed her.
“It’s definitely a strong emotion. I like strong emotions.”
“Because they’re wild and free, but they don’t beat the grave.”
“Ah, yes, we have but a short time on Earth,” Mary replied. She knew Roger could see her flush. For some reason, she liked that.
They went around the lake and then parted ways. He slipped her a piece of paper with his number on it. She shoved it into her pocket quickly. When she arrived to her car, she sighed.
Later that night, she toyed with the phone. She didn’t want to call him too quickly, didn’t want to appear too desperate.
Her cat annoyed her again.
“Buttercup, shut up!” She yelled. The cat turned around and showed Mary her butt.
Love is an emotion! Love is a great thing! What is the purpose of life but to love?
A few days passed, and she became bold enough to dial Roger’s number.
“Hello,” he responded.
“Yes, hi, I had a great time with you at the park.”
“I had a great time with you, too. I don’t want to be too quick, but would you like to come over to my apartment? I’ll text you the address. I have a few friends over.”
“I’d love to!”
Mary grabbed the expensive purse that Alex bought for her from Italy. The leather still appeared brand new, like desire.
The apartment’s crumbled exterior fell beyond humble, but Mary didn’t care. An urge drove her, compelled her to move forward.
“It’s great to see you. This is John, Randy, and Bill.” The men wore greasy t-shirts. They held glasses of whiskey and Bill had a joint.
So different, Mary thought.
The five sat down on the smelly sofa.
“Would you like a blunt?” Roger asked Mary.
“Um, I don’t do drugs.”
“You have to try them if you’ve never done them. We have to broaden our experience, man. I’ll get you something to drink, too, to loosen you up.”
“Thanks,” Mary said.
The liquor burned as it went down her throat. The weed relaxed her muscles and her mind. She felt open to the world and it closed on hers.
Her mind became fuzzy like fizz.
Soon, she felt hands on her. In a surprise, she pulled away, but her body lacked strength.
Roger went inside her. His face kept pulsing and lights changed colors around his body.
She laughed and felt a rush of sensation.
“I’m so stoned. This is so cool,” she told him. He carried on, happier than ever.
They both were.
There. Together.
submitted by rainbowbrite22 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

Book Rey Mysterio If He Never Joined WWE in 2018 - Part 2: Booyaka

Part 1 here
In this part, we saw Rey Mysterio jump onto the scene of NJPW. He started off hot, taking on his two amigos in Jushin Thunder Liger and Hiroshi Tanahashi respectively. At King of Pro-Wrestling, he defeated Liger - but fell to The Ace in a match for his G1 Climax briefcase. He then won the IWGP United States Championship off of Cody to end his offspring of Bullet Club, and would embark on a title reign. He successfully defended against Bandido last time we saw him, and now he moves onto his next challenger.
Book Rey Mysterio If He Never Joined WWE in 2018 - Part 2: Booyaka
G1 Supercard:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii - IWGP United States Championship
Rey Mysterio skips out on the New Japan Cup, and instead prepares for the G1 Supercard. It will be the biggest show NJPW have held in America, and since he’s the United States Champion he will be defending. Rey ventures off to GCW for Joey Janela’s Spring Break, taking part in the Clusterfuck as a surprise entrant. On Night Two, after Janela faces off with Jungle Boy - he calls out Rey to a match for a later date. Mysterio doesn’t respond, instead he’s in Madison Square Garden to face off against a New Japan semi-finalist, Tomohiro Ishii. He lost to Okada in the semis, and is angry. He wants to take his anger out on someone, and the IWGP United States Champion is his next victim.
He fought in the inaugural title match but came up short to Kenny Omega, but now he has his chance to become the first Japanese man to hold it. After seeing Mayu Iwatani retain the Women of Honor Championship, we move to our next match - as Tomohiro Ishii walks out to a loud MSG pop. In the front row are Mysterio’s daughter, Aalyah and his wife. Then we see his son, Dominick, as a young lion at ringside. He got kicked in the head by Minoru Suzuki earlier so he’s just having a great time. They’re dad then enters out in the same gear he wore to the actual WrestleMania that weekend, as the villain “Mysterio” from Spider-Man Homecoming. He walks out with the gold Tomohiro lusts for, and rolls inside to pose with it on the second rope.
The bell is rung and Mysterio goes to lock up - BUT ISHII GRABS HIM INTO A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!! HE FOLLOWS WITH A BRIDGING GERMAN!! 1.........2.....KICK OUT BY REY REY!!! Mysterio is shocked at the sudden attack, and scurries up in the corner. ISHII GOES FOR A CLOTHESLINE BUT REY TURNS IT INTO A CRUCIFIX PIN!!! 1........ISHII KICKS OUT AND IS HIT BY A ROUNDHOUSE KICK!! REY WITH A HEADSCISSORS TAKEDOWN!! Rey regains and takes a moment to intake what’s happening, and GOES FOR A SHIRANUI!! ISHII COUNTERS WITH A SPIKE DDT!!! 1..............2..........KICK OUT INTO A POWERBOMB!!!! 1.............2..........TOMOHIRO LOCKS IN A BOSTON CRAB!! There is no escape for Mysterio from this rabid dog - who is hungry. Ishii locks in the hold and cinches it tighter.
The crowd are going nuts at these two guys fighting spirit. ISHII GOES FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX, BUT REY FLIPS OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE GOES FOR A 619 - BUT ISHII SPINS HIM TO THE OUTSIDE!! TOMOHIRO RUNS THE ROPES, BUT IS HIT BY A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY!! He lifts Ishii up and runs the ropes, TO HIT A BULLDOG!! INTO A TORNADO DDT!! He calls for a 619, as Ishii crawls to the ropes. HE HITS IT!! HE DIVES FOR THE SEATED SENTON - BUT NO NECK TOM CATCHES AND HITS A BRAINBUSTER!!! 1...............2..............MYSTERIO KICKS OUT!!! Everyone explodes that Rey kicked out, and Ishii is still that angry dog - but he just got a whiff of a juicy steak. Tom lifts him up, looks him dead in his dead eyes - AND HEADBUTTS HIM TO SHIT!!
Tomohiro Ishii defeats Rey Mysterio (12:51)
PROGRESS Chapter 88: Super Strong Style 16:
Marty Scurll vs. Rey Mysterio
With his United States Championship lost, ending his 92 day reign, Mysterio heads away from Japan for a while to regain himself. He’s confirmed to show up at PROGRESS‘ Super Strong Style, but later revealed that he won’t actually participate - instead wrestle on the last night in a standard singles match with no prizes but merit. Meanwhile, his opponent is scheduled to be...Marty Scurll. A man who hasn’t appeared in PROGRESS in a long while, mainly because he’s in the middle of a ROH World Championship reign. Having begun his reign in June of 2018, Marty still holds it. He’ll return to PROGRESS for this night however, as he wants to face Rey…badly. After Dominion last year when Rey lost to Marty, he’s wanted to defeated him one on one. A year of wait, and he finally gets his chance. The ultimate hero vs. The ultimate villain, it’s like a comic book finale.
In the lead up, Marty cuts a promo on Mysterio. In it he is as snivelling as ever, offering his wife Angie a night with him and calling Dominick “a giant lummocks“. Then when the third night of the Super Strong Style 16 arrives, we hear Rey Mysterio’s entrance music for the first time in PROGRESS history, as he enters to a raucous pop from the Alexandra Palace. Alexandra Park in London lose their minds for the Lucha Libre legend, who comes out in Black Knight attire (a Marvel superhero from Britain). The fans love him and he shakes hand with Jim Smallman as he enters. Marty Scurll’s reception is mixed, but he certainly wants it to be vocally harsh. He takes beer out of fans hands and spits it at them, which certainly turns their reactions around.
The two men stare down after the bell is rung, a seismic stare. Rey puts his hand up with two fingers, but so does Scurll. They then both do the “2-0-5” taunt in sync. The crowd laugh, which Marty doesn’t like. He taunts on the second turnbuckle to earn their ire. Rey does the same and receives a good response. Scurll then jumps off and walks over to Rey - WHO DIVES AT HIM WITH A HURRICANERANA! They then run the ropes, AND MARTY CATCHES HIM WITH AN ARM DRAG HANDSPRING! MYSTERIO HITS HIS OWN ARM DRAG! Marty runs the ropes but Rey goes for a FRONT DROPKICK - but Marty halts so Rey misses the boat. SCURLL THEN DOUBLE FOOT STOMPS ON THE LUCHADORS FEET!! He lifts him up and starts to chop his chest.
Marty finishes the chops, AND THEN HITS A ROPE-ASSISTED ENZIGURI!! He stomps on Rey while he shouts at fans who boo him, telling them to be louder. He smashes his knee into a kneeling Rey, and then lifts him into a Gory Special!! REY ESCAPES WITH A SUNSET FLIP!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND GOES FOR A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY, BUT SCURLL CATCHES WITH A SITOUT SUPLEX SLAM!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND HITS A PENALTY KICK!! HE LOCKS IN AN OCTOPUS HOLD!! He wrenches on it, but Rey shuffles to the ropes. Scurll then slides outside to shout at a fan who insulted him. SCURLL IS THEN HIT BY A SUICIDE DIVE INTO A HEADSCISSORS BY MYSTERIO!! REY THROWS HIM INSIDE AND HITS A FROGSPLASH!!! 1................2............KICK OUT!!! MARTY DOESN’T DIE AFTER THE SURPRISE ATTACK!!
Rey is now out of his trance of being beaten down and is back in the fight. Scurll goes for a Wheelbarrow Bodyscissors but Rey counters with an Arm Drag! HE GOES FOR A SUNSET FLIP PIN BUT SCURLL BREAKS OUT WITH A LANZA!! SCURLL THEN LIFTS REY UP FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX!! HE CONNECTS, AND GOES FOR ANOTHER! BUT MYSTERIO FLIPS OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE THEN CONNECTS A BASEBALL SLIDEFOLLOWED BY HEADSCISSORS!! Rey is on a roll as he dances like Eddie outside. Scurll goes to push him into a fans seat, but Mysterio ducks and PUSHES HIM INTO THE APRON!! They then fight there. Scurll knocks Rey off and CONNECTS A SUPERKICK FROM THE APRON!! HE THEN DIVES OUT WITH A MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR!!
Now they’re both on the ground. Scurll is dead and so is Rey. They crawl up by the fans laps. Scurll asks a fan to hold Rey in place as he lines up a Penalty Kick. MYSTERIO EVADES BEFORE THE KICK CONNECTS AND PUSHES HIM ONTO A GROUP OF FANS SEATS!! HE THEN DIVES OFF THE SECOND ROPE WITH A CROSSBODY - OVER THE FANS HEADS TO SCURLL!! They’re both even more dead than before and spend time climbing out of the wreckage, through fans and bent and fallen chairs. Rey navigates his way back while Marty writhes in the agony. Once back in the ring Mysterio dives for a Seated Senton - BUT IS HIT BY A SUPERKICK!! SCURLL HITS THE BLACK PLAGUE AND ROLLS INTO THE CROSSFACED CHICKENWING!! REY GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES!! Scurll angrily lets go, throwing the luchador to the mat.
They roll outside to recover after the big rush of counters. Scurll is first up and walks over to Rey’s daughter and wife. He tries to chat them up, BUT REY TURNS HIM AROUND INTO A THROW INTO THE RING POST!! HE HITS A BIG BOOT INTO THE STEEL!! Rey then sets up a wooden table, and brings Scurll up to the apron. They both trade forearms there. Marty jumps to the second rope, possibly looking for a TORNADO DDT!! REY BRINGS HIM DOWN AND HITSMA HURRICANERANA OFF THE APRON!! SCURLL CRASHES DOWN THROUGH THE WOODEN TABLE ONTO THE WOODEN FLOOR!! Scurll grabs his back in utter agony, his spine crushed by the wooden table and floor. Rey then picks him off the mat and rolls him inside.
Marty Scurll defeats Rey Mysterio (19:58)
Dominion 2019:
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Rey Mysterio - IWGP Heavyweight Championship
At Wrestling Dontaku, we see Kazuchika Okada and SANADA face off for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in Night Two’s main event on May 4th. Afterwards, Rey Mysterio appears on video where he says he will return to New Japan at Dominion to take on Okada for his IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The Rainmaker then states that in his post-match press conference, that he’s always wanted to face Rey Mysterio and that he’ll be happy to do it. Rey is a good and honourable man who deserves this title match after 25 years of wrestling. Okada is happy to give him the opportunity but makes sure Mysterio knows, he won’t win.
Later in the month is AEW’s Double or Nothing. The highly anticipated show features a plethora of talent and star studded match ups, after the Jacksonville and Las Vegas rallies individually. Rey Mysterio appears at neither however despite heavy rumour and speculation. However, to open the show we see the Casino Battle Royale. In this we get a bomb dropped on us - the debut of Mysterio in AEW. Entering as the Joker, he comes and cleans house. It comes down to him and Adam Page, who face off in a 5-minute long battle. The winner will face either Kenny Omega or Chris Jericho at All Out for the AEW World Championship so the stakes are high. In the end, Hangman eliminates Rey after a Buckshot and Superkick combo.
Then two weeks later is Dominion. For the first time ever, Rey Mysterio will challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. After a hell of the show we reach the main event. We’ve seen Dragon Lee vs. Will Ospreay, and Kota Ibushi vs. Tetsuya Naito, and now we’re here. Rey Mysterio cuts a promo earlier in the show about how this means the world to him, this opportunity, and that he needs to win. He will never get a chance like this again, and can’t waste it. Mysterio represents is no-nonsense ordeal, as he comes out dressed as The Punisher. He’s got the navy singlet, with a skull across it. His mask then has the skull as well on it. Mysterio taunts on the second rope, but then Okada comes out. It’s the same thing he felt against Tanahashi and Liger, just being in the presence of someone on another world.
When the bell rings, they don’t lock up straight away. They take in the magnitude of the stage and suck it all in. About a minute passes of this, before they lock up. They get into a collar and elbow, and Rey spins into a waist lock. Okada arm drags him off and cinches in a chinlock. Rey tries to flip out but Okada simply lowers down with him. HE THEN HITS A BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!! Okada cinches in another chinlock. Rey gets up and Irish whips Okada to the ropes. The Rainmaker rebounds and connects a Shoulder Block to take Mysterio down. Rey gets up while Okada runs the ropes, and hits a HEADSCISSORS! Mysterio ducks under a clothesline and cinches the waistlock. He takes Okada down and applies a nerve hold, then hits a Spinal Tap!
Okada lifts himself up and runs the ropes for a Short-arm Lariat! Rey stumbles back and rolls into a VICTORY ROLL!! 1........2.....KICK OUT!! OKADA GETS UP WITH A SHOULDER BLOCK, AND THEN RUNS THE ROPES FOR A RONT DROPKICK INTO THE CORNER!! Mysterio takes a Bret Hart sell of falling on impact. OKADA LIFTS HIM FOR A FLAPJACK BUT REY FLIPS OUT AND HITS AN ARM DRAG!! HE RUNS THE ROPES BUT IS CAUGHT IN A WHEELBARROW !BODYSCISSORS, THAT IS COUNTERED WITH A BULLDOG!! FLYING HEADSCISSORS BY MYSTERIO!! HE RUNS THE ROPES BUT OKADA HITS THE FLAPJACK AND FOLLOWS WITH A MILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK!! Okada then lifts Mysterio up and throws him to the corner, and starts to apply shoulder blocks.
Okada Irish whips Mysterio who LEAPFROGS THE RAINMAKER AND HITS A MYSTERIO-EXPRESS!!! 1..........2.......KICK OUT!! OKADA WITH ANOTHER SHORT-ARM LARIAT!! Okada connects a European Uppercut to a kneeling Rey! This is the cut off, and The Rainmaker starts to stomp down on him. He lifts Mysterio up and Irish whips Rey, who jumps to the second rope AND DIVES OFF WITH A DIVING HURRICANERANA!!! OKADA ROLLS THROUGH AND CONNECTS A OPEN HAND CHOP!! DROPKICK!! HE LIFTS REY UP FOR A BACKBODY DROP BUT MYSTERIO EVADES AND HITS A SPINNING WHEEL KICK!! Rey is back in the fight, and runs the ropes for a RUNNING CROSSBODY!! HE HITS A TILT-A-WHIRL TORNADO DDT!! 1..........2........KICK OUT!!!
Rey pulls himself up by the ropes, hoping the comeback got him. He punches the air, but lifts The Rainmaker up. He heads to the apron and awaits Okada - BUT SUNSET FLIPS OVER! REY ROLLS HIM AND HITS A ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!! Mysterio then runs the ropes but OKADA WITH A BIG BOOT!! HE HITS THE HEAVY RAIN!! 1........2.........KICK OUT!!! REY PULLS HIMSELF UP AND HITS A LOU THESZ PRESS!! HE GOES FOR A SHIRANUI - BUT OKADA DUMPS HIM ONTO THE MAT!! Rey doesn’t get up from that one, feeling the pain. Okada stomps on him and kicks the head, THEN GOES FOR A DDT!! MYSTERIO SLIDES OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND CONNECTS THE 619 OUT OF NOWHERE!! He climbs the ropes and points to the crowd - DIVING SPLASH!! 1.........2.........KICK OUT FROM THE RAINMAKER!!!
Rey gets desperate to end it and HITS A BASEBALL SLIDE TO THE OUTSIDE!! HE FOLLOWS WITH A SUICIDE DIVE INTO A HEADSCISSORS!! Okada falls into the guardrail both times, feeling the steel on his back. Rey goes to Irish whip but Okada reverses into his own. Rey then hops the guardrail and awaiting to see what Okada does. OKADA THEN DIVES OVER THE GUARDRAIL WITH THE SCOOBY DOOBY DOO!!! They both lay dead, as the referee counts down from 20. Eventually they get back up, after a lot of stumbling and tumbling. They get back in and REY DIVES WITH THE WEST COAST POP!! 1.........2.......OKADA ROLLS OUT OF IT WITH REY ON HIS BACK!!! ALABAMA SLAM!!! KICKOUT!!! HE LOCKS IN THE DEEP IN DEBT BUT REY GETS OUT!! HE RUNS TO THE CORBER BUT SO DOES OKADA WHO HITS A RUNNING BACK ELBOW!! HE THEN CONNECTS THE AIR RAID CRASH NECKBREAKER!!! 1...............2.............KICK OUT!!!!
Kazuchika Okada defeats Rey Mysterio (26:13)
Fyter Fest 2019:
The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. Rey Mysterio and The Lucha Brothers (Fénix and Pentagon Jr.) - Six-man Tag Team Match
With the launch of All Elite Wrestling, many peoples attention have been grabbed. Double or Nothing as we know saw Rey Mysterio make his shock debut to open the main show as the Joker slot in the Casino Battle Royale. Him and Hangman Adam Page had a war as the final two, ending with Page winning. Now comes Fyter Fest, however this scheduled match between The Elite and The Lucha Bros/Pac has been altered. Pac pulls out and so the replacement is revealed on The Road To Fyter Fest, where Rey Mysterio is interviewed and then he announces he will be the partner of the Lucha Bros. This is the official main event of Fyter Fest, as the actual last match is Unsanctioned.
The Young Bucks enter first dressed as Ryu and Ken each, both posing on the stage until…the lights go down. A fan walks on stage, but then they go down again. KENNY APPEARS AS AKUMA’S RAGING DEMON!! He holds the finger gun over the fans body and makes his way down to the ring with his Elite stablemates. Then comes The Lucha Brothers. On the stage are Fénix and Pentagon dressed in their skull masks and hoodies. They both walk out but point to the centre, WHERE OUT COMES REY MYSTERIO!! Rey unhoods from his blue cloak to reveal his normal mask. He is dressed as Death from the Castlevania series in line with the whole skeleton aesthetic as well as for the video game tie-in.
“Round 1 – FIGHT!” yells Justin Roberts as Nick Jackson and Rey Mysterio start us off. They go into a lockup and start to push forward and back. Nick lifts himself to the second rope and tightropes it, before jumping down with an Arm Drag. Rey rolls through with that but jumps back in a Rana. They both run the ropes but Nick leapfrogs and Mysterio rolls under, then springboards off with a Crossbody. A cover goes nowhere and Nick kips up for his own arm drag, followed by a Back Body Drop that Rey flips out of. They then go to a stalemate at this point and reposition in their respective corners. Kenny whispers to Nick while Mysterio stretches on the ropes. They both then move forward to the centre.
Rey hits an Overhead Chop and follows with an Open Hand to the chest. He does this while maintaining wrist control. He then hits a Roundhouse Kick and an Enziguri, and runs up the ropes, then dives off with a CROSSBODY! Nick goes for a Superkick once up, but Rey spins him into a Spinning Wheel Kick attempt, which Nick spins and they HIT STEREO SUPERKICKS!! THEY THEN DOUBLE DOWN WITH CLOTHESLINES!! While their down, in come the others. EVERY TRIO IS IN THE RING AND A BRAWL BREAKS LOOSE! Kenny and Penta are going at it while Matt and Fénix do battle. They trade slaps and chops and kicks, until Mysterio and Nick are back up. REY HITS A AIR MYSTERIO TO NICK JACKSON!! The Lucha Bros then hit Superkicks to Kenny and Matt to take them outside. ALL THE LUCHADORS THEN DIVE OUT AFTER THE ELITE!!
They all enter the ring and isolate Matt. The Bros hit Superkicks and hold him in place for a MYSTERIO EXPRESS!! Nick comes inside but is hit by a Hook Kick, and then with a SEATED SENTON FROM REY!! FÉNIX WITH A DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT TO NICK!!! 1……..2…..KICK OUT!!!!! The Bros roll out and Nick and Mysterio keep going. They trade forearms, until Rey tags in Fénix. Fénix comes in hot with a Springboard Front Missile Dropkick to Nick. He looks for a double team with Pentagon, BUT NICK HITS THEM BOTH WITH A DROPSAULT!! HE TAGS IN MATT! MATT COMES IN WITH A TOPE CON HILO TO BOTH GUYS!1 HE HITS A NORTHERN LIGHTS ON PENTAGON WITH AN O’CONNOR ROLL ON FÉNIX!! 1………2……KICK OUT!! HIM AND NICK THEN HIT DOUBLE SLINGSHOT SITOUT FACEBUSTERS!!
Matt then gets a tag to Kenny Omega. OMEGA IS IN! Kenny runs straight forward with a Dropkick to Pentagon sending him outside. He hits a Backbreaker to a tagged in Mysterio , 1……2….KICK OUT!! HE GOES FOR THE YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!! BUT IT IS INDEED ESCAPED! MYSTERIO DIVES OFF THE TOP WITH A MOONSAULT!! Kenny recovers himself, BEFORE DIVING OUTSIDE WITH A RISE OF THE TERMINATOR TO PENTAGON!! PENTAGON CUTS HIM OFF! Cero…Miedo – AND THEY START TO FIGHT ON THE OUTSIDE!! They go to the apron where Pentagon lays in some chops, BUT OMEGA WITH A KOTARO KRUSHER ON THE APRON!! THE BUCKS THEN SEND FÉNIX TO THE FLOOR WITH A BACK BODY DROP + CANNONBALL SENTON COMBO!!
Now all The Elite are inside and isolate Rey Mysterio. The Elite triple team him, with Matt and Nick holding Rey in place for A V-TRIGGER!! FOLLOWED BY A GERMAN SUPLEX!! KENNY HITS THE YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!! MATT FOLLOWS WITH A TOP ROPE ELBOW AND NICK WITH A SWANTON!!! 1………2……KICK OUT!!!! They pick him up and The Bucks try to double team. MYSTERIO MOVES AND MATT SPEARS NICK!! ENZIGURI FROM MYSTERIO TO OMEGA!! HE TAGS IN PENTAGON!! Pentagon comes in and chops everyone, and then hits a Double Japanese Arm Drag on Matt and Nick! SUPERKICK TO KENNY FOLLOWED BY A LUNGBLOWER!! Kenny rolls out, but then FÉNIX SPRINGBOARDS TO THE OUTSIDE WITH A TORNILLO TO OMEGA!! REY FOLLOWS WITH A SUICIDE DIVE!! PENTAGON THEN HITS A LANZA TO MATT BACK IN THE RING AND COVERS! 1………2…….KICK OUT!!!
The Lucha Brothers and Rey Mysterio defeat The Elite (20:20)
submitted by ConorCulture to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

Inside Underground NY Poker #9

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Previous: Inside Underground NY Poker #8
Spades — 1.8
Walking into a casino, for the first time, can be quite an overwhelming experience. There’s so much going on — all of the flashing lights, various sounds, the diverse amount of people flowing throughout, the list goes on. No matter where you look, there’s always something going on that can potentially pique your curiosity. Of course, at this time in the midsummer of 2007, I hadn’t a clue of what to expect. I had yet to step foot inside a real casino.

When Chris called and invited me to go with him on a road trip up to Turning Stone, my mood was not only of excitement, it was also flowing with curiosity. I figured that making the drive up to Turning Stone would not only be a great deal of fun, but would also be an excellent opportunity to learn more about professional casino poker.

During my phone conversation with Chris, we agreed that we would make the road trip up there after we finished our Sunday shifts at Spades. This gave us about 24 hours to gather up our buddies and put together a crew. Our main goal was to crush some live action cash games there, but we also wanted to let loose and party. I didn’t yet know it, but my version of partying was vastly different from Chris’ version.

I made some calls and sent some texts, and not too long after, had a few of my closest friends confirm that they were going to come on the trip. I was the youngest of my social circle in high school, still being only 17 at the time. All of the other guys were already 18, so legally, they wouldn’t have a problem at Turning Stone.

If you don’t know, Turning Stone Resort & Casino is located on an Indian Reservation, and as such, the gambling laws of New York state do not apply there — the legal gambling age there is 18, as set by the law of the land.

Now, since I was still only 17, this presented a potential problem. However, I looked a bit older than I actually was, and I also had a fake ID that I had been using for a while. Chris was also incredibly confident that it wouldn’t be a problem whatsoever — he even offered to lay me a bet with 3 to 1 odds for $100, that at no point would I be unable play because of my age. I declined the bet of course, not wanting to jinx myself.

In 2007, Turning Stone was a “dry” casino, which meant that they didn’t serve any alcohol. However, you were allowed to bring your own, and could indulge yourself to your own desire. As of today, this is no longer the case, but that’s the way it was back then.

We calculated that the drive would take us about 4.5 hours, not entirely too long by road trip standards, but could be enough of a mental strain that could potentially effect our ability to play poker, upon arrival. Given that both Chris and I would be dealing right up until our departure, we had made arrangements to take two cars in order to accommodate our entire crew. In exchange for each of us paying for the gas and tolls on the drive up to Turning Stone, neither of us would have to drive — this would allow us to rest up a bit.

My group of buddies consisted of four of my closest friends — Brian, Theo, Max, and Scott. I had brought Theo around to Spades more than a few times, and he regularly played poker, unlike the others. However, he wasn’t very good, but he was very lucky, and he had no interest in studying the game. He got better the more he played, but was by all means, a fish. He loved to gamble, and blackjack was his favorite game — most likely not a coincidence.

I had invited Andy to tag along as well, but he wasn’t interested and declined — he instead made me a standing offer, an open invitation if you will, to go crush poker in Atlantic City, where there was better action and nicer casinos. However, the offer was only good if we would be going to seriously grind poker. This was an offer that I would later redeem.

Chris had assembled his boys just as I had — three experienced poker players and gamblers, each in their early 20’s, just like Chris. The youngest of his crew was Rich, who was 21, and the two others were Derek and Joe, either 23 or 24 years old.

Finally, our plans were set and the rooms were booked. We’d all be staying for 3 nights and 2 days in two, separate, 2 queen bed suites. I was anxious, yet excited, and I seriously wanted to book a win in the poker room, considering it would be my first casino poker room session.

Sunday finally arrives, and I had decided to wake up a few hours early so that I could stock up on booze and weed. My buddies and I had agreed to split the cost of everything — 4 bottles of Smirnoff, an ounce of Sour Diesel, and four 24-packs of Coors Light. In retrospect, this was probably entirely too much for 3 nights at a casino, but what did we know? I wasn’t a big smoker at the time, although I would partake, but I did enjoy drinking when the time was appropriate to let loose.

While on my way driving to Spades, I hear my phone ring — it’s Chris.

“Hey dude, you on your way to the club?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there in about 15 minutes. I just finished running some last minute errands, stocked up on booze and weed for the trip.”

“Awesome. I’m good to go on my end, too. By the way, my plan is to splash around in the $1/$2 or $2/$5 games Turning Stone spreads. I’m bringing $10k.”

“What?! $10k??? Why?!”

“Well, dude, I’m gonna hit the pits too and play some blackjack and craps. We’ll crush some poker first, then afterwards maybe you’ll hit the pits with me.”

“I dunno, man. I’m only gonna bring $2k in total, and that’s for all my costs. Maybe I’ll assign half of that to my poker roll for the trip.”

“You should probably stick to $1/$2 then, and save some of your roll for blackjack, to try and run it up.”

“Alright, sounds good. I’ll see you at the club in a bit.”

I wasn’t convinced about hitting the pits to play table games, but then again, I surely wanted to make the most out of my first casino experience.

I arrive at Spades, set up for the Sunday afternoon tournament, and put in the hours for my shift. I wind up dealing the final table, and the tournament ends at around 11PM. Chris was dealing cash, but we had both made sure to get Vinny’s approval to leave early and take off for the next few days. It wasn’t really an issue for me, being that once the tournament was over, it meant my job was done, and I was free to have a good night. However, Chris made sure to get another dealer to cover for him, both the rest of the night and until we got back from our trip.

Chris and I walk outside to the parking lot — it’s time to go pick everyone up. We each get into our cars and drive off to scoop up each one of our buddies. An hour or so later, I shoot Chris a text letting him know that I’m about to start the drive up to Verona, NY, which was where Turning Stone is located. He responds, telling me that he had already started the journey about 10 minutes prior, and that he’ll call me when he gets there.

I have Theo take the wheel and get into the driver’s seat, as I jump into the back to close my eyes to try and clear my head for what’s about to come. Without making any stops, we finish the drive in just under 4.5 hours. We can see the illuminated, brightly colored sign — “Turning Stone Casino”, and my heart begins to pump just a little bit faster. I’m beginning to get excited. At this point, it was around 4:30AM. Sure, I was a bit tired, but the excitement and novelty of my first casino experience was keeping my adrenaline pumping.

I give Chris a call, letting him know that we’re about to park our car, and head into the casino towards the check-in area.

“Chris, we’re here man! This place is awesome!”

“I know dude, we got here about a half hour ago. I’m in my room changing, getting ready to go play some cards. Did you check-in yet?”

“Not yet, we’re about to head over to the check-in desk and get our room keys. I’m pretty tired man, are you sure it’s a good idea to go play right now?”

“Don’t worry about that, I already scoped out the room. There’s some good action going on in both $1/$2 and $2/$5. I already put our name’s on the lists. Text me when you’re done getting settled in, but drop by room after. Make sure you come alone.”

“Okay… I’m gonna tell my boys that we’re gonna play some poker for a little bit, while they hit the casino floor. My buddy Theo might want to join us. I’m not sure though, I have to ask him. My boys will probably want to get nice and toasty before they head out of the room.”

“Sounds good dude, don’t take too long. See you in a bit.”

My friend Scott handles the check-in, puts the incidentals coverage under his credit card, and I make sure to get a copy of the room key for myself. We head up to the room, we all change into presentable, formal, evening attire, and I crack open a beer, along with everyone else. I ask everyone what they plan on doing for the next few hours, while suggesting that I’ll be preoccupied playing cards in the poker room. This was nothing but expected, they all knew how often I played poker.

Everyone unanimously agrees that they want to hit the pits and gamble, of course, after they get hammered in the room. I casually ask Theo if he’s interested in playing poker with Chris and I, but he declines, saying that he’s not in the mood and would rather play tomorrow night, if at all.

I finish my beer, but not before forcing everyone to agree to a bet, in order to make things more interesting — whoever comes back to the room as the biggest loser gets $50 each from everyone else. We unanimously decide that it’s actually a decent idea, and everyone agrees. I leave our room and head towards Chris’ suite.

I arrive at Chris’ door, and I give it quick, but firm knock. A few seconds later, the door opens, and I find that there’s nobody in the room except Chris. All of his buddies had already gone downstairs, and were gambling on the casino floor. I tell him I’m pretty tired, and then I ask him why he wanted me to come alone.

“Chris, I’m pretty tired, man. You sure we should go play?”

“100%. I told you, I already scoped out the games that are running. The stacks are big and there’s some good money to be made.”

“Alright, fine. But, why did you want me to come here alone, by the way? Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, dude. Here, I wanted to give you this. Take two of these, you’ll be in the zone while you play for the next 8 hours.”

“What kind of pills are these? What are they going to do?” — I had never really taken drugs or pills before, other than drinking and smoking weed occasionally. I did, however, try Mushrooms earlier during the summer, and that was fun, but was completely inexperienced when it came to pharmaceuticals, or any other drugs for that matter.

“It’s Adderall, it’s a stimulant. They’re 20mg each, take two of them. It’ll make you much more focused and able to concentrate on the game for the next 8 hours or so. You might feel a bit more chatty, and it’ll kill your appetite, but I promise you, it’ll give you an edge. All those players down there right now are tired and worn out from playing. These will put you in the zone, if you know what I mean.”

“Fuck it, I’ll give it a shot. We came to have a good time anyway. I’m not gonna lose control of myself, am I?”

“Hah, no, dude. It’s nothing like that. They prescribe this stuff to people who have trouble focusing and paying attention. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You’ll feel them start to work in about 45 minutes to an hour.”

Chris hands me two, orange-colored, oval shaped pills, and I swallow them dry. I had stashed $1k into the safe in my room before I left, and I had the other $1k in my pocket. We leave his room and head downstairs to make our way through the casino and into the poker room.

I was in a state of awe. This was by far the biggest poker room I had ever been in, up until this point. There must have been at least 30 tables. There were only a handful of games going during our arrival, but still, seeing everything all neat, organized, and ready for action, made me think about what this place would be like during peak hours.

I check out the $1/$2 game that’s going, and I see that the buy-in structure is not at all what I was expecting. It’s a $50 min and $200 max. Sure, there’s a few deep stacks on the table, but I felt like this game was much smaller than what I was used to playing. I decide that it’s going to be far too difficult to make any significant amount of money, unless I end up on the good side of a cooler. Overall, it would be a bad move to sit in this game.

On the other hand, the $2/$5 game that was running had a $200 min and $500 max buy-in. This was definitely more up my alley. Several players had stacks with at least $1k, and the average was probably right around the max, conveniently right around $500. With several players sitting deep and a couple of short stacks on the table, I come to the conclusion that this is the game I want to play, as I’m fairly certain that I have a decent shot at making some money at this table.

Chris had already put our name’s on the lists for both games when he had arrived earlier, so it wasn’t too long until our names were called. We were going to be sitting at the same table, and of course, made an agreement that if we were to get heads-up in a hand, either of us would make only one bet, and then check it down the rest of the way if the other called the bet. We weren’t there to take each other’s rolls, but if there were other players in the hand, then we weren’t going to soft play each other, nor try and sandwich anyone out of a pot.

Finally, my name is called, about 20 minutes after Chris had taken his seat, and I head over to the cage to buy $500 worth of chips — $280 in red, $200 in green, and $20 in white. Something I’ve always liked doing, still to this day, is buying at least a full stack of $1 chips.

The poker room had relatively nice chips, and I found them to be most excellent. They had a comfortable weight, handled nicely, and displayed a decent aesthetic design on them. They were definitely of a higher quality than any of the chips that the underground clubs used. That’s not to say that the clubs used cheap chips — of course, a few did, however only the casinos would purchase Paulson chips, which are the industry standard, despite them costing over $1 each chip.

I take my seat at the table, and all of a sudden, I feel this intense rush of energy. It felt like someone had turned my brain up to 11. Woah — I felt my eyes widen.

I introduce myself to the table, and I notice that I’m much more talkative than my normal self. However, I was able to maintain and participate in a fully-engaged conversation, while not missing a single detail of the action that was unfolding during each hand. I could multi-task like never before. I was faster at thinking through hands, I noticed more tells being telegraphed than ever before, and I was aware of the fact that my observations were razor-sharp. It felt like I had been wearing blinders up until this point, and now they were gone.

I was more astute than I had ever been before, accurately being able to predict who was going to play a hand, and who was going to fold, before they even made their action. I was paying attention to the game in the same way I would as if I was dealing it. I’d observe each player in turn, then move on to the next when their action was made.

I would also catch things out of the corner of my eye — a player’s posture suddenly becoming erect, while they would then immediately try to look disinterested, as they used their hands to protect their cards in such a manner that was subtle, yet distinct from their normal method of handling their cards. It was blatantly obvious to me now, when a player would deviate from their normal patterns of playing, behaving, speaking, bet sizing, time usage, and so forth.

I was playing really well. All of my value bets were getting called, my bluffs were getting through, and alarm bells would ring in my head, either to alert me of a perfect spot to make a squeeze play, or if something about the hand didn’t “seem right”. Something I definitely noticed about the Adderall, was that it made me feel much more confident in the plays that I made. It was much easier to pull the trigger, and when I did, I felt certain that my timing was right.

My range was also wider than it normally was. I was playing more hands, going for thin value on the river when I would normally check back, and had no problem laying down strong hands preflop, when I was sure I was behind, but would normally be too stubborn to let it go.

My session was going very well. Incredibly well, in fact. I made several huge hero calls, and I applied intense pressure on opponents who I deemed capable of folding, only to pick up pots I could never win at showdown.

About 3.5 hours had gone by at this point, and within the last hour a new player had taken a seat. His name was Duke, at least, that’s what other players were calling him. This guy was super aggro. He was opening every other hand, raising every C-Bet a player would make, and would just bully people out of the pot by shoving the river or bombing the turn with a $300 bet.

The majority of the table was getting annoyed with Duke. Whenever they would fold, they felt like he was bluffing with air, however, when they would inevitably get frustrated and make the call, he would actually have it, and get massive value. During the course of about an hour, he amassed a stack totaling around $900. He had absolutely no fear, and the money at stake, to him, was evidently insignificant. From his perspective, it seemed as if he was playing for, what you and I, would consider pennies.

I folded quite a few strong hands to his preflop 3-bets — AQ, TT, 88, and QJs. I would open to $15 or $20, and he would re-pop me to 4x or 5x. I even open folded AKo on an Ace-high, 3-flush board on the turn when he check-raised me all-in, only to show me complete air.

That was enough for me, this wasn’t going to continue — not tonight. I had now decided that I was going to be as patient as necessary, and only get involved in a pot with him if the situation was favorable to trap him. You can’t bully a player when the money at stake means far less to him than it does to you. Subsequently, you can’t get value from that same player who is good enough to recognize that you’re only showing him aggression when you have it — they’ll just fold instead of blasting off, knowing that you’re praying that they’ll come over the top.

About an hour and a half later, it was around 10AM now, and I had built my stack up to around $1200. Duke was sitting on just about the same, though slightly less, about $1100. He was still bullying people out of pots, and the majority, if not everyone else at the table was clearly annoyed with him. Low limit players often become angry when they encounter an opponent whose style of play isn’t within the same paradigm as their own. The key is to be capable of adjusting your own style of play.

Finally, preparation meets opportunity, and I pick up pocket Aces in UTG+1. I raise to $15, and of course get 3-bet by Duke in the Lojack to $60. The button cold calls, and for a split-second, I almost 4-bet, but I resisted what almost felt like a reflex, and decided to just call.

The flop comes A5A — I flop Quad Aces! That was the first time I ever flopped quads, let alone quad aces. I stick to my game plan of trapping, and I check my quads over to Duke, who also checks. The button checks as well, and we see a turn of a black 4.

The board now being A5A4 rainbow — every fiber of my being is burning on the inside, trying to tell me to start getting some value and make a bet to build a pot. Again, I resist, and check it. Both Duke and the button check back.

The river comes in, a red 9. The complete board run-out is A5A49 rainbow.

I check, again, for the 3rd time. Duke fires out $200 into the pot of $187, the button snap folds, and I immediately snap-shove on him for a total of around $1140. He looks completely perplexed, and then goes deep into the tank. Not a single player had yet displayed this level of aggression against him.

He’s now been thinking for about 6 or 7 minutes, and he announces to the table that he’s sorry he’s taking so long, but he needs some more time and has a decision here. Some random player chimes in, telling him to take all the time he wants, it’s the biggest pot of the night.

Another 3 minutes go by, and I’m starting to get agitated now. It’s been at least 10 minutes, the dealer is clearly annoyed, enough is enough. I call for the clock. The floor comes over and gives Duke the “countdown” speech, informing him that he has 30 seconds to make a decision.

Before the floor even begins the countdown, Duke announces, “CALL”.

Under the influence of the Adderall, I assume, I inexplicably get the impulse to table my hand similar to the way a blackjack dealer would table their cards.

I pull both cards adjacent to each other, now sitting side by side. Using one finger, I flip one of the Aces face up, and then use that same Ace to slide it underneath the other, and flip up the remaining facedown Ace. I somehow managed to pull this off with such finesse, that it all happened in one, smooth, fluid motion. It was most certainly a rare form of poker showboating, and it was an incredibly cocky, and unnecessary thing to do, however I just couldn’t help myself. I had just decimated the guy who was running over every single player.

The entire table is shocked to see that I reveal flopped quad Aces. Even more surprised, is Duke. He is absolutely stunned to his core. He tables Jack high. I immediately stand up from my chair, and lean in closer towards the table, while rubbing my eyes to confirm — yes, indeed. Jack high.

“You triple checked flopped quad aces.” — the tone of his speech indicating a statement, not even close to what asking a question would sound like, as if he was in disbelief of what had just happened.

“Yes, sir.”

“I just called you with Jack high.” — again, it seemed as if he was confirming, for himself, the reality of the situation that had just occurred.

“Yeah, you did, but why?”

“I couldn’t put you on a hand, and I thought that you had finally had enough of me pushing you out of pots. It didn’t make sense, how could you have anything there when you checked the whole way?”

“I took a risk, and I just figured that you would eventually try and steal it.”

“I’m not even mad, kid. Well played, very clever. I salute you.”

The dealer ships me Duke’s entire stack, plus the pot, and I toss him two green birds. I quickly start to stack all of the chips while I fold the next hand, and then I get up from the table, as does Chris.

“Dude! What a sick fucking play! What in the fuck! Triple checking quad aces?!!?!?”

“I know, right? I was waiting all night for that moment. I got stupid lucky that he called. I have no idea why he called me with Jack high. I mean, I heard what he said, but still, why? How?”

“You figured him out, dude. Plain and simple. Really nice play, I’m impressed. I don’t think I could ever have triple checked that.”

“Thanks, Chris. I think it was just the Adderall. I just felt like I absolutely knew that he was going to do exactly the same thing that he has been doing all night. Whenever he senses weakness, he bombs the river. I wasn’t expecting him at all to call my shove, but I knew that if I bet into two players while out of position, on an ace-paired board, after calling a 4x 3-bet from Duke with the button cold calling, they would both fold.”

“That actually makes a lot of sense. Great play, dude. Seriously, that was just sick. Let’s get out of here and see what the other guys are up to.”

Chris and I cash out, and we leave the poker room. I ran $500 up to about $2300. Chris booked a nice win himself, running $500 up to $1.1k. We both tipped the cashier behind the cage $10 each.

The two of us are still wired from the Adderall, but now only physically stimulated, and not at all under the influence whatsoever. Sleeping is not going to be an option, so we decide to head back to my room, and get to work on polishing off a few beers.

I insert the keycard into my room’s key slot, and slowly open the door, as I hear a circus of ruckus coming from inside the room.

All of the guys are inside — Theo, Brian, Max, Scott, Rich, Derek, and Joe — they’d gone through two bottles of Smirnoff, a bottle of Jameson that Rich had brought over, a 24-pack of Coors Light, a ton of the weed, and had now moved on to blow, which one of Chris’ buddies had scored from someone in the casino.

As far as I knew, none of my friends had ever done coke before. I certainly hadn’t. Everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves, though, and who was I to judge? I had just played an intensely long poker session on some drug I had never heard of before, I won a bunch of money, all was good, and so I just went with the flow and chalked it up to an isolated incident on a vacation-like casino trip.

I asked my boys who had lost the most money, both as a way to settle the bet, and to make a subtle brag about how much I had won playing poker. I wasn’t surprised at all — Brian was the biggest loser, totaling a net loss of a measly, yet exact, $100.

He was by far the cheapest person out of all of my friends. He would always argue down to the penny when it came to splitting checks, or getting reimbursed for fronting money for a purchase. Indeed, he sure was cheap, but he wasn’t at all stupid. He made sure that the other 3 guys — Theo, Max, and Scott — lost less than he did so that he could come out ahead on the bet. Of course, he took a gamble by not knowing the status of my winnings, but the worst that could happen was that he would either lose $100 or book a win taking a gamble with it. The 4 of us each paid up, $50 each, and he offset his $100 loss with a $200 gain, for a net profit of $100.

We all continued to drink, I tried a few lines myself, and everyone stayed up until the upcoming evening — it was now time to go gamble again. So, what did we do? We drank even more, smoked a blunt, and finished off the 8-ball of blow.

The 9 of us were thoroughly bombed. Any and all traces of our decision making skills were completely distorted.

Joe was playing $100 flips with Derek — they would cut a deck of cards and whoever cut to the higher card would win. Rich was playing beer pong with Scott for $50 a match, Theo, Max, and Brian were playing $20 rolls of C-Lo with dice that they had bought from the gift shop, and Chris and I were having a pipe dream discussion about how much we were going to win playing blackjack in the next hour.

About 30 minutes later, all of us, while undoubtedly lacking full consciousness, head down to the casino floor and make our way into the pits.

This time, I brought my entire roll, and so did Chris.

The first thing we did was stagger over to a roulette table, only to sloppily introduce ourselves to the dealer.

“Hey sweetheart, listen, we need your help. Black or red?”

“Are you trying to ask me whether I think you should bet on black or red?”

“Ya, of course. You know how you’ve been spinning that ball. Black or red? Which are you feeling?”

Chris and I both take out our rolls and count out $1,000 each.

“Whatever you pick, sweetheart. If we win, you get 10%. If we lose, you think you could get us a comp for 9 to the Wildflowers restaurant?”

“Put it on black, boys. How about we just concentrate on winning for the time being?”

“Let’s do it! $2,000 on black!”

With a quick flick of her forefinger, the dealer launches the tiny ball into motion, and it begins to spin around and around the track of the roulette wheel. The dealer waves her hand over the table to close the action.

“No more bets!”

To be continued…

Next: Inside Underground NY Poker #10
submitted by modern_julius to poker [link] [comments]

Events for Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10

Friendly reminder that this weekend includes some very large events (EDC Orlando, Veteran's Day parade) that will increase and worsen traffic and parking and may also involve road closures, so please be careful out there. Carpool with friends and family, take an Uber or Lyft, Sunrail or Lynx bus.
All weekend (Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10):
43rd Maitland Rotary Art Festival; Lake Lilly Park, 701 Lake Lily Drive, Maitland, Florida 32751; The Maitland Rotary Art Festival has been entertaining Central Florida residents and visitors since 1976. Although hosted annually by the Rotary Club of Maitland, Florida, the event has evolved into a community celebration of the arts. The many public and private partnerships make it possible for Maitland Rotarians to showcase our community. The Maitland Rotary Art Festival Inc. is a not-for-profit501(c)3 organization that raises funds for the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Maitland.
Annunciation Fall Festival; Annunciation Catholic Church, 1020 Montgomery Rd, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714; Live entertainment, rides and games, festival food favorites, crafts, live and silent auction and raffle! Free admission and free park and ride.
Free Admission for Veterans/First Responders, Nov. 9-10; Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E Central Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32801; The Orange County Regional History Center invites veterans, active-duty military personnel, and first responders to visit the museum for free on the weekend of November 9-10, 2019, in honor of Veterans Day. The route of the 20th annual City of Orlando Veterans Day Parade travels just south of Heritage Square adjacent to the History Center on Saturday, November 9, 2019, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Honoring the courageous men and women of the armed forces who have fought for our nation’s freedoms, the parade will feature marching bands, ROTC units, active duty military, decorative floats, and veterans groups from all military branches representing a wide variety of conflicts. Learn more here: http://www.cityoforlando.net/veteransparade/
Fri 11/8
4p - 6:30p: Longwood Chili Cook Off; City of Longwood City Hall, 175 W Warren Ave, Longwood, Florida 32750; In conjunction with the monthly Longwood Car Show. The "Chili Cook Off " is a fundraiser that supports Parks & Recreation programming here in the City of Longwood and is hosted by volunteer Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members. Chili Cookers Wanted!! All compete for cash $$$$ prize and trophies. Chili Cookers WANTED !!! Contact 407-260-3497 or email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Compete for CASH prizes. *Entry fee individuals is $25* **Entry fee for businesses is $75**
5p - 11p: College Park JazzFest 2019; College Park Main Street, 648 Dartmouth Street, 32804; College Park Main Street will host the 18th annual College Park JazzFest on Saturday November 9, 2019 from 5-11pm. The community’s flagship street festival along Edgewater Drive will feature 12 bands on three stages performing jazz, rock, R&B and more. College Park JazzFest will feature a vibrant street party atmosphere with diverse food trucks, vendors, and the local shops and restaurants open onto Edgewater Drive between Smith Street and Clayton Street.
Bands featured at College Park JazzFest 2019 include:
• Jackie Jones
• Ramona the Band
• The 8th Note Collective
• Dave Capp Project
• John Korbel
• Gerry Williams Band
• Brown Bag Brass Band
• Sideshow Revival
• Legendary JCs
• Lauren Lester
• The Lawbreakers
• Tarpon Springs Jazz Ensemble (a Dr. Phillips Center Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band)
5p - 12a: 70's Cosplay Party in VAULT 5421; Gods & Monsters, 5421 International Dr, Orlando, Florida 32819; Join us Saturday, November 9th, for 70's Homage Night in Vault 5421! FREE EVENT! To celebrate the new movie release of Charlie's Angels, we're hopping in the time machine and playing the classic 70's series and other 70's movies and shows on our big screens throughout the bar, with far out tunes playing, themed cocktails & Cosplay Cage-Dancing! Come in your best 70's cosplay or attire to receive 1 FREE SHOT or soda! (Just mention your attire, at the bar, for your FREE shot or soda.) Come early to enjoy our Happy Hours 5-8pm, featuring 20% OFF ALL DRINKS, including the special themed drink and shot created for the event! (Please note our store Gods & Monsters is All-Ages friendly, but our bar VAULT 5421 is 18+ to enter and 21+ with valid ID to purchase alcoholic beverages.)
6p - 8p: Fall Festival; UCUMC - University Carillon UMC, 1395 Campus View Ct, Oviedo, Florida 32765; All-things-fall coming together in one place: Fall Festival! While fall weather isn’t guaranteed, the fun is! We’ll be outside under the lights on University Carillon’s field with food, fall desserts, apple cider, festival games and live music! There’s fun ready for everyone—pumpkin games for the kids, football skills challenge for anyone brave enough, crafts for all ages, petting farm and more. Best of all, it’s FREE! Bring some friends and family and enjoy everything fall!
6p - 9p: Casselberry Food Truck Night; Lake Concord, 127 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry, Florida 32707; Casselberry locals park at the Target Casselberry, are escorted across 17-92 by police officers, walk to the lovely lush Lake Concord Park covered with oaks behind City Hall, buy dinner from the food trucks, then listen to live music and shop local art. To see which trucks are coming Go to letsgetbazaar.com and click on Truck Schedule. Free admission. Free parking.
6p - 9:30p: Movie Night at Adventure Lake: Spider-Man Far From Home; Nona Adventure Park, 14086 Centerline Drive, Orlando, Florida 32827; Sponsored by F45 Training Nona, this is a FREE event to the community from 6-9:30 p.m. • The movie will begin at 6:30 p.m. • A popcorn + soda combo will be available for $4 (FREE to Nona Adventure Park Members)! • Splashes Bistro will be open until 9:30 p.m. for dinner, snacks, drinks, wine, beer, sodas, lemonades, and water. • Featured Film: SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME • Feel free to bring pillows, blankets, etc. - this will be held under the pavilion near Splashes & the Pro Shop.
6p - 12a: 2019 Give Hope & Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament and Casino Night; Orlando Science Center, 777 E Princeton St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come join us for a fun and classy event designed to bring Las Vegas to Orlando! Enjoy professionally-managed Texas Hold 'Em Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Fine Catering, and Raffle Giveaways! A night out like no other in Orlando - All for a great cause! Whether you play poker or not, this is an evening for all! Tickets and more information can be found on our website https://givehopefoundation.org/Orlando-Charity-Poker-Tournament.php
Sat 11/9
9a - 4p: Great Day in the Country 2019; Oviedo on the Park, 321 E Mitchell Hammock Rd, Oviedo, Florida 32765; The 46th Annual Great Day in the Country Arts & Crafts Festival is produced by the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club. The Festival is FREE to attendees. See greatdayoviedo.org This year over 350 arts and crafts vendors will be displaying and selling items that are perfect for gifts or your own home. Vist our food and beecraft beer vendors in either of two Food Courts (east and west). Enjoy music and local acts which will range from jazz to rock and roll. The Oviedo Woman's Club's famous Bean Soup will be exclusively available only at the festival. Great Day in the Country 2019 will mark the 25th year of the Student Art Fest, with work from art students in our local schools. The art will be on display and awards in excess of $2K will be presented to students during the Opening Ceremonies. Great Day in the Country is the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club's major fundraiser. Over the past nine years, the club has awarded over $600,000 for scholarships, school grants, and charitable organizations. Last year, over 30,000 people attended the event. Free parking is available nearby and shuttles buses will take people to and from those lots.
12p - 4p: Bunny Cafe at The Nook; The Nook on Robinson, 2432 E. Robinson St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come meet and pet our adorable furry friends while learning what it takes to give them loving and healthy indoor homes. Volunteers will be on hand to answer all your questions about feeding, housing, and connecting with these wonderful animals. ADMISSION IS FREE. The rabbits will be housed inside the bar for their safety and comfort while patron seating will be outside with tables and tents. There will be food available for purchase with La Empanada Food Truck and The Veggie Cart, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks from The Nook and Framework Coffee. Learning activities will happen outside along with a prize raffle benefiting ORCA as well. Guest time with rabbits will be in 15-minute increments from 12 – 4PM with a maximum of 15 guests per time slot. Sign up will be first come first serve outside the bar. Patrons should check in at least 5 minutes before their assigned time slot, so they don't miss their turn. ORCA’s goals with this event are to educate the public and to ensure we can continue our mission to rescue and re-home abandoned or distressed rabbits and provide them quality medical care by raising donations.
FOOD: La Empanada Food Truck, The Veggie Cart; DRINK: The Nook on Robinson, Framework Craft Coffee Bar; ART: https://www.instagram.com/sarahroz/
1:30p - 4p: Outdoor Family Concert sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities; Seneff Arts Plaza - Downtown Orlando, 445 S Magnolia Ave., Orlando, Florida 32801; Join the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra for this annual free Outdoor Family Concert in memory of Della Phillips sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. Enjoy Dr. Seuss family classics The Sneetches and Green Eggs & Ham with beautiful music performed by the orchestra with live narration on Saturday, November 9 at 3 p.m. at Seneff Arts Plaza at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Also at the concert will be food trucks and family-friendly activities with an instrument petting zoo beginning at 1:30 p.m. Event sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. This Saturday at 1:30 p.m. prior to the concert, don't miss family-friendly activities and delicious food from the following food trucks: Up In Smoke BBQ, Orlando Fat One's Hot Dogs & Italian Ice, SMAC Food Truck, Sugar Rush Marshmallows, Tacos Mazatlan, Rubios Baja Grill (\*to clarify, food starts at 1:30p and concert starts at 3p**)*
4p - 8p: Lake Nona Town Harvest; Crescent Park in Laureate Park, 8374 Upper Perse Cir, Orlando, Florida 32827; Bring out the whole family to enjoy a festive evening of entertainment featuring top 40 cover band Stereo FM, scarecrow stilt walkers, acrobatic surprises, and more! Oversized tractors, hay bales, and pumpkins create the perfect cozy photo op. Enjoy delicious treats from food trucks Bloque 45, It's All Greek to Me, Guacamole Co., Absofruitly US, Avofuel, a beer garden, and a large Kid's Zone sponsored by Laureate Insurance Partners for toddlers to teens! We look forward to you joining us for the first Lake Nona Town Harvest!
5p - 12a: Warriors Of Light: A Final Fantasy Tribute; The Abbey, 100 S Eola Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32801; On November 9th, 2019 in Orlando, Florida, Ongaku Overdrive is honored to bring you Warriors of Light, a Final Fantasy tribute with music, games, art, vendors, and cosplay. Details: http://ongakuoverdrive.com/warriors-of-light/
▪︎Musical acts performing their renditions of Final Fantasy and other Square music 🎵 ▪︎Multiple video game setups 🎮 ▪︎Video game tournaments with cash prizes 🕹 ▪︎Artists, vendors, and exclusive event merch ▪︎A cosplay-friendly atmosphere ▪︎Final Fantasy-themed cocktails🍹 ▪︎And more!
🎵MUSICAL LINEUP🎵: Descendants of Erdrick, Mega Ran, The Returners - VGM, Knight of the Round
Plus, a Final Fantasy edition of No Borders Art Competition!
We have more to announce with music, games, and events. Tickets go on sale at https://warriorsoflight.brownpapertickets.com
Follow us: http://www.ongakuoverdrive.com, https://www.twitch.tv/ongakuoverdrive, https://discord.gg/azD79zp
Sun 11/10
3p - 4:30p: Let Freedom Ring!; Cathedral Church of St. Luke,130 North Magnolia, Orlando, FL 32801; The Orlando Concert Band, with organ, salute the Armed Forces with Veterans Day favorites like Battle Hymn of the Republic, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, and rousing marches by John Philip Sousa.
submitted by whirlpool4 to orlando [link] [comments]

Here's 20 Events For Your Weekend at VT, Blacksburg and the NRV...

For those looking for something to do locally this weekend, here's 20 events you can enjoy...
1. 2020 Virginia Tech Entrepreneur Challenge The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 4:00 - 7:00 PM Admission: Free The Virginia Tech Entrepreneur Challenge is a campus-wide, student startup competition that brings together successful alumni-entrepreneurs, industry partners, and students to showcase the best new ventures at Virginia Tech. Watch as interdisciplinary teams from across campus compete for the best business model and a chance to win up to $40,000 in cash awards and prizes! The Entrepreneur Challenge event features a showcase of the finalist teams from Virginia Tech along with a high-powered lineup of judges sharing their expertise and experience in the world of entrepreneurship. There will be free swag and giveaways for attendees. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539537
2. Alex & Andrew in Concert India Garden Restaurant, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 6:00 - 8:30 PM Admission: Free Alex & Andrew are a Jazz duet that “Jam” spoon out sweet guitar licks and spread on the charm based in the New River Valley region of Virginia. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=538480
3. Play: The Wolves Squires Studio Theatre, Virginia Tech Friday, February 21, 2020 at 7:30 PM and Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM General Public: $12.00, Students & Seniors: $10.00 The Virginia Tech School of Performing Arts presents the play "The Wolves" which is an engaging, funny, and sometimes painful meditation on society, sex and soccer. A portrait of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for nine American girls who just want to score some goals. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539448

4. 31st Anniversary Party at London Underground London Underground Pub, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 8:00 PM - 02:00 AM $3.00 cover London Underground Pub is celebrating their 31st Anniversary with a Birthday Party in Vegas. Featuring the live jazz stylings of the The Chinquapin Hunters, door prizes, food & drink specials, casino card games and a birthday champagne toast. There will be a Charity Black Jack table with guest dealer Michael Haberman with all proceeds benefiting the New River Land Trust and a Vegas-inspired menu and martini list. Must be 21 or older. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539284

5. Howlin' Mudbellies in Concert McClain's at First & Main, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 8:00 - 11:00 PM Admission: $3.00 The Howlin' Mudbellies are a blues group performing rhythmic, percussive, shaking and grooving blues, from the deep south country to the rockin' city. Picking, slide, and finger style acoustic guitar, Dobro, thumping bass, and sometimes added kick of drums and harmonica. The Blacksburg band has shared the stage with blues and bluegrass legends like Bo Diddley, Willie Watson, Bob Margolin, John Hammond and the Nighthawks. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539643
6. 2020 Special Olympics New River Polar Plunge Festival Bisset Park, Radford Saturday, February 22, 2020, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM Minimum donation or total fundraising amount of $100.00 to plunge per person. Special Olympics Virginia along with the Radford City Police Department and Radford University presents the 2020 Special Olympics New River Polar Plunge Fest. Break out your swim trunks and get chilly with several hundred Special Olympics supporters in the New River. There will be a costume contest with prizes, DJ music to get you moving, plus free hot chocolate keeping you warm. It’s $100.00 to participate which benefit the Special Olympics and includes a Polar Plunge t-shirt. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539545

7. 2020 Soul Food Sampling St. Luke and Odd Fellows Hall, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: $25.00 The Blacksburg Museum and Cultural Foundation presents the 6th Annual Soul Food Sampling. The St. Luke and Odd Fellows Hall in Historic New Town will offer a Soul Food Sampling and presentation on the history and traditions of Soul Food. There are 3 time slots for the Tastings: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Today is the last day to sign-up. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=536686
8. Gate 10 CD Release Party Floyd Country Store, Floyd Saturday, February 22, 2020, 12:00 - 3:00 PM Admission: Free Floyd Country Store presents the Gate 10 CD Release Party for their new album. Gate 10 is a high energy band hailing from the New River Valley region of Southwest Virginia. The band brings a classic and modern sound to bluegrass, gospel and country music. Gate 10 is excited to travel this musical journey with a hard driving, solid style, but one that is firmly rooted in traditions with their own innovative sound. Their stage presence is beyond their young years with their musicianship, vocals, and harmonies. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539372
9. Free Wheelchair Tennis Recreation Clinic Burrows-Burleson Tennis Center, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Admission: Free Virginia Tech Men's Tennis and Virginia Tech Rec Sports offer a Free Wheelchair Tennis Recreation Clinic. If you are a tennis fan and whether you are a wheelchair user or not, see what wheelchair tennis is all about. USTA National Manager and Head Coach for Team USA Wheelchair, Jason Harnett, will be here to help you learn about the history, the rules and get on the courts to try wheelchair tennis for yourself. The event is free and no pre-registration is required. All ages, skill levels and abilities are welcome. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539458
10. Studio Ghibli Celebration Christiansburg Library, Christiansburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 1:30 - 2:30 PM Admission: Free Enjoy an afternoon of all things Studio Ghibli. Create Ghibli inspired crafts, enjoy Ghibli inspired snacks, as well as other tasty snacks from Japan, and even compete in a Ghibli themed Jeopardy tournament to get a chance to win a Ghibli themed door prize. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539540
11. 50s Night with Karaoke, Elvis & Marilyn Hwy 55, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Food is 50% Off if Customers wear 1950s Attire, Admission is Free Elvis and Marilyn will be on hand and you can get in the spirit with your own 1950's attire to get 50% off your meal. In addition, get your photo on our red carpet and sing karaoke. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539538

12. Virginia Hollow in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Virginia Hollow is an Indie, Newgrass, Americana, Bluegrass and Folk Rock band from Floyd, Virginia. Their performances and music take you on a journey fraught with raw emotions and stories of love, trust, betrayal and longing. Rising Silo Brewery is a family-friendly, dog friendly vibe and all are welcome. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=535687
13. Soul Party Dance Graduate Life Center Auditorium, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:30 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Solely Swing, Blacksburg Swing Dance and West Coast Swing Blacksburg present their Soul Party Dance. This 70s themed night will feature lessons in Blues and West Coast and plenty of soul music. Disco attire is not required, but is very much encouraged. Come out and boogie the night away. No partner or experience required. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539749
14. Pakistani Student Alliance at Virginia Tech 2020 Culture Show Haymarket Theater, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 7:00 - 10:30 PM Admission: Free Enjoy as Virginia Tech's Pakistani Student Alliance puts on a spectacular cultural event showcasing Pakistani dance, fashion and more. Admission is free and seating is limited to the first 450 attendees. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539459
15. 2020 Floyd Mardi Gras Costume Ball Dogtown Roadhouse, Floyd Saturday, February 22, 2020, 7:30 PM - 02:00 AM Pre-Festival Tickets: $20.00, At the Door: $25.00 The 11th Annual Mardi Gras Costume Ball, a fundraiser for Blue Mountain School, is an entire evening packed with enthralling musicians, tantalizing food, and magnificent fun. This years line-up includes music from Music Road Co. and The Ambassador, Her Majesty, DJ Step, a Krewe du Bleu pre-show dinner with Chef Richard Perry, and a Kiddy Gras Pajama Party for ages 3-12 down the road at the June Bug Center for kids (and parents) who want a fun night out. The Krewe du Bleu Dinner tickets are $65.00 and include entrance to the Costume Ball. The Kiddy Gras Pajama Party is $20.00 for the first child in a family and $15.00 for each additional child in advance. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=536601
16. Mardi Gras Party with Music from Sonic Camel McClain's at First & Main, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 8:00 - 11:00 PM Admission: $3.00 Enjoy live music and Mardi Gras themed food and drink specials. Sonic Camel covers most eras and genres with tributes, requests, dancing, and laughs. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539536
17. Wave Nite XI featuring JKuch with 13 Performers The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 9:00 PM - 02:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Sine Wave Surfers presents Wave Nite XI featuring Buffalo, New York headliner JKuch. A total of 13 performers will take the stage including mister (Greensboro, NC), Electrobro (Blacksburg, VA), Johanna Vaughan (Blacksburg, VA), Glazed (Philadelphia, PA), Skelechrome (Christiansburg, VA) and Sleazy Lettuce (Charlottesville, VA) among others. Attendees must be 18 or older. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539454
18. Women's Basketball: UVA vs. Virginia Tech Cassell Coliseum, Virginia Tech Sunday, February 23, 2020, 2:00 - 4:00 PM General Public: $10.00, Youth: $5.00 The Virginia Tech Women's Basketball team hosts ACC Conference opponent and in-state rival the University of Virginia. The first 500 fans will receive a maroon shaker. It's also a Youth Team Day. Local youth basketball teams are invited to attend free of charge, but must sign-up in advance. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=535897
19. Tackle The Tower Christiansburg Aquatic Center, Christiansburg Sunday, February 23, 2020, 2:00 - 4:00 PM Daily Admission Fee: Ages 3 & Up: $5.00 Have you ever jumped from five meters in the air into 17 feet of water? Here is your chance to jump off the Aquatic Center's 3-meter board or 5-meter tower. Participants are required to pass a 25 yard swim test before diving. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539444

20. Roaring 20s Speakeasy Membership Drive: The 51 Club at The Shade Raymond F. Ratcliffe Memorial Transportation Museum, Pulaski Sunday, February 23, 2020, 4:00 - 7:00 PM Individual Memberships start at $12.50, Special for the Event: Two Memberships for $20.00 Join the Ratcliffe Museum for a fun filled and educational evening at the museum for a membership drive event themed around the Roaring 20s Speakeasies. Learn about 1920s local Pulaski history, enjoy music, dancing, and finger foods inspired by the 1920s plus other surprises. Dress up in your best flappers or fall guys costumes or come as you are. A cash bar will be available for wine, but everything else is included with admission. Link: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=539642
Have a great weekend everyone and add any other events I missed.
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

Weekly Events Thread 12/30/19 - 1/5/20

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Events Calendar and Visitor's Guide for more info!

Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.

New Year's Eve Events

Sporting Events This Week
Attractions Around the Area
Recurring Outdoor Activities
Recurring Events on the Mississippi River
Comedy This Week
Live Music This Week
submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

What's Happening in CT 11/28 - 12/1

Thursday November 28th, 2019:

Friday November 29th, 2019:

Saturday November 30th, 2019:

Sunday December 1st, 2019:

Check out this link to find more events this weekend in CT!

More things to do here as well!

How about a newly released movie? Check out some of these!
Once again happy thanksgiving and if you can please donate if possible to a local food-bank or charity. One that is great for CT is the St. Vincent's Church food bank! https://www.svdpmission.org/en/online-donation-form
submitted by SheCalledMePaul to Connecticut [link] [comments]

"Humor. It is a difficult concept"; or, Comedy and Star Trek

The announcement of a new animated comedy Star Trek series has prompted me to think about Star Trek’s history with comedy.
The go-to line is that Star Trek has never been that good at comedy. And, to be sure, there are quite a few clunkers that come to mind when Star Trek tried to do a “comedy episode”.
But when we dig a bit deeper, we are reminded of episodes that, while they might not have been deliberately written as “comedy episodes,” still turned out to be quite funny. More often than not, this was when the writers set out not to write comedy but simply to write something fun or light. This extends further when we examine episodes that have the standard A/B plot structure, where the B plot is decidedly less heavy than the A.
It’s informative, I think, to consider that the episodes that make us laugh still make us think and still have drama, even high-stakes drama, of their own. Drama and comedy need not be mutually exclusive.
Here below I’ve begun to catalog cases where Star Trek tried to be or succeeded at being funny. (And yes, this ended up being much longer than I imagined at the outset.)
Do you agree with the entries on this list? What else should be on it? (I admit that it is biased toward TNG and DS9.) Which of these count as “comedy”?
EDITed one week later, adding suggested episodes from comments-- the added suggestions are clearly marked, and the rest of the post is unchanged
Star Trek: The Original Series
Episode Commentary
“I, Mudd” Suggested by cgo_12345 and by them well-summarized: “…and by the end the landing party is doing a full blown dada improv set to make the main android's head explode.”
“The Trouble With Tribbles” Judging TOS episodes can be a bit tricky because we are now so far removed from their original cultural context. There are quite a few other episodes of TOS which are now unintentionally funny for various reasons, but I believe “The Trouble With Tribbles” is the only one that really intended to be funny. Certainly I think it has aged very well.
“A Piece of the Action” Suggested by malfourmed and others. A classic example, if not the proper originator, of the “hijinks” episode. The “fizzbin” scene, Kirk and Spock in gangster clothing, Spock uttering the word “youse”.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Episode Commentary
“The Big Goodbye” Not intended, I suspect, to be “comedy” but definitely intended to be “light”, a chance for us to see Picard with his “hair let down,” no pun intended. I’m not sure it really works as a “fun” episode, though it definitely sets a nice precedent for a number of themes throughout TNG: how fun it is to see Captain Picard in an alter ego, Data as the universe’s hapless straightman, and holograms questioning their own existence.
“Elementary, Dear Data” Likewise, we are led to believe early on that this will be a “light” episode, and it definitely is good fun seeing Data and Geordi dressed up in Victorian attire and Data throwing himself into the role with enthusiasm. But, intentionally or not, this episode definitely crosses the line into “heavy” territory almost exactly once Pulaski gets involved. I think it actually becomes a more compelling story because of it, but there is still a marked tone shift halfway through.
“The Outrageous Okona” The namesake plot is rather forgettable and probably doesn’t quite rise to the level of being funny, but also doesn’t quite have enough oomph to be extremely compelling drama otherwise. Much more notable, however, is the B plot in which Data tries to be funny. In a bit of perhaps unintentional meta-commentary on Star Trek in general, Data finds that when he tries to be funny, it is unsatisfying, but that he still can be humorous just by being himself.
“Manhunt” Lwaxana Troi returns and inaugurates a TNG tradition: make the audience laugh by making Jean-Luc uncomfortable. This episode is, I believe, aiming for “farce”, which certainly is a valid path toward humor. In this particular case, however, I think the humor sadly relies too much not on Jean-Luc’s discomfort but on mocking Lwaxana. As obnoxious as we find her, Lwaxana Troi really is a tragic character and this episode feels a bit mean in its treatment of her. (There’s also a bit of gender stereotyping that I don’t feel qualified to evaluate, but definitely seems questionable.) Ultimately, this episode requires us to laugh at Lwaxana, as opposed to laughing at the situation, and that makes it less fun.
“Deja Q” This is when the writers realized that Q could be funny, and could bring out the funny side of our principal characters. All the same, it’s a very Trekkian episode, with lots of commentary on the human condition— from the gross (Q despairing that he became unconscious — “You fell asleep,” Picard says dismissively) to the subtle (Q recognizing Data’s sacrifice for him). When else has Star Trek made us think about how very strange it is that we involuntarily become unconscious every 12 hours or so? And yet there is plenty for us to laugh out loud at: Worf, explaining how Q could convince them he’s mortal: “Die.”; Guinan’s “Seems human enough to me,” after stabbing him with a fork; the faces of literally everyone on the bridge when Q appears with a mariachi band.
“Captain’s Holiday” This episode continues the tradition of making Picard uncomfortable. Unlike Lwaxana, though, Picard actually finds Vash inexplicably compelling. Their relationship is more coequal, and that lets us, as the viewers, enjoy the humorous aspects without guilt.
“Hollow Pursuits” Barclay, TNG’s first “imperfect human,” is clearly intended to make us laugh, even if we know we are not “supposed” to. Barclay gets the dignity of a relatively sympathetic portrayal, so we don’t feel too bad about laughing, which, combined with the happy ending, with the main cast learning to accept Barclay as he is, makes for a successful “light” episode (even if it’s not a particularly amazing episode otherwise). And we get some funny moments along the way— Picard’s blunderous use of “Mr. Broccoli”, the Three Musketeers waving their swords, Riker’s holographic double being just a little shorter than in real-life. The humor complements the drama of the episode, but isn’t the end goal of the episode itself; the humor is a means to an end, not an end unto itself (unlike some of Star Trek’s “intentional comedy episodes”).
“Data’s Day” To be sure, this is not an effort at a “comedy episode.” And it does deal with some serious drama— the back-and-forth over the wedding, the apparent death of T’Pel, the confrontation with the Romulans, the tender scene Picard has at the end with the Juarez’ baby. But it also has some of the most fun of the whole series, primarily through the understated comedy of Data’s hapless existence. Informing Miles of the “good news” that Keiko has canceled the wedding. Learning to tap dance from Crusher and then thanking her that he is now ready to dance at the wedding. “Chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause.” It is hard not to grin while watching this one.
“Qpid” Reintroducing the two of three most chaotic elements of Picard’s life — in this case, Q and Vash — leads to our esteemed captain spending most of the first two acts in embarrassed awkward discomfort, to an extent we’ve never seen before. This is perhaps the rare intentional “comedy episode” that doesn’t entirely blow up in the writers’ faces. But part of how it works is by having the humor derive from the very mundane situation Picard finds himself in the first half— stricken with embarrassment at having his personal life exposed to his crew. There’s nothing unrealistic here, which is fine, since sometimes real-life is funny. That stands in contrast to the second half, which clearly aims for the humor of the absurd and I think succeeds well as a farce.
“In Theory” Another hapless Data episode. This one is more tragicomic than some others on this list because it ultimately has a sad ending to its comedic storyline. Nonetheless, in the vein of both “Data’s Day” and “Deja Q”, we are treated to an examination of the human condition that frequently makes us smile throughout the episode.
“Time’s Arrow” Suggested by Nofrillsoculus as an excellent example (and possibly the sole example) of a light two-parter. In my view, as a "serious" episode with "serious" stakes, its tone never quite seemed right. But, if relieved of that burden, there really is a lot that is goofy in here, and I now suspect intentionally so: the framing plot with Data’s head is almost a form of macabre slapstick, Data and the rest of the crew doing the fish-out-of-water routine in the past, and, of course, Mark Twain.
“Rascals” I’m not sure what doesn’t quite work about this episode, but something doesn’t. Perhaps it was not written to be a comedy, but the director decided to film it that way. At least for me, not too much of the episode actually “feels” funny, even though I’m pretty sure someone intended for it to be. For example, Miles and Keiko discussing the future of their marriage— that should have been funny, but between the fact that pedophilia generally isn’t that funny and the fact that the O’Briens’ arguments often come across as too contentious to be funny (that’s worth a post on its own— some other time), the scene fails to put a smile on our face.
“A Fistful of Datas” I doubt this was intended as a comedy episode, but I think it merits inclusion on this list. For one, the opening scene with Picard getting interrupted again and again simply is funny. Not uproarious, but still funny. There are plenty of other funny moments throughout the episode: Worf’s “Yes, err, Counselor Durango” and “I’m beginning to see the appeal of this program!”, Data’s “Vamoose, you little varmint” and “You just sit tight. We’ll have this all fixed up in time for supper.” And the juxtaposition of Worf, Alexander, Troi and Data with the “Ancient West” is humorous in its own right. For my part, I think this episode would’ve been more successful if it had leaned more into the absurdity of the plot, as “Qpid” did— as it stands, I find that it doesn’t quite coalesce as well as it might.
“Sub Rosa” Suggested by deusextibia as a case of “so-bad-it’s-good”. Generally I decided to exclude such episodes from this list because they generally are a different kind of episode from start to finish. But this episode is interesting because it was intended — not to be a comedy — but to be a straight-up romance (and maybe a bit of horror as well). Star Trek rarely goes for dedicated romance episodes, and, in that way, this episode is almost certainly a “lighter” outing. Whether it’s worth including on this list is debatable, but I’m trying to err on the side of inclusion.
(A parenthetical note— I think it is not insignificant that the rest of Season 6 and all of Season 7 lack any episodes that I would consider adding to this list. From here on out, it’s almost without exception heavy episodes. Even the appearance of Lwaxana— usually a harbinger of an attempted light story— is instead a tragic story about the death of a child. Makes you wonder if Season 7 would be better seen if it had had even just one “fun” episode.)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Episode Commentary
“Q-Less” This one should be funny. And it does have its moments— most importantly, “You hit me! Picard never hit me,” which ultimately makes the rest of the episode worthwhile as it sets Sisko up among our pantheon of heroes while also carving out his own place among them. Ultimately, though, while Q makes us laugh, no one else does. It’s almost feels like the crew of Deep Space Nine just don’t get the joke. The problem, of course, is that Q and Vash work as characters by putting other characters out of their comfort zones; but, so early in the series, the main characters here do not have well-established comfort zones. So the effect is watered down. I suspect if this episode had come in Season 2, it would’ve been funnier. (And, indeed, when Vash makes her appearances in the Millennium novel trilogy, she does work quite well at putting other characters out of their comfort zone — especially Jake — and is thus much more effective.)
“The Forsaken” A classic case of a serious primary plot(s) and a humorous secondary plot, a structure that DS9 repeatedly used to good effect. The C-plot “The Ambassadors of Unhappy” are a classic example of how Star Trek can set up a funny story that still is believable and meant to be taken seriously. In terms of execution, this particular example may not be the best, but the concept is sound. Likewise, the B-plot starts off humorous, with Odo taking the role Picard played as Lwaxana’s hapless “target.” At first, it’s the same song and dance as we saw in TNG, and you worry it’ll be boring. But then they introduce a new twist, where Lwaxana and Odo get trapped with each other, each the polar opposite of each other— that never quite happened in TNG, particularly with the two characters put on such equal footing. And, about halfway through, that plot shifts in tone to become more serious and emotional, with both Lwaxana and Odo becoming vulnerable in ways we haven’t previously seen.
“The House of Quark” The Ferengi episodes obviously are a primary source of DS9’s comedic material, for better and worse. For my money, though, this episode is the first time that the writers did not try to pair the humor with more serious content: “The Nagus” is funny, but also deals with the perils of power and the drama of sibling rivalry; “Rules of Acquisition” is funny, but also deals with sexism and love and of course the Dominion. “The House of Quark,” though, really is just funny. Quark (and Rom) get ensnared in a situation totally of their own making and flounder about as they try to escape. The stakes feel just high enough for it be interesting, the characters go through growth and learning experiences as they struggle outside of their comfort zone, and, most importantly, the episode doesn’t exist solely for the purpose of delivering the punchlines.
“Fascination” The rare case of a non-Ferengi episode that was clearly meant to be funny and which, in my opinion, “works”. Interestingly, Lwaxana as a character is not the primary driver of the humor here. (Yes, her Zanthi fever is the MacGuffin that makes it all happen, but that’s just a plot device that happens to be easily applied to her.) This episode’s lighting and music contribute to a mood that is largely unprecedented in Star Trek, in terms of aiming to be “over the top.” Reading the Memory Alpha article on this episode is fascinating (no pun intended) because it’s clear that the people behind the scenes either love or hate this episode, which I think is reflected in fan opinion, as well.
“Prophet Motive” The Prophets open Zek’s eyes to a world beyond greed and Quark convinces them to close them again. We get to watch poor Quark see his world turned upside down. Given that Quark is a bit of an anti-hero, we feel fine about putting him through some angst like this. In the end, no harm is done, and we’re rewarded with Quark incredulously asking his brother, “You embezzled money? From the Nagus??”, and Rom’s gleeful reply: “Surpriiiiiiise.”
“Little Green Men” Odo harassing Quark, and occasionally the reverse, is one of DS9’s consistent sources of humor and levity. I think this episode captures this dynamic at its height, even though Odo is absent for a large part of the episode. Again, Quark is used to humorously critique aspects of real-world society in a Trekkian fashion that by now is so familiar that we don’t even notice it. Moreover, this episode may be the first to realize that one way to be funny in Star Trek is to send your characters on what I would call “hijinks”— stick Quark, Rom and Nog together on a ship, and a misbegotten adventure will ensue. DS9 will return to this method several times, both with and without the Ferengi.
“Our Man Bashir” In this case, it is around the Bashir-Garak pairing that hijinks ensue. Like “Qpid”’s second half, this episode works because it leans into its absurdity. It’s also helped by the fact that it actively satirizes another franchise. It’s funny seeing Bashir play spy, it’s funny watching Garak’s horror at the same, and it’s funny seeing Captain Sisko as a James Bond villain. Plus other moments along the way— case in point, the misadventures of Odo, Eddington, Rom and Quark as they try to fix everything. “Uhhhhh it’s behind the spatula,” “O’Brien’s gonna kill me,” and so forth.
“Body Parts” This episode perhaps doesn’t belong on this list, because I would not call it a “light” episode, in aim nor execution. But there is definitely a strain of dark comedy here, as Quark grasps with the absurdity of having to kill himself in order to fulfill a contract. His sequences with Garak in the holosuite may not be laugh-out-loud funny, but they are definitely funny in their own right, as is his dream sequence with “Gint”.
“Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places” A sequel to “The House of Quark” in story and to “Fascination” in spirit. Par’Mach is in the air and misbegotten ventures ensue. The humor of a Ferengi episode is infused with the dramatics of a Klingon episode, with a bit of Cyrano de Bergerac injected for good measure. Like “Fascination,” this episode decides what it will focus on and then goes there, full throttle. And all is well that ends well, so this qualifies as a well-executed “light” episode. Plus, it moves the Dax/Worf romance along speedily, which sets the stage for a pairing that rivals Quark/Odo for its comedic potential.
“Trials and Tribble-ations” I would say this episode is more “fun” than “funny,” though there are many funny moments herein. More importantly, this is another case of DS9’s “hijinks”, of the crew getting thrown together into a vaguely absurd situation and having to find their way out. It has the feeling of a caper à la Ocean’s Eleven. By no rights should the crew be able to get out of this mess unscathed, but they do and we love it.
“Ferengi Love Songs” Another episode that starts off humorous, then becomes serious, before ending on a happy note. Much of the humor derives from poor Quark’s misfortune. The Nagus is sleeping with his mother and he still can’t get his business license back. Life can be so unfair! But then the episode turns to real drama, and there is less humor. But the levity returns by the end, rising primarily out of seeing the happy couple reunited again.
“In the Cards” Jake and Nog try to get a baseball card; hijinks ensue. What initially seems like a simple task gradually snowballs into the absurd. Each consecutive roadblock, as well the very fact that roadblocks keep cropping up, contributes to the humor of the episode, as does the buddy dynamic of Jake and Nog. I don’t think this was intended as a “comedy” episode, but it works very well as one.
“The Magnificent Ferengi” Quark and Rom try to rescue their mother from the Dominion; hijinks ensue. Likewise, six Ferengi crowd into one ship; hijinks ensue.
“Who Mourns for Morn?” DS9’s most absurd episode, and I mean that literally: this is the closest DS9 comes to breaking the fourth wall. It has shades of “The House of Quark” to it, in that Quark gets sucked into a situation over his head and just barely manages to escape. Really, it’s amazing that they managed to get a whole episode out of the running shtick that Morn never shuts up but never speaks on-screen. Generally speaking, the line is toed pretty well, but there are a couple of moments (Worf’s mention of Morn as a sparring partner, for one) that do seem to take it just a little too far.
“Profit and Lace” Hoo boy. While I personally believe that there are some positives to this episode that are frequently overlooked (especially the scene where Quark and Ishka argue until she has a heart attack — that is not comedy but that is honest family drama), this is the rare episode of Star Trek that really crosses the line into being “problematic”. A lot of the humor arises out of gender stereotyping and reducing transgender experiences to punchlines. Plus the episode begins and ends with sexual harassment in the workplace. Mechanically, this episode would, I think, be “funny” if the content were tweaked. But as it is, the cringe level is pretty high.
“Take Me Out To The Holosuite” Captain Sisko forms a baseball team; hijinks ensue. This is perhaps more of a “feel-good” episode than a “funny” episode, but it brings more than its fair share of funny moments. My favorites both come from Worf: “We will destroy them,” in the conference room, and then later on the field, “Death to the opposition.”
“Treachery, Faith and the Great River” This was actually the episode that got me thinking of all of this. The Odo/Weyoun story, obviously, is not light at all and indeed is tragic in several different ways. But the Nog story is genuinely funny. The mundane problems of the engineering staff are presented with dry humor that then gets ratcheted up, à la “In The Cards,” as Nog takes more and more absurd steps to try to resolve them. Poor O’Brien is the one who gets tugged out of his element, so, like Odo when Lwaxana shows up, we find some humor in his temporary misery.
“The Emperor’s New Cloak” This episode dials the absurdity of the Mirror Universe up to eleven, and even includes Rom lampshading how ridiculous the concept is, as he struggles with whether to trust the mirror counterparts of Brunt and O’Brien he meets. This is a case where I think going full-tilt does not do the episode any favors, because it ends up satirizing itself. However, one specific example of well-done humor does spring to mind: Quark and Rom carrying the cloaked cloaking device. Rarely does Star Trek veer into slapstick, but on this one occasion, they did well.
“Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang” The crew of Deep Space Nine team up to rob a holographic casino; hijinks ensue. Here we have the delightful nostalgia of “Trials and Tribble-ations” combined with the caper feel of “The Magnificent Ferengi” and the feel-good teamwork of “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”. In some ways, this is the ultimate development of the story concept first introduced way back in “Encounter at Farpoint,” in which the holodeck could be used not as focus of a story, but as another means for sending our crew someplace they’ve never been before. The result leaves us grinning one last time, before diving into the seriousness and high drama that marks the final half of DS9’s ultimate season.
Star Trek: Voyager
Episode Commentary
“Message in a Bottle” Though it takes the episode a while to warm up to it, eventually we find the Doctor channeling the haplessness of Data, as he is forced to grow beyond his original programming, and the haplessness of Quark, as he is thrust into circumstances well outside his comfort zone. (The fact that the Doctor is somewhat unlikable, and thus a bit of an anti-hero, means that, like Quark, we don’t feel bad about laughing at his misfortune the way we might were we to laugh at Data.) Despite some very high stakes, it does still feel like a “light” episode, partly because it gives the Doctor the chance to show some unexpected heroics.
“Bride of Chaotica!” It’s been a while since I saw this one, but it’s another in a long line of holodeck episodes. Like “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang” and “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”, it succeeds by using the holodeck as a means to an end, not a end unto itself. By putting our characters into unexpectedly surreal circumstances, the episode becomes a lark.
“Someone To Watch Over Me” Suggested by synchronictistic: “Doc plays matchmaker with Seven, an alien ambassador from an ascetic culture gets drunk and hits on Seven, hijinks follow.”
“Relativity” Suggested by synchronictistic. I would not have thought to include this one, but I could see it possibly being intended as a bit of a farce, vaguely evocative of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
“Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy” A successor in spirit to “Message in a Bottle,” but focused more intently on the Doctor as he moves beyond his programming. There’s more than a little bit of skewering of the Doctor here— oh, you thought it would be easy to captain the ship? Well, here you go! And to be honest, that is largely unprecedented in Star Trek history, at least among Starfleet officers. It’s rare, if not unheard of, for one of our heroes to get such a good comeuppance. It definitely works, and certainly for me is funny.
“Life Line” Suggested by synchronictistic. Takes the core conceits of TNG’s “Brothers” and “Second Chances” and makes it funny by forcing a somewhat unlikable character to, essentially, have to put up with his own double. Lieutenant Barclay’s inclusion reinforces this.
“Body and Soul” Suggested by synchronictistic. I haven’t seen this one in a long time, but reading the Memory Alpha article leads me to agree that this one likely was intended to be a funny episode (even if parts of it may now seem uncomfortably non-consensual).
“Natural Law” Suggested by synchronictistic, specifically for the B-story, featuring Tom Paris and Interplanetary Drivers Ed.
Star Trek: Enterprise
Episode Commentary
“Two Days and Two Nights” At first, this was the only example of an episode from Enterprise where I thought the show runners set out to do an intentionally “light” episode (but then I remembered “Carbon Creek”). And the outcome of this episode is probably why they decided to shy away from such things hereafter. There was a clear effort to recall the levity of “Captain’s Holiday” and introduce some of the “hijinks” aspects that had worked well in previous “light” episodes throughout the franchise. And there are some funny moments, particularly around Phlox’s hibernation. But the overall effect is disappointing. Given that that was the essential plot of the story (Risa was supposed to be fun and it wasn’t; this episode was supposed to be fun and it wasn’t), perhaps the episode simply was too good at its own job. Plus, having Archer’s story tie so explicitly into the rather grim Suliban storyline certainly brought weight into the episode. And Malcolm and Trip’s mishaps, which might otherwise be funny, are injected with more than a few shades of early 2000’s transphobia and homophobia that definitely do not age well.
“Carbon Creek” I would not describe this episode as “funny” or even “fun.” But it is “charming,” and in a series otherwise weighted with pretty heavy episodes all around, it does stand out as the rare episode which clearly was made primarily to make us smile, while examining the human condition and, newly, the Vulcan condition as well. It calls to mind the tone of “Data’s Day,” with a touch of nostalgia for the Kirk-Spock-McCoy dynamic that lightened many moments in TOS— the Northerner Captain, the Vulcan, and the Southerner, playing off each other, each with their own way of teasing each of the others. Particularly for long-time fans, it feels comfortably familiar.
Star Trek: Discovery
Episode Commentary
“Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad” Like “Carbon Creek”, this episode is hardly “funny”, but it is notable for being, by far, the “lightest” episode of Discovery thus far. It being such draws our attention to something almost all of the episodes on this list share in common: they are standalones. This raises a chicken-and-egg question: is this because they never tried to make a “light” two-parter? Or is this because a two-parter could never successfully be “light”?
The Films (included at the suggestion of deusextibia)
A general note on the films: I would say that generally, as a function of being efforts at blockbuster cinema, most have to hold at their core some level of heaviness, with some lightness included for relief, but not as primary focus. The Wrath of Khan, Generations, First Contact and others all have extremely funny moments, but I wouldn’t say they belong on this list.
Movie Commentary
The Voyage Home Easily the lightest and most fun of the films. Not quite intended to be a “comedy”, I think, and definitely with its own heavy themes. But clearly intended to be a break from the literal life-and-death themes of its two predecessors.
The Final Frontier I never would have imagined this as a comedy, but deusextibia makes an interesting case that it may have been intended to be a comedy, and I am somewhat convinced that they were at least going for as much jocularity as TVH had.
Insurrection Compared to everything else on my list of episodes, it's still relatively heavy. But compared to the other movies, it is easily the lightest, aside from TVH, and I included "Carbon Creek" and "Magic To Make The Sanest Man Go Mad" for similar reasons, so probably should be included.
Star Trek Interesting to consider as a "light" outing. The high stakes and the destruction of Vulcan make me hesitate, but on the other hand it does have the feeling of a romp, even amidst all the sturm und drang. Debatable, but worth including for consideration.
Star Trek Beyond Though fan reactions were mixed, I definitely enjoyed this one and saw it as the most "fun" and "adventurous" of the Kelvin films. I also think it was intended to evoke more of that “hijinks” motif than its predecessors were.
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